BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: The INEMAR database: a tool for regional atmospheric emission inventory


database, emission, inventory, air pollution, italy

Start Date

1-7-2002 12:00 AM


Within the framework of the Regional Air Quality Plan (PRQA) of the Lombardy Region (Italy) adatabase named INEMAR (AiR EMission INventory) was developed for the estimation and management ofthe atmospheric emissions.The INEMAR system considers emissions of different sources (point, area, biogenic, road transport), andorganizes all information needed for their estimation: activity indicators, emission factors, other statisticaldata necessary on spatial and temporal distribution of emissions.As the first Italian experience of an emission inventory source code made by a regional authority, INEMARis a multi-user database that contains all the data for the emission estimates, the procedures that carry out thealgorithms utilized for these estimates and the values of calculated emissions. INEMAR’s strength is the highresolution (municipality level) of all the emission results, great flexibility (database in 3rd normal form), andthe client-server framework suitable for provincial inventories.The database is accessible by any PC user connected by the regional ISDN network or by Internet, in order tovisualize or modify the data in the archive, or for local processing of the data. Output can be also visualized,in client-server mode, with maps, graphs and tables by means of a specific module of Nebula LTK, a GISorientedpackage previously developed by the Lombardy Region.The use of INEMAR by other Italian Region (i.e. Piedmont Region) and by the provincial offices of ARPA isongoing.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

The INEMAR database: a tool for regional atmospheric emission inventory

Within the framework of the Regional Air Quality Plan (PRQA) of the Lombardy Region (Italy) adatabase named INEMAR (AiR EMission INventory) was developed for the estimation and management ofthe atmospheric emissions.The INEMAR system considers emissions of different sources (point, area, biogenic, road transport), andorganizes all information needed for their estimation: activity indicators, emission factors, other statisticaldata necessary on spatial and temporal distribution of emissions.As the first Italian experience of an emission inventory source code made by a regional authority, INEMARis a multi-user database that contains all the data for the emission estimates, the procedures that carry out thealgorithms utilized for these estimates and the values of calculated emissions. INEMAR’s strength is the highresolution (municipality level) of all the emission results, great flexibility (database in 3rd normal form), andthe client-server framework suitable for provincial inventories.The database is accessible by any PC user connected by the regional ISDN network or by Internet, in order tovisualize or modify the data in the archive, or for local processing of the data. Output can be also visualized,in client-server mode, with maps, graphs and tables by means of a specific module of Nebula LTK, a GISorientedpackage previously developed by the Lombardy Region.The use of INEMAR by other Italian Region (i.e. Piedmont Region) and by the provincial offices of ARPA isongoing.