1st International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Lugano, Switzerland - June 2002
urban canopy layer, the effective air volume ratio, form drag
Start Date
1-7-2002 12:00 AM
A numerical model of flow field in urban canopy layer based on k-ε closure method isdeveloped in this paper, in which a porous medium is used to present the buildings in the urban areaand the form drag is used to represent the drag to the flow by the buildings. The results obtained fromthe model have been compared with the data observed from the Beijing 325m meteorological tower. Itshows that during the strong wind, the wind velocity profile obtained from the model accords well withthat observed from the tower.
Numerical Model of Flow Field in Urban Canopy Layer
A numerical model of flow field in urban canopy layer based on k-ε closure method isdeveloped in this paper, in which a porous medium is used to present the buildings in the urban areaand the form drag is used to represent the drag to the flow by the buildings. The results obtained fromthe model have been compared with the data observed from the Beijing 325m meteorological tower. Itshows that during the strong wind, the wind velocity profile obtained from the model accords well withthat observed from the tower.