Volume 78, Number 4 (2018) Papers from the 9th California Islands Symposium (Part 2)
Front Matter
Late Quaternary fluvial history of Santa Cruz Island, California, USA
R. Randall Schumann and Jeffrey S. Pigati
Quantifying surface water on Santa Rosa Island, California, following a major five-year drought
Paula Power and Rocky Rudolph
Little islands recording global events: late Quaternary sea level history and paleozoogeography of Santa Barbara and Anacapa Islands, Channel Islands National Park, California
Daniel R. Muhs and Lindsey T. Groves
Changes in abundance of Silvetia compressa at San Clemente Island before and during the 2015–2016 El Niño
Suzanne Graham, Brian Hong, Samantha Mutschler, Brendan Saunders, and Jessica Bredvik
Landscape modeling of the potential natural vegetation of Santa Catalina Island, California
Travis Longcore, Nina Noujdina, and Peter J. Dixon
Stability and change in kelp forest habitats at San Nicolas Island
Michael C. Kenner and M. Tim Tinker
Vegetation trends in a restored coastal wetland at Prisoners Harbor, Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands National Park
Paula J. Power, Marie Denn, Joel Wagner, and Mike Martin
The flowering plants and ferns of Anacapa Island, California
Steve Junak and Ralph Philbrick
Revised and updated vascular plant checklists for the Baja California Northern Pacific Islands
Sula Vanderplank, Jon Rebman, and Exequiel Ezcurra
Biogeographic patterns among seed-bearing and spore-bearing plants across the California Channel Islands
Benjamin E. Carter and C. Matt Guilliams
Limited genetic variability in native buckwheats (Eriogonum: Polygonaceae) on San Clemente Island
Lynn Riley, Mitchell E. McGlaughlin, and Kaius Helenurm
Does Channel Island Acmispon (Fabaceae) form cohesive evolutionary groups?
Mitchell E. McGlaughlin, Lynn Riley, Kaius Helenurm, and Lisa E. Wallace
Regeneration and expansion of Quercus tomentella (island oak) groves on Santa Rosa Island
Jay Woolsey, Cause Hanna, Kathryn McEachern, Sean Anderson, and Brett D. Hartman
Reduced defenses and increased herbivore preference of island chaparral shrubs compared to mainland relatives
Ryan A. Salladay and Aaron R. Ramirez
Long-term impacts of exotic grazer removal on native shrub recovery, Santa Cruz Island, California
Stephanie G. Yelenik
The influence of slope on vegetation recovery following nonnative grazer removal on Santa Rosa Island, California
Ryan Summers, Jamie Masukawa, and Brett D. Hartman
Land mollusks of the California Channel Islands: an overview of diversity, populations, and conservation status
Charles A. Drost, Jeffrey C. Nekola, Barry Roth, and Timothy A. Pearce
Distribution and characterization of wild bee nesting sites on San Clemente Island, California Channel Islands
C. Sheena Sidhu and Erin E. Wilson Rankin
The introduced Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on the California Channel Islands: distribution and patterns of spread
Christina L. Boser, Korie Merrill, Robert N. Fisher, Ida Naughton, and David A. Holway
Argentine ant (Linepithema humile, Mayr) eradication efforts on San Clemente Island, California, USA
Korie C. Merrill, Christina L. Boser, Cause Hanna, David A. Holway, Ida Naughton, Dong-Hwan Choe, and Erin E. Wilson Rankin
California Island Rediscovery: building an archive to improve conservation today and equip the historical ecologist of tomorrow
Scott A. Morrison, T. Scott Sillett, W. Chris Funk, Cameron K. Ghalambor, and Torben C. Rick
Horizon scanning: survey and research priorities for cultural, historical, and paleobiological resources of Santa Cruz Island, California
Torben C. Rick, Todd J. Braje, Jon M. Erlandson, Kristina M. Gill, Laura Kirn, and Lynn McLaren-Dewey
Horizon scanning: survey and research priorities for coastal and marine systems of the northern Channel Islands, California
Mary G. Gleason, Jennifer E. Caselle, Chris Caldow, Russell Galipeau, Walter Heady, Corinne Laverty, Annie Little, David Mazurkiewicz, Eamon O'Byrne, Dirk Rosen, and Stephen Whitaker
Equipping tomorrow's historical ecologist: priorities for documenting conditions of the terrestrial fauna of Santa Cruz Island, California
Christina L. Boser, T. Scott Sillett, Paul W. Collins, Kathryn R. Faulkner, W. Chris Funk, Cameron K. Ghalambor, Lyndal Laughrin, Gregory B. Pauly, Jeanne M. Robertson, Robyn Shea, and Winston Vickers
Informing our successors: what botanical information for Santa Cruz Island will researchers and conservation managers in the century ahead need the most?
John M. Randall, Kathryn McEachern, John Knapp, Paula Power, Steve Junak, Kristina Gill, Denise Knapp, and Matt Guilliams
Islas de las Californias, Colaboración Botánica: Islands of the Californias Botanical Collaborative
William Hoyer, John Knapp, Denise Knapp, David Mazurkiewicz, Ken Owen, Luciana Luna-Mendoza, and Kathryn McEachern
The administrative history of San Miguel Island: the National Park Service on San Miguel from 1963 to 2016
Ian Williams, Mike Hill, Rob Danno, Reed McCluskey, Mike Maki, Bill Ehorn, and Ann Huston
Bringing Santa Rosa Island into Channel Islands National Park: the written documents 1979–1987
Kate Roney Faulkner
Yes we can! Exciting progress and prospects for controlling invasives on islands and beyond
Daniel Simberloff, Brad Keitt, David Will, Nick Holmes, Erin Pickett, and Piero Genovesi
Connecting island communities on a global scale: case studies in island biosecurity
Juliana Matos, Annie Little, Keith Broome, Euan Kennedy, Frederico A. Méndez-Sánchez, Mariam Latofski-Robles, Robyn Irvine, Chris Gill, Aurora Espinoza, Gregg Howald, Katrina Olthof, Morgan Ball, and Christina L. Boser