Content Posted in 2018
Love, Amalia, Leah Christopher
Love Charms and Other Catastrophes, Aylea Stephens
Love, Life, and the List, Brooklynn Marshall
Love, Mama, Hannah Webb
Love Monster and the Perfect Present, Meagan Beal
Love That Dog, Nicole Clark
Low-Income Mothers in Marriage and Relationship Education: Program Experiences and Beliefs About Marriage and Relationships, Amanda Szarzynski, Rob Porter, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and Steven M. Harris
L. T. Meade's Avaricious Anomaly: Â Madame Sara, British Imperialism, and Greedy Wolves in The Sorceress of the Strand, Laurie Langlois Denning
Lucky Little Things, Karen Abbott
Lüge und Wahrheit, Amalie von Sachsen
Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched, 1713-1762
Lu L'Arronge Interview, Lu L'Arronge
Lullaby (For a Black Mother), Taylor Nelson
Lulu von Strauss und Torney, 1873-1956
Lunchtime Experiences and Students' Sense of Belonging in Middle School, Anna Elisabeth Hinton
Lya Ley Interview, Lya Ley
Lya Mara Interview, Lya Mara
Lydia Dunford Alder: The Life of the Mormon Poet, Suffragist, and Missionary, Sarah Kate Johnson Stanley
Mac & Cheese, Haley Singleton
Mach ick vnglueck nicht wedderstaen (Mag ich Unglück nicht widerstan), Maria von Ungarn
Machine Learning for Inspired, Structured, Lyrical Music Composition, Paul Mark Bodily
Machine Learning to Discover and Optimize Materials, Conrad Waldhar Rosenbrock
Machu Picchu, Acacia Haws
Madness in the Quijote: Don Quijote as Alonso Quijano's True Self, Paul J. Schmidt
Mae and June and the Wonder Wheel, Kristie Hinckley
Magda Madeleine Interview, Magda Madeleine
Magellan: Over the Edge of the World, Emilee Bell
Magyar Woman, Madeline Rupard
Mainstreaming and its Discontents: Fair Trade, Socially Responsible Investing, and Industry Trajectories, Curtis Child
Make It Now: Animals, Karen Abbott
Make it Yourself! Paper Pop-Up Art, Beverly Jones
Making Ends Meet, Penny Edgell, Smantha K. Ammons, and Eric C. Dahlin
Making Ends Meet, Penny Edgell, Samantha K. Ammons, and Eric C. Dahlin
Making Friends with Billy Wong, Phyllis Rosen
Making Math Count: Tribal College Leadership in Education reform on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Carol Ward, Sachiko Jepson, Kacey Widdison Jones, and Richard Littlebear
Making Meaning of Death, Jaelynn R. Jenkins, Susanne Olson Roper, and Stephen F. Duncan
Making Old Stories New in the Anthropocene: Reading, Creating, and the Cosmological Imagination in Darren Aronofsky's Noah, Kellianne Houston Matthews
Making Prayer Happen at Home, Andrew S. Brimhall, Mark H. Butler, and Stephen F. Duncan
Making Sense of a Mess: Phased Retirement Policies and Practices in the United States, Eric C. Dahlin, Erin L. Kelly, Donna Spencer, and Phyllis Moen
Making Sense of a Mess: Phased Retirement Policies and Practices in the United States, Erin L. Kelly, Eric C. Dahlin, Phyllis Moen, and Donna Spencer
Making the Case for Marriage, Jennifer Crockett, Marissa Beebe, and Stephen F. Duncan
Making Wise Use of the Media at Home, Brynn Marie Blake Steimle and Stephen F. Duncan
Malwida von Meysenbug's Memoirs of an Idealist. Translation of Memoiren einer Idealistin, Monte Gardiner
Malwina as a Female Heroine, Sharon Stamps
Mama Lion Wins the Race, Kimberly Jackson
Mammals of Utah County, James W. Bee
Management of an Urban Stormwater System Using Projected Future Scenarios of Climate Models: A Watershed-Based Modeling Approach, Ranjeet Thakali, Ajay Kalra, Sajjad Ahmad, and Kamal Qaiser
Managing Distressing Thoughts in Adults With and Without Autism: The Role of Cognitive Fusion and the Effectiveness of a Brief Defusion Intervention, Max Emanuel Maisel
Managing Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback: Perceptions of Experienced Teachers, Rachel A. Messenger
Managing Family Finances, Susan Sheldon, Bernard Poduska, and Stephen F. Duncan
Männerurtheil über Frauendichtung, Frieda Freiin von Bülow
Map It Out: Map My State, Katherine Martin
Map My Neighborhood, Kylee Hackney
March 2013, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 14–28 | Cite as Residual Effects of Slavery: What Clinicians Need to Know, Erica J. Wilkins, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Marlene F. Watson, Jody M. Russon, and Allena M. Moncrief
March: Book Three, Emma Patton
March Forward, Girl: From Young Warrior to Little Rock Nine, Lisi Merkley
Marco Polo: Dangers and Visions, Ariel Woodbury
Margareta von Schwangau an ihren Mann, 18. Mai 1445, Margareta von Schwangau
Margaretha Susanna von Kuntsch, 1651-1717
Margarethe von Eckenbrecher, 1875-1955
Margaret Thatcher as a Leader, Anne Lester
Maria Had A Little Llama/Maria Tenia Una Llamita, Ariel Woodbury
Maria Kaiserin von Osterreich Theresia
Marie-Elisabeth Lüders, 1878-1966
Marie Eugenie Delle Grazie, 1864-1931
Marie Louise Becker, 1871-1960
Marie Luise Kaschnitz, 1901-1974
Marine debris trends: 30 years of change on Ventura County and Channel Island beaches, Michaela Miller, Clare Steele, Dorothy Horn, and Cause Hanna
Marital Benefits of Daily Individual and Conjoint Exercise Among Older Couples, Jeremy Yorgason, Lee N. Johnson, Melanie S. Hill, and Bailey Alexandra Selland
Marital conflict and adolescent outcomes: A cross-ethnic group comparison of Latino and European American youth, Stephen V. Stutzman, Roy A. Bean, Rick B. Miller, Randall D. Day, Leslie L. Feinauer, Chris L. Porter, and Adam Moore
Marital Conflict and Health in Taiwan: A Dyadic Longitudinal Analysis, Bryan C. Kubricht, Rick B. Miller, Tsui-Shan Li, and Ying-Ling Hsiao
Marital Problems and Marital Satisfaction Among Brazilian Couples, Rick B. Miller, Carmen L. Fernandes, Nalu de Araujo Nunes, Roy A. Bean, Randal D. Day, Olga G. Falceto, Cody S. Hollist, and Carmen Kuan
Marital Problems Occurring in Midlife: Implications for Couples Therapists, Ryan G. Henry and Rick B. Miller
Marital Quality and Health Over 20 Years: A Growth Curve Analysis, Rick B. Miller, Cody S. Hollist, Joseph Olsen, and David Law
Marital Satisfaction and Depression: A Replication of the Marital Discord Model in a Latino Sample, Cody S. Hollist, Rick B. Miller, Olga G. Falceto, and Carmen L. Fernandes
Marital satisfaction and depressive symptoms among Chinese older couples, Qianrong Wang, Dahu Wang, Chunhua Li, and Rick B. Miller
Marked Girl: The Broken World, Natalie Hatch
Market Versus Political Allocations of Natural Resources in the 1980s, B. Delworth Gardner
Mark Twain and Eliza R. Snow: The Innocents Abroad, Kathryn Marie Meeks
Marley Dias Gets it Done: And So Can You!, Bailey Ondricek
Marriage and Family Therapy Research in Health Care: Investigating the Accuracy of Self and Family Reports of Medical Use, Scott F. Jakubowski; D. Russell Crane; Jacob D. Christenson; Rick B. Miller; Elaine S, Marshall; and McArthur Hafen Jr.
Marriage and materialism: Actor and partner effects between materialism, importance of marriage, and marital satisfaction., Ashley Brooks LeBaron, David B. Allsop, Brian J. Willoughby, E. Jeffrey Hill, and Sonya L. Britt-Lutter
Marriage Readiness: Packing for Beyond the Honeymoon, Rachel Baguley Shaw, Jason Carroll, and Stephen F. Duncan
Marriott Student Review Volume 2 Issue 2: A Bright Future, Marianna Richardson
Marty Frye Private Eye #1: The Case of the Missing Action Figure & Other Mysteries, Katherine Cooper
Marty Pants: Do Not Open!, Natalie Hatch
Mary Engelbreit's Nutcracker, Sydnee Burr
Mary Frye Private Eye #2: The Case of the Stolen Poodle and Other Mysteries, Katherine Cooper
Mary McScary, Phyllis Rosen
Masculinities and social contexts of HIV risk practices among Central Asian male migrant workers, Nabila El-Bassel, Stacey Shaw, Gaukhar Mergenova, Leyla Ismayilova, Tara McCrimmon, Assel Terlikbayeva, and Louisa Gilbert
Mass upstream dispersal of pelagic-broadcast spawning cyprinids in the Rio Grande and Pecos River, New Mexico, Thomas P. Archdeacon, Stephen R. Davenport, Joshua D. Grant, and Eileen B. Henry
Material Girls, Melissa Heaton
Maternal and Paternal Disciplinary Styles: Relations with Preschoolers' Playground Behavioral Orientations and Peer Status, Craig H. Hart, Michele DeWolf, Patricia Wozniak, and Diane C. Burts
Maternal Education and Child Nutritional Status in Bolivia: Finding the Links, Michelle Bellessa Frost, Renata Forste, and David W. Haas
Maternal encouragement of modest behavior, temperamental shyness, and anxious withdrawal linkages to Chinese American children's social adjustment: A moderated mediation analysis, Merve Balkaya, Charissa L. Cheah, Jing Yu, Craig H. Hart, and Shuyan Sun
Max, Bailey Ondricek
Max Tilt: Fire the Depts, Tessa McMillan
Maybe a Bear Ate It!, Staci McCarty
Maybe Someday, Renata Forste
Maybe Something Beautiful: How Art Transformed a Neighborhood, Taylor Harris
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of the Literature, Erin Solomon
Mealtime Matters, Stephen F. Duncan, Amy Scoville, and Jenet J. Erickson
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Abigail Packard
Meaningful learning? Gendered experiences with an NGO-sponsored literacy program in rural Mali, Addie Fuhriman, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Carol Ward, Yodit Solomon, and Kacey Widdison-Jones
Mean on the screen: Psychopathy, relationship aggression, and aggression in the media, Sarah Coyne, David A. Nelson, Nicola Graham-Kevan, Emily Kim Keister, and David M. Grant
Meant to Be, Meagan Andrus
Measuring Attitudes Toward the Use of Technology in Relationships, Marc Waddell
Measuring Fidelity in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT): A Pilot Test of the EFT Therapist Fidelity Scale, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Andrew P. Brown, Lori Kay Schade, Josh Novak, Wayne H. Denton, and Julianne Holt-Lunstad
Measuring Subtypes of Withdrawal in Children with Language Impairment, Emma Maille Coombs
Measuring the Developmental Appropriateness of Kindergarten Teachers" Beliefs and Practices, Rosalind Charlesworth, Craig H. Hart, Diane C. Burts, Jean Mosley, and Pamela O. Fleege
Measuring the Reliability of the Early Expository Comprehension Assessment, Revised 3rd Edition, Garrett Frane Wilkes
Me Being Me Is Exactly as Insane as You Being You, Tessa Ostvig
Me Being Me is Exactly as Insane as You Being You, Rachel Iba
Mechanical Properties of Inconel 718 Processed Using Electron Beam Free Form Fabrication (EBF3), Brent R. Waters
Mechanisms of Action Contributing to Reductions in Suicide Attempts Following Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Military Personnel: A Test of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide, Craig J. Bryan, David Wood, Alexis May, Alan L. Peterson, Evelyn Wertenberger, and M David Rudd
Media and the Family: A Note From the Guest Editors, Sarah Coyne, Brad J. Bushman, and Amy I. Nathanson
Media depictions of physical and relational aggression: connections with aggression in young adults' romantic relationships, Sarah Coyne, David A. Nelson, Nicola Graham-Kevan, Emily Kim Keister, Karl Nathan Meng, and Joseph A. Olsen
“Media Time = Family Time” Positive Media Use in Families With Adolescents, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Sarah Coyne, Ashley Michelle Fraser, Kaylene Joy Fellows, and Randal D. Day
Mediation and Progress within Zitkala-Ša’s “Side by Side”, Katie Romrell
Media violence, physical aggression, and relational aggression in school age children: a short‐term longitudinal study, Douglas A. Gentile, Sarah Coyne, and David Walsh
Meet Cute, Meagan Andrus
Me, Frida, and the Secret of the Peacock Ring, Bailey Ondricek
Mein Dörfchen, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Meine Bekehrung zu..., Michaelis Karin
Meine erste Strickstunde, Charlotte Niese
Meine Rechtfertigung, Louise Aston
Mein furchtbares Temperament, Suzanne Lenglen
Mein Herz, mein Löwe, Ricarda Huch
Mein Sieg über Helen Wills, Suzanne Lenglen
Mein Tennisdebüt in Wien, Suzanne Lenglen
Melia and Jo, Samantha Bullock
"Melodie des Herzens", Blanche Kübeck
Melusinens Sommer-Abende, Sophie von La Roche
Memoiren einer Idealistin, Malwida von Meysenbug
Memoria y trauma de la mujer durante la posguerra civil Española en la obra La voz dormida de Dulce Chacón, Gina Aurora Villalobos
Mental Health and Migration: Depression, Alcohol Abuse, and Access to Health Care Among Migrants in Central Asia, Leyla Ismayilova, Hae Nim Lee, Stacey Shaw, Nabila El-Bassel, Louisa Gilbert, Assel Terlikbayeva, and Yelena Rozental
Mental health service utilization in autism spectrum disorders, Jaime Elizabeth Ballard, D Russell Crane, James M. Harper, David Fawcett, and Jonathan G. Sandberg
Mentored Research in a Tribal College Setting: The Northern Cheyenne Case, Carol Ward, Kacey Widdison Jones, Ryan Coles, Loren Rich, Robert Madsen, and Stan J. Knapp
Merry Christmas, Mary Christmas!, Samantha Bullock
Metacognitive Strategies and Scripture Study in Released-Time Seminary, Trevor Scott Pearce
Meteorological Time in Dorothy Wordsworth's Rydal Journal, Amanda Ann Smith
Methods and Metrics to Measure and Predict the Social Impact of Engineered Products, Phillip Douglas Stevenson
Michael Gubser, The Far Reaches: Phenomenology, Ethics, and Social Renewal in Central Europe. Stanford University Press, 2014, Stephen T. Satkiewicz
Michael Vey: The Final Spark, Loretta Farnsworth
Microbial and CO2 Responses to Water Stresses Show Decreased Productivity and Diversity Through Time, David Michael Robinson
Micronesia's Coming of Age: The Mormon Role in Returning Micronesia to Self-Rule, Devan Jensen
Microstructural Evaluation of Hydrogen Embrittlement and Successive Recovery in Advanced High Strength Steel, Quentin Scott Allen
Microwave-Promoted Iminyl Radical Fragmentations: A Practical and Efficient Method of Functionalization, Mary Megan Jackman
Middle-Aged and Older Adult Health Care Selection, Scott R. Sanders, Lance Erickson, Vaugh R.A. Call, and Matthew L. McKnight
Midnight at the Electric, Meagan Andrus
Midwifery And Rhetoric: The Power of Rhetoric in Influencing Social Attitudes About Authority in Female Reproductive Care, Mei Chan Lund
Mighty Truck: Muddymania!, Kristie Hinckley
Military Veterans and Neighborhood Racial Integration: VA Mortgage Lending Across Three Eras, Mary J. Fischer and Jacob Rugh
Mini Archivo Oral del Habla Culta Dominicana, Orlando Alba
Minnie Bow-Bot Robot, Amanda Durrant
Minnie's Diner- A Multiplying Menu, Erica Sonzogni
Miracle, Jennifer Padgett
Missing May, Emma Patton
Mission Propaganda: A Study of Form, Colonial Attitudes, and Feminism in Maria Theresia Ledóchowska's Newspaper Publication, Jakob N. Jarvis
Miss Muffet, or What Came After, Nicole Clark
Miss Wilton's Waltz, Lisa Packard
Mit dem Sieb, Rose Ausländer
Mitos Lingüísticos, Orlando Alba
Mix It Up!, Laura Trumbo
Modeling the Association Between Academic Achievement and Delinquency: An Application of Interactional Theory, John P. Hoffmann, Lance Erickson, and Karen R. Spence
Modernity’s Gems: World War I and Science in Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Poison Belt, Erica L. Pratt
Modeschau: Eine Stunde Schönheit, Claire Patek
Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity: Endocannabinoids and Novel G-protein Coupled Receptors Expression and Translational Effects in Interneurons, Katrina M. Hurst
Mogie: The Heart of the House, Melissa Secor
Mogie: The Heart of the House, Nikki-Catrina Anderson
Mogie: The Heart of the House, Nikki-Catrina Anderson
Molecular detection of northern leatherside chub (Lepidomeda copei) DNA in environmental samples, Joseph C. Dysthe, Kellie J. Carim, Thomas W. Franklin, Dave Kikkert, Michael K. Young, Kevin S. McKelvey, and Michael K. Schwartz
Mommy Loves Me, Leah Christopher
Monday, Wednesday, and every other Weekend, Sarah Checketts
Money Harmony for Newlywed Couples and Engaged Couples, Todd Martin and Stephen F. Duncan
Money in Whose Pockets? A Brief Insight on Current Minimum Wage Discussions, Ayric Westfall
Monkey & Robot, Kaley Durney
Monster Hunters: Hunt the Ozark Howler, Haley Cook
Monsterland, Tessa McMillan
Monsters Beware!, Olivia Hales
Monstress: Vol 1. Awakening, Natalie Hatch
Moo Moo in a Tutu, Bethany Stevens
Moon, Taran Burnett
Moon Bears, Taylor Harris
Moral Responsiveness and Discontinuity in Therapy: A Qualitative Study, Jason B. Whiting PhD, R. Scott Nebeker, and Stephen T. Fife
More-igami, Erica Sonzogni
More Than a Just a Game: Video Game and Internet Use During Emerging Adulthood, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Larry J. Nelson, Jason S. Carroll, and Alexander C. Jensen
More Than Cost Shifting: Moral Hazard Lowers Productivity, Richard J. Butler, B. Delworth Gardner, and Harold H. Gardner
More Than Just a Resume, Bett Andersen
More than Just a Trim in the Workforce: The Barriers of Inconsistent Occupational Licensing in the United States, Ethan A. Schow
Mormonism and Early Christianity, Hugh Nibley
Mormon's Map, John L. Sorenson
Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson, Davis Bitton
Morning Devotion, Tara Neuffer
Morris Mole, Melissa Secor
Mother of Mankind & of the World, Kardo Bestilo
Mothers', fathers', and siblings' perceptions of parents' differential treatment of siblings: Links with family relationship qualities, Alexander C. Jensen and Susan M. McHale
Moving Ahead After Divorce as an Adult, Sarah Taylor and Stephen F. Duncan
Moving Forward and Continuously Evolving: The East Asian Experience at the UC San Diego Library, Victoria Chu, Xi Chen, and Shi Deng
Moving from Gridlock to Dialogue, Megan Northrup and Stephen F. Duncan
Moving On: An Investigation of Dance Movement Therapy in PTSD Treatment, Sydney Parker
MRI T2 Signal Changes Indicate Tau Pathophysiology in a Murine Alzheimer's Disease Model, Rajan Deep Adhikari
Mr. Puffball: Stunt Cat Across America, Mavanee Farnsworth
Mr. Puffball: Stunt Cat to the Stars, Mavanee Farnsworth
Mr. Putter & Tabby Turn the Page, Katherine Martin
Mrs. Mole, I'm Home!, Samantha Bullock
Muddle & Mo, Ariel Woodbury
Muddy: The Story of Blues Legend Muddy Waters, Rachel Wadham
Muhammad Ali: A Champion is Born, Jamie Greenwood
Multiculturalism and Social Work: A Content Analysis of the Past 25 Years of Research, Lauren Christine Smithee
Multiculturalism and Social Work: A Content Analysis of the Past 25 Years of Research, Lauren Christine Smithee
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Flexible Solar-Regenerative High-Altitude Long-Endurance Aircraft, Taylor McDonnell, Judd Mehr, and Andrew Ning
Multilingual Trends in Five London Boroughs: A Linguistic Landscape Approach, Shayla Ann Johnson
Multimedia Development for Hygiene Education in Developing Countries, Nathan Brough, Jason K. McDonald, Cougar Hall, and S. C. Yanchar
Multiple Target Tracking in Realistic Environments Using Recursive-RANSAC in a Data Fusion Framework, Jeffrey Dyke Millard
Multiple Use Benefits on Public Rangelands: An Incentive-Based Fee System, Ray G. Huffaker, James e. Wilen, and B. Delworth Gardner
Multiplexed Optofluidics for Single-Molecule Analysis, Matthew Alan Stott
Multiscale Modeling of Cellular Systems in Biology, J. C. Dallon
Muskogee as the Canon Sees It, Rachel Noli
Mutant Bunny Island, Becky Jamieson
My Best Friend Is a Goldfish, Megan Hall
My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish, Haley Singleton
My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish: The Seaquel, Kaley Durney
My Blue Bunny, Bubbit, Tessara Garrett
My Family: My Adopted Family, Samantha Bullock
My Life with the Liars, Emma Patton
My Little Sister and Me, Beverly Jones
My Name Is Cool: 18 Stories from a Cuban-Irish-American Storyteller, Alyson Hansen
My Name is Truth: The Life of Sojourner Truth, Nicole Clark
My Name Is Victoria, Taylor Nelson
My Name Is Victoria, Kenzie Pierce
My Only Protection (Creative Work), Morgan Lewis
My Pet Wants a Pet, Kylee Hackney
My Weird School: Class Pet Mess!, Kristie Hinckley
My Year in the Middle, Taylor Harris
Nach dem Sturm, Malwida von Meysenbug
Nach der ersten Vertreibung der Berliner Volksvertreter, Louise Aston
Nach der Weinlese, Margarete Beutler
Nachtphantasien, Louise Aston
Nahida Ruth Lazarus, 1849-1928
Nanette's Baguette, Laura Rtrumbo
Nanna's Button Tin, Karen Abbott
Natalie's Hair was Wild, Ariel Woodbury
Native American Vietnam-era Veterans’ Access to VA Healthcare: Vulnerability and Resilience in Two Montana Reservation Communities, Carol Ward, Michael R. Cope, and Lindsey Elmont
Natural Disaster Films: A Social Learning and Perceived Realism Perspective, Melissa Seipel
Natural Disaster Films: A Social Learning and Perceived Realism Perspective, Melissa Seipel
Nature or Nurture in English Academic Writing: Korean and American Rhetorical Patterns, Sunok Kim
Navigating Conflicts Between Religious and Professional Values: Psychologists' Experiences, Michael Ray Williams
Navigating Orthodoxy: The Calvinist Self in Lucy Hutchinson's On the Principles of the Christian Religion, Jeremy Loutensock
Navigating Orthodoxy: The Calvinist Self in Lucy Hutchinson’s On the Principles of the Christian Religion, Jeremy Loutensock
Navigating the Dating Wilderness, Shelece McAllister, Jason S. Carroll, and Stephen F. Duncan
Navigating the Politics of Health: A Systematic Review of U.S. Policymakers’ Views on the Social Determinants of Health, Health Disparities, Health Equity, and Health in All Policies., M. Lelinneth B. Novilla, Michael C. Goates, Laura A. Galvao, and Noyra Melissa Quintana
Neck & Neck, Taylor Harris
Negative Effects of Divorce and Possible Intervention Program Development and Improvement, Mariah Eaton
Neighborhood Sharks: Hunting the Great Whites of California's Farallon Islands, Haley Singleton
Neon Leon, Tessa Ostvig
Network Specializations, Symmetries, and Spectral Properties, Dallas C. Smith
Neue franzöisische Romanliteratur, Anna Nussbaum
Neue Kleider, Claire Patek
Neue kleine Nebenwege der Mode und des Schicks, Claire Patek
Neuerscheinungen in der Silhouette, Claire Patek
Neues von dem letzten großen Rennen in der Freudenau und Abendmodenneuheiten, Claire Patek
Neversink, Chris Bernier
Never That Far, Tessa McMillan
New‐Concept Part‐Time Employment as a Work‐Family Adaptive Strategy for Women Professionals with Small Children*, E. Jeffrey Hill, Vjollca Kadi Martinson, and Maria Ferris
New Evidence on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Homeownership in the United States from 2001 to 2010, Meghan Kuebler and Jacob Rugh
New Flow Assurance System With High Speed Subsea Fiber Optic Monitoring Of Pressure And Temperature, John Hedengren, David Brower, J. Conrad Wilson, Geoff High, and Karl Witherow
New Mothers and Media Use: Associations Between Blogging, Social Networking, and Maternal Well-Being, Brandon McDaniel, Sarah Coyne, and Erin K. Holmes
New records of tricolored bats (Perimyotis subflavus) in Colorado, with first evidence of reproduction, Rick A. Adams, Burton Stoner, Donna Nespoli, and Sarah M. Bexell
News in Lights: The Times Square Zipper and Newspaper Signs in an Age of Technological Enthusiasm, Dale L. Cressman PhD
New state record and potential distribution of the snake Sibon nebulatus from Mexico, Luis Badillo-Saldaña, Jose Daniel Lara-Tufiño, Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista, and Jonathan A. Campbell
Newton’s Rainbow: The Revolutionary Discoveries of a Young Scientist, Haley Cook Haley Cook
New York, Ann Tizia Leitich
Niccolo Leo Caldararo, Big Brains and the Human Superorganism: Why Special Brains Appear in Hominids and Other Social Animals. Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, Andrew Targowski
Nicht Mord, sondern Barmherzigkeit, Michaelis Karin
Night of the Living Zombie Bugs, Karen Abbott
Nighttime Ninja, Kimberly Jackson
Night Witches, Cynthia Frazier
Nimona, Emma Patton
Nineteenth Century Sioux and the Empowering Institution of Motherhood, Rebecca M. Sainsbury
Ninja!, Ellen McCarty
Ninja Claus, Kaley Durney
Niño Wrestles the World, Hannah Webb
No Association Between Current Depression and Latent Toxoplasmosis in Adults, Shawn D. Gale, Andrew Berrett, Bruce L. Brown, Lance Erickson, and Dawson W. Hedges
No association between latent toxoplasmosis and multiple body measures in U.S. adults, Andrew Berrett, Shawn D. Gale, Lance Erickson, and Bruce L. Brown
No Fair! No Fair: And Other Jolly Poems of Childhood, Kathryn Page
Noisy Night, Kristie Hinckley
Non-Dimensional Modeling of the Effects of Weld Parameters on Peak Temperature and Cooling Rate in Friction Stir Welding, Bryan Jay Stringham
Nonlinear Control Framework for Gimbal and Multirotor in Target Tracking, Jae Hun Lee
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for a Managed Pressure Drilling with High-Fidelity Drilling Simulators, Junho Park
Nonlinear Optical Characterization of Solids, Alex Farnsworth
Nonlinear Optimal Control Design of a Missile Autopilot, Tim McLain and Randal W. Beard
Nonprofit Advocacy Organizations: Their Characteristics and Activities*, Curtis Child and Kirsten A. Gronbjerg
Nonprofit Public Relationships on Social Media: The Public's Perspective, Brooke Lauren Smith
Nonprofits: Big Problems, Small Budgets, Anna Gazdik
No Parking at the End of Times, Meagan Andrus
No Place to Fall, Meagan Andrus
Norman, Speak!, Katherine Martin
Not After Everything, Meagan Andrus
Not Even Bones, Karen Abbott
Nothing but a Tortoise, Sarah Doyle
Noticing pretreatment change and therapy outcome: An initial study, Lee N. Johnson, Thorana S. Nelson, and Scot M. Allgood
Not If I Save You First, Lisi Merkley
Not Just a Book, Samantha Bullock
Not So Different- What You Really Want to Ask About Having a Disability, Taylor Harris
“Nourished by My Mother”: Zitkala-Ša and the Indian Sterilization Project, Lainey Wardlow
No Way Out: Shadow House #3, Karen Abbott
Nowhere Boy, Taylor Nelson
Nur Ein Prinz von Korea, Frieda Pfinzner
Nurturing Friendship in Marriage, Megan Northrup and Stephen F. Duncan
Nurturing Love and Respect in Marriage, Megan Northrup and Stephen F. Duncan
Nutraceuticals: An Alternative Treatment for Influenza Virus, Siale Teaupa
Obamas Immigration Reform: The Triumph of Executive Action, John D. Skretny and Jane Lopez
Observational Research of Negative Communication and Self-Reported Relationship Satisfaction, Megan Oka, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and Alan Reifman
Observed activities and stress behaviors of children in developmentally appropriate and inappropriate kindergarten classrooms, Diane C. Burts, Craig H. Hart, Rosalind Charlesworth, Pamela O. Fleege, Jean Mosley, and Renee H. Thomasson
Occurrence of chironomid species (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the high Se-78 concentrations and high pH of Fountain Creek Watershed, Colorado, USA, Del Wayne R. Nimmo, Scott J. Herrmann, James E. Sublette, Igor V. Melnykov, Lisa K. Helland, John A. Romine, James S. Carsella, Lynn M. Herrmann-Hoesing, Jason A. Turner, and Brian D. Vanden Heuvel
OCDaniel, Leah Christopher
OCD Love Story, Meagan Andrus
Ocean Meets Sky, Karen Abbott
Odessa 1919, Ron French
Of All Things! Classic Quotations from Hugh Nibley, Gary P. Gillum
Offenders for a Word: How Anti-Mormons Play Word Games to Attack the Latter-Day Saints, Daniel C. Peterson and Stephen D. Ricks
Oil spill contamination of Ground water in Chunnakam Aquifer, Jaffna, Srilanka, Saravanan Suntha
Old English Sheepdogs, Megan Hall
Older Couples With and Without Cardiovascular Disease: Testing Associations Between and Among Affective Communication, Marital Satisfaction, Physical and Mental Health, Josh Novak, James M. Harper, and Jonathan G. Sandberg
Older than Dirt: A Wild but True History of Earth, Ariel Woodbury
Old Testament and Related Studies, Hugh Nibley
Old World, Madeline Rupard
Olympians #8: Apollo the Brilliant One, Kiersten Carr
Omaha Beach on D-Day: June 6, 1944 with One of the World's Iconic Photographers, Nicole Clark
One Day A Dot, Kylee Hackney
One Eternal Round, Hugh Nibley and Michael D. Rhodes
One for Sorrow, Karen Abbott
One Hundred Bones, Kristie Hinckley
One Hundred Spaghetti Strings, Taylor Harris
One Hundred Years of Knowing: The Changing Science of Adolescence, 1904 and 2004, Michael Shanahan, Lance Erickson, and Daniel J. Bauer
One Last Word, Taylor Harris
One of Us Is Lying, Bailey Ondricek
“One Should Not Forget One's Mother Tongue”: Russian-Speaking Parents' Choice of Language of Instruction in Estonia, Raija Pini Kemppainen, Scott Ellis Ferrin, Carol Ward, and Julie M. Hite
One Word Synonyms for "The Comparative Study of Civilizations", Roger Wescott
On the Free, Melissa Heaton
On the Night You Were Born, Taylor Harris
Open Hydrology Courseware Using the United States Geological Survey’s National Water Census Data Portal, Jake Nelson, Daniel P. Ames, and David Blodgett
Opioid Prescription and Use After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Valynn Christina Haslam
Optimization Methods for a Reconfigurable OTA Chamber, Matthew David Arnold
Organizing the Church in Afghanistan, Kenneth L. Alford Ph.D.
Orphan Island, Emilee Bell
Orphan Train Girl, Cynthia Frazier
Orphan Train Girl, Melissa Secor
Orphan Train Girl, Meagan Andrus
Orphan Train Girl, Cynthia Frazier
Orpheus in the Underworld, Ariel Woodbury
Otherwise Known as Attempting Christianity, Rebecca Evans
OTTER: A Testbed Submersible for Robotics Research, Tim McLain, H H. Wang, R L. Marks, S D. Fleischer, D W. Miles, G A. Sapilewski, S M. Rock, M J. Lee, and R C. Burton
Otter Let's Go Swimming!, Kristie Hinckley
"Otto Babendick", Blanche Kübeck
Our Brothers at the Bottom of the Bottom of the Sea, Meagan Andrus
Our Car, Leah Christopher
Our Day Will Come, Heidi Moe Graviet
Our Day Will Come, Heidi Moe Graviet
Out of the Blue, Braxton Church
Outreach, Impact, and Sustainability of Informal Banking: A Case Study of the Ouelessebougou-Utah Alliance Microenterprise Program in Mali, Yodit Solomon, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Carol Ward, and Addie Fuhriman
Outrun the Moon, Emma Patton
Out With The Old: Reinventing Space in the Classroom, Amandine Annie Loveland
Overcoming the Cinderella Myth: A Mixed Methods Study of Successful Stepmothers, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Donna R. Smith PhD, Tammy Barnett MS, and Erika L. Grafsky MS
Over the Garden Wall: Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee, Olivia Noli
Over the Garden Wall: Schooltown Follies, Olivia Noli
Over the Garden Wall: The Old Grist Mill, Olivia Noli
Overturned, Kenzie Pierce
Pakistani Proliferation or Power Politics? A Reexamination of Pakistan’s Involvement in the Soviet-Afghan War, Peter Abernathy
Paleo-Environmental Interpretations and Weathering Effects of the Mowry Shale from Geochemical Analysis of Outcrop Samples in the Western Margin of the Wind River Basin near Lander, Wyoming, Trevor Robinson Tuttle
Panning for Gold: A Clinician's Guide to Using Research, Lee M. Williams, Jo Ellen Patterson, and Rick B. Miller
Papa is a Poet: A Story About Robert Frost, Nicole Clark
Paper Chains, Amanda Bishop
Paper Wishes, Emma Patton
"Papst und Kaiser im Dorf", Blanche Kübeck
Parched, Taylor Harris
Parental mediation of US youths’ exposure to televised relational aggression, Eric E. Rasmussen, Sarah Coyne, Nicole Martins, and Rebecca Densley
Parental psychological control dimensions: Connections with Russian preschoolers’ physical and relational aggression☆, David A. Nelson, Chongming Yang, Sarah Coyne, Joseph A. Olsen, and Craig H. Hart
Parent and Child Technoference and socioemotional behavioral outcomes: A nationally representative study of 10- to 20-year-Old adolescents, Laura Ann Stockdale, Sarah Coyne, and Laura M. Padilla-Walker
Parent-Child Attitude Similarity across the Life Course, Jennifer Glass and Rick B. Miller
Parenting and Cyberbullying Across Adolescence, Jessica D. Zurcher, Hailey Elizabeth Holmgren, Sarah Coyne, Christopher P. Barlett, and Chongming Yang
Parenting and Digital Media, Sarah Coyne, Jenny Radesky, Kevin collier, Douglas A. Gentile, Jennifer Ruth Linder, Amy I. Nathanson, Eric E. Rasmussen, Stephanie M. Reich, and Jean Rogers
Parenting hassles mediate predictors of Chinese and Korean immigrants' psychologically controlling parenting, Charissa L. Cheah, Jing Yu, Craig H. Hart, Sevgi Bayram Ozdemir, Shuyan Sun, Nan Zhou, Joseph A. Olsen, and Momoka Sunohara
Parenting Practices and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Adolescents, Rebekah Johnson
Parenting, relational aggression, and borderline personality features: Associations over time in a Russian longitudinal sample, David A. Nelson, Savannah M. Swanson, Sarah Coyne, Craig H. Hart, and Joseph A. Olsen
Parenting Skills as a Predictor of Youth Externalizing Outcomes in Routine Community Mental Health Services, Corinne Elizabeth Ruth
Parent Perception of Systemic Success in Physical Education: A Study of Advocacy in Action, Rachel Valletta Griffiths
Parent Reciprocal Teaching: Comparing Parent and Peer Reciprocal Teaching in High School Physics Instruction, Jonathan Jacob Welling
Parents Advising Parents: Raising a Child with Type 1 Diabetes, Becky Jean Rasmuson
Parents and adolescents growing up in the digital age: Latent growth curve analysis of proactive media monitoring, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Sarah Coyne, Ashley Michelle Fraser, W Justin Dyer, and Jeremy Yorgason
Parents’ Differential Treatment and Adolescents’ Delinquent Behaviors: Direct and Indirect Effects of Difference Score- and Perception-Based Measures, Alexander C. Jensen
Parents’ Social Comparisons of Siblings and Youth Problem Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model, Alexander C. Jensen, Susan M. McHale, and Amanda M. Pond
Participating Libraries Organizational Structure and Operation Status, 2017
Partner notification among HCV-positive couples who inject drugs, Maryam L. Famouri, Stacey Shaw, Assel Terlikbayeva, Louisa Gilbert, Yelena Rozental, and Nabila El-Bassel
Pashmina, Emily Loveless
Pass Go and Collect $200: The Real Story of How Monopoly Was Invented, Taylor Harris
Passive Hallux Adduction Decreases Blood Flow to Plantar Fascia, Julia Lorene Dunbar
Pathfinder #2: Ruins, Ariel Woodbury
Patient Satisfaction, is it Truly Indicative of Good Healthcare Outcomes?, MATTHEW NELSON
Patterns of Entry into Cohabitation and Marriage Among Mainland Puerto Rican Women, Renata Forste and Nancy S. Landale
Pauline Oliveros and the Quest for Musical Utopia, Hannah Christina McLaughlin
Peace in Unity: 19th Century Irenic Motivations in European Unification, Robert Taft Keele
Peak #3: Ascent, Meagan Andrus
Pedal Power: How One Community Became the Bicycle Capital of the World, Katherine Martin
Pedro Henríquez Ureña y El Español en Santo Domingo, Orlando Alba
Peer acceptance in early childhood and subtypes of socially withdrawn behaviour in China, Russia, and the United States, Craig H. Hart, Chongming Yang, Larry J. Nelson, Clyde C. Robinson, Joseph A. Olsen, David A. Nelson, Christin L. Porter, Shenghua Jin, Susanne F. Olsen, and Peixia Wu
Peer and Teacher Sociometrics for Preschool Children: Cross-Informant Concordance, Temporal Stability, and Reliability, Xinzi Wu, Craig H. Hart, Thomas W. Draper, and Joseph A. Olsen
Pelé: The King of Soccer, Cynthia Frazier
Penguins, Kimberly Jackson
People Who Inject Drugs in Intimate Relationships: It Takes Two to Combat HIV, Nabila El-Bassel, Stacey Shaw, Anindita Dasgupta, and Steffanie A. Strathdee
Perceived Effects of Open Textbook Usage on Secondary Science Classroom Practice, Stacie Lee Mason
Perceived Preceptor: Narrator's role in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, Jason Godfrey
Perceptions of Parents' Marriage Predicting Marital Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Attachment Behaviors, Meagan C. Alder, Jeremy B. Yorgason, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Stephanie Davis
Perceptions of Personal Safety Among Lower-Income Relationship Education Participants: A Grounded Theory Study, Steven M. Harris, Rob Porter, Matt Brown, Damon L. Rappleyea, and Sarah A. Crabtree
Perceptions of School Uniforms in Relation to Socioeconomic Statuses, Aaron B. Jones
Perceptual Analysis of Children's Adaptation to an Electropalatography Sensor, Kasey Marie Duffield
Perceptual Analysis of Children's Adaptation to an Electropalatography Sensor, Kasey Marie Duffield
Perfect, Abigail Packard
Perfectly Good White Boy, Meagan Andrus
Performance-Based Liquefaction Triggering Analyses with Two Liquefaction Models Using the Cone Penetration Test, Alex Michael Arndt
Performance Self-Appraisal Calibration of ESL Students on a Proficiency Reading Test, Jodi Mikolajcik Petersen
Period 8, Meagan Andrus
Personal and Relationship Challenges of Adults With Type 1 Diabetes, Paula M. Trief, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Jacqueline Dimmock, Patricia Forken, and Ruth S. Weinstock
Personal Puzzles: Exploring Meaning in a Printmaking Workshop, Sally Jayne Rydalch
Pete the Cat and the Bedtime Blues, Kaley Durney
Pete the Cat and the Cool Cat Boogie, Kaley Durney
Petrarch und Tasso, Luise Büchner
Pflanzenleben, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Phantastische Romane, Blanche Kübeck
Phased-Array Feed Instrumentation and Processing for Astronomical Detection, Interference Mitigation, and Transient Parameter Estimation, Richard Allen Black
Philippine Gatterer (nee Engelhard)
Philippine von Cramm, 1790-1881
Phosphate Signaling Through Alternate Conformations of the PstSCAB Phosphate Transporter, Ramesh Krishna Vuppada
Phylogenetic Relationships, Species Boundaries, and Studies of Viviparity and Convergent Evolution in Liolaemus Lizards, Cesar Augusto Aguilar
Physical Abuse Tendencies Among Males: Initial Development and Validation of the Likelihood to Physically Abuse, Christina Elisabeth Riley
Physiological Effects of Pathogen and Herbivore Risks Encountered by Quaking Aspen, Anson Clark Call
Pick a Pine Tree, Karen Abbott
Piecing Me Together, Emma Patton
Pierre Kamp, ein französischer Dichter der Arbeit, Anna Nussbaum
Piggy, Ariel Woodbury
Pingo and the Playground Bully, Bailey Dryer
Plan B (Poetry), Madelyn Taylor
Plane of Energy Nutrition on Blood Metabolites, Milk Production and Lamb Growth in Friesian Sheep, Rebekah Paige Jensen
Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt, Patrick Q. Mason
Plant the Tiny Seed, Ariel Woodbury
Platypuses: Web-Footed Billed Mammals, Jamie Greenwood
Platypus Police Squad: The Frog Who Croaked, Haley Cook
Play to Win or Don't Play at all: The Financial Returns to Making the Cut, Ben William Lewis and W. Chad Carlos
Please Excuse This Poem, Emily Loveless
Poe: Stories and Poems: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Gareth Hinds, Karen Abbott
Poetic Parallelisms in the Book of Mormon, Donald W. Parry
Pola Negri Interview, Pola Negri
Policy Design and the Politics of City Revenue: Evidence from California Municipal Ballot Measures, Isaac William Martin and Jane Lopez
Polynomial Fitting, R. Steven Turley
Porcupine's Picnic Who Eats What?, Kaley Durney
Pornography’s Effect on the Brain: A Review of Modifications in the Prefrontal Cortex, Kendra J. Muller
Portuguese Translation and Validation of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Cody S. Hollist, Olga G. Falceto, Luciane Ferreira, Rick B. Miller, and Paul R. Springer
Portuguese Translation and Validation of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Cody S. Hollist, Olga G. Falceto, Luciane Ferreira, Rick B. Miller, Paul R. Springer, Carmen L. Fernandes, and Nalu A. Nunes
Possum and the Summer Storm, Robyn Lee
Posted, Rachel Aedo
Poster Competitions: Teaching Effective Scholarly Communication, Michael C. Goates, Gregory M. Nelson, Megan Frost, and Jed Johnston
Posthuman Maturation in Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff's Illuminae: Re-Conceptualizing the Human for Adolescence and Artificial Intelligence, Gregory Alaric Williams
Postponing Heaven: The Three Nephites, the Bodhisattva, and the Mahdi, Jad Hatem
Post-Translational Regulation of Superoxide Dismutase 1 (SOD1): The Effect of K122 Acylation on SOD1's Metabolic Activity, Courtney Jean Banks
Posttraumatic Cognitions and Depressive Symptoms in War and Disaster Affected Widows in Sri Lanka: The Role of Community Support, Jessica E. Lambert, Alyssa Banford Witting, Shayne Anderson, Lakmal Ponnamperuma, and Thulitha Wickrama
Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Perceived Relationship Safety as Predictors of Dyadic Adjustment: A Test of Mediation and Moderation, Matthew Brown, Alyssa Banford, Ty Mansfield, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and David Ivey
Potion Masters: The Eternity Elixir, Tessa McMillan
Poverty and Empowerment Discourse in Utah Dual Immersion Classrooms, Lauren Johnson
Povidone-Iodine Vapor Kills MRSA, Benjamin Ogilvie, Jon Mitton, Jordan Tucker, Dennis L. Eggett, and Richard A. Robison
Pow! Boom! Kablam! Effects of Viewing Superhero Programs on Aggressive, Prosocial, and Defending Behaviors in Preschool Children, Sarah Coyne, Laura Ann Stockdale, Jennifer Rue Linder, David A. Nelson, Kevin M. Collier, and Lee W. Essig
Pragmatism and pluralism: A moral foundation for stakeholder theory in the 21st century, Paul C. Godfrey and Ben William Lewis
Praise and Prejudice: American Attitudes Toward Japan in Uncle Ben, Anna Nielsen, Rachel Baron, and Emily Orton
Praktischer Pazifismus, Marie-Elisabeth Lüders
Predicting Preschoolers' Peer Status from Their Playground Behaviors, Gary W. Ladd, Joseph M. Price, and Craig H. Hart
Predictive Power? Textual Analysis in Mergers & Acquisitions, Philip E. Morgan
Predictive Power? Textual Analysis in Mergers & Acquisitions, Philip Morgan
Predictive Power: Textual Analysis in Mergers and Acquisitions, Philip Morgan
Predictive validity of the R‐URICA, Rachel R. Tambling and Lee N. Johnson
Preemptive War, War Powers, and International Complications: A Need For Reform, Paige Montague
Prehistoric shellfish utilization and settlement systems on western Santa Cruz Island, Michael A. Glassow
Prelude to Marriage or Alternative to Marriage? A Social Demographic Look at Cohabitation in the U.S., Renata Forste
Preparing Non-Native English Speakers for the Mathematical Vocabulary in the GRE and GMAT, Irina Mikhailovna Baskova
Preparing the Next Generation of Instructional Designers: A Cross-Institution Faculty Collaboration, Patricia J. Slagter van Tryon, Jason K. McDonald, and Atsusi Hirumi
Pre-processing techniques applied to Automatic Taxon Identification on fish otoliths, Ramon Reig-Bolaño and Pere Marti-Puig
Preschoolers’ Play Behavior in Outdoor Environments: Effects of Traditional and Contemporary Playgrounds, Craig H. Hart and Robert Sheehan
Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, John W. Welch and Melvin J. Thorne
Pretty as a Princess: Longitudinal Effects of Engagement With Disney Princesses on Gender Stereotypes, Body Esteem, and Prosocial Behavior in Children, Sarah Coyne, Jennifer Ruh Linder, Eric E. Rasmussen, David A. Nelson, and Victoria Birkbeck
Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Subclinical Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and PTSD in Urban and Rural Areas of Montana: A Cross‐Sectional Study, Lance Erickson, Dawson W. Hedges, Vaugh R.A. Call, and Byron Bair
Preventing Eating Disorders by Promoting Media Literacy and Rejecting Harmful Dieting Based Mentalities, McKayla Kagie
Prevent-teach-reinforce for families: A model of individualized positive behavior support for home and community, Sherinah Saasa
Price Policies and the Changing West, B. Delworth Gardner
Prime of My Life, Roxanne Harmon
Princesses Make It Now, Ashley McKenzie
Princess of Thorns, Abigail Packard
Princess Pulverizer: Grilled Cheese and Dragons, Rachel Wadham
Principles of Productivity Revealed from Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Discussions Around the Productiveness of Teacher Moves in Response to Teachable Moments, Kylie Victoria Palsky
Prinzessin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orleans
Proactive Protection for Adolescents, the Innocent Victim: Risk and Protective Factors for Pornography, Julie Varner, Kellie Hoch, Michael C. Goates, and Carl L. Hanson
Probabilistic Programming for Theory of Mind for Autonomous Decision Making, Iris Rubi Seaman
Problems That Couples Bring To Therapy: A View Across the Family Life Cycle*, Richard B. Miller, Jeremy B. Yorgason, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Mark B. White
Problems That Couples Bring To Therapy: A View Across the Family Life Cycle*, Jeremy Yorgason, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Rick B. Miller, and Mark B. White
Profanity in Media Associated With Attitudes and Behavior Regarding Profanity Use and Aggression, Sarah Coyne, Laura Ann Stockdale, David A. Nelson, and Ashley Michelle Fraser
Progressing with Changes, Shuyong Jiang
Progress Toward Synthetically Simplified Natural Anticancer Peptide, David W. Kastner and Steven L. Castle
Project Management Online Course – An Instructional Design Project, Fred R Hyatt
Project WINGS (Women Initiating New Goals of Safety): A randomised controlled trial of a screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) service to identify and address intimate partner violence victimisation among substance‐using women receiving community supervision, Louisa Gilbert, Stacey Shaw, D Goddard-Eckrich, Mingway Chang, J Rowe, Tara McCrimmon, Maria Almonte, Sharun Goodwin, and Matthew Epperson
Projekt 1065, Meagan Andrus
Promoting Pleasure in Reading Through Sustained Silent Reading: A Self-Study of Teacher Practices, Kimberly Turley McKell
Proof of Forever, Becca Wilhite
Prosaische Aufsätze, Zweyter Theil, Caroline Pichler
Prudence the Part-Time Cow, Staci McCarty
Psychological Well-Being Among Latter-day Saint Polynesian American Emerging Adults, Melissa Lynn Aiono
Psychopathy, aggression, and cheating behavior: A test of the Cheater–Hawk hypothesis, Sarah Coyne and Tiffany J. Thomas
Psychotherapy Utilization and Presenting Concerns Among Asian International and Asian American Students in a University Counseling Center, Hannah La Stokes
Psychotherapy Utilization and Presenting Concerns Among Black International and African-American Students in a University Counseling Center, Mica Nicole McGriggs
PTSD symptoms among tsunami exposed mothers in Sri Lanka: the role of disaster exposure, culturally specific coping strategies, and recovery efforts, Thulitha Wickrama, KAS Wickrama, Alyssa Banford Witting, and Jessica E. Lambert
Public Art and Alberta's Regionalism, Amanda Buessecker
Public Awareness of Human Trafficking in Europe: How Concerned Are European Citizens?, Rebecca A. Bishop, Charlie V. Morgan, and Lance Erickson
Publisher's Note, Kris Tina Carlston
Pumpkin Pumpkin, Becky Jamieson
Pun Strategies Across Joke Schemata: A Corpus-Based Study, Robert Nishan Crapo
Puppy!, Acacia Haws
Purchasing in Partnerships: Financial Keys to a More Merry Marriage, David B. Allsop and Stephen F. Duncan
Purity, Meagan Andrus
Purposeful Integration of Literacy and Science Instruction in a 4th Grade Immersion Program, Emily Nicole Overvliet
Putting work and family experiences in context: Differences by family life stage, Jenet Jacob Erickson, Giuseppe Martinengo, and E. Jeffrey Hill
Pyramidal Parent Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Southeast Europe, Laura Lyn Knecht
Quantifying Grain Boundary Atomic Structures Using the Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions, Jonathan Lake Priedeman
Quantifying surface water on Santa Rosa Island, California, following a major five-year drought, Paula Power and Rocky Rudolph
Quantitative Morphological Classification of Planetary Craterforms Using Multivariate Methods of Outline-Based Shape Analysis, Thomas Joseph Slezak
Queen of the Falls, Nicole Clark
Queen's Thief: Thick as Thieves, Tessara Garrett
¡Que Vivan los Recolectores de Basura!, Katherine Cooper
Quo Vadis Pax Americana? The Continuing Battle for Dewey's Democracy, Michael H. Parsons
Race, Space, and Cumulative Disadvantage: A Case Study of the Subprime Lending Collapse, Jacob Rugh, Len Albright, and Douglas S. Massey
Racial Segregation and the American Foreclosure Crisis, Jacob Rugh and Douglas S. Massey
Radio Silence, Emma Patton
Raghav Sharma, Nation, Ethnicity and the Conflict in Afghanistan: Political Islam and the Rise of Ethno-politics 1992-1996. London: Routledge, 2016, David M. Traboulay
Rahel Levin Varnahagen: Harnessing the Ability to Become, Mareena Smith
Rainbow Fairies: Cherry the Cake Fairy, Erica Sonzogni
Ramona Blue, Emma Patton
Range expansion and parasitism in the nonnative snail Radix auricularia, Michele D. Larson
Rates and Predictors of Adolescent Premature Termination: Applying Clinically Significant Change, Mariah Meaalii Bullock
Rates of Return to Improvement Practices on Private and Public Ranges, B. Delworth Gardner
Ravenskull: Volume 1, Natalie Hatch
Read anything mean lately? Associations between reading aggression in books and aggressive behavior in adolescents, Laura Ann Stockdale, Sarah Coyne, David A. Nelson, and Laura M. Padilla-Walker
Reading Nephi Reading Isaiah: 2 Nephi 26-27, Joseph M. Spencer and Jenny Webb
Ready or Not, Woolbur Goes to School!, Karen Abbott
Ready Player One, Natalie Hatch
Real, Vanessa Palmer
Real Cowboys, Maryn Wheeler
Real Stories From My Time: The Underground Railroad, Taylor Harris
Real-Time Beamforming Algorithms for the Focal L-Band Array on the Green Bank Telescope, Mark William Ruzindana
Real Time Model Identification Using Multi-Fidelity Models in Managed Pressure Drilling, Ammon Eaton, Logan Beal, Sam Thorpe, Casey Hubbell, John Hedengren, Roar Nybø, and Manuel Aghito
Reassessing the Link between Women's Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Quality, Spencer L. James and Brett A. Beattie
Rebound, Taylor Harris
Rechtes Streben, Luise Büchner
Reclaiming Female and Racial Agency: The Story of Dido Elizabeth Belle via Portrait and Film, Madison Blonquist
Reclaiming the Black Personhood: the Power of the Hip-Hop Narrative in Mainstream Rap, Morgan Klatskin
Recognizing and Dealing with Childhood Depression, Amy Soto, Jared Warren, and Stephen F. Duncan
Reconsidering the “Good Divorce”, Paul R. Amato, Jennifer B. Kane, and Spencer L. James
Recovery and Resistance: The Renewal of Traditional Spirituality among American Indian Women, Karren Baird-Olson and Carol Ward
Red Butterfly, Emily Loveless
Redefining Representations of Black Female Subjectivity through the Erotic, Sylvia Cutler
Red Ink, Phyllis Rosen
Rediscovering the Book of Mormon: Insights that you may have missed before, John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne
Reduced defenses and increased herbivore preference of island chaparral shrubs compared to mainland relatives, Ryan A. Salladay and Aaron R. Ramirez
Reducing the constraints to school access and progress: assessing the effects of a school scholarship program in Malawi, Stephen Hunsaker
Reducing the Impact of Disabilities in Developing Nations: Implications from a Parent Delivered Behavioral Intervention in Macedonia, Sophie Visick Rindlisbaker
Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, John W. Welch
Reform im neusprachlichen Unterricht, Mandl Sophie
Refuge, Ariel Woodbury
Refugee, Abigail Packard
Regeneration and expansion of Quercus tomentella (island oak) groves on Santa Rosa Island, Jay Woolsey, Cause Hanna, Kathryn McEachern, Sean Anderson, and Brett D. Hartman
Regulation of Trophoblast Invasion by Pyruvate Kinase Isozyme M2 (PKM2), Juan Mejia, Parker Hall, Kelsey Hirschi, Paul R. Reynolds, and Juan Arroyo
Reinforcing Bar Splice Performance in Masonry with Self-Consolidating Grout, Aaron Brent Roper
Reingewinn, Suzanne Lenglen
Reizende Ideen der Mode, Claire Patek
Relational Aggression and Self-Reported Spousal Health: A Longitudinal Analysis, Matthew P. Martin, Rick B. Miller, Bryan C. Kubricht, Jeremy Yorgason, and Jason S. Carroll
Relational Aggression in Marriage, Jason S. Carroll, David A. Nelson, Jeremy Yorgason, James Harper, Ruth Hagmann Ashton, and Alexander C. Jensen
Relational and Physical Aggression of Preschool-Age Children: Peer Status Linkages Across Informants, David A. Nelson, Clyde C. Robinson, and Craig H. Hart
Relations between Chinese mothers' parenting practices and social withdrawal in early childhood, Larry J. Nelson, Craig H. Hart, Bo Wu, Chongming Yang, Susanne Olsen Roper, and Shenghua Jin
Relationship Between Pectoralis Minor Length, Subacromial Space, and Pain in Swimmers and Overhead Athletes, Erika Jaci Richards
Relationship Quality and Depressed Affect Among a Diverse Sample of Relationally Unstable Relationship Education Participants, Angle B. Bradford, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Scott A. Ketring, Kristen L. Bub, Joe F. Pittman, and Thomas A. Smith
Relationship with extended family following divorce: a closer look at contemporary times, M. Selenga Gurmen, Shayne Anderson, and Edna Brown
Relative abundance of pond snails in Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, Washington, and the spread of an invasive snail, Michele D. Larson, Christina M. Torrieri, and A. Ross Black
Relative Strangers, Meagan Andrus
Relaxations: Big Tools for Little Warriors, Taylor Harris
Religion and Socioeconomic Attainment in Ghana, Spencer L. James, Timothy H. Heaton, and Yaw Oheneba-Sakyi
Religion and the Daily Lives of LDS Families: An Ecological Perspective, Rachel Wadsworth Loser, Shirley R. Klein, E. Jeffrey Hill, and David C. Dollahite
Religion, Job Readiness, and Employment Outcomes: The Case of Latter-Day Saint Employment Resource Services, John Bartkowski, Vaugh R A Call, Tim B. Heaton, and Renata Forste
Relish, Emma Patton
Report of the Media Violence Commission, Huesmann B. Krahe, L R. Berowitz, Jeanne Funk Brockmyer, Janna K. Bushman, Sarah Coyne, Ed Donnerstein, Douglas A. Gentile, S M. Dill, S J. Kirsh, I. Moller, and W Warburton
Researching the 60-Hour Dual-Earner Workweek, E. Jeffrey Hill
Research practices of marriage and family therapists, Lee N. Johnson, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Richard B. MIller
Research Surrounding Sabina's Birthdate, Sabina Pirkheimer
Response to Drought of a Stream Fish Assemblage in a High Elevation Stream in the Intermountain West, Richard M. Simkins
Rethinking Alma 36, Noel B. Reynolds
Rethinking Fathers' Involvement in Child Care A Developmental Perspective, Alan J. Hawkins, Shawn L. Christiansen, Kathryn Pond Sargent, and E. Jeffrey Hill
Retribution Rails, Meagan Andrus
Revelation, Reason, and Faith: Essays in Honor of Truman G. Madsen, Donald W. Parry, Daniel C. Peterson, and Stephen D. Ricks
Reversing fortunes or content change? Gender gaps in math-related skill throughout childhood, Benjamin G. Gibbs
Reviewed Work: A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Vol. 1 by Lee R. Martin, James P. Houck, C.B. Baker, and B. Delworth Gardner
Reviewed Work: Locking up the Range: Federal Land Controls and Grazing by Gary D. Libecap, B. Delworth Gardner
Reviewed Work: Resource Economics by Alan Randall, B. Delworth Gardner
Reviewed Work: The Politics of Agricultural Research by Don F. Hadwiger, B. Delworth Gardner
Review of Field Development Optimization of Waterflooding, EOR, and Well Placement Focusing on History Matching and Optimization Algorithms, Jackson Udy, Brigham Hansen, Sage Maddux, Donald Peterson, Spencer Heilner, Kevin Stevens, David Lignell, and John Hedengren
Revised and updated vascular plant checklists for the Baja California Northern Pacific Islands, Sula Vanderplank, Jon Rebman, and Exequiel Ezcurra
Revisiting Bordin's Theory on the Therapeutic Alliance: Implications for Family Therapy, Lee N. Johnson and David W. Wright
Revisiting Refugee Caps: A Legislative Proposal for Executive-Congressional Compromise, Jason Gardiner and Tyler Day
Rex, Staci McCarty
Ribsy, Nicole Clark
Riding the Stagecoach to Hell: A Qualitative Analysis of Racial Discrimination in Mortgage Lending, Douglas S. Massey, Jacob Rugh, Justin P. Steil, and Len Albright
Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use and Partner Violence Among Women in Emergency Care, Louisa Gilbert, Nabila El-Bassel, Mingway Chang, Stacey Shaw, Elwin Wu, and Lolita Roy
Roar: A Dinosaur Tour, Karen Abbott
Robert Harris, Munich. Knopf Doubleday, 2018. Martin Cruz Smith, December 6. Simon & Schuster 2003, Laina Farhat-Holzman
Robin Hill School Secret Santa, Kristie Hinckley
Robots Rule! #1: The Junkyard Bot, Melissa Secor
Robots Rule: Lots of Bots, Melissa Secor
Robustness and performance of semi-distributed (SWAT) and global (GR4J) hydrological models throughout an observed climatic shift over contrasted French watersheds, Etienne Brulebois, Marjorie Ubertosi, Thierry Castel, Yves Richard, Sabine Sauvage, José-Miguel Sanchez Perez, Nicolas Le Moine, and Philippe Amiotte-Suchet
Rodomonte, Luise Büchner
Role of Molecular Chaperonin CCT and Its Co-Chaperone PhLP1 in the Assembly of mTOR Complexes, Madhura Vinayak Dhavale
Romans 1: Notes and Reflections, James E. Faulconer
Romeo and Juliet, Marriage and Death: Joyce's Portrayal of Marriage as Death and Society's Fantasy, Natalia Green
Romeo, Juliet & Jim, Charlotte Esplin
Romeo, Juliet & Jim, Emilee Bell
Römisches Leben, Friederike Brun
Roost characteristics and clustering behavior of western red bats (Lasiurus blossevillii) in southwestern New Mexico, Brett R. Andersen and Keith Geluso
Roots and Blues: A Celebration, Kylee Vidmar-Hackney
Rotational Stiffness Models for Shallow Embedded Column-to-Footing Connections, Ashley Lauren Sadler
Ruby Rose: Off to School She Goes, Ashley McKenzie
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Caree Campbell
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Beverly Jones
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Beverly Jones
Rufaldino, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Ruined #1: Ruined, Lisi Merkley
Rules of Summer #1: Rules of Summer, Beverly Jones
Runny Babbit Returns, Kylee Hackney
Rural Health Care Bypass Behavior: How Community and Spatial Characteristics Affect Primary Health Care Selection, Scott R. Sanders, Lance Erickson, Vaugh R A Call, Matthew L. McKnight, and Dawson W. Hedges
Rural/Urban Differences in Child Growth and Survival in Bolivia, Tim B. Heaton and Renata Forste
Sacred Sounds: A Compassionate Listening Guide to Musical Worship, Madison Blonquist
Sacred Time in the Work of Makoto Shinkai, Kassandra I. Schreiber
Sacrifice: An Unexpected Answer to Family Challenges, Jenny Stewart, Justin Dyer, and Stephen F. Duncan
Safe Haven? A History of Refugees in America., David W. Haines and Stacey Shaw
Safe in a Storm, Oliva Hales
Safety in Intimate Partnerships: The Role of Appraisals and Threat, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Douglas B. Smith, Megan Oka, and Gunnar Karakurt
Sagittal Abdominal Diameter, Waist Circumference, and BMI as Predictors of Multiple Measures of Glucose Metabolism: An NHANES Investigation of U.S. Adults, Shelby Anne Firouzi
Sally Sore Loser: A Story About Winning and Losing, Haley Cook
Salt, Kylee Vidmar-Hackney
Salt to the Sea, Abigail Packard
Same-Race and Interracial Asian-White Couples: Relational and Social Contexts and Relationship Outcomes 1, Jerevie Malig Canlas, Rick B. Miller, Dean Busby, and Jason S. Carroll
Sam Visits the School Library, Cynthia Frazier
Sanfter Trost, Luise Büchner
Santa Clauses: Short Poems from the North Pole, Makayla Anderson
Sarah, Plain and Tall, Bailey Ondricek
Saving Lucas Biggs, Maryn Wheeler
Scary Tales: The One-Eyed Doll, Karen Abbott
Schattenrisse, Sophie von La Roche
Schiller, Luise Büchner
Schloss und Fabrik, Louise Otto
Scholastic discover more: Titanic, Beverly Jones
Schönes Bild, Luise Büchner
School of Rock: The Relationship Between Music Training and Academic Academic Achievement, Clayton Hadlock
Schweizer Novellistik, Blanche Kübeck
Science Comics: Dogs: From Predator to Protector, Mavanee Farnsworth
Science Comics: Sharks: Nature's Perfect Hunter, Olivia Hales
Screen Violence and Youth Behavior, Craig Anderson, Brad J. Bushman, Bruce D. Bartholow, Joanne Cantor, Dimitri Christakis, Sarah Coyne, Edward Dnonnerstein, Jeanne Funk Brockmyer, Douglas A. Gentile, C Shawn Green, Rowell Huesmann, Tom Hummer, Barbara Krahe, Victor C. Strasburger, Wayne Warburton, Barbara J. Wilson, and Michelle Ybarra
Scripps's Murrelet at San Miguel Island, California: status of a small population at the northwest limit of the breeding range, Darrell L. Whitworth and Harry R. Carter
Scripture Study: Tools and Suggestions, James E. Faulconer
Seamus Heaney: A Poet et un Traducteur (and a Translator), Samantha Rowley
Seasonal spatial ecology of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in the central Sierra Nevada, Justin A. Dellinger, Eric R. Loft, Ronald C. Bertram, Donald L. Neal, Marc W. Kenyon, and Steven G. Torres
Second order change and evidence‐based practice, Maureen P. Davey, Adam Davey, Carolyn Tubbs, Jyoti Salva, and Shayne Anderson
Second Star, Rachel Aedo
Secret Coders, Taylor Harris
Secret Coders: Potions & Parameters, Taylor Harris
See Fred Run, Ariel Woodbury
See Fred Run, Rachel Wadham
See You in the Cosmos, Emma Patton
Segen der Natur, Luise Büchner
Segregation in Post-Civil Rights America, Jacob Rugh and Douglas S. Massey
Sehnende Erwartung, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Sehnsucht, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Sehnsucht nach den Bergen, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Seine Welt, Gertrud Prellwitz
Selbstbericht, Helene Kottannerin
Selbstverleugnung, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Selected Essays (Essay Collection, 1920-1930), Karin Michaëlis
Selected Reformation writings (Essay collection), Argula von Grumbach
Self‐esteem and caregiving in romantic relationships: Self‐ and partner perceptions, Darin Justin Knapp, Jared Durtschi, Charity Elaine Clifford, Jonathan G. Kimmes, Patricia Barros-Gomes, and Jonathan G. Sandberg
Self‐Esteem and the Reproduction of Social Class, Spencer L. James and Paul R. Amato
Self-regulation, Threat Perception, and Inhibitory Control: an fMRI Investigation of Children with ADHD, Erin Kaseda
Selma Ottiliana Lovisa Lagerlöf, 1858-1940
Sense Pass King: A Story from Cameroon, Bailey Ondricek
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Weeding the Collection is a Collaborative Affair, Gregory M. Nelson, Meg F. Frost, Betsy S. Hopkins, Mark W. Jackson, Jed Johnston, David Pixton, and Michael C. Goates
Separations, Connections, and Boundaries: Important Knowledge for Married Couples and Their Parents, Joseph Ransom and Stephen F. Duncan
Sequential transition patterns of preschoolers’ social interactions during child-initiated play: Is parallel-aware play a bidirectional bridge to other play states?, Clyde C. Robinson, Genan T. Anderson, Christin L. Porter, Craig H. Hart, and Melissa Wouden-Miller
Series Title: Cilla Lee-Jenkins This Book is a Classic, Katie Irion
Sesostris, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Set to Sea, Natlalie Hatch
Sex and the Soviets: Depictions of Rape in Soviet Cinema and Literature, Susannah Morrison
Sex differences in aggressive incidents towards staff in secure services, Susan Knowles, Sarah Coyne, and Stephen L. Brown
Sexual Assault Prevention Efforts in the U.S. Air Force: A Systematic Review and Content Analysis, Christine R. Gedney, David Wood, Brad Lundahl, and Rob Butters
Sexual Exclusivity among Dating, Cohabiting, and Married Women, Renata Forste and Koray Tanfer
Sex, violence, & rock n' roll: Longitudinal effects of music on aggression, sex, and prosocial behavior during adolescence, Sarah Coyne and Laura M. Padilla-Walker
Shadow Patching: Exemplar-Based Shadow Removal, Ryan Sears Hintze
Shakespeare in the Wild West, Summer Weaver
Shaming the Corporation: The Social Production of Targets and the AntiSweatshop Movement, Curtis Child and Tim Bartley
Shark Dog!, Kristie Hinckley
She Does Not Want: Wartime Rape in Goya's Disasters of War, Heidi Herrera
Sheep 101, Haley Singleton
Shell, Beak, Tusk: Shared Traits and the Wonders of Adaptation, Maryn Wheeler
Shoes, Tara Neuffer
Short-Term Interventions for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Karla Arroyo, Brad Lundahl, Rob Butters, Mindy Vanderloo, and David Wood
Short-term regeneration dynamics of Wyoming big sagebrush at two sites in northern Utah, Sara J. Germain, Rebecca K. Mann, Thomas A. Monaco, and Kari E. Veblen
Shorty & Clem, Samantha Bullock
Sibille, Elisabeth von Nassau-Saarbrücken
Sibling Rivalry: Adult Siblings, Jeremy Boyle and Stephen F. Duncan
Sicherheit in Beschränkung, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Signals or Mixed Signals: Why Opportunities for Mobilization Are Not Opportunities for Policy Reform, Marie Cornwall, Brayden G. King, Elizabeth M. Legerski, Eric C. Dahlin, and Kendra S. Schiffman
Signals or Mixed Signals: Why Opportunities for Mobilization are not Opportunities for Policy Reform, Marie Cornwall, Brayden G. King, Elizabeth Miklya Legerski, Eric C. Dahlin, and Kendra S. Schiffman
Signal Structure for a Class of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, Meilan Jin
Significant Stress and Real Rewards: The Ecological and Ambiguous Experiences of Foster Parents, Jason B. Whiting PhD and Paul T. Huber MA
Silence and Self-Harm: Understanding Unconventional Voices, Sarah Cannon
Silent Emergency to the Children of Africa, Vera Duarte
Silver Lining, Abigail Remington
Similarities and Difference in the Neural processing of Speech and Song in Religious Music, Brett Pielstick
Similarities and Differences in Adolescent Siblings’ Alcohol-Related Attitudes, Use, and Delinquency: Evidence for Convergent and Divergent Influence Processes, Shawn D. Whiteman, Jennifer L. Maggs, and Alexander C. Jensen
Similarities and differences in mothers’ parenting of preschoolers in China and the United States, Peixia Wu, Clyde C. Robinson, Chongming Yang, Craig H. Hart, Susanne Frost Olsen, Christin L. Porter, Shenghua Jin, Jianzhong Wo, and Xinzi Wu
Similarities in Adolescent Siblings’ Substance Use: Testing Competing Pathways of Influence, Shawn D. Whiteman, Alexander C. Jensen, and Jennifer L. Maggs
Simulated Tremor Propagation in the Upper Limb: From Muscle Activity to Joint Displacement, Thomas Henry Corie
Simulation and Experiments to Understand the Manufacturing Process, Microstructure and Transport Properties of Porous Electrodes, Mohammad Mehdi Forouzan
Simulation of the Inertia Friction Welding Process Using a Subscale Specimen and a Friction Stir Welder, Ty Samual Dansie
Since Cumorah, Hugh Nibley
Singapore's Falling Fertility: Exploring the Influence of the Work-Family Interface, Rachel Sheffield, Keitaro Yoshida, E. Jeffrey Hill, Lindsay Larson Call, and Elisabeth Trail
Single Parenthood and Adolescent Sexual Outcomes, Mikaela Dufur, John P. Hoffman, and Lance Erickson
Sink or Swim: A Novel of World War II, Tessa McMillan
Sinonimia y Disponibilidad Léxica, Orlando Alba
Skeleton Tree, Tessa McMillan
Skip Through the Seasons, Cynthia Phillips
Skye the Puffling, Kati Penovich
Small Data Management: Master Data for Better Collection Analysis, Jared L. Howland
Small Mammal Diversity, Rattlesnake Demographics, and Resource Utilization in the Great Basin: Implications for Management and Stable Isotope Proxies, Bryan T. Hamilton
Smart Technologies for Oil Production with Rod Pumping, Brigham Wheeler Hansen
Smile, Emma Patton
Snowboy and the Last Tree Standing, Taylor Harris
Sobre la Validez de la Hipótesis Funcional, Orlando Alba
Social Aggression in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Primary and General Election Debates, Daniel John Montez
Social-emotional development and school readiness of Chinese American children: The role of parenting and self-regulation, Yu Jing and Craig H. Hart
Social inequality and children’s health in Africa: a cross sectional study, Tim B. Heaton, Benjamin Crookston, Hayley Pierce, and Acheamong Yaw Amoateng
Social Interactions in College Physical Activity Classes: “Something Else is Taking Place Here”, David C. Barney
Social Media Use Among College Students and its Contribution to Depression
Social Media Use and Its Impact on Relationships and Emotions, Spencer Palmer Christensen
Social Support and HIV Risks Among Migrant and Non-Migrant Market Workers in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Gaukhar Mergenova, Stacey Shaw, Assel Terlikbayeva, Louisa Gilbert, Lenore Gensburg, Sholpan Primbetova, and Nabila El-Bassel
Socioeconomic Status, Infant Feeding Practices and Early Childhood Obesity, Benjamin G. Gibbs and Renata Forste
“Soiling The Others”: The Effect of Change in Igbo Sin and Punishment, Sam Christensen
Soldier Dog, Jennifer Padgett
Solitary‐functional Play and Solitary‐pretend Play: Another Look at the Construct of Solitary‐active Behavior Using Playground Observations, Larry J. Nelson, Craig H. Hart, and Cortney Anne Evans
Solving Your "Solvable Problems", Megan Northrup and Stephen F. Duncan
Somatoform Disorder: Treatment Utilization and Cost by Mental Health Professions, D. Russell Crane, Lori B. Morton, David Fawcett, Adam Moore, Jeffry Larson, and Jonathan G. Sandberg
Some Big Questions About Design in Educational Technology, Andrew S. Gibbons III
"Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream": The Construction of the Golden Age Myth(s) in the Age of Ottoman Decline, Ian McLaughlin
Some Thoughts on the CEAL Roundtable Discussion on the Organizational Models of Future East Asian Libraries, Eugene W. Wu
Sometimes You Fly, Taylor Harris
Sonette, Luise Büchner
Sonnett, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Sonnett, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Sophia's War, Emily Loveless
Sophie Discovers Amerika : The Digital Companion, Michelle Stott James and Rob McFarland
Sophie Hedwig von Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, 1561-1631
Sophie Hoechstetter, 1873-1943
SOS—Satisfied or Stuck, Why Older Rural Residents Stay Put: Aging in Place or Stuck in Place in Rural Utah, Lance Erickson, Vaugh R A Call, and Ralph B. Brown
»So tief verwundet ist dies Herz«, Luise Büchner
Soundless, Abigail Packard
Soup Day, Meagan Beal
SPACEPOP #1: Not Your Average Princesses, Jazmin Gomez
Space Use, Resource Selection, and Survival of Reintroduced Bighorn Sheep, Rusty Wade Robinson
Spanish Language Learning and Supporting Strategies in Mixed Classrooms at the Secondary Level, Jorge Vasquez
Sparrow, Emma Patton
Spatial and temporal fishing patterns at the outer banks of the Southern California Bight, Daniel J. Pondella II, Matthew J. Robart, Jeremy T. Claisse, Jonathan P. Williams, Chelsea M. Williams, Amanda J. Zellmer, and Susan E. Piacenza
Speak, Abigail Packard
Special Interests and the 1990 Farm Bill, B. Delworth Gardner
Special Issue: Combined Scheduling and Control, John Hedengren and Logan Beal
Special Reports: US Immigration Policy, Amanda Bishop
Specific Learning Disability Assessment of English Language Learners: An Investigation of the Current Assessment Practices of Utah School Psychologists, Jesika Lee Forbush
Speediest! 19 Very Fast Animals, Megan Hall Megan Hall
Spellchasers #1: The Beginner's Guide to Curses, Becky Jamieson
Spill Zone, Emma Patton
Spinning Silver, Braxton Church
Spirit Hunters, Karen Abbott
"Spleen", Blanche Kübeck
Sports Illustrated Kids: Women Athletes Who Rule!, Beverly Jones
Spouses' self-perceptions as caregivers: The influence of feminine and masculine sex-role orientation on caring for confused and non-confused partners, Carolyn s. Wilken, Karen Altergott, and Jonathan G. Sandberg
Sprachgemeinschaft - Sprechkultur, Margarethe Königswarter-Formes
“Sprinkled, Cleansed, and Comforted”: The Early American Jail, Jacob Johnson
Squint, Tessa McMillan
Stability and change in kelp forest habitats at San Nicolas Island, Michael C. Kenner and M. Tim Tinker
Stack the Deck: An Intervention for Regulating Verbal Participation in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Katherine Ensign Montgomery
Staging An Interactive Mystery Play, Rebeca Wallin Rebeca Wallin
Stagnant Supers: Amplifying the Superhero Genre Through Novelistic Maturity, Ariel Elizabeth Hubbard
Star Stuff: Carl Sagan and the Mysteries of the Cosmos, Makayla Anderson
Star Wars Jedi Academy: The Force Oversleeps, Kaley Durney
Star Wars Volume One: In the Shadow of Yavin, Kylee Hackney
Status of Ashy Storm-Petrel breeding colonies at Santa Cruz Island, California, 1912–1998, Harry R. Carter, William R. McIver, Gerard J. McChesney, Darrell L. Whitworth, and John R. Gilardi
Staying Connected with Each Other, Megan Northrup and Stephen F. Duncan
Staying Out of Trouble: Intentions of Young Male Offenders, Renata Forste, Lynda Clarke, and Stephen J. Bahr
STEM Superstar Women: Ada Lovelace, Pioneering Computer Programming, Erica Sonzogni
Sterilization Among Currently Married Men in the United States, 1991, Renata Forste, Koray Tanfer, and Lucky Tedrow
Sterling, Best Dog Ever, Karen Abbott
Stickmen's Guide to Trains and Automobiles, Beverly Jones
Stickmen's Guide to Your Gurgling Guts, Haley Cook
Sticky, Sticky, Stuck!, Cynthia Phillips
Stille Frage, Luise Büchner
Stimmungsbilder, Malwida von Meysenbug
Stink #11: Hamlet and Cheese, Mavanee Farnsworth
StoryWorlds: A Moment In Time; A Perpetual Picture Atlas, Nicole Clark
S Toxocara Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors in the United States, Andrew Berrett, Lance Erickson, Shawn D. Gale, Allison Stone, Bruce L. Brown, and Dawson W. Hedges
Strain Path Effect on Austenite Transformation and Ductility in Q&P 1180 Steel, Jeffrey Grant Cramer
Strange the Dreamer, Braxton Church
Strategic Implications of Blockchain, William R. Adams
Strategic Implications of Blockchain, William R. Adams
Strategies for Managing Difficult Clinical Situations in Between Sessions, Gunnur Karakurt, Amber Anderson, Alyssa Banford Witting, Shannon Dial, Hannah Korkow, Frank Rable, and Serife Fulya Doslovich
Strategies Utilized by Secondary French Teachers to Help Students Visualize Their Progress, Linnea H. Stegner
Strauß- und Hahnefedern geben gleich Pelz den neuesten Schmuck ab, Claire Patek
Streben in die Ferne, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Strengthening Interfaith Marriage, Jeremy Boyle and Stephen F. Duncan
Strengthening Later Life Marriage, Mary A. Sotsich and Rick B. Miller
Strengthening Marriage Through Marriage Enrichment Programs, Bradley Owens and Stephen F. Duncan
Strengthening Your Relationship with Regular "Couple Meetings", Stephen F. Duncan
Stress Begins in Kindergarten: A Look at Behavior During Standardized Testing., Pamela O. Fleege and Craig H. Hart
Stress Behaviors and Activity Type Participation of Preschoolers in More and Less Developmentally Appropriate Classrooms: SES and Sex Differences, Craig H. Hart, Diane C. Burts, Mary Ann Durland, Rosiland Charlesworth, Michele DeWolf, and Pamela O. Fleege
Strindbergs Frauenhaß, Berta Pauli
Stuck in the Middle (Of Middle School): A Novel in Doodles, Jamie Greenwood
Student Participation in the Distribution of Instructional Leadership, Janeel M. Juncker
Student Voices for Why College Students Take Physical Activity Classes when it is not Required for Graduation, David C. Barney and Kelsey Higginson
Subtraction Games: Range and Strict Periodicity, Bryce Emerson Blackham
Success rates for product development strategies in new drug development, Eric C. Dahlin, G. M. Nelson, M. Haynes, and F. Sargeant
Success Rates for Product Development Strategies in New Drug Development, Eric C. Dahlin, G. M. Nelson, Michael C. Haynes, and F. Sargeant
Suffer Love, Meagan Andrus
Suicide, Folk Beliefs, and Redemption in Willa Cather’s My Ántonia, Jacquelyn M. Dunn
Suicide: Myths and Facts, Greg Hudnall and David Wood
Suitability of the Kalina Cycle for Power Conversion from Pressurized Water Reactors, Jack Ryan Webster
Suitors and Sabotage, Meagan Andrus
Sun, Ashley McKenzie
Sunny Side Up, Kylee Hackney
Supergirl Mixtapes, Meagan Andrus
Superhydrophobic, Carbon-Infiltrated Carbon Nanotubes on Si and 316L Stainless Steel with Tunable Geometry, Kimberly A. Stevens, Christian D. Esplin, Taylor M. Davis, D. Jacob Butterfield, Philip S. Ng, Anton E. Bowden, Brian D. Jensen, and Brian D. Iverson
Super Mario brothers and sisters: Associations between coplaying video games and sibling conflict and affection, Sarah Coyne, Alexander C. Jensen, Nathan J. Smith, and Daniel H. Erickson
Super Mario brothers and sisters: Associations between coplaying video games and sibling conflict and affection, Sarah Coyne, Alexander C. Jensen, Nathan J. Smith, and Daniel H. Erickson
Super Simple Volcano Projects, Beverly Jones
Supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder in understanding and coping with complex social emotional issues, Kaitlyn P. Ahlers, Terisa P. Gabrielsen, Danielle Lewis, Anna M. Brady, and April LItchford
Survival of Neonate Mule Deer Fawns in Southern Utah: Effects of Coyote Removal and Synchrony of Parturition, Jacob Tyler Hall
Survivors' Perceptions of Support Following a Parent's Suicide, Suzanne Nicole Bennett
Susanna Catharina von Klettenberg, 1723-1774
Susceptibility of Mental Disorders: Examining the Comorbidity of Seasonal Affective Disorder, Nathaniel Wasden
Swallow the Leader, Ellen McCarty
Swamp Monster (Scary Tales), Karen Abbott
Sword Art Online (SAO), Natalie Hatch
Symbolum, Anna Pfalzgräfin
Symmetric Equations for Evaluating Maximum Torsion Stress of Rectangular Beams in Compliant Mechanisms, Guimin Chen and Larry L. Howell
Synergists and Qualities Salient to Low-Income Parents' Positive Assessment of Marital Health, S. Greg Thompson, Donna R. Smith, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and Kay Bradford
Synopsis: A Bit about Blockchain, Jonathan Chichoni
Synopsis: A Digital Global Supply Chain, Jonathan Chichoni
Synopsis: Predictive Power? Textual Analysis in Mergers and Acquisitions, Philip Morgan
Synthesis of Candidate Natural Killer T Cell Ligands, Teron Haynie, Shenglou Deng, and Paul B. Savage
Systematic reviews of the effects of preparatory courses on university entrance examinations in high school‐age students, Paul Montgomery and Jane Lopez
Tactile Sensing and Position Estimation Methods for Increased Proprioception of Soft-Robotic Platforms, Nathan McClain Day
Tad and Dad, Ariel Woodbury
Tagebuch eines Pferdes, Claire Goll
Tagebuch über Rom, Friederike Brun
Taking the "Foreign" Out of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, Jared Benjamin Sell
Tangerine, Emma Patton
Tausend und eine Frau, Iwa Raffay
Tax-Induced Wealth Creation- And Dissipation, B. Delworth Gardner and Carole Frank Nuckton
Teacher Experiences in Highly Impacted Schools That Produce Happiness, Brittany Nicole Lund
Teacher Graphing Practices for Linear Functions in a Covariation-Based College Algebra Classroom, Konda Jo Luckau
Teacher-Less Teaching: The Efficacy of Student-Taught Soft Skill Modules, Jacob Brown
Teacher Perceptions of School Breakfast Programs in Utah, Emily Breanne Krueger
Teaching Computational Thinking and Coding Education Basics to Early Childhood Educators, Enoch Hunsaker
Tea with Oliver, Samantha Bullock
Technology interference in the parenting of young children: Implications for mothers’ perceptions of coparenting, Brandon McDaniel and Sarah Coyne
Temple and Cosmos: Beyond this Ignorant Present, Hugh Nibley
Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, Donald W. Parry
Temporal Differences in Remarriage Timing: Comparing Divorce and Widowhood, Spencer L. James and Kevin Shafer
Tenney, Amanda Durrant
Ten Rules of being a Superhero, Ellen McCarty
Tentacle and Wing, Karen Abbott
Terminal Pleistocene–Holocene avifauna of San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands: identifications of previously unidentified avian remains recovered from fossil sites and prehistoric cave deposits, Paul W. Collins, Daniel A. Guthrie, Emily L. Whistler, Rene L. Vellanoweth, and Jon M. Erlandson
Testing the Clinical Implications of Planned Missing Data Designs, Scott C. Huff, Shayne Anderson, and Rachel B. Tambling
Testing the potential of novel grain crop cultivation in rural Malawi during the dry season through irrigation and soil modification, Jessica Truman
Testing the Test: Expanding the Dialogue on Workplace Writing Assessment, Lindsay Elizabeth Tanner
Textural, Color and Sensory Attributes of Fruits and Vegetables Dried Using Electric Forced-Air and Solar Dehydrators, Edward Wayne Crossen
Thank You, Mr. Panda, Haley Singleton
That Bear Can't Babysit, Karen Abbott
The 12 Dares of Christa, Brooklynn Marshall
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Abigail Packard
The Abuse of Animals and Domestic Violence: A National Survey of Shelters for Women who are Battered, David Wood and Claudia V. Weber
The Adventures of John Blake: Mystery of the Ghost Ship, Deborah Le Starge
The Adventures of Sophie Mouse #5: The Maple Festival, Kelly Garcia
The African Orphan Crisis and International Adoption, Jini L. Roby and Stacey Shaw
The Afterlife of Holly Chase, Emma Patton
The Alchemist: A Graphic Novel, Natalie Hatch
The Alexandrian Epitomes of Galen, Volume 1: On the Medical Sects for Beginners; The Small Art of Medicine; On the Elements According to the Opinion of Hippocrates, Galen and John Walbridge, Translator
The Allegory of the Olive Tree: The Olive, the Bible, and Jacob 5, Stephen D. Ricks and John W. Welch
The Alternative: Controlled, Erica Sonzogni
The Amazing Hamweenie Escapes!, Samantha Bullock
The Amazing Universe, Makayla Anderson
The Ancient State: The Rulers and the Ruled, Hugh Nibley
The Annotation Cost of Context Switching: How Topic Models and Active Learning [May Not] Work Together, Nozomu Okuda
The Arithmetic of Modular Grids, Grant Steven Molnar
The Arrow Finds Its Mark: A Book of Found Poems, Haley Singleton
The Art of Feeling, Taylor Nelson
The Art of Starving, Charlotte Esplin
The Art of Starving, Abigail Packard
The Art of the Swap, Tessa McMillan
The assessment of marital attachment and its relationship with general attachment among older adults, D.H Wang, Rick B. Miller, and Y. Wang
The Association Between Articulator Movement and Formant Histories in Diphthongs Across Speaking Contexts, Janae Valyn Christensen
The Association between the Parent–Child Relationship and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: The Roles of Attachment and Perceived Spouse Attachment Behaviors, Angle B. Bradford, Kayla Lynn Burningham, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Lee N. Johnson
The Astonishing Color of After, Braxton Church
The Atlas of Cursed Places: Deadman Anchor, Bailey Ondricek
The Atlas of Cursed Places: Director's Cut, Karen Abbott
The Atlas of Cursed Places: Radioactive, Karen Abbott
The Bar Code Tattoo, Natalie Hatch
The Basic Skills Evaluation Device, Thorana S. Nelson and Lee N. Johnson
The Bat Can Bat, Sam Whitaker
The Battle of the Vegetables, Megan Hall
The Bear in My Bed, Ariel Woodbury
The Beginnings of the Church in Peru: A Personal History, Frederick G. Williams
The Benefits and Risks of Multi-Level Marketing, Jacob Thorpe
The Benefits and the Risks of Multi-Level Marketing, Jacob Thorpe
The Benefits of Chastity Before Marriage, Christine Baker, JIll Cox, and Stephen F. Duncan
The Berenson Schemes: Jack the Castaway, Phyllis Rosen
The Berenstain Bears' Big Machines, Amanda Durrant
The Big F, Katelyn Osborn
The Black Witch, Liz Sugihara
The Blood Between Us, Lisa Packard
The Blurring Hypothesis Reconsidered: How Sector Still Matters to Practitioners, Curtis Child, Eva Witesman, and Robert Spencer
The Book of Mistakes, Bailey Ondricek
The Book of Mormon and DNA Research: Essays from The Farms Review and the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, Daniel C. Peterson
The Book of Mormon and Other Hidden Books: Out of Darkness Unto Light, John A. Tvedtnes
The Book of Mormon Made Harder, James E. Faulconer
The Book Thief, Shelby Bunker
The Boxcar Children, Kristie Hinckley
The Boy and the Whale, Kati Penovich
The Boy in the Dress, Lisa Packard
The Breaking News, Taylor Harris
The Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement (BARE) Scale: A Tool for Measuring Attachment Behavior in Couple Relationships, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Dean Busby, Keitaro Yoshida, and Susan M. Johnson
The Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement Scale: A Tool for Measuring Attachment Behaviors in Clinical Couples, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Josh Novak, Stephanie Y. Davis, and Dean Busby
The California Drought, Leah Christopher
The Case for Insurance Reimbursement of Couple Therapy, Robb E. Clawson, Stephanie Y. Davis, Rick B. Miller, and Tabitha Nicole Webster
The Case for Loving: The Case for Interracial Marriage, Nicole Clark
The Case for Marriage Preparation, Jeremy Boyle and Stephen F. Duncan
The Cemetery Boys, Meagan Andrus
The Children of Reverend William Anderson Scott: A Portrait Legacy, Madeline Duffy
The Chosen One, Taylor Nelson
The Closest I've Come, Amanda Bishop
The Code Busters Club: The Secret of the Puzzle Box, Jazmin Gomez
The Cognitive Effects of Late Bilingualism on Executive Functions: Lifelong Benefits, Rachel Casper
The Colors of Madeleine #2: The Cracks in the Kingdom, Melissa Heaton
The Complete Maus, Natalie Hatch
The (Conditional) Resource Dilution Model: State- and Community-Level Modifications, Benjamin G. Gibbs; Joseph Workman; and Douglas B, Downey
The Courage to Compete: Living with Cerebral Palsy and Following My Dreams, Erica Sonzogni
The Covenant Concept in the Book of Mormon, Noel B. Reynolds
The Covenant Concept in the Book of Mormon, Noel B. Reynolds
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo, Karen Abbott
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo, Natalie Hatch
The Cruel Prince, Karen Abbott
The Crystal Ribbon, Jamie Greenwood
The "Cursed Self": Anxiety and Unspoken Curses in Richard III, Hannah White
The "Cursed Self": Anxiety and Unspoken Curses in Richard III, Hannah Laudermilch
The Curse of Einstein's Pencil, Sarah Lloyd
The Day the World Went Nuclear, Cynthia Frazier
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Questions and Responses for Latter-day Saints, Donald W. Parry and Stephen D. Ricks
The Deception of Depression: How a Melancholy Mood Can Sink a Marriage, Jason B. Whiting
The Decision to Breastfeed in the United States: Does Race Matter?, Renata Forste, Jessica Weiss, and Emily Lippincott
The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Yemen Conflict: Legal Implications and State Responsibility, Benjamin Passey
The Devaluation of Consent in The Rape of Lucrece, Anisa Call
The Devaluation of Consent in The Rape of Lucrece, Anisa Call
The Development of a Reliable Change Index and Cutoff for the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Shayne Anderson, Rachel B. Tambling, Scott C. Huff, Joy Heafner, Lee N. Johnson, and Scott A. Ketring
The Development of Social and Communicative Competence in Childhood: Review and a Model of Personal, Familial, and Extrafamilial Processes, Craig H. Hart, Susanne Frost Olsen, Clyde C. Robinson, and Barbara L. Mandelco
The Digital Global Supply Chain: The Growing Case for Blockchain Technology, Jonathan Chichoni
The Dinosaur Tooth Fairy, Kelly Garcia
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Home Clutter on Parenting, Carly M. Thornock, Larry J. Nelson, Clyde C. Robinson, and Craig H. Hart
The Disappearances, Taylor Nelson
The Disappearing Spoon: Young Readers Edition, Ariel Woodbury
The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry, and Andrew H. Hedges
The Disciple as Witness: Essays on Latter-day Saint History and Doctrine in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry, and Andrew H. Hedges
The Distribution of Economic Rents Arising from Subsidized Water When Land Is Leased, Ray G. Huffaker and B. Delworth Gardner
The Diversity Found Among Carbapenem-Resistant Bacteria, Galen Edward Card
The Divorce Generation, Renata Forste and Tim B. Heaton
The Doctrine and Covenants Made Harder: Scripture Study Questions, James E. Faulconer
The dynamics of Community and NGO Partnership: Primary Health Care Experiences in Rural Mali, Yodit Solomon, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, and Carol Ward
The East Asian Library as a Branch Library, Organizational Structure, or a Set of Collections: the Case of Princeton University, Martin Heijdra
The East Asian Technical Services Model at the University of California, Berkeley, Haiqing Lin, Deborah Rudolph, and Peter Zhou
The Economics of Agricultural Land Preservation, B. Delworth Gardner
The Education of Women: Ideas and Vignettes, Heather Pitts
The Effectiveness of Therapy with Couples Reporting a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse: An Exploratory Study, Shayne Anderson and Richard B. Miller
The Effect of a Social Communication Intervention on the Correct Production of Emotion Words in Children with Language Impairment, Annelise Luddington
The Effect of Belief of Victory on Third-Party Vote Share: Duverger's Law & Why Evan McMullin Lost Utah in 2016, John Geilman
The effect of combat experience on adult attachment: A stepfamily perspective, Ryan D. Turner, David Wood, D Aaron Parks, and Kevin Shafer
The effect of common wrist orthoses on the stiffness of wrist rotations, Daniel B. Seegmiller, Dennis L. Eggett, and Steven K. Charles
The Effect of Media on Body Image in Pregnant and Postpartum Women, Sarah Coyne, Toni Liechty, Kevin M. Collier, Aubrey D. Sharp, Emilie J. Davis, and Savannah L. Kroff
The Effect of Parental Supportive Behaviors on Life Satisfaction of Adolescent Offspring, Maragret H. Young, Brent C. Miller, Maria C. Norton, and E. Jeffrey Hill
The Effect of Photobiomodulation Therapy on Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage, Kathleen Nichole Thiriot
The Effect of Religious‐Based Mentoring on Educational Attainment: More than Just a Spiritual High?, Lance Erickson and James W. Phillips
The Effect of the Slope of the Psychometric Function on the Measurement of Speech Recognition Threshold Using a Female Talker, Jessica Lee Reese
The Effect of the Slope of the Psychometric Function on the Measurement of Speech Recognition Threshold Using a Male Talker, Nujod Ali Bakhsh
The Effect of Whole-Body Vibration in Repositioning the Talus in Chronic Ankle Instability Populations, Melissa Nicole Frixione
The Effects of a Buddy Bench on Students' Solitary Behavior at Recess, Andrew Alan Griffin
The Effects of a Social Communication Intervention on the Correct Production of Emotion Words for Children with Language Impairment, Julia Vincent Hetherton
The Effects of Breastfeeding and Birth Spacing on Infant and Child Mortality in Bolivia, Renata Forste
The Effects of Childhood Abuse on Relationship Quality: Gender Differences and Clinical Implications, Caryl D. Larson, Jonathan G. Sandberg, James M. Harper, and Roy Bean
The Effects of Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams in Three Art Classrooms, Melanie April Nelson
The Effects of Fluency Training on the Acquisition and Retention of Secondary Students' Fraction Skills, Jani Dawn Ashbaker
The Effects of Incomplete Rating Designs on Results from Many-Facets-Rasch Model Analyses, Mary R. McEwen
The Effects of Long-Term Participation in a Martial Arts Program on Self-Esteem and Bullying Victimization, Pamela Jeanne Dahle
The Effects of Music on Student Step Counts and Time in Activity in College Basketball Activity Classes, David C. Barney, Keven A. Prusak, and Lindsey Brewer
The effects of preschool on educationally advantaged children: First phases of a longitudinal study, Jean M. Larsen, Steven J. Hite, and Craig H. Hart
The Effects of Resource Policies on Income Distribution, B. Delworth Gardner
The Effects of Social Communication Intervention on Emotion Inferencing in Children with Developmental Language Disorder, Capri Annissa Seaberg
The Effects of Terrorism: The Aftermath of the London Terror Attacks1, Shahid M. Bux and Sarah Coyne
The effects of viewing physical and relational aggression in the media: Evidence for a cross-over effect, Sarah Coyne, David A. Nelson, Frances Lawton, Shelly Haslam, Lucy Rooney, Leigh Titterington, Hannah Trainor, Jack Remanant, and Leah Ogunlaja
The Efficacy of a Literature-Based Social Communication Intervention on Teacher Report of Withdrawal for Children with Language Impairment, Cammy G. Peterson
The Elephant Thief, Cynthia Frazier
The Emotional Effects of Life Experience on Bilingual Speakers' Nonverbal Communications, Sarah Marie Webb
The End of the Wild, Emma Patton
The Estimation of the RapidScat Spatial Response Function, Samuel Gary Bury
The Ethan I Was Before, Jennifer Padgett
The Ethical Phenomenology of Emmanuel Levinas: Drawing on Phenomenology to Explore the Central Features of Family Life, Stan J. Knapp
The Exact Location of Home, Taylor Harris
The Experience of Learning Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Jonathan G. Sandberg and Andrea Knestel
The Expression of Gratitude as a Contributor to Marital Strength, Kandace R. Palmer
The Factor Structure of the Beavers Interactional Scales, Robert E. Lee, Kathleen Burns Jager, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and Catherine T. Kwantes
The Fearless, Melissa Heaton
The Feasibility of Augmenting a Fixed-Gap Bobbin Friction Stir Welding Tool with Cutters to Join Enclosed Castings, Adam Baxter Christensen
The Fight about Nothing: Three Ways Couples Can Get Out of Useless Battles, Jason B. Whiting
The Fintastic Fish Sitter, Kaley Durney
The First Principles of the Gospel: Repentance and Faith, Marcus Reynolds
The First Rule of Punk, Amanda Bishop
The Flight of Swans, Meagan Andrus
The flowering plants and ferns of Anacapa Island, California, Steve Junak and Ralph Philbrick
The Fluid Pastoral: African American Spiritual Waterways in the Urban Landscapes of Harlem Renaissance Poetry, Maren E. Loveland
The Forest Queen, Meagan Andrus
The Forest Queen, Braxton Church
The Forsaken, Ariel Woodbury
The Fourline Trilogy #1: Gateway to Fourline, Karen Abbott
The Fourline Trilogy #2: On the Meldon Plain, Karen Abbott
The Fourline Trilogy #3: The Last Remnant, Karen Abbott
The Frightful Ride of Michael McMichael, Karen Abbott
The Game Can't Love You Back, Meagan Andrus
The Gathering (Shadow House, Book 1), Karen Abbott
The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Sourcebook, John L. Sorenson
The Germans and Swiss at the Battle of the Little Bighorn 1876, Albert Winkler
The Girl Who Drank the Moon, Karen Abbott
The Glass Spare, Meagan Andrus
The Goldfish Boy, Shelby Bunker
The Grave Keepers, Erica Sonzogni
The Great Greene Heist, Taylor Harris
The Great Leopard Rescue: Saving the Amur Leopards, Kati Penovich
The Great Plans of the Eternal God, Noel B. Reynolds
The Great Plans of the Eternal God, Noel B. Reynolds
The Great Shelby Holmes, Aylea Stephens
The Great War: Stories Inspired by Items from the First World War, Jerrett Bell
The Grouchies, Kaley Durney
The Guilty Fray of Sound in Rope: Hitchcock’s Rope as an Auditory Adaptation of Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”, Joshlin Sheridan
The Hallowed Ones, Melissa Heaton
The Harlem Charade, Jazmin Gomez
The Hate U Give, Bailey Ondricek
The Hate U Give, Abigail Packard
The Hazel Wood, Karen Abbott
The Home as a Sacred Center for Family Life, Jennifer Crockett and Stephen F. Duncan
The Ice Sea Pirates, Brooklynn Marshall
The Impact of Changing TOEFL Cut-Scores on University Admissions, Laura Michelle Decker
The Impact of Depressive Symptoms and Health on Sexual Satisfaction for Older Couples: Implications for Clinicians, Victoria C. Scott, Jonathan G. Sandberg, James M. Harper, and Richard B. Miller
The Impact of Gap Years on Academic Outcomes for Women: A Case Study from the Missionary Age Change, Margaret Marchant
The Impact of Marital Conflict on Health and Health Care Utilization in Older Couples, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Richard B. Miller, James M. Harper, Mihaela Robila, and Adam Davey
The Impact of Marital Conflict on Health and Health Care Utilization in Older Couples, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Rick B. Miller, Mihaela Robila, and Adam Davey
The Impact of Relationship Education on the Couple Relationship: A Grounded Theory of Intentionality and Awareness, Joshua R. Novak, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Matthew D. Brown, and Steven M. Harris
The Impact of Relationship Education on the Couple Relationship: A Grounded Theory of Intentionality and Awareness, Joshua Novak, Jason Whiting PhD, Matthew D. Brown, and Steven M. Harris
The Impact of Texting on Perceptions of Face-to-Face Communication in Couples in Different Relationship Stages, Josh Novak, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Aaron J. Jeffrey, and Stephanie Young-Davis
The Impact of Timing of Pornography Exposure on Mental Health, Life Satisfaction, and Sexual Behavior, Bonnie Young
The Impossibility of US, Katie Irion
The Incredible Magic of Being, Sam Whitaker
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life, Emma Patton
The Influence of Couple Emotional Intimacy on Job Perceptions and Work–Family Conflict, Carly M. Thornock, Shelece McAllister, Jeffrey Hammond, Erin K. Holmes, and E. Jeffrey Hill
The influence of father involvement in adolescents' overall development in Taiwan, Li Ping Su, Bryan C. Kubricht, and Rick B. Miller
The Influence of Foreign-Born Population on Immigrants' Academic Achievement: A Multilevel Analysis of Students in High-Income Countries, Florencia Silveira
The Influence of Religion on Sexual HIV Risk, Stacey Shaw and Nabila El-Bassel
The influence of slope on vegetation recovery following nonnative grazer removal on Santa Rosa Island, California, Ryan Summers, Jamie Masukawa, and Brett D. Hartman
The instructional design studio as an example of model-centered instruction, Jason K. McDonald
The Interactive Effects of Deployment and Other Organizational Dynamics on Sexual Harassment in the Military, Clinton Dean Kelly
The Intersection of Therapy Constructs: The Relationship Between Motivation to Change, Distress, Referral Source, and Pressure to Attend, Lyn E. Moore, Rachel B. Tambling, and Shayne Anderson
The Intersession Report: Development of a Short Questionnaire for Couples Therapy, Lee N. Johnson, Scott A. Ketring, and Shayne Anderson
The introduced Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on the California Channel Islands: distribution and patterns of spread, Christina L. Boser, Korie Merrill, Robert N. Fisher, Ida Naughton, and David A. Holway
The Iridescence of Birds: A Book About Henri Matisse, Haley Cook
The Irony of Empiricism in the Psychology of Religion, Alex Calder
The Island of Beyond, Elizabeth Farley
The Itchy Book, Karen Abbott
The Journey, Nicole Clark
The Journey of Little Charlie, Taylor Harris
The Joy of Cookies: Cookie Monster's Guide to Life, Karen Abbott
The Kidney Hypothetical, Meagan Andrus
The Knowing Book, Nicole Davis
The Language of Love (Memoir Fiction), Sarah Justine Skriloff
The Language of Repentance in the Book of Mormon, Noel B. Reynolds
The Language of Spells, Karen Abbott
The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic, Natalie Hatch
The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary, Emma Patton
The Last Leaves Falling, Lisi Merkley
The Last Place on Earth, Melissa Heaton
The Legal Cases in the Book of Mormon, John W. Welch
The Letter Q, Emma Patton
The Librarian of Auschwitz, Abigail Packard
The Lines We Cross, Meagan Andrus
The List, Katelyn Osborn
The Little House, Nicole Clark
The Little School Bus, Sydnee Burr
The Littlest Zombie's Story, Makayla Anderson
The Living River: Ritual and Reconciliation in The Famished Road, Marissa Deane Compton
The Living River: Ritual and Reconciliation in The Famished Road, Marissa Deane Compton
The Long Arm of Trauma During Childhood: Associations with Resources in Couple Relationships, Alyssa Banford Witting and Dean Busby
The long term effect of marriage on social mobility, Harry Benson and Spencer L. James
The Lord of the Wedding Ring: J.R.R. Tolkien’s True Love, Jason B. Whiting
The Lord’s Micro-managing Ways in East Africa: The Remarkable Beginnings of the Church in Mozambique, Frederick G. Williams
The Lost Art of Ladyhood, Olivia Hales
The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre, Taylor Harris
The Lost Property Office, Tessa McMillan
The Love Interest, Rachel Aedo
The Love Letters of Abelard and Lily, Meagan Andrus
The Magic School Bus Rides Again: Monster Power, Taylor Harris
The Magic School Bus Rides Again: Sink or Swim, Taylor Harris
The Many Reflections of Miss Jane Deming, Tessa McMillan
The Many Roles We Play: Perceptions of the Role of Psychology Lecturers According to Staff and Students, Sarah Coyne
The Marriage and Family Therapy Practice Research Network (MFT‐PRN): Creating a More Perfect Union Between Practice and Research, Lee N. Johnson, Richard B. Miller, Angela B. Bradford, and Shayne Anderson
The Meaning of Sexuality: A Critique of Foucault's History of Sexuality Volume 1, Anne E. Grow
The Mediating Role of Attachment Behaviors on the Relationship Between Family-of-Origin and Couple Communication: Implications for Couples Therapy, Darin Justin Knapp, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Josh Novak, and Jeffry H. Larson
The Mediating Role of Korean Immigrant Mothers’ Psychological Well-Being in the Associations between Social Support and Authoritarian Parenting Style, You Jung Seo, Charissa L. Cheah, Sevgi Bayram Ozdemir, Craig H. Hart, Christy Y. Leung, and Shuyan Sun
The Mediating Role of Relational Aggression Between Neuroticism and Couple Attachment and Relationship Quality in Long-Term Committed Relationships, Sarah Annis Eliason
The Memory Book, Melissa Heaton
The Mesmerist, Rachel Aedo
The Mesmerist, Tessa McMillan
The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri: An Egyptian Endowment, Hugh Nibley
The Midnight Dance, Taylor Nelson
The Midnight War of Mateo Martinez, Jazmin Gomez
The Mighty Dynamo, Katelyn Osborn
The Ministry of SUITs #1 the Ministry of S.U.I.Ts, Sara Esplin
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Robyn Lee
The Model that Works for the UCLA East Asian Library, Su Chen
The Moral Realism of Student Question-Asking in Classroom Practice, Susan Peterson Gong
The Morphology and Uniformity of Circumstellar OH/H2O Masers around OH/IR Stars, Derek Sean Felli
The Most Perfect Snowman, Cynthia Phillips
The Mysteries of Maisie Hitchins: The Case of the Feathered Mask, Cynthia Phillips
The Mysterious Benedict Society, Becky Jamieson
The Mysterious Benedict Society: The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey, Becky Jamieson
The Mystery of Hollow Places, Abigail Packard
The Nature of Child Engagement and Teacher-Child Interactions Within STEM-Based Instruction in Preschool Classrooms, Hayley Ann Griffin
The New LiBEARian, Hannah Webb
The New Testament Made Harder: Scripture Study Questions, James E. Faulconer
The New World, Digested: Anthropophagy and Consumption in Abel Posse's El largo atardecer del caminante, Adam Points Wilson
The Nicotine Content of a Sample of E-cigarette Liquid Manufactured in the United States, Barrett H. Raymond
The Night Box, Karen Abbott
The Nightmare Club #2: Mirrored, Haley Cook
The Nightmare Club: A Dog's Breakfast, Haley Singleton
The Nightmare Club: Help! My Brother’s a Zombie, Haley Cook
The Nitty-Gritty Gardening Book, Kimberly Jackson
The Nocturnals: The Hidden Kingdom, Beverly Jones
The Nocturnals: The Slithery Shakedown, Beverly Jones
The North Star, Nicole Davis
The Not-So-Scary Scarecrow, Bailey Ondricek
The Old Testament Made Harder: Scripture Study Questions, James E. Faulconer
The Operationalization of the Theoretical Antecedents of Collective Teacher Efficacy, Kathryn A. Larsen
The Other Side of Summer, Melissa Secor
The Parker Inheritance, Taylor Harris
The Peculiars, Cynthia Frazier
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy, Erica Sonzogni
The Perceptual Learning Style Preferences of Hispanic Students in Higher Education, Catherine Johnston Lui
The Phoenicians and the Formation of the Western World, John C. Scott
The Pirate Kids: A Spooky Day at Sea, Cynthia Phillips
The Player King, Tessa McMillan
The Political Economy of Public Land Use, B. Delworth Gardner
The Power Configurations of the Central Civilization / World System in the 11th Century, David Wilkinson
The Power of Happiness, Sarah R. Romney
The Power of Identity Forged Through Border Crossing, Mallory L. Dickson
The Power of Identity Forged Through Border Crossing, Mallory Lynn Dickson
The Price of Praise in the Market for Virtue: A Paradox of Rating and Recognizing Responsibility, Ben William Lewis
The Prince and the Dressmaker, Emily Loveless
The Prince and the Pee, Ariel Woodbury
The Process of Change in Couples Therapy: A Qualitative Investigation, Lisa L. Christensen, Candyce S. Russell, Rick B. Miller, and Colleen Margaret Peterson
The Process of Family Therapy, Anthony Jurich and Lee N. Johnson
The Process of Offender Reintegration: Perceptions of what Helps Prisoners Reenter Society, Celeste Marie Davis, Stephen J. Bahr, and Carol Ward
The Profession of Couple, Marital, and Family Therapy (CMFT): Defining Ourselves and Moving Forward, Karen S. Wampler, Adrian J. Blow, Lenore M. McWey, Rick B. Miller, and Richard S. Wampler
The Prophetic Book of Mormon, Hugh Nibley
The Protective Role of Parental Media Monitoring Style from Early to Late Adolescence, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Sarah Coyne, Savannah L. Kroff, and Madison Kate Memmott
The Provision of Local Public Goods in Diverse Communities: Analyzing Municipal Bond Elections, Jacob Rugh and Jessica Trounstine
The Rainbow Fish, Olivia Noli
Therapeutic OQ-45 Outcome Differences, Gordon E. Limb, Courtney L. Baker, David Wood, and Cole Hooley
Therapist Behaviors That Predict the Therapeutic Alliance in Couple Therapy, Bryan C. Kubricht
The Real McCoys, Taylor Harris
The Real Poop on Pigeons, Haley Singleton
The Red Ribbon, Karen Abbott
The Reentry Process: how Parolees Adjust to Release from Prison, Stephen J. Bahr, Anita Harker Armstrong, Benjamin G. Gibbs, Paul E. Harris, and James K. Fisher
The Relationship Between Auditory Habituation and Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder, David Nicholas Top
The Relationship Between Experiential Avoidance and Physiological Reactivity, Brodrick Thomas Brown
The Relationship Between Family-of-Origin Experience and Current Family Violence: A Test of Mediation by Attachment Style and Mental Health Symptom Distress, Alyssa Banford Witting, Matthew D. Brown, Scott A. Ketring, and Ty R. Mansfield
The Relationship Between Indirect and Physical Aggression on Television and in Real Life, John B. Archer and Sarah Coyne
The relationship between measures of annual livestock disturbance in western riparian areas and stream conditions important to trout, salmon, and char, Lindsey M. Goss and Brett B. Roper
The Relationship between Media in the Home and Family Functioning in Context of Leisure, Camilla J. Hodge, Ramon B. Zabriskie, Gilbert W. Fellingham, Sarah Coyne, and Neil R. Lundberg
The Relationship Between Microbiota, Diet, and Energy Production in the Alpaca, Courtney Carroll
The Relationship Between Relational Aggression and Sexual Satisfaction: Investigating the Mediating Role of Attachment Behaviors, Melece Vida Meservy
The Relationship Between Social Behavior and Severity of Language Impairment, Kerstine I. Hart, Martin Fujiki, Bonnie Brinton, and Craig H. Hart
The Relationship Between Stages of Change and Outcome in Couple Therapy, Rachel B. Tambling and Lee N. Johnson
The relationship of perceived flexibility, supportive work–life policies, and use of formal flexible arrangements and occasional flexibility to employee engagement and expected retention, Amy L. Richman, Janet T. Civian, Laurie L. Shannon, E. Jeffrey Hill, and Robert T. Brennan
The relative age effect reversal among the National Hockey League elite, Luca Fumarco and Benjamin G. Gibbs
There's a Tiger in the Garden, Nicole Clark
There’s No “I” in Innovation, Eric C. Dahlin
There’s No “I” in Innovation, Eric C. Dahlin
The Revised Inventory of Parent Attachment: Measuring Attachment in Families, Lee N. Johnson, Scott A. Ketring, and Carla Abshire
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat!, Staci McCarty
The Rise of the Listicle: Using Eye-Tracking and Signal Detection Theory to Measure This Growing Phenomenon, Jason Robert Freeman
The Rise of the Listicle: Using Eye-Tracking and Signal Detection Theory to Measure This Growing Phenomenon, Jason Robert Freeman
The rise of the underdog? The relative age effect reversal among Canadian-born NHL hockey players: A reply to Nolan and Howell, Benjamin G. Gibbs, Jonathan A. Jarvis, and Mikaela Dufur
The Road to Ever After, Nicole Clark
The Role of Appraisal Distortion, Contempt, and Morality in Couple Conflict: A Grounded Theory, Jason B. Whiting PhD
The Role of Attachment Behaviors in the Link between Relationship Satisfaction and Depression in Clinical Couples: Implications for Clinical Practice, Josh Novak, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Stephanie Y. Davis
The Role of Mothers' and Fathers' Religiosity in African American Adolescents' Religious Beliefs and Practices, Linda C. Halgunseth, Alexander C. Jensen, Kari-Lyn Sakuma, and Susan M. McHale
The role of natural disaster in individual and relational adjustment in Sri Lankan mothers following the 2004 tsunami, Alyssa Banford Witting, David Ivey, Thulitha Wickrama, Judith Fischer, Anne Prouty, and Douglas Smith
The Role of Participant‐Facilitator Demographic Match in Couple and Relationship Education, Angle B. Bradford, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Scott A. Ketring, and Thomas A. Smith
The Role of Relational Instability on Individual and Partner Outcomes Following Couple Relationship Education Participation, Julianne McGill, Jennifer Kerpelman, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Angle B. Bradford, Scott A. Ketring, and Donna Sollie
The Role of the Facilitator in Couple Relationship Education, Angle B. Bradford, Scott A. Ketring, Stephanie Y. Davis, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Julianne McGill, and Tthomas A. Smith
The Role of the Midfoot in Drop Landings, Mark Taylor Olsen
The Rose Legacy, Gabrielle Borg
The Russian Euro-Asian Movement and Its Geopolitical Consequences, Piotr Eberhardt
The scientist-practitioner model in marriage and family therapy doctoral programs, D. Russell Crane, Karen S. Wampler, Douglas H. Sprenkle, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Alan J. Hovestadt
The Secret Keepers, Karen Abbott
The Secret Kingdom: Nek Chand, a Changing India, and a Hidden World of Art, Jamie Greenwood
The Selection #5: The Crown, Robyn Lee
The Self Assessment of Future Events Scale (SAFE): Assessing Perceptions of Risk for Future Violence in Intimate Partner Relationships, Douglas B. Smith, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Gunnar Karakurt, Megan Oka PhD, and David Servino
The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount: A Latter-Day Saint Approach, John W. Welch
The Serpent King, Emma Patton
These Things I've Done, Meagan Andrus
The Significance of Cloth in the Narrative of the Life of Christ as Represented in Dieric Bouts' "Life of Christ Altarpiece", Mary-Margaret McLeod Pilling
The Silk Road Health Project: How Mobility and Migration Status Influence HIV Risks among Male Migrant Workers in Central Asia, Nabila El-Bassel, Louisa Gilbert, Stacey Shaw, Gaukhar Mergenova, Assel Terlikbayeva, Sholpan Primbetova, Xin Ma, Mingway Chang, Leyla Ismayilova, Tim Hunt, Brooke West, Elwin Wu, and Chris Beyrer
The social impacts of products: a review, Meagan Rainock, Dallin Everett, Andrew Pack, Eric C. Dahlin, and Christopher A. Mattson
The Social Impacts of Products: a Review, Meagan Rainock, Dallin C. Everett, Andrew Pack, Eric C. Dahlin, and Christopher A. Mattson
The Socialization of Financial Giving: A Multigenerational Exploration, Ashley Brooks LeBaron
The Social Structure of Mortgage Discrimination, Justin P. Steil, Len Albright, Jacob Rugh, and Douglas S. Massey
The Social Validity of Online Parent Involvement in a School-based Social and Emotional Learning Program: WhyTry for Parents, Gina P. Hales
The Sociology of Innovation: Organizational, Environmental, and Relative Perspectives, Eric C. Dahlin
The Someday Suitcase, Taylor Harris
The Sophie Digital Library of Early Women's Research: A Blueprint for Mentored Undergraduate Online Research, Blaine Hill Evanson
The Sorcerers' Plague: Book One of the Blood of the Southlands, Ariel Woodbury
The Squirrels' Busy Year: A First Science Storybook, Ariel Woodbury
The Stars at Oktober Bend, Meagan Andrus
The Storm Whale, Sarah Rawle
The Storymakers #1: Spelled, Natalie Hatch
The Storymakers #2: Wanted, Natalie Hatch
The Storymakers #3: Banished, Natalie Hatch
The Stumps of Flattop Hill, Karen Abbott
The Success of Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of the Butterflies and the Morbid Fascination of Dancing with The Dictator, Miriam Bay Sweeney
The Summer Invitation, Emilee Bell
The Sun Dance Opera: A Call for Native Survivance, Lorin Groesbeck
The Sun is Also a Star, Taylor Nelson
The Super-Duper Duo: A Beary Merry Christmas, Caree Campbell
The Supervillain and Me, Meagan Andrus
The Taboo of Religion in YA Literature, Meagan Andrus
The Temple in Time and Eternity, Donald W. Parry and Stephen D. Ricks
The Theory of Hummingbirds, Melissa Secor
The Therapeutic Alliance In Home-Based Family Therapy: Is It Predictive of Outcome?, Lee N. Johnson, David W. Wright, and Scott A. Ketring
The Therapeutic Pyramid: A Common Factors Synthesis of Techniques, Alliance, and Way of Being, Stephen T. Fife PhD, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Kay Bradford PhD, and Sean Davis PhD
The Therapy Alliance: A Moderator in Therapy Outcome For Families Dealing with Child Abuse and Neglect, Lee N. Johnson and Scott A. Ketring
The thermal regime and species composition of fish and invertebrates in Kelly Warm Spring, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, David D. Harper and Aïda M. Farag
The Thing About Jellyfish, Phyllis Rosen
The Thing About Jellyfish, Jennifer Padgett
The Thing about Jellyfish, Jennifer Padgett
The Thing About Luck, Amanda Bishop
The Things They Carried: An Analysis of Loyalty and its Disintegration in the Combat Zone, Emily Ensign
The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf, Amanda Durrant
The Three Mouths of Little Tom Drum, Maryn Wheeler
The Three Pigs, Karen Abbott
The Timing of Sexual Intercourse among Adolescents Family, Peer, and Other Antecedents, Brent C. Miller, Maria C. Norton, Thomas Curtis, E. Jeffrey Hill, and P Schvaneveldt
The Tin Forest, Karen Abbott
The Town of Turtle, Hannah Webb
The Transition of Adolescent Males to First Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed?, David W. Haas and Renata Forste
The Transition of Adolescent Males to First Sexual Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed?, Renata Forste and David W. Haas
The T-Rex Who Lost His Specs, Nicole Clark
The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle, Loretta Farnsworth
The Truth about Dolphins, Taylor Harris
The Truth About Happily Ever After, Meagan Andrus
The Truth About Hippos, Hannah Webb
The Truth As Told By Mason Buttle, Taylor Harris
The Two Mutch Sisters, Taylor Harris
The Two Tims, Tessara Garrett
The Uncomfortable Self: Emily Dickinson’s Reflections on Consciousness, Charlotte Kupsh
The Undertaking of Lily Chen, Emma Patton
The Unexpected Love Story of Alfred Fiddleduckling, Karen Abbott
The Unicorn in the Barn, Olivia Noli
The Unicorn Rescue Society #2: The Basque Dragon, Karen Abbott
The Unlikely Story of a Pig in the City, Nicole Clark
The Use of Evidence-Based Design in Hospital Renovation Projects, David S. Whitaker
The US Great Recession: Exploring its Association with Black Neighborhood Rise, Decline and Recovery, Derek Hyra and Jacob Rugh
The View from Down Here: Foster Children's Stories, Jason B. Whiting PhD
The Walls Around Us, Abigail Packard
The War that Saved My Life, Melissa Secor
The Way Home Looks Now, Amanda Bishop
The Way to Game the Walk of Shame, Meagan Andrus
The Weather Girls, Robyn Lee
The Wicker King, Meagan Andrus
The Wild Robot #2: The Wild Robot Escapes, Mavanee Farnsworth
The Wind in the Willows, Olivia Noli
The Witch Boy, Natalie Hatch
The Witch Boy, Olivia Hales
The Wizard, the Fairy, and the Magic Chicken, Ashley McKenzie
The Woman as . . . : The Feminine Quest in The Feminine Quest in Lágrimas en la lluvia and El peso del corazón by Rosa Montero, Zachary Nelson Glassett
The Word Collector, Taylor Harris
The Work‐Family Interface: Differentiating Balance and Fit, Maribeth C. Clarke, Laura Koch, and E. Jeffrey Hill
The World and the Prophets: The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley Volume 3, Hugh Nibley
The Year of the Fortune Cookie, Kelly Garcia
Thin Film Carbon Nanofuses for Permanent Data Storage, Kevin Robert Laughlin
Things We Know By Heart, Meagan Andrus
Thinking Outside the Checkbox: Examining the Benefits of Depression in the Workplace, Tyler Jensen
Third Grade Mermaid, Cynthia Phillips
Third Nephi: An Incomparable Scripture, Andrew C. Skinner and Gaye Strathearn
Thirsty, Karen Abbott
Thirteen Reasons Why, Abigail Packard
Thirty-two Trends Affecting Distance Education: An Informed Foundation for Strategic Planning, Scott L. Howell, Peter Williams, and Nathan Lindsay
This Book Just Ate My Dog, Ellen McCarty
This is a Serious Book, Jess Verzello
This is Captain America, Taylor Harris
This is Just a Test, Amanda Bishop
This One Summer, Abigail Packard
This & That, Maryn Wheeler
This Train, Sydnee Burr
Thornhill, Karen Abbott
Thränen, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Three Books, Three Stereotypes: Mothers and the Ghosts of Mammy, Jezebel, and Sapphire in Contemporary African American Literature, Christine E. Eck
“Three sheets to the wind”: Substance use in teen-centered film from 1980 to 2007, Mark Callister, Sarah Coyne, Tom Robinson, John E. Davies, Christopher R. Near, Lynn Van Valkenburg, and Jason Robert Gillespie
Thriving in Stepfamilies: Exploring Competence and Well-being Among African American Youth, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Christiana Russell, Jennifer Kerpelman, Joe F. Pittman, Scott A. Ketring, Thomas Smith, Michelle Heather Lucier, Angle B. Bradford, and Kate Stringer
Through With the Zoo, Karen Abbott
Tib & Tumtum #1: Welcome to the Tribe!, Becky Jamieson
Tinkling Cymbals and Sounding Brass: The Art of Telling Tales about Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, Hugh Nibley
Tiny Little Rocket, Maryn Wheeler
Tip of the Iceberg, Curtis Child
Toad on the Road: A Cautionary Tale, Leah Christopher
To All the World: The Book of Mormon Articles from the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Daniel H. Ludlow, S. Kent Brown, and John W. Welch
To Be Learned is Good: Essays on Faith and Scholarship in Honor of Richard Lyman Bushman, Spencer Fluhman, Kathleen Flake, and Jed Woodworth
Töchter-Album: Volume 39, Thekla von Gumpert
Today I'm a Dancer, Beverly Jones
Today I'm a Race Car Driver, Sydnee Burr
Today I'm a Veterinarian, Beverly Jones
Todte Freundschaft, Luise Büchner
Together and apart: transnational life in the US–Mexico border region, Jane Lopez
To Kill a Kingdom, Braxton Church
Tomboy-A Graphic Memoir, Natalie Hatch
Tomo: Adventures in Counting, Taylor Harris
Toodles and Teeny: a Story About Friendship, Samantha Bullock
Top Ten, Emilee Bell
Total Hemispherical Apparent Radiative Properties of the Infinite V-groove with Diffuse Reflection, Rydge B. Mulford, Nathan S. Collins, Michael S. Farnsworth, Matthew R. Jones, and Brian D. Iverson
Total Hemispherical Apparent Radiative Properties of the Infinite V-groove with Specular Reflection, Rydge B. Mulford, Nathan S. Collins, Michael S. Farnsworth, Matthew R. Jones, and Brian D. Iverson
To Violate or Not Violate the Law: An Example from Egyptian Agricultu, Dyaa K. Abdou, B. Delworth Gardner, and Richard Green
Toward a Production Ready FBJ Process for Joining Dissimilar Combinations of GADP 1180 Steel and AA 7085-T76, Kevin Alexander Shirley
Toward a Theory of Family Capital and Entrepreneurship: Antecedents and Outcomes, W. Gibb Dyer, Elizabeth Nenque, and E. Jeffrey Hill
Towards Tools for Achieving Third-Party IP Assurance, Sean Talbot Jensen
Toxoplasma gondii and Substance Use - Project Data, Andrew Berrett
Toxoplasma Gondii Moderates the Association between Multiple Folate-Cycle Factors and Cognitive Function in U.S. Adults, Andrew Berrett, Shawn D. Gale, Lance Erickson, Bruce L. Brown, and Dawson W. Hedges
Track #1: Ghost, Emma Patton
Tractor Mac Colors on the Farm, Karen Abbott
Tractor Mac Countdown to Christmas, Kristie Hinckley
Tractor Mac Farmer's Market, Sydnee Burr
Tractor Mac School Day, Sydnee Burr
Tractor Mac: Tune-up, Beverly Jones
Tractor Mac: Worth the Wait, Ellen McCarty
Traditions of early human groups in Baja California and possible routes for the peopling of the peninsula, Harumi Fujita and Amira F. Ainis
Training Marriage and Family Therapists in Formal Assessment: Contributions to Students' Familiarity, Attitude, and Confidence, Scott C. Huff, Shayne Anderson, and Lindsay L. Edwards
Training Security Professionals in Social Engineering with OSINT and Sieve, Jared James Meyers
Transcription and Translation of the 1658 Jesuit Annual Letter, Vietnam, Nathan Joseph Richardson
Transfer Restrictions and Misallocation in Grazing Public Range, B. Delworth Gardner
Trauer, Luise Büchner
Traumatic Events and HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Migrant and Non-Migrant Male Market Workers in Central Asia, Lynn Michalopoulos, Tina Jiwatram-Negron, Louisa Gilbert, Stacey Shaw, Alyssa Brelsford, Assel Terlikbayeva, Sholpan Primbetova, and Nabila El-Bassel
Traveler, Loretta Farnsworth
Treating Comorbid PTSD and BPD: A Dialectical Approach, Meredith Pescatello
Trennung, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Treue, Luise Büchner
Trickiest! 19 Sneaky Animals, Rachel Iba
Trickster: Native American Tales; A Graphic Collection, Natalie Hatch
TRR’s Warrior Camp: An Intensive Treatment Program for Combat Trauma in Active Military and Veterans of All Eras, Emily Steele, David Wood, Eva J. Usadi, and D Michael Applegarth
Truckeroo School, Sydnee Burr
Truckeroo School, Tessara Garrett
True Love is Passion, Rooted in Friendship, Jason B. Whiting
Trug und Schein: Ein Briefwechsel, Hilde Laube
Tuesday, Karen Abbott
Tulip and Rex Write a Story, Katherine Cooper
“Turn that thing off!” parent and adolescent predictors of proactive media monitoring, Laura M. Padilla-Walker and Sarah Coyne
TV Dads: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Viewer Perceptions of Fathers in Television Dramas, Katherine Ann Barboza
Twenty Years of Work and Family at International Business Machines Corporation, E. Jeffrey Hill, Giuseppe Martinengo, and Andre'a D. Jackson
Twindergarten, Katherine Cooper
Twinmaker #1: Twinmaker, Braxton Church
Über die Schulgemeinde, Josefine Leiblinger
Una Guerra Contra La Mujer: Chicana Feminism and Vietnam War Protest, Arica Roberts
Uncertainty in Optical Particulate Counting Sensors, Jared Todd Blanchard
Uncovering the Original Text of the Book of Mormon: History and Findings of the Critical Text Project, M. Gerald Bradford and Alison V.P. Coutts
Under Locker and Key, Melissa Secor
Understanding and Enjoying Time With Grandchildren, Marissa Beebe and Stephen F. Duncan
Understanding Biracial Women's Identity Formation, Tinesha Zandamela
Understanding Relations Among Children's Shy and Antisocial/Aggressive Behaviors and Mothers' Parenting: The Role of Maternal Beliefs, Cortney Anne Evans, Larry J. Nelson, Christian L. Porter, David A. Nelson, and Craig H. Hart
Understanding Sibling Influence on Adolescents' Alcohol Use: Social and Cognitive Pathways, Shawn D. Whiteman, Alexander C. Jensen, Sarah A. Mestillo, and Jennifer L. Maggs
Understanding Streaming in Dictyostelium discoideum: Theory versus Experiments, J. C. Dallon, Brittany Dalton, and Chelsea Malani
Understanding the connection between spiritual well-being and physical health: an examination of ambulatory blood pressure, inflammation, blood lipids and fasting glucose, Julianne Lunstad-Holt, Patrick R. Steffan, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Bryan Jensen
Understanding the Experience of Black Clients in Marriage and Family Therapy, Christina I. Awosan, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Cadmona A. Hall
Undocumented Immigrants and the US Professional Licensing Problem, Madeleine Truman
Unicorn (and Horse), Taylor Harris
Unicorn (and Horse), Rachel Wadham
Unifying Military Families, jeremy Boyle and Stephen F. Duncan
Universal Airfoil Parametrization Using B-Splines, Dev Rajnarayan, Andrew Ning, and Judd Mehr
Unpacking the Briefcase of Business Aversion, Brooke Gledhill
Unplugged, Taylor Harris
Untwine, Meagan Andrus
Unveröffentliche Briefe Clemens Metternichs, Blanche Kübeck
Up for Sale-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, Emilee Bell
Urfrühling, Else Lasker-Schüler
Use and Harms of Pornography, Amber Brewer, Rachel Jamieson, Jill Christine Manning, and Rory C. Reid
Use of inflow areas in two Colorado River basin reservoirs by the endangered Razorback Sucker (Xyrauchen texanus), Brandon Albrecht, Harrison E. Mohn, Ron Kegerries, Mark C. McKinstry, Ron Rogers, Travis Francis, Brian Hines, James Stolberg, Dale Ryden, Darek Elverud, Benjamin Schleicher, Katherine Creighton, Brian Healy, and Brandon Senger
Use of Phase and Amplitude Gradient Estimation for Acoustic Source Characterization and Localization, Joseph Scott Lawrence
User Attitudes About DUO Two-Factor Authentication at BYU, Jonathan Dutson
Using Advanced PSF Subtraction Techniques on Archival Data of Herbig Ae/Be Stars to Search for New Candidate Companions, Emily Diane Safsten
Using a mathematical model of cadherin-based adhesion to understand the function of the actin cytoskeleton, J. C. Dallon, Elijah Newren, and Marc Hansen
Using a Social Communication Intervention to Increase Emotion Word Use in Children with Language Impairment, Breeana Lee Bell
Using Attachment to Better Understand the Therapy Alliance: The Attachment Based Alliance Questionnaire, Lee N. Johnson, Scott A. Ketring, and Jennifer Espino
Using Difference Scores to Inform Therapy Practice: Differences in Perceptions of Attachment Behaviors between Partners in a Clinical Sample, Josh Novak, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Dean Busby
Using Dr. Scratch as a Formative Feedback Tool to Assess Computational Thinking, Samuel Frank Browning
Using Matilda as a Lens Through Which to Understand The Tempest as a Work for Young Audiences, Lauren Redding
Using Non Stem-Cells to Understand Early Tumor Growth, Jake Hogan, Heiko Enderling, Joel Brown, and Robert A. Gatenby
Using Quantitative MRI to Measure Cartilage Health, Laurel Jane Hales
Using Religious Themes and Content to Affect Cultural Sensitivity in Russian Language Learning, Paul Tristan Gallo
Using Technology to Connect in Romantic Relationships: Effects on Attachment, Relationship Satisfaction, and Stability in Emerging Adults, Lori C. Schade, Jonathan Sandberg, Roy A. Bean, Dean Busby, and Sarah Coyne
Using Web-Based Technology to Facilitate Client Engagement, Rachel B. Tambling, Lee N. Johnson, G. Bowden Templeton, and MIchele Santilli Melton
Us, in Progress: Short Stories About Young Latinos, Emily Loveless
Us, in Progress: Stories About Young Latinos, Bailey Ondricek
Utah Teachers' Perceptions of Student Social Skills and Behaviors: A Developmental Perspective, Karrah Beth Sampson
Utility of Feedback Given by Students During Courses, Michael Alton Atkisson
Valiant, Maryn Wheeler
Values in Family Therapy Practice and Research: An Invitation for Reflection, Stephen T. Fife and Jason B. Whiting PhD
Variación Fonética y Diversidad Social en el Español Dominicano de Santiago, Orlando Alba
Variation in trajectories of women’s marital quality, Spencer L. James
Various Positions, Lisa Packard
Vegetation trends in a restored coastal wetland at Prisoners Harbor, Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands National Park, Paula J. Power, Marie Denn, Joel Wagner, and Mike Martin
Velleda, Ein Zauberroman. Voadicea und Velleda, Benedikte Naubert
Vergänglichkeit, Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Vergebens, Luise Büchner
Vertical Electrical Impedance Measurements on Concrete Bridge Decks Using a Large-Area Electrode, Jeffrey David Barton
Video-Based Interventions for Teaching Calendar Skills to Individuals with Autism, Malinda Glasgow
Video game addiction in emerging adulthood: Cross-sectional evidence of pathology in video game addicts as compared to matched healthy controls, Laura Ann Stockdale and Sarah Coyne
Video Prompting Delivered via Augmented Reality to Teach Transition-Related Math Skills to Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Giulia Cacciatore
Viennese Feuilleton During the Early 1920s: Description and Analysis of Bertha Pauli's Biographical Sketches as Contributions to a Literary Genre, Ruth Kirsten Seppi
Vigencia y Significación Sociolingüística de los Marinerismos en el Español Dominicano de Santiago, Orlando Alba
Vilma Weber von Webenau : Die Marienlieder, Sommerlieder für Streichquartett und eine Sprechstimme, Carolyn Dehdari
Vincent Comes Home, Samantha Bullock
Violet Mackerel's Natural Habitat, Kristie Hinckley
Virtual Reality: A Survey of Use at an Academic Library, Megan Frost, Michael C. Goates, and Sarah Cheng
Virtue Conquered by Fortune: Cato in Lucan's Pharsalia, Nathaniel Brent Pribil
Visualizing Isaiah, Donald W. Parry
Visual Servoing for Multirotor Precision Landing in Varying Light Conditions, Jesse Wynn and Tim McLain
Vittoria Colonna, Luise Büchner
Vocabulario Básico del Español, Orlando Alba
Voices From the System: A Qualitative Study of Foster Children's Stories, Jason B. Whiting PhD and Robert E. Lee III
"Volkssagen aus dem Kuhlländchen", Blanche Kübeck
Vom Schwäbischen "Landle", Isolde Kurz
"Vom Strande", Blanche Kübeck
Vom Weibe, Charakterzeichnungen, Maria Janitschek
Von der Uberwindung der geistlichen Streiter Christi, Johanna Eleonora Petersen
"Von mir und dir", Blanche Kübeck
Von Ragaz nach St. Moritz, Margarethe Königswarter-Formes
Vor den deutschen Reichstagswahlen, Katharina von Oheimb
Vorrede, Sophie Bernhardi
Vorrede des Herausgebers, Sophie Bernhardi
Wahrhaftigkeit, Luise Büchner
Wahrheit aus Morgenträumen, Friederike Brun
Wahrheit und Irrtum in der Geschlechterpsychologie, Mayreder Rosa
Waiting, Acacia Haws
Waiting for Snow, Kristie Hinckley
Waiting for Sophie, Katherine Martin
Walking in a Winter Wonderland, Cynthia Phillips
War and disaster in Sri Lanka: Depression, family adjustment and health among women heading households, Alyssa Banford Witting, Jessica E. Lambert, Thulitha Wickrama, Sivaguru Thanigaseelan, and Michael Merten
War and disaster in Sri Lanka: Implications for widows' family adjustment and perception of self‐efficacy in caring for one's family, Alyssa Banford Witting, Jessica E. Lambert, and Thulitha Wickrama
Warfare in the Book of Mormon, Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin
Warschau - Berlin - Hollywood.: Mein Werdegang., Pola Negri
»Warum o armes Herz«, Luise Büchner
Was die letzten Tage Neues in der Mode brachten: "Neue Hüte: "Gigolo" und "j'adore ca".", Claire Patek
Was ich über mich zu sagen weiß 1920, Fern Andra
Was ich von den Männerrechtlern halte, Michaelis Karin
Was man im Hocchsommer trägt, Claire Patek
Waste Vegetable Oil Properties with Usage and Its Impact on Artisan Soap Making, Jenalyn Thorpe
Water Land: Land and Water Forms Around the World, Taylor Harris
Water Resources Development: A Review of the New Federal Evaluation Procedures, B. Delworth Gardner
Water's Children: Celebrating the Resource that Unites Us All, Nicole Clark
Water Subsidies: Reply to letters from Long, Kittel, Mills, and Martin, B Delworth Gardner
Wave, Karen Abbott
We Are Family, Kylee Vidmar-Hackney
Weathering Sequence of Young Basalts: A Case Study from Kohala, Hawaii, Kimberly Francis Sowards
Wed Wabbit, Karen Abbott
Weeding Out Failed Practices: A Case Study of Community Gardens in Rural Mali, Carol Ward, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Addie Fuhriman, Yodit Solomon, and Kacey Widdison-Jones
Weihe, Louise Aston
Weiser Vorsatz, Luise Büchner
Well-Being and Physiological Reactivity to Stress, Sheilagh Fox
We Love Dinosaurs, Karen Abbott
»Wenn der ein Dichter ist«, Luise Büchner
We're All Wonders, Nicole Davis
“We're not friends anymore! unless…”: the frequency and harmfulness of indirect, relational, and social aggression, Sarah Coyne, John B. Archer, and Mike Eslea
Wer es könnte, Hilde Domin
Weshalb ich Professional wurde, Suzanne Lenglen
“We Shall Overcome”: A Qualitative Exploratory Study of the Experiences of African Americans Who Overcame Barriers to Engage in Family Therapy, Cadmona A. Hall and Jonathan G. Sandberg
Wesley James Ruined My Life, Meagan Andrus
Wet Cement: A Mix of Concrete Poems, Kristie Hinckley
“We walk on eggshells”: A phenomenological inquiry of wives’ experiences of living with active-duty Marine husbands with PTSD, Jenna Temple, Marianne McInnes Miller, Alyssa Banford Witting, and Angela B. Kim
We Were Never Here, Meagan Andrus
Whale Talk, Emma Patton
What are Race and Racism?, Bailey Ondricek
"What do the divils find to laugh about" in Melville's The Confidence-Man, Truedson J. Sandberg
What Girls Are Made Of, Rachel Aedo
“What Happens at Home Does Not Necessarily Stay at Home”: The Relationship of Observed Negative Couple Interaction With Physical Health, Mental Health, and Work Satisfaction, Jonathan Sandberg, E. Jeffrey Hill, James M. Harper, Richard B. Miller, Jeremy Yorgason, and Randal D. Day
“What Happens at Home Does Not Necessarily Stay at Home”: The Relationship of Observed Negative Couple Interaction With Physical Health, Mental Health, and Work Satisfaction, Jonathan G. Sandberg, E. Jeffrey Hill, James M. Harper, Richard B. Miller, Jeremy Yorgason, and Randal D. Day
What if . . ., Karen Abbott
What Makes Siblings Different? The Development of Sibling Differences in Academic Achievement and Interests, Alexander C. Jensen and Susan M. McHale
What Must Exist Before You Have a Civilization?, The Northridge Discussion
Whats and hows of family financial socialization: Retrospective reports of Millennials, parents, and grandparents., Ashley Brooks LeBaron, E. Jeffrey Hill, Loren Dean Marks, and Christina M. Rosa
What's Behind Racial and Ethnic Fertility Differentials?, Renata Forste and Marta Tienda
What’s Love Got To Do With It? The Role of Healthy Couple Relationships and Marriages In Promoting Child, Family, and Community Well-Being, Francesca Adler-Baeder PhD, Karen Shirer PhD, and Angela B. Bradford
What the Dinosaurs Did at School, Kristie Hinckley
What the Ladybug Heard Next, Leah Christopher
What We Saw, Emma Patton
When Eyes and Ears Compete: Eye Tracking How Television News Viewers Read and Recall Pull Quote Graphics, Othello Lennox Richards
When Eyes and Ears Compete: Eye Tracking How Television News Viewers Read and Recall Pull Quote Graphics, Othello Lennox Richards
When Paul Met Artie: The Story of Simon & Garfunkel, Jamie Greenwood
When the Beat Was Born: DJ Kool Herc and the Creation of Hip Hop, Jamie Greenwood
When the Far East Becomes the Near East, Kylan Rutherford
When the Lights Went Out: Three Studies on the Ancient Apostasy, Hugh Nibley
When the Sea Is Rising Red, Erica Sonzogni
When to Seek Help: Six Signs a Relationship Is Going Downhill, Jason B. Whiting
When to Wed? A Closer Examination of the Association Between Age of Marriage and Marital Quality, Kaylee Shron Corbridge
When Your Spouse is Addicted: How to avoid enabling and get to reality, Jason B. Whiting
Where are All the Men?, Renata Forste
Where Do Rivers Go, Momma?, Kylee Hackney
Where Have All The Rebels Gone? Ideology and Conformity in Young Adult Dystopian Literature, Meghan I. Rimmasch
Where's The Baby? A Spotting Book, Karen Abbott
Whither the Turn? The Ambiguous Nature of Nonprofits' Commercial Revenue, Curtis Child
Who is AC?, Natalie Hatch
Who's in the Jungle, Bailey Ondricek
Who's That Girl, Meagan Andrus
Who Wants to Be a Princess?: What It Was Really Like to Be a Medieval Princess, Taylor Harris
Why Am I Me?, Makayla Anderson
Why Can’t I Be More Like My Brother? The Role and Correlates of Sibling Social Comparison Orientation, Alexander C. Jensen, Amanda M. Pond, and Laura M. Padilla-Walker
Why Did You Choose Me?, Beverly Jones
Why do Lovers Lie to Each Other?, Jason B. Whiting
Why Infer? The Use and Misuse of Population Data in Sport Research, Benjamin G. Gibbs, Kevin Shafer, and Mikaela Dufur
Why is Mom So Blue? Postpartum Depression in a Family Context, Amy Scoville and Stephen F. Duncan
Why I Stayed/Left: An Analysis of Voices of Intimate Partner Violence on Social Media, Jaclyn D. Cravens, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and Rola O. Aamar
Wie "Die Zehn Gebote" entstanden, MacPherson Jeanie
Wie Ellen Key zweimal in mein Leben eingriff, Michaelis Karin
Wie ich Schriftstellerin wurde, Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf
Wie man Tennis spielt, Suzanne Lenglen
Wie wird die Frau durch das Vereinsleben für das öffentliche Leben erzogen?, Alice Salomon
Wild Beauty, Meagan Andrus
Wilde Rosen, Louise Aston
William Rosen, Justinian's Flea. Penguin Books, 2008, Mariana Tepfenhart
Willow and the Wedding, Bailey Ondricek
»Willst ruhig du durch’s Leben geh’n«, Luise Büchner
Will "the Wicked Be Smitten at Last"?: A Comparative Analysis of LDS and RLDS Hymnals, Zachary Osborne
Willy and the Cloud, Ariel Woodbury
Windy City Magic #1: The Best Kind of Magic, Olivia Noli
Winicker Hates Paris, Ashley McKenzie
Winnie and Waldorf: Disobedience School, Kristie Hinckley
Winning Woman Suffrage One Step at a Time: Social Movements and the Logic of the Legislative Process*, Brayden G. King, Marie Cornwall, and Eric C. Dahlin
Winning Woman Suffrage One Step at a Time: Social Movements and the Logic of the Legislative Process*, Brayden G. King, Marie Cornwall, and Eric C. Dahlin
Wintergirls, Abigail Packard
Wintersport und Kleidersorgen, Claire Patek
Wir flaggen heute . . . ., Michaelis Karin
W is for Webster: Noah Webster and HIs American Dictionary, Nicole Clark
Wish, Emma Patton
Wish Girl, Emma Patton
Witchtown, Olivia Noli
Withdrawn and sociable behavior of children with language impairment, Martin Fujiki, Bonnie Brinton, Melanie Morgan, and Craig H. Hart
With Liberty and Education for All: Using Law to Depoliticize Public Policy in Education, Zach Simons and Brady Earley
With My Hands: Poems About Making Things, Nicole Clark
Wizard For Hire, Tessa McMillan
Wolf, Cynthia Frazier
Wolf Hollow, Taylor Harris
Wolf Hollow, Karen Abbott
Wolf Hollow, Karen Abbott
Wolle mit Seide gemischt -- zu Westen und Casaques verarbeitet, Claire Patek
Woman with Birds, Vanessa Palmer
Women of Goethe's Time: A Correspondence: Caroline von Humboldt and Friederike Brun (English Translation), Friederike Brun and Caroline von Humboldt
Women's Chorus Blended Learning Initiative, Emily Pulham
Wonder, Taylor Harris
Wonder Woman's Fight For Autonomy: How Patty Jenkins Did What No Man Could, Hanann Morris
Wonder Woman's Fight for Autonomy: How Patty Jenkins Did What No Man Could, Hanann Morris
Words and Your Heart, Kylee Hackney
Words Set Me Free: The Story of Young Frederick Douglass, Sarah Checketts
Work and Family in the Virtual Office: Perceived Influences of Mobile Telework, E. Jeffrey Hill, Alan J. Hawkins, and Brent C. Miller
Work and Family over the Life Course: Do Older Workers Differ?, E. Jeffrey Hill, Janet J. Erickson, Kaylene Joy Fellows, Giuseppe Martinengo, and Sarah M. Allen
Work–family conflict among Black, White, and Hispanic men and women, Smantha K. Ammons, Eric C. Dahlin, Penny Edgell, and Jonathan Bruce Santo
Work–family Conflict Among Black, White, and Hispanic Men and Women, Samantha K. Ammons, Eric C. Dahlin, Penny Edgell, and Jonathan Bruce Santo
Work-family conflict and couple relationship quality: A meta-analytic study., Kaylene Joy Fellows, Hsin-Yao Chiu, E. Jeffrey Hill, and Alan J. Hawkins
Work-Family Facilitation and Conflict, Working Fathers and Mothers, Work-Family Stressors and Support, E. Jeffrey Hill
Work–family interface for married women: a Singapore and United States cross‐cultural comparison, Tamara A. Fackrell, Adam Michael Galovan, E. Jeffrey Hill, and Erin K. Holmes
Working With Sexually Abused Children, Kinsey Drouet Pistorius, Leslie L. Feinauer, James Harper, Robert F. Stahmann, and Rick B. Miller
Work Interference with Dinnertime as a Mediator and Moderator Between Work Hours and Work and Family Outcomes, Jenet Jacob, E. Jeffrey Hill, Nicole L. Mead, Sarah Allen, and Maria Ferris
World's Best (and Worst) Animal Jokes, Mavanee Farnsworth
Wort und Ding, Hilde Domin
"Wozu Outreach in dürftiger Zeit? Fallstudie an einer UB in den westlichen USA", Richard Hacken
Wrecked, Rachel Aedo
Wrestling with Agency, Courtney B. Nordgran
Writing Radar: Using Your Journal to Snoop Out and Craft Great Stories, Emilee Bell
Wrong In All The Right Ways, Charlotte Esplin
Yale Joel, Tina Leser, and Factory Fashions: Rethinking Women’s Roles in the 1950s, Emaline Maxfield
Yes, Another Teen Movie, Sarah Coyne, Mark Callister, and Tom Robinson
Yes we can! Exciting progress and prospects for controlling invasives on islands and beyond, Daniel Simberloff, Brad Keitt, David Will, Nick Holmes, Erin Pickett, and Piero Genovesi
Yoga Bunny, Haley Cook
“You are hot!” The Strange Link between Body Heat and Love, Jason B. Whiting
You Bring the Distant Near, Emma Patton
You Can't Hide: Shadow House, Book 2, Karen Abbott
You Can't Teach What You Don't Know and You Can't Lead Where You Won't Go: Professional Development as Artists for Elementary Educators, Katharina Joyce Watson
Young, Pregnant, and Unmarried, Sarah A. Smith and Stephen F. Duncan
Young Scrooge, Emily McCarty
You're All Kinds of Wonderful, Taylor Harris
You’re Just Like Your Dad: Intergenerational Patterns of Differential Treatment of Siblings, Alexander C. Jensen, Shawn D. Whiteman, Joseph S. Rand, and Karen L. Fingerman
Your Face: The Window to Your Love Life, Jason B. Whiting
YouTube TED Talk Comment Sentiment Data, Royce Kimmons
Zola's Elephant, Karen Abbott
Zombie Shelter Location, Shanna Carroll, Tyler Lindsay, and Hannah Rasmussen
Zoomer's Out-of-This-World Christmas, Kristie Hinckley
Zoom In on Science Concepts: Living and Nonliving, Ariel Woodbury
Zora! The Life of Zora Neale Hurston, Nicole Clark
Zu einem »Lied ohne Worte«, Luise Büchner
Zu einer goldnen Hochzeit, Luise Büchner
Zur Geschichte der Frauenbildung, Alice Salomon
Zweifel, Luise Büchner
Zwei Frauen : Widmung, Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn
Zwölfuhr-Gefühl, Claire Goll