Communication Disorders Faculty Publications | Communication Disorders | Brigham Young University


Submissions from 2024


The Impacts of Co-occurring Developmental Language Disorder on the Academic, Interpersonal, and Behavioral Profiles of Children With ADHD, Kirsten M. Hannig Russell and Sean M. Redmond


Efficacy of Complexity-Based Target Selection for Treating Morphosyntactic Deficits in Children With Developmental Language Disorder and Children With Down Syndrome: A Single-Case Experimental Design, Kirsten M. Hannig Russell, Julie L. Wambaugh, John L. Davis, and Sean M. Redmond


Understanding and addressing the individualized emotional impact of aphasia: A framework for speech-language pathologists, Tyson G. Harmon


Effects of cognitive and social demands on linguistic production for people with moderate, mild, or no aphasia, Tyson G. Harmon, Emily McDonald, and Kyle Steele


Effects of cognitive and social demands on linguistic production for people with moderate, mild, or no aphasia, Tyson G. Harmon, Emily McDonald, and Kyle Steele


Persevering through communication challenges: a qualitative descriptive exploration of communication experiences in aphasia, Tyson G. Harmon, Camille Williams, Garrett Cardon, and William S. Evans


The Acceptability of Relationship-Centered Communication Partner Training for Couples Impacted by Aphasia: A Mixed Methods Pilot Investigation, Kathryn-Anne Pertab, Tyson G. Harmon, Jonathan Sandberg, Jon L. Pertab, and William S. Evans

Submissions from 2023


Corticosteroid-LABA inhalers increase phonation threshold pressure (PTP) and flow (PTF) in rabbits, Christopher Dromey, Kristine Tanner, Heidi J. Robison, Maya Elena Stevens, Ray M. Merrill, Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, and Ben Christensen


Pattern-based target selection for treatment of irregular past tense: A single-case experimental design for children with DLD, Kirsten M. Hannig Russell, Amy Wilder, and Julie L. Wambaugh


Physiological arousal, attentiveness, emotion, and word retrieval in aphasia: Effects and relationships, Tyson G. Harmon, Angela Johnson, Vivian Ward, and Shawn Nissen


Telling Stories in Noise: The Impact of Background Noises on Spoken Language for People with Aphasia, Tyson G. Harmon, Brenna Scadden Nelson, Christopher Dromey, and Kirsten Dixon Clawson


Fast-talking, Loud-voiced and Silver-tongued: Patterns of Prosody and Sales Performance, Shawn L. Nissen


Teaching Non-native Sound Contrasts using Visual Biofeedback, Shawn L. Nissen


Perceptual ratings of pronunciation for L2 learners of English as a function of task type, word position, and listener expertise, Shawn L. Nissen, Rachel Kemmey, and K. James Hartshorn

Submissions from 2022


Psycholinguistic profiling of children with sluggish cognitive tempo, Kirsten M. Hannig Russell, Sean M. Redmond, and Andrea C. Ash


Do People With Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia Improve or Worsen Across Repeated Sequential Word Trials?, Tyson G. Harmon, Adam Jacks, Katarina L. Haley, Jessica D. Richardson, Elizabeth H. Lacey, and Peter Turkeltaub


Effects of an Interdisciplinary Communication Partner Training Program on Student Learning, Tyson G. Harmon, Mei-Ling Lin, Gabrielle Scronce, and Adam Jacks


Effects of positive and negative emotion on picture naming for people with mild to moderate aphasia: A preliminary investigation, Tyson G. Harmon, Courtney Nielsen, Corinne Loveridge, and Camille Williams


Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables, Tyson G. Harmon, Brielle C. Stark, Manaswita Dutta, Laura L. Murray, Lucy Bryant, Davida Fromm, Brian MacWhinney, Amy E. Ramage, Angela Roberts, Dirk B den Ouden, Kris Brock, Katy McKinney-Bock, Eun Jin Paek, Si On Yoon, Charalambos Themistocleous, Hyunsoo Yoo, Katharine Aveni, Stephanie Gutierrez, and Saryu Sharma


Mazes in Spanish-English dual language learners after language enrichment: a case study, Connie Summers, Casey L. Taliancich-Klinger, and Kai J. Greene

Submissions from 2021


Kinematic and Acoustic Changes to Vowels and Diphthongs in Bite Block Speech, Christopher Dromey, Michelle Richins, and Tanner Low


Effects of Background Noise on Speech and Language in Young Adults, Tyson G. Harmon, Christopher Dromey, Brenna Nelson, and Kacy Chapman


Repeated word production is inconsistent in both aphasia and apraxia of speech, Tyson G. Harmon, Katarina L. Haley, Kevin T. Cunningham, Adam Jacks, Jessica D. Richardson, and Peter E. Turkeltaub


Spoken Discourse Assessment and Analysis in Aphasia: An International Survey of Current Practices, Tyson G. Harmon, Brielle C. Stark, Manaswita Dutta, Laura L. Murray, Davida Fromm, and Lucy Bryant


A Longitudinal Study of Interprofessional Education in Graduate Students From Rehabilitation Sciences, Connie Summers, Sarah Elkington, Celia Pechak, Patricia Lara, and Francesca Hernandez


A perceptual study of cross-language influence on vocal fry use in women exposed to two languages, Connie Summers and Todd A. Gibson

Submissions from 2020


Age-Related Changes in Speech and Voice: Spectral and Cepstral Measures, Christopher Dromey, Sammi Taylor, Shawn L. Nissen, Kristine Tanner, Dennis Eggett, and Kim Corbin-Lewis


Everyday communication challenges in aphasia: Descriptions of experiences and coping strategies, Tyson G. Harmon


Prosodic Elements for Content Delivery in Broadcast Journalism: A Quantitative Study of Vocal Pitch, Shawn L. Nissen, Quint B. Randle, Jared L. Johnson, and Jenny Lynes


Adapting a Picture Description Task for Grammatical Analysis in English–Spanish Bilingual Preschool Children, Vanesa Smith, Isabel Cano, Lisa Lozada, and Connie Summers

Submissions from 2019


Listeners’ Ability to Identify the Gender of Preadolescent Children in Different Linguistic Contexts, Christopher Dromey, Shawn Nissen, Sharalee Blunck, and Anita Dromey


Bidirectional Interference Between Simulated Driving and Speaking, Christopher Dromey and Kelsey Simmons


Redmond (2002) Revisited: Have Standardized Behavioral Rating Scales Gotten Better at Accommodating for Overlapping Symptoms with Language Impairment?, Kirsten M. Hannig, Sean M. Redmond, and Amy Wilder


Dual task effects on story retell for participants with moderate, mild, or no aphasia: Quantitative and qualitative findings, Tyson G. Harmon, Adam Jacks, Katarina L. Haley, and Antoine Bailliard


How responsiveness from a communication partner affects story retell in aphasia: Quantitative and qualitative findings, Tyson G. Harmon, Adam Jacks, Katarina L. Haley, and Antoine Bailliard


Automated speech recognition in adult stroke survivors: Comparing human and computer transcriptions, Tyson G. Harmon, Adam Jacks, Katarina L. Haley, and Gary Bishop


Supporting Confidence and Participation for People with Aphasia Through Student Interaction: A Descriptive Study on the Effects of an Interdisciplinary Campus Program, Tyson G. Harmon, Mei-Ling Lin, Gabrille Scronce, and Adam Jacks


Using Real-Time Visual Biofeedback for Second Language Instruction, Shawn L. Nissen and Rebecca Nissen


An intensive book camp approach to the remediation of speech sound disorders: a case report, Shawn L. Nissen, Melanie E. Peris, and Kristine Tanner

Submissions from 2018


Speech Adaptation to Kinematic Recording Sensors: Perceptual and Acoustic Findings, Christopher Dromey, Elise Hunter, and Shawn L. Nissen


Examining Acoustic and Kinematic Measures of Articulatory Working Space: Effects of Speech Intensity, Christopher Dromey, Jason A. Whitfield, and Panika Palmer


Life activity choices by people with aphasia: repeated interviews and proxy agreement, Tyson G. Harmon, katarina L. Haley, Jennifer L. Womack, Karen L. McCulloch, and Richard A. Faldowski


Proactive social validation of methods and procedures used for training speech production in aphasia, Tyson G. Harmon, Lucy Hardy, and Katarina L. Haley


Speech fluency in acquired apraxia of speech during narrative discourse: Group comparisons and dual task effects, Tyson G. Harmon, Adam Jacks, and Katarina L. Haley


An acoustic and perceptual analysis of children’s adaptation to an electropalatographic sensor, Shawn L. Nissen, Marissa Celaya, and Kasey Duffield


Polysyllabic Shortening in Speakers Exposed to Two languages, Connie Summers and Todd A. Gibson


Development and Preliminary Assessment of Interprofessional Education Focused on Vulnerable Populations, Connie Summers, Celia Pechak, Barbara Schoen, Margie Padilla, Patricia Lara, Joanna Velasco, and Stephanie Capshaw


Improved Knowledge Following an Interprofessional Interpreter-Use Training, Connie Summers, Celia Pechak, and Joanna Velasco


Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Making for Bilingual Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Guide for Clinicians, Connie Summers, Vanesa Smith, Vannesa Mueller, Alejandra Carillo, and Gabriela Villaneda

Submissions from 2017


Effects of Laryngeal Activity on Articulation, Christopher Dromey and Katherine M. Black


Effects of speech Intensity on Acoustic and Kinematic Articulatory Working Space, Christopher Dromey, Panika Palmer, and Jason Whitfield


Effects of Voice-Sparing Cricotracheal Resection on Phonation in Women, Christopher Dromey, Kristine Tanner, Mark L. Berardi, Lisa M. Mattei, Jenny L. Pierce, Jonathan J. Wisco, Eric J. Hunter, and Marshall E. Smith


Corticosteroid-LABA inhalers increase phonation threshold pressure (PTP) and flow (PTF) in rabbits, Christopher Dromey, Kristine Tanner, Heidi J. Robison, Maya Elena Stevens, Ray M. Merrill, Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, and Ben Christensen


Vocal Fry Use in Adult Female Speakers Exposed to Two Languages, Connie Summers, Todd A. Gibson, and Sydney Walls


Incorporating Spanish Language Instruction Into Health Sciences Programs in a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Connie Summers, Vannesa Mueller, Celia Pechak, and Jeri J. Sias


Perceptions of mentoring SLPs and clinical fellows during the clinical fellowship, Connie Summers, Maria Resendiz, Connie Summers, and Roxanna Ruiz-Felter


Language of intervention in bilingual children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Connie Summers, Vanessa Smith, Vannesa Mueller, Victoria Alexander, and Amelie Muzza

Submissions from 2016


Speech Adaptation to Kinematic Recording Sensors, Christopher Dromey and Elise Hunter


Exploring the Clinical Utility of Relative Fundamental Frequency as an Objective Measure of Vocal Hyperfunction, Christopher Dromey, Nelson Roy, Rebecca A. Fetrow, and Ray M. Merrill


The effects of noise on speech movements in young, middle- aged, and older adults. Speech, Language and Hearing, Christopher Dromey and Sarah Scott


Laryngeal Desiccation Challenge and Nebulized Isotonic Saline in Healthy Male Singers and Nonsingers: Effects on Acoustic, Aerodynamic, and Self-Perceived Effort and Dryness Measures, Christopher Dromey, Kristine Tanner, Robert B. Fujiki, Ray M. Merrill, Whitney Robb, Katherine A. Kendall, J Arden Hopkin, Ron W. Channell, and M Preeti Sivasankar


Articulatory-Acoustic and Kinematic Relationships in Comfortable and Loud Speech, Christopher Dromey, Jason A. Whitfield, and Panika Palmer


Recovering With Acquired Apraxia of Speech: The First 2 Years, Tyson G. Harmon, Katarina L. Haley, Jennifer N. Shafer, and Adam Jacks


Listener Perceptions of Simulated Fluent Speech in Nonfluent Aphasia, Tyson G. Harmon, Adam Jacks, Katarina L. Haley, and Richard A. Faldowski


Learning by Doing: Students from three disciplines work together to help people with dementia with their communication and physical challenges., Tyson G. Harmon, Brenda Everett Mitchell, and Anna Weinberg


Russian palatalized and unpalatalized coda consonants: An electropalatographic and acoustic analysis of native speaker and L2 learner productions, Shawn L. Nissen, Jane F. Hacking, Bruce L. Smith, and Hannah Allen


An Acoustic and Perceptual Evaluation of Four Historic Recordings of Chinese Narrative Singing, Shawn L. Nissen and Francesca R. Lawson

Submissions from 2015


Bidirectional Interference Between Speech and Nonspeech Tasks in younger, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults, Christopher Dromey and Dallin J. Bailey


The Effects of Emotional Expression on Vibrato, Christopher Dromey, Sharee O. Holmes, J Arden Hopkin, and Kristine Tanner


Learning about Aphasia through Experience: Descriptions of an Interdisciplinary Patient Centered Seminar, Tyson G. Harmon, Shawn Fleck, and Adam Jacks


Visual analog rating of mood by people with aphasia, Tyson G. Harmon, Katarina L. Haley, Jennifer L. Womack, and Sharon W. Williams


Nebulized isotonic saline improves voice production in Sjögren's syndrome, Shawn L. Nissen, Kristine Tanner, Ray M. Merrill, Alison Miner, Ron W. Channell, Karla L. Miller, Mark Elstad, Katherine A. Kendall, and Nelson Roy


Developmental Surveillance and Referral in a Traditionally Medically Underserved Border Community, Connie Summers, Eugenia C. Gonzalez, Vannesa Mueller, Anne Hernandez, Gilda Gil-Lopez, Danielle C. Garcia, and Maritza E. Lopez


How Should We Prepare Rehabilitation Sciences Students to Work with Low English-Proficient Spanish-Speaking Patients?, Connie Summers, Eugenia Gonzalez, and Celia Pechak

Submissions from 2014


Effects of Age and Syntactic Complexity on Speech Motor Performance, Christopher Dromey, Kelsey Boyce, and Ron Channell


Effects of Age and Syntactic Complexity on Speech Motor Performance, Christopher Dromey, Kelsey Boyce, and Ron Channell


Supervising clinical fellows: Preparation and styles, Connie Summers, Maria Resendiz, and Roxanna Ruiz-Felter

Submissions from 2013


The Effects of Practice on the Concurrent Performance of a Speech and Postural Task in Persons with Parkinson Disease and Healthy Controls, Christopher Dromey, K Bo Foreman, Stuart Sondrup, Eon Jarvis, Shawn Nissen, and Leland E. Dibble


Assessing Correlations Between Lingual Movements and Formants, Christopher Dromey, Gwi-Ok Jang, and Kristi Hollis


The Effects of Practice on the Concurrent Performance of a Speech and Postural Task in Persons with Parkinson Disease and Healthy Controls, K. Bo Foreman, Stuart Sondrup, Christopher Dromey, Eon Jarvis, Shawn Nissen, and Leland E. Dibble


The Effect of Dialect on Speech Audiometry Testing, Shawn L. Nissen, Richard W. Harris, Ron W. Channell, Nathan E. Richardson, Jamie A. Garlick, and Dennis L. Eggett


Interprofessional Education: A Pilot Study of Rehabilitation Sciences Students Participating in Interdisciplinary International Service-Learning, Connie Summers, Celia Pechak, Eugenia Gonzalez, and Stephanie Capshaw

Submissions from 2012


Electropalatographic measures of stop consonants in speakers with and without apraxia of speech on repeated sampling occasions, Christopher Dromey, Shannon C. Mauszycki, and Julie L. Wambaugh


Frequency Response of Synthetic Vocal Fold Models with Linear and Nonlinear Material Properties, Stephanie M. Shaw, Scott L. Thomson, Christopher Dromey, and Simeon Smith


The measure matters: Language dominance profiles across measures in Spanish–English bilingual children, Connie Summers, Lisa M. Bedore, Elizabeth D. Pena, Connie L. Summers, Maria D. Resendiz, Kai Greene, Thomas M. Bohman, and Ronald B. Gillam

Submissions from 2011


Traditional Treatment and Altered Auditory Feedback Lead to Intelligibility Benefits in a Subset of Speakers with Parkinson Disease, Christopher Dromey


A Preliminary Report on Disordered Speech with Deep Brain Stimulation in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease, Christopher Dromey and Suzy Bjarnason


The Acoustic Effects of Vowel Equalization Training in Singers, Christopher Dromey, Emily Heaton, and J. Arden Hopkin


The development of psychometrically equivalent Cantonese speech audiometry materials, Shawn L. Nissen, Richard W. Harris, Ron W. Channell, Brooke Conklin, Misty Kim, and Lena Wong

Submissions from 2010


Louder Speech Leads to Greater Intelligibility Improvements than Amplification of Habitual Speech in Parkinson Disease, Christopher Dromey


Louder speech leads to greater intelligibility improvements than amplification of habitual speech in Parkinson’s disease, Christopher Dromey


Bidirectional Interference between Speech and Postural Stability in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease, Christopher Dromey, Eon Jarvis, Stuart Sondrup, Shawn Nissen, K. Bo Foreman, and Leland E. Dibble


Bilingual performance on nonword repetition in Spanish and English, Connie Summers, Thomas M. Bohman, Ronald B. Gillam, Elizabeth D. Pena, and Lisa M. Bedore


Vocal Fold Bowing in Elderly Male Monozygotic Twins: A Case Study, Kristine Tanner, Cara Sauder, Susan L. Thibeault, Christopher Dromey, and Marshall E. Smith

Submissions from 2009


Estimating dysphonia severity in continuous speech: Application of a multi-parameter spectral/cepstral model, Christopher Dromey, Shaheen N. Awan, and Nelson Roy


An In Vivo Model of External Superior Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis: Laryngoscopic Findings, Christopher Dromey, Michael E. Barton, Marshall E. Smith, Ray M. Merrill, Cara Sauder, and Nelson Roy


Laryngeal-Level Amplitude Modulation in Vibrato, Christopher Dromey, Lorie Reese, and J Arden Hopkin


Laryngeal Level Amplitude Modulation in Vibrato, Christopher Dromey, Lorie Reese, and J. Arden Hopkin


Articulatory changes in muscle tension dysphonia: Evidence of vowel space expansion following manual circumlaryngeal therapy, Christopher Dromey, Nelson Roy, Shawn L. Nissen, and Shimon Sapir


Exploring the Phonatory Effects of External Superior Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis: An In vivo model, Christopher Dromey, Nelson Roy, Marshall E. Smith, Jonathan Redd, Skylee Neff, and Doug Grennan