1st International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Lugano, Switzerland - June 2002
remote sensing, satellite images, automation, image registration
Start Date
1-7-2002 12:00 AM
Analysis of temporal sequences of satellite images is of great importance in the monitoring ofenvironmental phenomena, where both multi-temporal and multi-spectral images are widely used. The firstproblem to deal with such a kind of imagery is their geo-referencing, i.e. computing a transformation to ageodetic or cartographic datum. This task is usually performed by manually measuring control points, whoseground coordinates are read on existing maps or measured by GPS. In this paper we propose a software(GEOREF) to increase the automation of this procedure, which is very heavy for the operators in the RemoteSensing field. Considering a multi-temporal sequence of satellite images, instead of geo-referencing all theimages by interactive measurement of ground control points, you have to manually register only one image ofthe sequence to the geodetic datum. Then control points can be automatically extracted in the other images,which can be registered to the first one and thus to the ground. The paper would like to give an overview ofthe algorithms involved in the proposed procedure and its implementation. Furthermore some applications ofGEOREF to register Landsat TM and ETM+ images are presented.
GEOREF: a Software for Improving the Use of Remote Sensing Images in Environmental Applications
Analysis of temporal sequences of satellite images is of great importance in the monitoring ofenvironmental phenomena, where both multi-temporal and multi-spectral images are widely used. The firstproblem to deal with such a kind of imagery is their geo-referencing, i.e. computing a transformation to ageodetic or cartographic datum. This task is usually performed by manually measuring control points, whoseground coordinates are read on existing maps or measured by GPS. In this paper we propose a software(GEOREF) to increase the automation of this procedure, which is very heavy for the operators in the RemoteSensing field. Considering a multi-temporal sequence of satellite images, instead of geo-referencing all theimages by interactive measurement of ground control points, you have to manually register only one image ofthe sequence to the geodetic datum. Then control points can be automatically extracted in the other images,which can be registered to the first one and thus to the ground. The paper would like to give an overview ofthe algorithms involved in the proposed procedure and its implementation. Furthermore some applications ofGEOREF to register Landsat TM and ETM+ images are presented.