To Be Learned is Good: Essays on Faith and Scholarship in Honor of Richard Lyman Bushman

To Be Learned is Good: Essays on Faith and Scholarship in Honor of Richard Lyman Bushman



What does the future hold for Mormonism in the academy? How does personal faith impact one’s scholarship? How might scholarly women and men speak of faith in secular places and times? This volume contains vibrant exchanges on these and other questions from the memorable scholars’ colloquium held in honor of historian and Latter-day Saint Richard Lyman Bushman.

I think we all feel some tension between our religious convictions and the secular times in which we live. In one way or another, modernism invades and unsettles our thinking, perhaps our thinking about our fields, perhaps our personal beliefs. What I hope we all realize is that this tension is not to be suppressed or regretted. Unanswerable as some questions are, we need not lament the discomfort they bring. The strain of believing in unbelieving times, is not a handicap or a burden. It is a stimulus and a prod. It is precisely out of such strains that creative work issues forth. And we can take satisfaction in knowing that we are in this together.” —Richard Lyman Bushman

Videos of each presentation from the scholars’ colloquium are available here.



Owning Institution

Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship


Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship

Publication Date



Religion | Religious Education

To Be Learned is Good: Essays on Faith and Scholarship in Honor of Richard Lyman Bushman
