BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Improving the model development cycle by automatic configuration of modelling tools

Presenter/Author Information

K. De Jong
C. G. Wesseling
D. Karssenberg


environmental modelling, model development cycle, model definition

Start Date

1-7-2002 12:00 AM


Model development is a difficult and timely process involving various steps to create, check and improve the model. Typically all kinds of software tools are used to facilitate this process. Central to model development is the model definition and we show that, apart from calculating model results, it can be used to tailor some of the tools used to the model at hand. This speeds up model development and might lead to better models.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Improving the model development cycle by automatic configuration of modelling tools

Model development is a difficult and timely process involving various steps to create, check and improve the model. Typically all kinds of software tools are used to facilitate this process. Central to model development is the model definition and we show that, apart from calculating model results, it can be used to tailor some of the tools used to the model at hand. This speeds up model development and might lead to better models.