1st International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Lugano, Switzerland - June 2002
landfill, leachate, kahrizak, water balance model
Start Date
1-7-2002 12:00 AM
Kahrizak landfill has been in operation for several decades with no record of the quantity of thegenerated leachate. An attempt was made to develop a water balance model, which despite the current roughestimates of annual leachate quantity at this site, takes into account the precipitation and evaporation patternsas well as the concept of field capacity. Changes in field capacity and water consumed in gas generationwere formulated based on empirical relationships of the nearest applicability to this site found in theliterature. Monthly meteorological data were employed with an option provided to convert them into dailyaverage values to match the daily time step if required. The model results for Kahrizak landfill were in goodagreement with the estimation made by Tehran municipality, although more reliable results can be achievedif more accurate site specific data is provided through field measurements as well as test trenches.
Modelling Temporal Variations in Leachate Quantity Generated at Kahrizak Landfill
Kahrizak landfill has been in operation for several decades with no record of the quantity of thegenerated leachate. An attempt was made to develop a water balance model, which despite the current roughestimates of annual leachate quantity at this site, takes into account the precipitation and evaporation patternsas well as the concept of field capacity. Changes in field capacity and water consumed in gas generationwere formulated based on empirical relationships of the nearest applicability to this site found in theliterature. Monthly meteorological data were employed with an option provided to convert them into dailyaverage values to match the daily time step if required. The model results for Kahrizak landfill were in goodagreement with the estimation made by Tehran municipality, although more reliable results can be achievedif more accurate site specific data is provided through field measurements as well as test trenches.