
Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Environmental Implications of Polymer Coated Urea, Joshua James LeMonte


Apparent Competition with Bromus tectorum Through Pyrenophora semeniperda Reduces Establishment of Native Grasses, Katherine Temus Merrill


Usage and Development of Molecular Markers for Investigation of the Population and Ecological Genetics of Bromus tectorum L., Keith R. Merrill


Stable Isotope Diet Reconstruction of Feral horses (Equus caballas) on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, USA, Megan Kathleen Nordquist


Seasonal Habitat Selection by Greater Sage Grouse in Strawberry Valley Utah, Riley D. Peck


Geochemical Analysis of Ancient Fremont Activity Areas at Wolf Village, Utah, Laura Morrison Pyper


Oat SNP Marker Discovery and Mapping Based on 454 Pyrosequencing of Genome-Reduced Avena magna Murphy et Terrell, Rachel Rebecca Redman


Reproductive Success and Soil Seed Bank Characteristics of Astragalus ampullarioides and A. holmgreniorum (Fabaceae): Two Rare Endemics of Southwestern Utah, Allyson B. Searle


De novo Genome Assembly and SNP Marker Development of Pyrenophora semeniperda, Marcus Makina Soliai

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


The Dirt on the Ancient Maya: Soil Chemical Investigations of Ancient Maya Marketplaces, Daniel Aaron Bair


Multidisciplinary Assessment and Documentation of Past and Present Human Impacts on the Neotropical Forests of Petén, Guatemala, Christopher Stephen Balzotti


Agronomic performance of five varieties of forage grasses inroduced in Carmen Pampa, province of Nor Yungas, La Paz, Joel Eliseo Bautista Vargas


An Examination of the DNA Content, Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Penstemon (Plantaginaceae), Shaun R. Broderick


Diversity and Abundance of the Dark Kangaroo Mouse, Microdipodops megacephalus, in Communities of Nocturnal Granivorous Rodents in Western North America, Ashley Sagers Haug


Part I: Evaluation of Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG)in Two Different Biology 100 Classes Part 2: What Biology Concepts are Important in General Education?: Analysis of Seventeen Core Concepts, Jessica Marie Rosenvall Howelle


Community Response to False Hellebore (Veratrum californicum Durand) Harvest 18 Years after Treatment, Craig Douglas Johnson


Historic Fire Regimes on Eastern Great Basin (USA) Mountains Reconstructed from Tree Rings, Stanley G. Kitchen


Variable Palatability of Quaking Aspen for Large Ungulate Herbivores, Patrice Alexa Nielson


Developmental Contributions to Variation in Aspen Clones and the Influence of Pre-Fire Succession Status on Aspen Regeneration Success, Eric A. Smith


Diet Reconstruction of Wild Rio-Grande Turkey of Central Utah Using Stable Isotope Analysis, Benjamin D. Stearns


Development and Use of Microsatellite Markers for Genetic Diversity Analysis of Canahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), Amalia Vargas


Diet Reconstruction of Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Using Stable Isotopes, Joshua M. Whitaker

Theses/Dissertations from 2009


Stable Carbon Isotope Evidence of Ancient Maya Agriculture at Tikal, Guatemala, Richard Lee Burnett


Ecophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Aspen to Conifer Succession, William J. Calder


Predictive Modeling of Sulfur Flower Buckwheat (Erigonum umbellatum Torrey) Using Non-Parametric Multiplicative Regression Analysis, David B. Davis


Production of the edible mushroom (Agaricus sp.) under laboratory conditions for their multiplication in different culture media, Mercedes Victoria Galeón Alcón


Identification and Manipulation of Resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Derived From Solanum peruvianum, Luis F. Gordillo Jr.


Influence of Soil Water Repellency on Post-fire Revegetation Success and Management Techniques to Improve Establishment of Desired Species, Matthew D. Madsen


Diversity and abundance of insects from the Reduviidae and Pentatomidae families in three ecological niches of six communities in the Coroico and Coripata municipalities, Department of la Paz, Fernando Miguel Manrique Mamani


Physiological Assessment of Chenopodium quinoa to Salt Stress, Arturo Jason Morales


Genetic Dissection of Triterpenoid Saponin Production in Chenopodium quinoa Using Microarray Analysis, Derrick James Reynolds


The Grass Seed Pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda as a Biocontrol Agent for Annual Brome Grasses, Thomas E. Stewart


Concentration of metabolites and behavior of live weight in llamas (Lama glama) fed with natural grass and barley during gestation, postpartum, and new born phases in Turco, department of Oruro, Eduardo Ticona Benique


Metabolic effect of three protein levels in the nutrition of alpacas (Lama pacus) in the experimental station of Brigham Young University, Rolando Freddy Uruña Tito


Diversity of insects from the Vespidae family in three ecological niches (forest, forest border, and agricultural area) in six communities in the Coroico and Coripata municipalities, department of La Paz, Edwin Zapata Mayta

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Biodiversity of Insects from the Syrphidae and Carabidae Families in Three Ecological Niches (Forest, Forest Boarder, and Farming Area) in Three Communities of the Coroico Municipality, Nor Yungas, La Paz, Eddy Alarcón


Using a Chelator-Buffered Nutrient System to Study Phosphorus, Manganese and Zinc Interactions in Russet Burbank Potato, Steven A. Barben


Effect of Ca and pH on Disease Severity of Pink Rot Phytophthora erythroseptica in Russett Norkotah Potato Solanum tuberosum, Jared H. Benson


Domain Duplication, Darwinian Selection, and the Origin of the Globulin Seed Storage Proteins, Nathaniel S. Cannon


Comparative Cytotoxicity of an FDA-approved Cancer Drug to Extracts of Atriplex confertifolia on Human Breast and Cervical Cancer Cells, Christopher James Capua


Quantification of pollinating insects of the superfamily Apoidea in three ecological niches of three communities in the municipality of Coroico-Nor Yungas, department of La Paz, Óscar Jaime Claros Sossa


Studies on Transformation of Tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Arabidopsis thaliana using Chimerical constructs of varying Tospoviral Origin, Joshua Nathaniel Cobb


Evaluation of five lines of amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) in three locations within the Imbabura province, Lorena Marivel Dávila Pullas


Resistance of different tomato varieties (Lycopersicon esculentum) to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in laboratory conditions at UAC Carmen Pampa, in the province of Nor Yungas, department of La Paz, Andrez Faustino Florez Paxi


Arthropod and Plant Communities as Indicators of Land Rehabilitation Effectiveness in a Semi-arid Shrub-steppe, Eric T. Gardner


Evaluation of Downy Mildew (Peronospora farinosa f.sp. chenopodii) Resistance among Quinoa Genotypes and Investigation of P. farinosa Growth using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Leilani Kitz


Pygmy Rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) Habitat Use, Activity Patterns and Conservation in Relationship to Habitat Treatments, Janet E. Lee


Hair, Feces and Breath Isotope Fractionation in Alpacas (Llama pacos), Llamas (Llama glama) and Guanacos (Llama guanacoe) from Bolivia and Chile, Lino Constancio Lopez Lopez


Effect of three cryoconservation diluents on sperm motility and vitality in the ejaculate of bulbourethal-ectomized llamas (Lama glama), department of La Paz, Edwin Eddy Maceda Tintaya


Competitive Exclusion of Cyanobacterial Species in the Great Salt Lake, Hillary Christine Roney


Physical Mapping of Ribosomal Genes in New World Members of the Genus Chenopodium Using Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization, Maria C. Sederberg


The Maya Footprint: Soil Resources of Chunchucmil, Yucatan, Mexico, Ryan V. Sweetwood

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


The ecology of translocated greater sage-grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah, Rick Joseph Baxter


Evaluation of the nutritional quality of twelve species of grass tolerant to salt and drought in function to their dry matter accumulation curve in the Tamborada region, Julio César Bustamante Alavi


Diluents for cryopreservation of semen from non-woolly llamas (Lama glama), Franz Nicolas Bustos Fernández


Evaluation of vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) fed with three types of hay in stables in the municipality of Tiahuanaco, department of La Paz, José Cartagena Catacora


Beneficial Fungal Interactions Resulting in Accelerated Germination of Astragalus utahensis, a Hard-Seeded Legume, Sean D. Eldredge


Analyses of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Translocation Release Methods and Chick Survival in Strawberry Valley, Utah, Jordan P. Hennefer


Calcium Dynamics Affecting Egg Production, Skeletal Integrity, and Egg Coloration in Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus), Landon R. Jones


Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for the Grain Amaranths (Amaranthus spp. L.), Melanie Ann Mallory


A Study of Habitat Variables Associated with Northern Goshawk Nest Site Activity on the Three National Forests in Southern Utah, Keeli Shea Marvel


Response of three ecotypes of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) to five levels of ovine manure in the community of Yampupata (Manco Kapac province - La Paz), Sabina Quispe Paye


The Prolamins of Pearl Millet, Christian B. Ricks


Trapping, Survival, and Probable Causes of Mortality of Chukar Partridge, Aaron Clark Robinson


Evaluation of hair production in angora rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), fed with three different rations of reed in the Desaguadero municipality - department of La Paz, Angel Sullca Mamani


Cloning and Characterization of the Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) Gene in Chenopodium quinoa WILLD., Taylor Brian Turner


Adaptations of five pale-type grain amaranth accessions (Amaranthus caudatus) and five ataco or sangorache accessions (Amaranthus hybridus) in the cities of Otavalo and Antonio Ante, Sixto Stalin Tuston Torres

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


Application of different levels of byproducts from quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in the preparation of rations for guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus L.) in the growing and fattening stages, Grover Antonio Aduviri Paredes


Metabolic profile and nitrogen balance in llamas (Lama glama) fed with jipi quinua and barley hay, Viacha municipality - department of La Paz, Meliton Ajata Avircata


Identification, Sequencing, Expression and Evolutionary Relationships of the 11S Seed Storage Protein Gene in Chenopodium quinoa Willd., Marie Renee Barrett Balzotti


Apparent digestibility in vicunas fed with soft straw and alfalfa in the C.E.A.C., Felisa Capriles Apaza


Effects of Cheatgrass Control on Wyoming Big Sagebrush in Southeastern Utah, Daniel Blaine Eddington


Effect of the use of amaranth leaf flour in the development of a diet for guinea pigs, Verónica del Rocío Guerrero Carrera


Sequence Analysis of PMEL17 as Candidate Gene for Causing Rat-Tail Syndrome in Cattle, Benjamin C. Hecht


Predicting Maize Yield, Nutrient Concentration and Uptake in P and K Fertilized Soils: Pressurized Hot Water and Other Alternatives to Mehlich I Extraction in Guatemala Soils, Heather Mae Hunsaker


Simple Sequence Repeat Development, Polymorphism and Genetic Mapping in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), David Jarvis


Ecological Investigations of Chukars in Western Utah, Randy T. Larsen


Effect of early weaning on piglet weight gain and fertility in sows (Sus scrofa) in Carmen Pampa of Nor Yungas - La Paz, Darwin Juan Luna Isita


Determination of the primary levels of the residues of the seeds of wheat, maize, and barley for the elaboration of the food mixture for rabbits, Aida Esperanza Morejon Jacome


Effect of chemical fertilization and organic amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.) var. Alegria INIAP Chaltura, Andrade Andrade Pablo Raúl


Agronomic evaluation and comparison of the yield of six multiannual forage species, under dry land conditions in the Ingavi province, Freddy Óscar Paye Paye


Energy value in llamas (Lama glama) fed with alfalfa hay (Modicago sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) for apparent digestibility in vivo in the National Camelid Germplasm Bank (CEAC), Edwin Gonzalo Ugarte Huanca


Agronomic growth characteristics of two varieties of baby carrots (Daucus carota L.) at three planting densities in Walipini (Ingavi Province), María Eugenia Valdez Cuba


Evaluation of the seed production of tall grasses tolerant to drought and salinity in the Tamborada region - Cochabamba, Magali Vallejos Arnez


Apparent digestibility in lamas (Lama glama), fed with Brazilian grass and wheat in the C.E.A.C., William Edson Velez Contacayo


Forage Adaptability Trials for Forage and Seed Production in Bolivia; Effect of 5 Herbicides on 7 Native Utah Forbs, Joshua C. Voss


Soil Stable Carbon Isoptope Analysis of Landscape Features at Aguateca, Guatemala, David R. Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Living digestibility of alfalfa and barley in llamas (Lama glama) in the agricultural experimental center Condoriri, Adelaida Alarcon Chuquichambi


Replacement of fish meal by meal worm (Eisenia foetida) in the feed of broilers as an alternative source of protein, Carlos Ángel Cervantes Cevallos


Assessment of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. Genetic Diversity in the USDA and CIP-FAO Collections Using SSR?S and SNP?S, Shawn A. Christensen


Metabolic profile and live weight of male llamas (Lama glama) fed with barley hay, alfalfa, and quinoa scrub, Karla Coaquira Arratia


Biochemical and molecular nutrition blocks as dietary supplements in llamas (Lama glama) in the last third of the gestation period of the CEAC, Janette Illanes Callejas


Feed conversion index in two populations and two lines of guinea pigs for meat production, Kathia Jordán Vargas


In vivo digestibility in llamas (Lama glama), fed with barley and paja brava at the C.E.A.C., Martha Jesusa Llanos Pérez


Apparent digestibility in llamas (Lama glama) fed with (Stipa ichu) treated with urea and molasses at the C.E.A.C., Ninfa Jacqueline Magne Colque


Evaluation of the agronomic performance of six varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in the St. Felix community of the Coroico township (Nor Yungas-La Paz), Viviana Marleni Quisbert


Agronomic performance of two baby lettuce varieties (Lactuca sativa L.) at three planting densities using panqar huyus in the Ingavi province, Francisco Javier Orruel Fusco


Microbial and Chemical Affects on Leachate from Calcareous Soils Treated with Wastewater Effluent, Craig M. Paul


Effect of the use of amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) leaf flour in the creation of feeds for the production of broiler chickens, Wendy Valeria Quel Ruíz


Calorespirometric Evidence for Adaptation of Blackbrush and Shadscale to Growth Season Temperatures in Cold Deserts, Heidi A. Summers