1st International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Lugano, Switzerland - June 2002
watershed, conceptual model, hydrology, economic scenarios, integrated assessment
Start Date
1-7-2002 12:00 AM
This paper presents a conceptual modelling framework for integrated water resourcesmanagement at the scale of the river basin. A simulator was developed using Matlab/Simulink software toensure the numerical formulation of the conceptual model. The simulator is problem-solving orientedallowing to investigate the responses of the hydrosystem according to various scenarios defined by thestakeholders of the basin. The simulator is mid-way between full-determinist models which are data- andtime-consuming, although more accurate in terms of quantitative outputs, and full-lumped models which aretoo simplistic to account for hydrogeological heterogeneity and realistic impacts of economic developmentscenarios, although easy to implement and time-saving. After having described the key hydrologicalprocesses and economic rules at the watershed scale, the simulator has been used to compute groundwaterand river flows, according to a set of economic scenarios which are likely to occur in a very near future. Thesimulator has been tested on the Hérault floodplain (100 km²) where the major conflicts occur.
An innovative modelling concept for integrated water resources management linking hydrological functioning and socio-economic behaviour - The Hérault catchment case study, south of France
This paper presents a conceptual modelling framework for integrated water resourcesmanagement at the scale of the river basin. A simulator was developed using Matlab/Simulink software toensure the numerical formulation of the conceptual model. The simulator is problem-solving orientedallowing to investigate the responses of the hydrosystem according to various scenarios defined by thestakeholders of the basin. The simulator is mid-way between full-determinist models which are data- andtime-consuming, although more accurate in terms of quantitative outputs, and full-lumped models which aretoo simplistic to account for hydrogeological heterogeneity and realistic impacts of economic developmentscenarios, although easy to implement and time-saving. After having described the key hydrologicalprocesses and economic rules at the watershed scale, the simulator has been used to compute groundwaterand river flows, according to a set of economic scenarios which are likely to occur in a very near future. Thesimulator has been tested on the Hérault floodplain (100 km²) where the major conflicts occur.