BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: The JDEVS modelling and simulation environment

Presenter/Author Information

J. B. Filippi
M. Delhom
F. Bernardi


discrete events simulation, modelling environment, artificial neural networks, distributed modelling, 3d visualization

Start Date

1-7-2002 12:00 AM


This paper describes the JDEVS modelling and simulation environment. JDEVS has been developedfor over a year to serve as an experimental framework for natural systems modelling techniques. It enablesdiscrete-event, general purpose, object-oriented, component based, GIS connected, collaborative, visual simulationmodel development and execution. The sample models implementations shows that this experimentalenvironment might be used to solve any complex problems solvable by discrete-event simulation and is especiallysuited for natural system modelling and simulation. Already, hierarchical block (static) and cellularmodels can be modelled and simulated within the environment. We are now extending those capabilities withthe development of a multi-layered modelling paradigm for spatially distributed systems (with vector and cellularmodels) that will be implemented in the toolkit.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

The JDEVS modelling and simulation environment

This paper describes the JDEVS modelling and simulation environment. JDEVS has been developedfor over a year to serve as an experimental framework for natural systems modelling techniques. It enablesdiscrete-event, general purpose, object-oriented, component based, GIS connected, collaborative, visual simulationmodel development and execution. The sample models implementations shows that this experimentalenvironment might be used to solve any complex problems solvable by discrete-event simulation and is especiallysuited for natural system modelling and simulation. Already, hierarchical block (static) and cellularmodels can be modelled and simulated within the environment. We are now extending those capabilities withthe development of a multi-layered modelling paradigm for spatially distributed systems (with vector and cellularmodels) that will be implemented in the toolkit.