
environmental analysis, damage prediction tools, process analysis, damage assessment and process design integration

Start Date

1-7-2002 12:00 AM


Nowadays the environmental studies are increasingly important in the process analysis and design. These studies not only can be used to quantify the environmental damage, but also, as optimisation criteria together with technical and economical evaluations. In the present study, we develop a methodology based on several techniques (Risk Assessment (RA), Design Support Framework (DSF), and Endpoints Indicators Applying). This methodology which links the main aspects of process analysis and environmental damage assessment, comprehends three main steps: the first one involves the accomplishment of an inventory of raw material and energetic streams, which may be predicted or computed depending on the process to be analysed. The second step is developed the evaluation of environmental impacts. In this frame, an eco-vector is used to quantify the environmental loads from the inventory data. This procedure is completed by the application of models to impact prediction on human health, natural resources and the ecosystem. The last one, transforms environmental impacts in damage indicators by using of weighting methods. The referred methodology has been validated in a fully automated and controlled pilot plant. The developed case study has allowed comparing the different types of loads in a separation process and their environmental contribution to each step.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Environmental Damage Assessment Applied to Process Analysis. A Decision Support Alternative

Nowadays the environmental studies are increasingly important in the process analysis and design. These studies not only can be used to quantify the environmental damage, but also, as optimisation criteria together with technical and economical evaluations. In the present study, we develop a methodology based on several techniques (Risk Assessment (RA), Design Support Framework (DSF), and Endpoints Indicators Applying). This methodology which links the main aspects of process analysis and environmental damage assessment, comprehends three main steps: the first one involves the accomplishment of an inventory of raw material and energetic streams, which may be predicted or computed depending on the process to be analysed. The second step is developed the evaluation of environmental impacts. In this frame, an eco-vector is used to quantify the environmental loads from the inventory data. This procedure is completed by the application of models to impact prediction on human health, natural resources and the ecosystem. The last one, transforms environmental impacts in damage indicators by using of weighting methods. The referred methodology has been validated in a fully automated and controlled pilot plant. The developed case study has allowed comparing the different types of loads in a separation process and their environmental contribution to each step.