Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Microbial Community Response to Fumigation in Potato Soils, Trevor Blake Smart
Effects of and Influences on Microbial Populations of Missouri Maize Fields, Madsen Paul Sullivan
Characterizing the Spatial Variation of Crop Water Productivity for Variable-Rate Irrigation Management, Jeffrey David Svedin
An Ecological and Distributional Analysis of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva), Gregory Watson Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Physiological Effects of Pathogen and Herbivore Risks Encountered by Quaking Aspen, Anson Clark Call
The Relationship Between Microbiota, Diet, and Energy Production in the Alpaca, Courtney Carroll
Assessing Phosphorus Sources with a GIS-Based Phosphorus Risk Index in a Mixed-Use, Montane Watershed, Josiah A. Johns
Human-Bear Interactions Among Black Bears in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, and Polar Bears on Alaska's North Slope, Wesley G. Larson
Assembly, Annotation and Optical Mapping of the A Subgenome of Avena, Rebekah Ann Lee
Assembly, Annotation and Optical Mapping of the A Subgenome of Avena, Rebekah Ann Lee
Assessing Phosphorus Sources with Synoptic Sampling in the Surface Waters of a Mixed-Use, Montane Watershed, Austin Willis Pearce
Impacts of a Mixed Ungulate Community on Aspen Forests: From Landscape to Leaf, Aaron C. Rhodes
Optimizing Monitoring Efforts of Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis) in Utah, Kelsey Alina Richards
Space Use, Resource Selection, and Survival of Reintroduced Bighorn Sheep, Rusty Wade Robinson
Using Remote Cameras to Estimate the Abundance of Ungulates, Jace C. Taylor
Using Remote Cameras to Estimate the Abundance of Ungulates, Jace C. Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Effects of Abscisic Acid (ABA) on Germination Rate of Three Rangeland Species, Turmandakh Badrakh
Reproductive Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah, Jared Jeffrey Baxter
Ancient Maya Agricultural Resources in the Rio Amarillo Valley near Copán, Honduras, Bryce Matthew Brown
Polymer Coated Urea in Kentucky Bluegrass, Jessica Chelise Buss
Population Structure, Genetic Diversity, Geographic Distribution, and Morphology of Two Boechera (Brassicaceae) Parental Species (Boechera thompsonii and Boechera formosa) and of Their Resultant Hybrid Boechera duchesnensis, Christina Elizabeth Fox Call
An Investigation of ßglux, a Glucosidase Co-Expressed with Cslf6 in Oat (Avena sativa) and Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Michael Christopher Gines
Competition Dynamics Within Communities of Desert Wildlife at Water Sources, Lucas Keith Hall
Exploring the Possibility of Photosynthetic Plasticity in Agave sensu lato, John Anthony Huber
Deficient, Adequate and Excess Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Growth Curves Established in Hydroponics for Biotic and Abiotic Stress-Interaction Studies in Lettuce, Douglas Keith Jacobson
Improving Cotton Agronomics with Diverse Genomic Technologies, Aaron Robert Sharp
Ecology of Gambel's Quail (Callipepla gambelii) in Relation to Water and Fire in Utah's Mojave Desert, Wesley R. Skidmore
Influence of Release Timing on Survival and Movements of Translocated Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Utah, David C. Smedley
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Rangeland Monitoring Using Remote Sensing: An Assessment of Vegetation Cover Comparing Field-Based Sampling and Image Analysis Techniques, Ammon K. Boswell
The Cascading Effects of Invasive Grasses in North American Deserts: The Interactions of Fire, Plants, and Small Mammals, Tiffanny R. Bowman
Tree Islands of Fertility Structure Bacterial Community Assembly and Functional Genes Contributing to Ecosystem Processes, Tayte Paul Campbell
Drought and Nitrogen Effects on Maize Canopy Temperature and Stress Indices, David A. Carroll
The Amaranth (Amaranthus Hypochondriacus) Genome: Genome, Transcriptome and Physical Map Assembly, Jared William Clouse
Evaluation of a Combination Approach to Pedagogy in a Soil Science Laboratory Classroom and an Environmental Site Assessment Sample, Emily Linda Gervais
Mating-type Locus Characterization and Variation in Pyrenophora semeniperda, Julie Leanna Henry
Control of Alternaria solani Resistance to Boscalid, Fluopyram, and Chlorothalonil, Andrew K. Hollingshead
Mountain Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp vaseyana) Seed Production, Melissa L. Landeen
Maternal Denning Phenology and Substrate Selection of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Southern Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Jay Wesley Olson
Evidence of Ancient Maya Agriculture in the Bajos Surrounding Tikal, Guatemala, Adam Calvin Parker
Estimating Pinyon and Juniper Cover Across Utah Using NAIP Imagery, Darrell B. Roundy
Indications of Ancient Maya Soil Resource Management in Northern Belize, Austin Michael Ulmer
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Characterization of the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase I Gene in Chenopodium, Douglass C. Brown
Wet-Thermal Time and Plant Available Water in the Seedbeds and Root Zones Across the Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystem of the Great Basin, Nathan Lyle Cline
Population Genetics of Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah, Paula S. Dunken
Identification of the Infection Route of a Fusarium Seed Pathogen into Non-Dormant Bromus tectorum Seeds, JanaLynn Franke
Parturition of Mule Deer in Southern Utah: Management Implications and Habitat Selection, Eric D. Freeman
The Impacts of Feral Horses on the Use of Water by Pronghorn on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, Amy Marie Gooch
Secondary Dormancy and Summer Conditions Influence Outcomes in the Pyrenophora semeniperda - Bromus tectorum Pathosystem, Katie Karen Hawkins
Targeted Sequencing of Plant Genomes , Mark D. Huynh
Soil Fertility Status and Degradation of 2, 4, 6-Trinitrotoluene Contaminated Soils, Chelsea Kae Katseanes
Fire and Ungulate Herbivory Differentially Affect the Sexual Reproduction of Generalist and Specialist Pollinated Plants, Andrew Hollis Lybbert
A Study of the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) in Utah: An Analysis of the Post-Denning Activities and Bear-Human Conflict, Julie Ann Miller
Cheatgrass Die-Off Phenomena: What are the Short and Long Term Recovery Factors of Bromus tectorum Stand Failure?, Joshua Alan Nicholson
Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Polymer-Coated Urea, Curtis J. Ransom
Post-Den Emergence Behavior and Den Detection of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in Northern Alaska and the Southern Beaufort Sea, Rusty Wade Robinson
Fuel Response to Mechanical Mastication of Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands in Utah, Alan Wyatt Shakespear
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Exploring Post-Fire Recovery of Biocrusts and Desert Ecosystem Services, Jason R. Bahr
Certain Agave Species Exhibit the Capability to be Moderately Productive Under Conditions of High Salt and Drought Stress, Steven J. Bergsten
Importance of Placement Depth in Evaluating Soil Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur Using Ion Exchange Resin Capsules in Semi-Arid, Low Fertility Soils, Rachel Lynn Buck
Understory Vegetation Response to Mechanical Mastication of Piñon and Juniper Woodlands, Jordan Ann Bybee
Habitat Selection and Response to Disturbance by Pygmy Rabbits in Utah, Robert John Edgel
Population Genetic Structure of Bromus tectorum in the American Desert Southwest, Desiree Rochelle Eldon
Habitat Selection and Nesting Ecology of Snowy Plover in the Great Basin, Kristen Sue Ellis
Post-fire Interactions Between Soil Water Repellency, Islands of Fertility, and Bromus tectorum Invasibility, Kaitlynn Jane Fernelius
The Bromus tectorum-Pyrenophora semeniperda Pathosystem, Heather Finch
The Influence of Anthropogenic Development of Water on Coyotes and Kit Foxes in the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts, Lucas Keith Hall
Geochemical Evidence of Ancient Maya Marketplace Activities in the Puuc Hills of Mexico and at Caracol, Belize, Jacob M. Horlacher
Factors Underlying Invasive Grass Fire Regimes in the Mojave Desert and its Consequences on Plant and Animal Communities, Kevin J. Horn
Habitat Selection by Two K-Selected Species: An Application to Bison and Sage Grouse, Joshua Taft Kaze
Ecology, Phylogenetics, and Conservation of Draba asterophora Complex: A Rare, Alpine, Endemic from Lake Tahoe, USA, Emily Ruth Smith Putnam
Microbial Responses to Coarse Woody Debris in Juniperus and Pinus Woodlands, Deborah Monique Rigby
Resource Legacies and Priming Regulate Microbial Communities in Antarctica's Dry Valleys, Sabrina Deni Saurey
The Seed Ecology of Rare and Endangered Gibbens' Beardtongue (Penstemon gibbensii) and Blowout Penstemon (Penstemon haydenii), Kassie Lorraine Tilini
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Plant-Soil Feedbacks and Subalpine Fir Facilitation in Aspen-Conifer Forests, Joshua R. Buck
Characterization and Variable Expression of the CslF6 Homologs in Oat (Avena sp.), Melissa A. Coon
Translocation Mortality and Local, Regional, and Continental Diet of the Northern River Otter (Lontra canadensis), Casey Craig Day
Cultural Thinning of Native Sagebrush Stands to Increase Seed Yields, Kurt David Elder
Improving Phosphorus Use Efficiency Through Organically Bonded Phosphorus, Micheal W. Hill
An Object-Based Image Analysis of Treated and Untreated Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands Across the Great Basin, April Hulet
Thin Soils and Sacbes: The Soil Resources of Uci, Yucatan, Mexico, Zachary S. Larsen
A Survey of Invasive Exotic Ants Found on Hawaiian Islands: Spatial Distributions and Patterns of Association, Camie Frandsen Martin
Transcriptome and Methylation Analysis of Gossypium Petal Tissue, Aditi Rambani
Transcriptome Analysis of Drought Induced Stress in Chenopodium Quinoa, Joshua Arthur Raney
Summer Watering Patterns of Mule Deer and Differential Use of Water by Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Mule Deer, and Pronghorn in Utah, Andrew V. Shields
Alteration of behavior by desert bighorn sheep from human recreation and Desert Bighorn Sheep Survival in Canyonlands National Park: 2002 - 2010, Kanalu K. Sproat
Effectiveness of Phosphorus Fertilizers in Hydroponics and Glasshouse Settings with Moderate and High Organic Matter Soils, Jeffrey Sean Christian Summerhays
Habitat Selection of Greater Sage-Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus and Northern River Otters Lontra canadensis in Utah, Matthew D. Westover
Plant Establishment and Soil Microenvironments in Utah Juniper Masticated Woodlands, Kert R. Young
Post-Fire Soil Water Repellency: Extent, Severity and Thickness Relative to Ecological Site Characteristics Within Piñon-Juniper Woodlands, Daniel Lewis Zvirzdin
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Transcriptome Characterization and Polymorphism Detection in Subspecies of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), Prabin Bajgain
Marker Discovery in Allotetraploid Cotton Using 454 Pyrosequencing, Robert L. Byers
Geochemical Analysis of Ancient Activities at Two Plazas in Cobá, Mexico, Eric G. Coronel
Genome Snapshot and Molecular Marker Development in Penstemon (Plantaginaceae), Rhyan B. Dockter
Assessment of Genetic Diversity Among Peruvian Amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.) Germplasm Using SNP Markers, Felix Ruben Jimenez Rondan
Scarification and Cultural Practice of Four Lupine Species Native to the Great Basin, Covy Dennis Jones
Evaluating Nutrient Availability in Low Fertility Soils With Resin Capsules and Conventional Soil Tests, Mary Pletsch Jones