Alec Down editor
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Dear Readers:
The following collection of texts has been edited by Alec Down as a companion to our anthology of articles titled Sophie Discovers Amerika: German-Speaking Women Write the New World (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2014). Our anthology of articles takes on a fascinating corpus of literature: in their explorations of the Americas over the past 300 years, German-speaking women have written poetry, novels, screenplays, dramas, erotica, and scientific treatises about many different places in the New World, from Brazil to California, from Canada and Mexico to Argentina.
For obvious reasons, we were not able to include the original primary texts in our anthology. In this literary companion, Alec Down has collected many full-text electronic versions of that are treated in our anthology. In this way, readers can easily have access to long-out-of-print texts that are otherwise inaccessible in distant archives.
We hope you enjoy the texts, and we encourage you not only to read about them, but to research them and write about them. In this way, we can put these texts back into the broader discourses of travel literature, colonialism, gender, family and the reception of America in European literature.
We thank Alec Down for his hard work and diligence, and wish him well on his further academic career.
Rob McFarland Michelle Stott James
Contents of this work include:
1. Die Auswanderer nach Brasilien, Amalia Schoppe
2. Die Lieder der Mormonin, Sidonie Grünwald-Zerkovitz
3. Kolonistenvolk, Gabriele Reuter
4. Im Goldlande Kalifornien, Sophie Wörrishöffer
5. Aus vergangenen Tagen, Clara Berens
6. Der Amerikaner, Gabriele Reuter
7. Kultur im Werden, Alice Salomon
8. Mit Karl May durch Amerika, Klara May
9. Lebensbeschreibung der Wittwe des Obrist Florian Engel, Regula Engel
Publication Date
German Literature
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
James, Michelle Stott and McFarland, Rob, "Sophie Discovers Amerika : The Digital Companion" (2014). Resources. 12.
This work is part of the Sophie Digital Library, an open-access, full-text-searchable source of literature written by German-speaking women from medieval times through the early 20th century. The collection, covers a broad spectrum of genres and is designed to showcase literary works that have been neglected for too long. These works are made available both in facsimiles of their original format, wherever possible, as well as in a PDF transcription that promotes ease of reading and is amenable to keyword searching.