
Article Title

Relative Strangers


Meagan Andrus


Dependable, Young Adult, high school, family, foster care, secrets, romance, forbidden love, siblings, friendship

Document Type

Book Review


High school senior Jules lives with her ex-addict mother and wishes for the perfect, close-knit families she sees her friends having. She discovers that she lived in foster care for a while when she was a baby. Feeling betrayed by her mother and longing to know more about her "other" family, she reaches out to Luke Margolis, her foster brother. As Jules gets closer with the Margolises, she finds herself struggling with romantic feelings for Luke. She can't decide if she wants him to be her brother or her boyfriend, and her confusing feelings cause problems. Jules also comes to terms with the reasons why her mother was unable to care for her for that short time and learns more about her father and her mother's relationship and determination to make things right. Ultimately, Jules is able to move on from Luke and have a relatively normal sibling relationship with him. She also patches things up with her mother and experiences a newfound love and respect for her upbringing and her little family.
