1st International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Lugano, Switzerland - June 2002 | International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software

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Monday, July 1st
12:00 AM

A Bayesian network for investigating the decline in fish catch in Switzerland

M. E. Borsuk
Patricia Burkhardt-Holm
Peter Reichert

12:00 AM

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A Climate Dynamical model on Oasis Development

Chunqiong Yuan
Degang Zhou
Jiping Chao
Xiaoling Pan

12:00 AM

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A comparison between the uncertainties in model parameters and in forcing functions: its application to a 3D water quality model.

R. Pastres
S. Ciavatta

12:00 AM

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A Comparison of Methods for Providing Solar Radiation Data to Crop Models and Decision Support Systems.

M. Rivington
K. B. Matthews
K. Buchan

12:00 AM

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A comparison of model structures for the simulation of amphipod (Talitrus saltator) population dynamics.

P. M. Anastácio
S. C. Gonçalves
M. A. Pardal
J. C. Marques

12:00 AM

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A Conceptual Approach to Multiple-Model Integration in Whole Site Risk Assessments

E. P. Albers
K. R. Dixon

12:00 AM

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A Conceptual Model for Integrated Assessment

Markus Knoflacher

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A Decision Support GIS for the Clean Water Act Permit Review Analysis

Wei (Wayne) Ji
Rima A. Wahab
Jia (Jane) Ma

12:00 AM

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A Distributed Simulation System for Irrigation Planning at the Catchment Scale

C. Gandolfi
A. Facchi
B. Ortuani
D. Maggi

12:00 AM

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A DSS for the evaluation of the consequences of natural hazards on a complex territorial system

Paolo Fiorucci
F. Gaetani
R. Minciardi
E. Trasforini

12:00 AM

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A DSS for Water Resources Management under Uncertainty

Stefano Pallottino
Giovanni M. Sechi
Paola Zuddas

12:00 AM

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A Generic Framework for the Identification of Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Models

T. Wagener
H. S. Wheater

12:00 AM

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A Grid-Generation Based Method for Information Fusion

Tian Xiang Yue
Ji Yuan Liu
Ying An Wang

12:00 AM

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A Metadata-based System for Urban Transportation Data Provision and Analysis

Vivian Salim
Gerardo Trinidad
Nariida Smith
Leorey Marquez

12:00 AM

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A Microsimulation Model for Assessing Urine Flows in Urban Wastewater Management

Irene Peters
Kai-H Brassel
Christian Sporria

12:00 AM

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A model for the trophic food web of the Gulf of Trieste

G. Cossarini
Cosimo Solidoro
A. Crise

12:00 AM

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A Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisationq

T. H. F. Wong
D. Fletcher
H. P. Duncan
J. R. Coleman
G. A. Jenkins

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A Modelling Framework Incorporating a Map Algebra Programming Language

D. Pullar

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A Multiobjective Approach for Solid Waste Management

R. Minciardi
Massimo Paolucci
M. Robba
Roberto Sacile

12:00 AM

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A Negotiation Support Tool for Assessment of Land Use Change Impacts on Erosion in a Previously Forested Watershed in Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia

B. J. P. Verbist
Meine Van Noordwijk
A. C. Tameling
K. C. L. Schmitz
S. B. L. Ranieri

12:00 AM

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A neural emission-receptor model for ozone reduction planning

S. Barazzetta
G. Corani
Giorgio Guariso

12:00 AM

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A new approach in parameterisation of momentum transport inside and above forest canopy under neutral conditions

B. Lalic
Dragutin T. Mihailović

12:00 AM

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A One-Parameter Groundwater Discharge Model Linked to the IHACRES Rainfall-Runoff Model

B. F. W. Croke
A. B. Smith
A. J. Jakeman

12:00 AM

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A Regional Water Quality Model Designed for a Range of Users and for Retrofit and Re-use

R. A. Vertessy
J. M. Rahman
F. G. R. Watson
R. M. Argent
S. M. Cuddy
S. P. Seaton

12:00 AM

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A Simulation System for Waste Management – From System Dynamics Modelling to Decision Support

Patrick A. Wäger
Lorenz M. Hilty

12:00 AM

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A Soil Hydrology-Based Catchment Water Resources Model

David Maréchal
Ian P. Holman

12:00 AM

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A Spatially Explicit Modelling Approach to Socioeconomic Development in South Africa

L. Erasmus
A. S. Van Jaarsveld
P. O. Bommel

12:00 AM

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A step-by step approach to build-up land management scenarios based on multiple viewpoints on multi-agent system simulations

Michel Etienne
M. Cohen
Christophe Le Page

12:00 AM

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A systematic approach to assess highland resource management options in northern Thailand

K. Trisophon
V. Punyawadee

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Adjustment to the Single Point Forcing on the Z Grid ; Linear Theory

Djurdjevic Vladimir
Rajkovic Borivoj
Gavrilov Milivoj

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Agent Based Simulation in Integrated Assessment and Resources Management

Claudia Pahl-Wostl

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Agent-based and Integrated Assessment Modelling for Incorporating Social Dynamics in the Management of the Meuse in the Dutch Province of Limburg

Jorg Krywkow
Pieter Valkering
Jan Rotmans
Anne Van der Veen

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Agent-based simulation of an environmental action campaign: Changing people's behaviour via their inner contradictions

Hans-Joachim Mosler

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Agland Decision Tool: A Multicriteria Decision Support System for Agricultural Property

J. Parsons

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An Adaptive Framework for Ecological Assessment and Management

David A. Mauriello
Richard A. Park

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An Agent-Group-Role based modelling framework for participative water management support

Geraldine Abrami
Olivier Barreteau
Flavie Cernesson

12:00 AM

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An Application of Queuing Theory to Waterfowl Migration

Richard S. Sojda
John E. Cornely
Leigh H. Fredrickson

12:00 AM

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An Approach for the Aggregation of Albedo in Calculating the Radiative Fluxes over Heterogeneous Surfaces in Atmospheric Models

D. Kapor
Dragutin T. Mihailović
T. Tosic
S. T. Rao
C. Hogrefe

12:00 AM

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An Approximation Algorithm for the Updating of Non-Gaussian Dynamic Processes

Ali S. Gargoum

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An Architecture for Modelling Individual Behaviour and Landscape Scale Outcomes in an Intelligent Agent-Based Simulation of Environmental Management

L. J. Smith
R. Itami
I. D. Bishop

12:00 AM

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An Artificial Neural Networks Modeling Approach Applied to the Probabilistic Management of Water Resources Systems

J. C. Ochoa-Rivera
R. García-Bartual
J. Andreu

12:00 AM

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An innovative modelling concept for integrated water resources management linking hydrological functioning and socio-economic behaviour - The Hérault catchment case study, south of France

F. Giraud
S. Lanini
J. D. Rinaudo
V. Petit
N. Courtois

12:00 AM

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An integrated assessment framework for combining general systems and organizational levels

Roman Lenz

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An Integrated Modelling Approach for Assessing Water Policy Rules and Land Use Change Options

Juliet Gilmour
R. A. Letcher

12:00 AM

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An Integrated Multi-Scaled Decision Support Framework Used in the Formulation and Evaluation of Land-Use Planning Scenarios for the Growth of Hervey Bay

C. Pettit
D. Pullar
R. Stimson

12:00 AM

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An International Comparison of Foreign Patents Registered in the USA

Michael McAleer
Felix Chan
Dora Marinova

12:00 AM

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Application of 1D and 3D Hydrodynamic Models Coupled to an Ecological Model to Two Water Supply Reservoirs

Jose R. Romero
C. P. Dallimore
J. P. Antenucci
David P. Hamilton
J. Imberger
D. A. Horn
A. Deen

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Application of a Checklist for Quality Assistance in Environmental Modelling to an Energy Model

James Risbey
Jeroen Van der Sluijs
Penny Kloprogge
Jerry Ravetz
Silvio Funtowicz
S.C. Quintana

12:00 AM

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Appropriate Hydrological Modelling of Climate Change Impacts on River Flooding

Martijn J. Booij

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ArcheoRisk: a Decision Support System on the Environmental Risk for Archeological Sites in the Venice Lagoon

C. Carlon
Antonio Marcomini
Luigi Fozzati
Petra Scanferla
Stefania Bertazzon
Sara Bassa
Francesca Zanovello
Foramiti Stefano
Roberto Chiarlo
Francesco Penzo

12:00 AM

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Ask LENNART: Decision support in multiple environments

Nils Hannerz
Dennis Collentine
Martin Larsson

12:00 AM

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Avenues of Spatially Explicit Population Dynamics Modeling — A par excellence Example for Mathematical Heterogeneity in Ecological Models?

Ralf Seppelt

12:00 AM

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Calibration of a Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Model: a Sensitivity Analysis from Local to Regional Scale

G. Drogue
A. El Idrissi
L. Pfister
T. Leviandier
J. F Iffly
L. Hoffmann

12:00 AM

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Catchment Modelling – A Resource Manager’s Perspective

J.E. Caminiti

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Cell Interaction in Semi-Markov Forest Landscape Models

M. G. Monticino
T. Cogdill
M. F. Acevedo

12:00 AM

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Choice processes in modelling for policy support

Penny Kloprogge
Jeroen Van der Sluijs

12:00 AM

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Classifying Environmental System Situations by means of Case-Based Reasoning: a Comparative Study

Héctor Núñez
Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
Ulises Cortés
Quim Comas
Montse Martínez
Manel Poch

12:00 AM

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Clouds form preferentially over native vegetation

T. J. Lyons

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Combining Object-Oriented Programming and Relational Databases for Multi-Scale Spatially- Integrated Agent-Based Models

J.G Polhill|a
Nick Gotts
Alistair N. R. Law

12:00 AM

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Comparing basal area growth models, consistency of parameters, and accuracy of prediction

J. J. Colbert
Michael Schuckers
Desta Fekedulegn

12:00 AM

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Comparison between Water Quality Models for Toxics

C. Gualtieri

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Computational Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Pollution Dispersion in Complex Urban Canyons

Naifang Bei
Yaping Shao

12:00 AM

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Conceptually-based multivariate simulation of monthly runoff

P. Claps

12:00 AM

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Contaminated industrial sites, real-time monitoring, knowledge-based systems, modelling, knowledge acquisition

Alexander Komarov
Oleg Chertov
G. Andrienko
N. Andrienko
Alexey Mikhailov
P. Gatalsky

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Continuous Contaminated Site Monitoring (CCS M) Integrated remote real-time supervision for an old coking-p lant

Frédéric Portet
Konrad Szafnicki
Jacques Bourgois
Véronique Milon

12:00 AM

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Contribute of GIS techniques in the evaluation of anthropic impact change in a sub-alpine shallow lake

G. Tartari
D. Copetti
G. Barbiero
S. Tatti
R. Pagnotta

12:00 AM

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Credal Classification for Mining Environmental Data

M. Zaffalon

12:00 AM

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Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Analysis of Environmental Assessment Problems

Renata J. Romanowicz
Peter C. Young

12:00 AM

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Data Frameworks for Environmental Modelling

R. M. Argent
C. Maul
T. Krämerkämper

12:00 AM

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Data-Based Mechanistic and Top-Down Modelling

Peter C. Young

12:00 AM

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Data-based Mechanistic Modelling of Rainfall-Runoff Processes and Its Application in a Complex Hydrological Context

K. Bogner
B. Hingray
A. Musy

12:00 AM

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Deciding Break Interval in the Discoutinuous Trend Unit Root Test

Kimio Morimune
Mitsuru Nakagawa

12:00 AM

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Decision Support for Water Resource Management: An Application Example of the MULINO DSS.

J. Myšiak
Carlo Giupponi
A. Fassio

12:00 AM

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Designing a Multi-Agent System for Integrated Protection in Agriculture

A. Perini
A. Susi

12:00 AM

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DESYRE – DEcision Support sYstem for REhabilitation of contaminated sites: objectives and structure

A. Critto
S. Giove
N. Nadal
M. Samiolo
C. Carlon
S. Silvoni
S. Foramiti
Antonio Marcomini

12:00 AM

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Detection of Structural Changes in River Dynamics by Radar-Based Earth Observation Methods

Edith Stabel
P. Fischer

12:00 AM

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Development of a Cell-Based Parsimonious Catchment Model

Okan Fistikoglu
Nilgun B. Harmancioglu

12:00 AM

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Development of a dynamical core for a new atmospheric meso-scale numerical model

W. Sha

12:00 AM

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Development of an Intelligent Data Analysis System for Knowledge Management in Environmental Data Bases

Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
Karina Gibert
Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda
Eva Bueno
Lidia Mozo
Aleix Clavell
Mario Martína
Philippe Rougé

12:00 AM

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DRIPS – A DSS estimating the input quantity of pesticides for German river basins

B. Röpke
Martin Bach
Hans Georg Frede

12:00 AM

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Dynamics of the Surface Water Circulation between a River and Fishponds in a Sub-Mountain Area

Maria Anna Szumiec
Danuta Augustyn

12:00 AM

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Ecological and economic modelling in agricultural land use scenarios

Bernd Münier
J. S. Schou
K. Birr-Pedersen

12:00 AM

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Ecological Modelling Using the Spreadsheet Model TabSim

L. Matejicek

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Ecosystem as a Text: Semantic Analysis of the Global Vegetation Pattern

Yuri Svirezhev

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Efficient Compensation Payments for the Protection of Species: Application of an Ecological-Economic Model

Martin Drechsler
Karin Johst
Frank Wätzold

12:00 AM

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EGPE: A computer decision-support tool for the Ecomanagement of animal manure as agricultural fertiliser

M. M. Vega
G. Carbonell
MV Pablos
C. Ramos
C. Fernández
J. A. Ortíz
J. V. Tarazona

12:00 AM

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Emissions corridors preserving the Atlantic ocean thermohaline circulation

K. Zickfeld
T. Bruckner

12:00 AM

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Emissions Trading Experiments: Investment Uncertainty and Liability

Takao Kusakawa
Tatsuyoshi Saijo

12:00 AM

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Environment Explorer: Spatial Support System for the Integrated Assessment of Socio-economic and Environmental Policies in the Netherlands

Guy Engelen
Inge Uljee
Roger White

12:00 AM

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Environmental assessment integrated with process simulation for process design

I. Herrera
Marta Schuhmacher
Laureano Jiménez
F. Castells

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Environmental Damage Assessment Applied to Process Analysis. A Decision Support Alternative

I. Herrera
L. Kulay
Laureano Jiménez
Marta Schuhmacher

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Environmental Data Mining and Modelling Based on Machine Learning Algorithms and Geostatistics

M. Kanevski
R. Parkin
A. Pozdnukhov
V. Timonin
M. Maignan
B. Yatsalo
S. Canu

12:00 AM

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Environmental foresight and structural change

M. B. Beck

12:00 AM

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Environmental Modelling in Urban Areas with GIS

L. Matejicek
L. Benesova
J. Tonika

12:00 AM

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Environmental Risk Assessment of pesticide use based on the modelling of the environmental fate of pesticides in soil

Heico Apel
O. Richter

12:00 AM

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Estimating Tradeable Certificates Created by Small-Scale Renewable Energy Systems

Trevor Pryor
Clinton Watkins
Heath Lang

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Estimation of High Floods by Three Rainfall-Runoff Models with Short Rainfall-Runoff Series (Alzette River Basin, Luxembourg)

A. El Idrissi
G. Drogue
L. Pfister
J. F Iffly
L. Hoffmann
B. Hingray
F. Guex

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Evaluating Agricultural Systems for Environmental Sustainability Using an Impact Matrix Approach

James C. Ascough II
D.L. Hoag
Alejandra Engler-Palma

12:00 AM

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Evaluating Management Strategies in Paraguacu River Basin by Analytic Hierarchy Process

B. Srdjevic
Y. Medeiros
Z. Srdjevic
M. Schaer

12:00 AM

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Exergy and Information Indices: A Comparison for Use in Structurally Dynamic Models

Brian D. Fath

12:00 AM

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Experiences in an Integrated Assessment of Water Allocation Issues in the Namoi River Catchment, Australia

R. A. Letcher
A. J. Jakeman

12:00 AM

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Exploration of the Behaviour of a Stochastic Transport Model Using Computational Experiments

C. Rajanayaka
D. Kulasiri

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Feeding Elk in Greater Yellowstone: A Case Study in Ex-ante Group Decision Support

Lynne Caughlan
D.L. Hoag

12:00 AM

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Flood Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks in Black-Box and Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Modelling

Elena Toth
Armando Brath

12:00 AM

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Framework of a Regional Impacts Assessment Model and Its Application on Arid/Semi-Arid Region

Yinpeng Li
Jinjun Ji

12:00 AM

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Fuzzy Prediction of the Algal Blooms in the Orbetello Lagoon

Stefano Marsili-Libelli
G. Pacini
C. Barresi

12:00 AM

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Generic Integration in Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems

Ralf Denzer

12:00 AM

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GEOREF: a Software for Improving the Use of Remote Sensing Images in Environmental Applications

D. Carrion
M. Gianinetto
M. Scaioni

12:00 AM

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Global and Annex I emissions corridors for the 21st century

E. Kriegler
T. Bruckner

12:00 AM

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Graphic model-based software for supporting the search for efficient environmental strategies: method, real-life applications and future developments

Alexander V. Lotov

12:00 AM

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Growth dynamics of tropical savanna grasses: from individual shoots to plant models

J. Raventós
M. F. Acevedo
J. Segarra

12:00 AM

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High-resolution Simulation of Flow and Dispersion of Volcanic SO2 over the Miyake Island

Naoko Seino
Hidetaka Sasaki
Junji Sato
Masaru Chiba

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

HOOFS - a Multi-scale, Agent-based Simulation Framework for Studying the Impact of Grazing Animals on the Environment

J. A. Beecham
S. P. Oom
C. P. D. Birch

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

How Bad Isn't the Agent-Based Model CATCHSCAPE?

N. Becu
P. Perez
Olivier Barreteau
A. Walker

12:00 AM

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Hydrologic Modelling and Analysis Using A Self- Organizing Linear Output Network

K. Hsu
S. Sorooshian
H. V. Gupta
X. Gao
B. Imam

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Hydrotope-based river flow simulation in a Swiss Alpine Catchment accounting for Topographic, Micro-climatic and Landuse Controls

A. Salvetti
W. Ruf
P. Burlando
U. Juon
C. Lehmann

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Ideas for Assessing the Sustainability Potential of Human- Environmental Auxiliary Systems - The Case of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills -

D. J. Lang
Claudia R. Binder
B. Stäubli
Roland W. Scholz

12:00 AM

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Immersive, Interactive Exploration of Changing Landscapes

Christian Stock
I. D. Bishop

12:00 AM

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Implementation of a Multiagent Prototype for WWTP Management

F. Borrell
D. Riaño
Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda

12:00 AM

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Implementing a process-based decision support tool for natural resource management - the GeoWEPP example

C. S. Renschler
D.C. Flanagan

12:00 AM

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Implementing Soil and Water Conservation Production Systems at the Farm Level

Ted L. Napier
Silvana M. Napier

12:00 AM

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Improving the model development cycle by automatic configuration of modelling tools

K. De Jong
C. G. Wesseling
D. Karssenberg

12:00 AM

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Indirect effect of habitat destruction on ecosystems

Nariyuki Nakagiri
K. Tainaka

12:00 AM

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Indirect Effects in Ecosystems: a Review of Recent Modelling Studies and a Methodological Framework for Comparative Theoretical Analysis

V. Krivtsov

12:00 AM

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Informing the Decision Process to Improve the Sustainability of an Urban Greenfield Development Water System

V. G. Mitchell

12:00 AM

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Integrated Modelling and Decision Support Tools: A Mediterranean example

T. Oxley
N. Winder
Brian McIntosh
M. Mulligan
Guy Engelen

12:00 AM

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Integrated modelling for nutrient loading of polder lakes

P.J.T.M. Van Puijenbroek
J. M. Knoop

12:00 AM

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Integrated simulation of urban drainage system and receiving water body during rainfall events for both quantity and quality aspects

Marco Maglionico

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Integrated Systems Analysis and Sustainable Development

Tad Soroczynski

12:00 AM

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Integrated Water Quality Modelling: Ben Chifley Dam Catchment, Australia

Lachlan T. H. Newham
R. A. Letcher
A. J. Jakeman
A. L. Heathwaite
C. J. Smith
D. Large

12:00 AM

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Integrating Mechanistic Modelling and Statistical Learning Theoretic-Methods: initial steps toward a strategy for model evaluation and structure selection

A. Guergachi

12:00 AM

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Integrating Stakeholder Imagination with Scientific Theory: A Case Study of Lake Lanier, USA

O. O. Osidele
M. B. Beck

12:00 AM

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Integrating structural changes in future research and modelling on the Seine River Basin

H. Kieken

12:00 AM

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Integrative environmental prediction using Bayesian networks: A synthesis of models describing estuarine eutrophication

M. E. Borsuk
C.A. Stow
K. H. Reckhow

12:00 AM

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Intelligent Model Management in a Forest Ecosystem Management Decision Support System

Donald Nute
Walter D. Potter
Frederick Maier
Jin Wang
Mark Twery
H. M. Rauscher
Peter Knopp
Scott Thomasma
Mayukh Dass
Hajime Uchiyama

12:00 AM

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Interaction Protocols for a Network of Environmental Problem Solvers

M. K. Purvis
P. Hwang
M. A. Purvis
S. J. Cranefield
M. Schievink

12:00 AM

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Investigating Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Integrated, Multimedia Environmental Models: Tools for 3MRA

J. E. Babendreier
Karl J. Castleton

12:00 AM

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INVISIP: Establishment of a Context Repository to Support the Site Planning Process

S. Göbel
J. Haist
C. Kares
U. Jasnoch

12:00 AM

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Is East Asia An Optimum Currency Area?

Zhaoyong Zhang
Kiyotaka Sato
Michael McAleer

12:00 AM

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IWRAM: An integrated modelling toolbox for considering impacts of development and land use change in Northern Thailand

R. A. Letcher
B. F. W. Croke
A. J. Jakeman
Wendy S. Merritt
P. Perez

12:00 AM

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Knowledge Based Environmental Data Validation

Stefania Bandini
Davide Bogni
Sara Manzoni

12:00 AM

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Land air surface scheme (LAPS) for use in urban modelling

J. Lazic
Dragutin T. Mihailović
B. Lalic
I. D. Arseniç
C. Hogrefe

12:00 AM

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Lean interfaces for integrated catchment management models: rapid development using ICMS

S. M. Cuddy
R. A. Letcher
M. B. Reed

12:00 AM

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Lexicographic optimisation for water resources planning: the case of Lake Verbano, Italy

E. Weber
Andrea-Emilio Rizzoli
R. Soncini-Sessa
A. Castelletti

12:00 AM

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Linearisation of Highly Resolved Substance Transport Models by Temporal Aggregation of Model Outputs

A. Forsman
A. Grimvall

12:00 AM

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Linking Research, Policy and Practice for Managing Dynamic Water Resources in a Protected Area

U. Somorowska

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Local Short-Term Prediction of Wind Speed: A Neural Network Analysis

C. Pérez-Llera
M. C. Fernández-Baizán
J. L. Feito
V. González del Valle

12:00 AM

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Long run technical change in an energy-environmenteconomy (E3) model for an IA system

J. H. Köhler

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LPV Approximation of Distributed Parameter Systems in Environmental Modeling

G. Belforte
F. Dabbene
P. Gay

12:00 AM

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M3 Project - Actor Based Simulation in VirtualWorlds

Helge Rose
Torsten Asselmayer-Maluga
Peter Frank
Andreas Hoheisel
Walter Bertram

12:00 AM

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Making Frameworks More Useable: Using Model Introspection and Metadata to Develop Model Processing Tools

J. M. Rahman
S. P. Seaton
S. M. Cuddy

12:00 AM

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Management of Contamination Risks and Identification of Contamination Sources

A. Kryazhimskii
V. Maksimov

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Mesoscale modelling of interactions between rainfall and the land surface in West Africa

Martin Sogalla
Michael Kerschgens

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Methodological and software tools for public local transport planning in the Lombardy Region

S. Arcari
Eliot Laniado
P. Tagliavini

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Model Coupling and Integration via XML in theM3 Simulation

Andreas Hoheisel

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Model Integration For Assessing Future Hydroclimate Impacts On Water Resources, Agricultural Economic Sustainability And Environmental Quality

N. W. T. Quinn
L. D. Brekke
K. L. Bashford
N. L. Miller
H. Hidalgo
P. Raju
J. A. Dracup

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modeling and Analysis of Biofilms Formation and Evolution in Wastewater Treatment Processes using Multi-Agent Systems

Laurent Lardon
Jean-Philippe Steyer
Nicolas Bernet
Christophe Le Page

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modeling spatial spread of genetic information via pollen dispersal: coupling of population dynamics and genetics

O. Richter
Ralf Seppelt

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modeling the Effects of Greenbelts at the Urban-Rural Fringe

Daniel G. Brown
S. E. Page
Rick L. Riolo
William Rand

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling an Untended Scottish Forest Ecosystem Utilising Standard and Customised Software

S. J. J. Walker
R. Watling
H. J. Staines
A. Garside
D. Knott
J. W. Palfreyman
V. Krivtsov

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling and Short term Forecasting of Photochemical Pollution by Soft Computing Techniques

G. Finzi
Giuseppe Nunnari
M. Volta

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling Annual Rainfall Using a Hidden-State Markov Model

R. Srikanthan
M. A. Thyer
George Kuczera
T. A. McMahon

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling contrasted management behaviours of stakeholders facing a pine encroachment process: an agent-based simulation approach

Michel Etienne
Christophe Le Page

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling Intervention Strategies for Cooperative Environmental Management

Jim Doran

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling Of POP Environmental Persistence And Long Range Transport By QSAR And Chemometric Approaches

Paola Gramatica
Ester Papa
Stefano Pozzi

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling of the Collective Decision Making Process for Compact Manufacture Organisation

D. N. Svirsky

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling Temporal Variations in Leachate Quantity Generated at Kahrizak Landfill

E. Safari
C. Baronian

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling the Asymmetric Volatility of Electronics Patents in the USA

Felix Chan
Dora Marinova
Michael McAleer

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling the effect of information feedback on the spread of the Ebola virus

Bernadette O’Regan
Richard Moles

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling the impact of environmental policies on minerals investment

Bernadette O’Regan
Richard Moles

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling the impact of water reuse strategies on hydrologic flows in the Blackwater and Chelmer catchments, UK.

P. Jeffrey
T. Oxley

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling the spreading of air pollution with weather models

Andrea Weiss
Daniel Schaub
Peter Hofer

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modelling Time-Varying Volatility in Non-Ferrous Metals Markets

Clinton Watkins
Michael McAleer

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Modular Ecosystem Modeling

Alexey Voinov
Carl Fitz
Thomas Maxwell
Roelof Boumans
Robert Costanza

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Multi Criteria Evaluation of Low Carbon Energy Technologies

S. Mandera
C. Gough

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Multi-Agent Simulations as a tool for the assessment of urban microclimate and its effect on pedestrian behaviour

Michael Bruse

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Multi-criteria decision support system and Data Warehouse for designing and monitoring sustainable industrial strategies - an Italian case study

C. Di Mauro
J. P. Nordvik
A. C. Lucia

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Multi-criteria decision support system and Data Warehouse for designing and monitoring sustainable industrial strategies an Italian case study

C. Di Mauro
J. P. Nordvik
A. C. Lucia

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Multi-Model Integration In Decision Support System: A Technical User Interface Approach For Watershed And Lake Management Scenarios

David Lam
Luis F. León
Stuart Hamilton
Norm Crookshank
Derek Bonin
David Swayne

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Multiscale and Multicriterial Hydrological Validation of the Eco-hydrological Model SWIM

Fred Hattermann
Valentina Krysanova
Frank Wechsung
M. Wattenbach

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Nano-technology Patenting in the USA

Dora Marinova
Michael McAleer

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

New Method of Environmental Assessment Based on the Methods of Self-Organization of Mathematical Models.

A. N. Timoshevski
V. Yeremin
S. A. Kalkuta

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Nonparametric Test for Translog Specification of Production Function in Japanese Manufacturing Industry

Y. Konishi
Y. Nishiyama

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Numerical Model of Flow Field in Urban Canopy Layer

Liu Huizhi
Wang Baoming
Sang Jianguo
Wang Xiaoyun

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

On a GIS Based Hydrological Model for Flow and Contamination Transport in Lake Kinneret Watershed

A. Ostfeld
A. Pries

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

On Line Simulation System for Industrial Accidents

R. Bellasio
R. Bianconi

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

OntoWEDSS: an ontology-underpinned decision-support system for wastewater management

Luigi Ceccaroni
Ulises Cortés
Miquel Sànchez-Marrè

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Optimisation of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model design for prediction of macroinvertebrate communities in the Zwalm river basin (Flanders, Belgium)

A. Dedecker
Peter L. M. Goethals
W. Gabriels
N. De Pauw

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Optimization of a Model to Predict Salinity Intrusion in San Francisco Bay Estuary Using a Genetic Algorithm

T. Rajkumar
David E. Thompson

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Outlook-Based Concept for the Population and Updating of a Meta-Information System in Environmental Administration

P. Fischer-Stabel
R. Krieger
E. Rietzke

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Parallel Processing for a Better Understanding of Equifinality in Hydrological Models

A. Hreiche
D. Mezher
C. Bocquillona
A. Dezetter
E. Servat
W. Najem

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Parameterizing GPFARM: An Agricultural Decision Support System for Integrating Science, Economics, Resource Use, and Environmental Impacts

G. S. McMaster

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Parsimonious Catchment and River Flow Modelling

R. H. Khatibi
R. J. Moore
Martijn J. Booij
D. Cadman
G. Boyce

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Participatory decision making in reservoir planning

R. Soncini-Sessa
A. Castelletti
E. Weber

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Participatory Natural Resource Management: A Comparison of Four Case Studies

M. Hare
R. A. Letcher
A. J. Jakeman

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

PlanIT : a multiuser 4D decision support tool for land and water resource planning.

P. W. Holyland

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Plant disease models. Critical issues in development and use

A. Susi
A. Perini
E. Olivetti

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Population Dynamics and Treatment Strategies of Phytophthora infestans (late blight) in the Mid-Hills of Nepal

Heico Apel
M. S. Paudyal
O. Richter

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Potential Impact of Global Warming on Tropical Tuna Habitat

Harilaos Loukos
Patrick Monfray
Laurent Bopp

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Predicting hydrologic response from physio-climatic attributes : an application to ungauged sub-catchments of the Burdekin River, North Queensland

D. A. Post
B. F. W. Croke

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Predicting Ozone Peaks : A combined CBR and cell mapping approach

David Pearson
Mireille Batton-Hubert
Gerardo Herrera Garcia

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Preliminary Assessment of a Unit Hydrograph-based Continuous Flow Simulation Model for Bulgarian Rivers

Daniela Zlatunova
George Gergov
I. G. Littlewood

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Price Asymmetries in International Gasoline Markets

Marzio Galeotti
Alessandro Lanza
Matteo Manera

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Probabilistic Ecological Risk Assessment Framework for Chemical Substances

F. A. M. Verdonck
J. Jaworska
C. R. Janssen
Peter A. Vanrolleghem

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Probabilistic Finite Automata and Randomness in Nature: a New Approach in the Modelling and Prediction of Climatic Parameters

L. Mora-López
R. Morales-Bueno
M. Sidrach-de-Cardona
F. Triguero

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Process-based Ecohydrological Modelling at the River Basin Scale and Options for Regionalisation

Valentina Krysanova
Fred Hattermann
Frank Wechsung

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Putting the Decision in Decision Support

David Swayne

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Regional Integrated Management Information System

M. A. Cameron
B. F. W. Croke
K. L. Taylor
Glen Walker
B. Watson

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Relative Performance of Empirical Predictors of Daily Precipitation

Tereza Cavazos
Bruce Hewitson

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Renewable energy: a decision support system for forest biomass exploitation

D. Freppaz
R. Minciardi
M. Robba
Roberto Sacile
A. Taramasso

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Reservoir Management Decision Support

J. Palomo
D. R. Insua
K. A. Salewicz

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Risk Premiums and the Forward Rate Anomaly: A Survey

Kim Radalj

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sectoral Productivity Growth in China

Baiding Hu
Michael McAleer

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Selecting the appropriate time step in an integrated systems model

Jean-Luc De Kok
H. G. Wind

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

SelOpt: Selection of Options based on the Balance and Ranking Method

G. Strassert

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sensitivity Analysis of VELFEEM –Venice Lagoon Finite Element Ecological Model- to the Macro-Nutrient Input Regime

D. M. Canu
Cosimo Solidoro
Georg Umgiesser

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sensitivity of different evapotranspiration calculation methods in different crop-weather models

J. Eitzinger
D. Marinkovic
J. Hosch

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sensitivity of the INCA model to N process parameters and hydrological input

Katri Rankinen
A. Lepistö
Kirsti Granlund

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sensitivity Testing of a Biophysical Toolbox for Exploring Water Resources Utilisation and Management Options

Wendy S. Merritt
B. G. W. Croke
A. J. Jakeman

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sequential Conceptual Simplification of the Effective Rainfall Component of a Rainfall-Streamflow Model for a Small Kenyan Catchment

I. G. Littlewood

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sequential Development of a Conceptual Hydrological Model Considering Alpine Basin Processes

Hubert Holzmann
H. P. Nachtnebel

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Sesamo – DSS for Sustainable National Electric Power System

A. Caizzi
G. Catenacci
C. Cavicchioli
P. Girardi
F. Sala

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Short term river flood forecasting with neural networks

R. García-Bartual

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Simple Spatially Distributed Model of the Global Carbon Cycle and its Dynamic Properties

Yuri Svirezhev

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Simulation of Pesticide Percolation in the Soil Based on Cellular Automata

Stefania Bandini
Giulio Pavesi

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Simulations of the 2001 Indian Summer Monsoon Onset with a General Circulation Model

M. Bollasina
L. Bertolani
G. Tartari

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Single-objective vs. Multiobjective Optimisation for Integrated Decision Support

Dragan Savic

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Snapshot Images of Country Risk Ratings: An International Comparison

Suhejla Hoti

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Soil Moisture and Snow Cover: Active or Passive Elements of Climate?

R. J. Oglesby
Susan Marshall
D.E. Charlotte
F. R. Robertson
J. O. Roads

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Solving the Inverse Problem in Stochastic Groundwater Modelling with Artificial Neural Networks

C. Rajanayaka
S. Samarasinghe
D. Kulasiri

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Some Novel Information Systems for the Empowerment of a Decision-Making Process on a Territory: Outcomes from a Four Years Participatory Modeling in Senegal

Patrick D’Aquino

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

SpaSim: A Software to Simulate Cellular Automata Models

Niandry Moreno
Magdiel Ablan
Giorgio Tonella

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Spatial Correlation Analysis of Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations in the Area of Milan, Italy

Grégoire Dubois
M. Saisana
A. Chaloulakou
N. Spyrellis

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

STAR-GARCH Models of Ecological Patents in the USA

Felix Chan
Dora Marinova
Michael McAleer

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Structures and Performances of Five Rainfall-Runoff Models for Continuous River-Flow Simulation

M. Goswami
K. M. O’Connor
A. Y. Shamseldin

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Systematic Risks, Speculators and the Forward Rate Puzzle

Kim Radalj

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Ten years of experience in Designing and Building real Environmental Decision Support Systems. What have we learnt?

Manel Poch
Joaquim Comas
Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda
Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
Ulises Cortés

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Assessment of the Influence of the Surface Fluxes on the Extended Weather Prediction

Djurdjevic Vladimir
Rajkovic Borivoj

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The control of algal bloom damages to clam yield in a North Adriatic coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Italy)

F. Cellina
G. A. De Leo
M. Bartoli
P. Viaroli

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Costs and Benefits of Pre-action before Kyoto Compliance

Haoran Pan
Denise Van Regemorter

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Economic Consequences of Voluntary Environmental Information Disclosure

Nike O. Gozali
Janice C. Y. How
Peter Verhoeven

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Emission Inventory System for Upper Austria: The Role of Environmental Information Systems in Translating Complex Information to a User s Requirements

Wilfried Winiwarter
Gerald Schimak

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Facilitator - An Open Source Effort to Support Multiobjective Decision Making

P. Heilman
Greg Davis
Paul Lawrence
Jerry L. Hatfield
John Huddleston

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The ICLIPS Impacts Tool: Presenting climate impact response functions for integrated assessments of climate change

Hans-Martin Fussel

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Impact of Mature Trees on House Values and on Residential Location Choices in Quebec City

Marius Thériault
Yan Kestens
François Des Rosiers

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The INEMAR database: a tool for regional atmospheric emission inventory

Stefano Caserini
Anna Fraccaroli
Anna Maria Monguzzi
Marco Moretti
Angelo Giudici
Giovanni Volpi

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The JDEVS modelling and simulation environment

J. B. Filippi
M. Delhom
F. Bernardi

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Particle Deposition Flux Monitoring and Analysis Approach of the SUPREME Project

G. Clai
F. Monforti
C. Catelli
G. Zanini
R. Bellasio
R. Bianconi
M. Bazzoli
A. Manganelli
J. Jacucci

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Role Playing Games in an ABM Participatory Modeling Process: Outcomes from Five Different Experiments Carried out in the Last Five Years

Patrick D’Aquino
Olivier Barreteau
Michel Etienne
Stanislas Boissau
Sigrid Aubert

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Socioeconomic Importance of Eco-Resort Management Practices

Christine Lim

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The STREAMES Project: Linking Heuristic And Empirical Knowledge Into An Expert System To Assess Stream Managers

Joaquim Comas
Esther Llorens
Manel Poch
G. Markakis
T. Battin
S. Gafny
E. Maneux
E. Martí
M. Morais
M. A. Puig
M. Pusch
J. L. Riera
F. Sabater
A. G. Solimini
P. Vervier

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Three-Dimensional Modelling of a Microcystis bloom event in a Western Australian Estuary

Barbara J. Robson
David P. Hamilton

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Trees, Dendrograms and Sensitivity

R. D. Braddock

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Trends and Volatilities in International Capital Flows for Developing Countries

Suhejla Hoti

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Uncertainty in Dynamic Process to Extinction

K. Tainaka
Nariyuki Nakagiri
Tomoyuki Sakata
Tomomi Tao

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Uncertainty in Model Predictions: Does it Preclude Effective Decision Support?

Peter Reichert
M. E. Borsuk

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Uncertainty management in complex models: the NUSAP method

Jeroen Van der Sluijs
James Risbey
S.C. Quintana
Jerry Ravetz

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Use of Catchment Attributes to Identify the Scale and Values of Distributed Parameters in Surface and Sub-surface Conceptual Hydrology Models

P. W. Carlile
A. J. Jakeman
B. F. W. Croke
B. G. Lees

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Use of Genetic Algorithms to select Input Variables in Artificial Neural Network Models for the Prediction of Benthic Macroinvertebrates

T. D’heygere
Peter L. M. Goethals
N. De Pauw

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Use of HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS models with ArcView for hydrologic risk management

A. Pistocchi
P. Mazzoli

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Use of the USPED model for mapping soil erosion and managing best land conservation practices

A. Pistocchi
G. Cassani
O. Zani

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Use of Wetlands for Sustainable Tourism Management

Christine Lim
Michael McAleer

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Using a Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Model to Detect Non-stationarities in the Hydrological Behaviour of Watersheds

Vazken Andréassian
Eric Parent
Claude Michel

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Using Models to Predict Methane Reduction in Pasture- Fed Dairy Cows

C. C. Palliser
S. L. Woodward

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Using soft-systems methods to evaluate the outputs from multi-objective land use planning tools

K. B. Matthews
K. Buchan
A. R. Sibbald
Susan Craw

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Using the Durbin-Watson Ratio to Detect a Spurious Regressions: Can We Make a Rule of Thumb?

M. Fukushige
H. Wago

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Weathering in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Carbon Sink

P. Egorov
Yuri Svirezhev

12:00 AM