Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Analysis of asexual reproduction Dugesia dorotocephala, Harvey Dee Mecham
Three new species of petrified wood from the upper jurassic Morrison formation of southern Utah, David Arthur Medlyn
A genetic study of Gigas atriplex canescens, James Michael Melby
Small rodent populations and biomass in three sagebrush communities of Rush Valley, Utah, David W. Nichols
Helminths of Sceloporus lizards in the Great Basin and upper Colorado plateau of Utah, Richard Carlyle Pearce
A study of the phylogenetic relationships of Agropyron scribneri, Agropyron trachycaulum, and Sitanion hystrix, C. Lorenzo Pope
Characterization of field populations of Magarites pupillus (Gould) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia), Stephen Craig Schroeter
The bottom fauna of Fish Lake, Utah and its relationship to the trout fishery, Dennis L. Shirley
The distribution of Meyenia fluviatilis at Lincoln Beach area of Utah Lake with notes on seasonal occurrence of gemmules, Chadwick E. Smith
A Taxonomic study of the western collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris), Nathan M. Smith
A quantitative and ecological survey of the algae of Huntington Canyon, Utah, Lorin E. Squires
The reproductive biology of the leech Helobdella stagnalis (Linnaeus) in Utah Lake, David L. Tillman
The effects of channelization and water impoundment on the macroinvertebrates in the Weber River, Summit County, Utah, Parley V. Winger
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Prey utilization by nesting golden eagles in (Aquila chrysaertos) in central Utah, William Bruce Arnell
Bacterial receptor sites for uptake of transforming DNA, Douglas Pierre Bingham
Predatory activity of Chrysopa carnea Stephens in the integrated control of mite pests in Utah apple orchards, Ray R. Bingham
The altitudinal distribution of mammals of the La Sal Mountains, Utah, Stephen Robert Bradley
The physiological vitality of scarlet globemallow, Sphaeralcea grossulariaefolia (Hook. and Arn.) Rydberg, under drought, Sam Finley Brewster
A study of snail hosts for Fasciola hepatica in Utah Valley, Robert Michael Briem
A pectin histochemical study of the host pathogen relationship between Pyrenochaeta terrestris and Allium cepa, LeRoy Richard Cobia
Space usage by the small mammal, Dipodomys microps (merriam), Barney William Cornaby
A comparative morphological study of Bryobia rubrioculus (Scheuten) (Acarina: tetranychidae), Robert Lee Frommer
The hyobranchium and throat myology of the ambystomidae of the United States, John E. Krogh
An ecological life history of tall bluebell in Utah, Verl B. Matthews
An analysis of cattle grazing on steep slopes, William Wayne Patton
Characterization of a soluble form of structural protein from Neurospora crassa, Clarence Denis Perterson
Population dynamics, habitat selection, and partitioning of breeding raptors in the eastern Great Basin of Utah, Dwight Glenn Smith
Ultrastructural and histochemical investigations of Ipomoea batatus lam. infected by Rhizopus stolonifer (Fr.) Lind, Kendall O. Smith
Environmental factors that influence the timing of a cyclic en masse foraging migration of Ligia occidentalis dana (crustacea: isopoda) on the northern Gulf of California, J. Wanless Southwick
The biochemical response of Provo Bay to nutrient inflow, R. Bruce Sundrud
Autoradiographic studies of the distribution of serotonin in the rat brain, Brent D. Wagstaff
Effects of ionizing radiations on mite populations at the Nevada Test Site, Richard Riddle Walker
Effect of exercise on tissue concentrations of thyroid hormones and on thyroxine degradation rate in the rat, William W. Winder
Comparative anatomy and histology of the mantle cavity of the chitons (polyplacophora) Mopalia muscosa and Mopalia lignosa, Theodore P. Winfield
Post-mortem examination of cattle and sheep for parasitic helminths, Phil Duke Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Evolution of the iguanine lizards (Sauria, Iguanidae) as determined by osteological and myological characters, David F. Avery
Calorigenic effects of thyroxine and triiodothyronine on rat diaphragm., Robert Lee Chambers
The weevil genus Tychius germar in America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Wayne Elden Clark
Aquatic and semi-aquatic plant communities of Utah Lake, Robert E. Coombs
Effects of X-irradiation on the brain of white rats, Bernell K. Dalley
Asexual reproduction in planaria studies on inhibition, Hal R. Fitzgerald
A survey of the helminth parasites and coccidia of cattle and sheep in Utah Valley, Joseph Carl Fox
A study of the electrophoretic patterns of blood serum proteins from two populations of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni), Fred Richard Hansen
The effects of 2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine (atrazine) on the activities of certain calvin cycle enzymes in barley and corn, L. Chris Harrison
Taxonomy and ecology of fungi imperfecti from four locations in Utah Lake, Utah Co., Utah, Laird Max Hartman
The effect of the parasite Hymenolepis diminuta on iodine economy in the rat, David Gourdon Holmes
A taxonomic comparison to Uta stansburiana of the Great Basin and the upper Colorado River Basin in Utah, Lloyd C. Pack
Changes with growth in selected body proportions of the woundfin minnow (Plagopterus argentissimus cope: Cyprinidae), Edward James Peters
The effects of euploid changes in chromosome number on various physiological factors in tomatoes, barley and rye, Larry Wayne Peterson
A Flora from the Dakota sandstone formation near Westwater, Grand County, Utah, Samuel R. Rushforth
Asexual reproduction in planaria characteristics of the inhibitor(s), Linda Gail Sheffield
A comparison of vegetation changes in a mountain brush type after grazing and protection from grazing during thirty-seven years, Jerry William Thomas
The effects of herbicide applications on the animal populations of Aspen communities, Carl Eugene Wadsworth
The effect of alternate year rest rotation grazing on carbohydrate and nitrogen reserves in crested wheatgrass, James B. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Ultrastructural investigations of Tilletia caries teliospores, James Vincent Allen
Flora of the National Reactor Testing Station, N. Duane Atwood
Biochemical and morphological analyses of the hordeum jubatum-brachyantherum-caespitosum hybrid complex, Gareth Roz Babbel
The migratory route of Toxocara canis in gerbils, Thomas Carl Baker
Ecology of the pika (Ochotona princeps uinta) in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, Richard D. Bates
Comparative effects of carbon dioxide on coccidian oocysts from five different host species, Thomas David Bunch
The effect of chemical adjuvants of the survival of the free-living stages of the gastrointestinal nematode, Haemonchus contortus, Anthony T. Chang
Winter behavior and population dynamics of American Eagles in western Utah, Clyde C. Edwards
A study of conifer invasion into meadows surrounding small lakes and ponds in the Trial Lake region of the western Uinta Mountains, David Harvey Firmage
Surface characteristics of conidia from monosporous cultures of Penicillium Digitatum and Aspergillus Nidulans Var. Echinulatus, Raymond Kunito Fuji
A revision of Cryptantha subgenus Oreocarya, Larry Charles Higgins
A study of aquatic fungi in Powell's slough, Chao-chih Hsiao
Inhibition of asexual reproduction in planaria, Lewis Hafen Leavitt
The fisheries of Deer Creek Reservoir, Utah, with special emphasis on the yellow perch (perca flavescens Mitchill), Gale R. Lewellen
A revision of the hedysarum boreale complex, Terry Edwin Northstrom
A taxonomic and ecological study of the desmids of Lily Lake, James L. Pederson
A revision of the genus eriogonum (polygonaceae), James Lauritz Reveal
Phylogenetic relationships of Purshia tridentata and Cowania mexicana, Stewart C. Sanderson
Social structure of small mammal populations at the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, R. Lynn Speth
An investigation of a mycorrhizal association on Opuntia polyacantha, R. Craig Stutz
Age and growth of white bass, Roccus chrysops (Rafinesque), in Mud Lake, near Provo, Utah, Frederick Edward Trapnell
The identification of a germination factor for basidiospores of Psilocybe mutans, Neal K. Van Alfen
A comparative survey of soil microfungi from three vegetation types in Cedar Valley, Utah, Brent T. Wahlquist
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
The distribution of overwintering arthropods in a sheep pasture in Utah County, Utah, Richard Frank Ashley
The cat flea, Ctenocephalides Felis, as a potential vector of Trypanosoma Lewisi, Robert Patrick Belihar
Inhibition of planarian regeneration, Douglas Pierre Bingham
The effects of force feeding on the levels of pyruvate, glucocorticoids and glucose in the blood and on adrenal weight in thiamine-deprived and thiamine-antagonized rats, Ronald Adams Bitter
A study on the effectiveness of precipitation in the Salt Desert shrub type, Sam Finley Brewster
Fall and winter population study of the macro-invertebrate fauna of Lincoln Beach, Utah Lake, with notes on invertebrates in fish stomachs., Ralph Buckly Brown
Nesting ecology and behavior of the golden eagle in west central Utah, Franz J. Camenzind
Studies on the levels of acetylcholine in the brains of thiamine-deprived and thiamine-antagonized rats, Darwin Leroy Cheney
The biology and food habits of Typhlodromus mcgregori Chant (Acarina: Phytoseiidae), Brian A. Croft
Elevational occurrence of the ticks Dermacentor Andersoni and Dermacentor Parumapertus in Utah County, Utah, William J. Despain
Summer distribution patterns of Typhlodromus McGregori chant in Utah apple orchards, Kenneth M. Duke
Vegetational changes in a mountain brush community of Utah during eighteen years, Robert J. Eastmond
Distribution of the major plant communities in Utah, Robert Howard Foster
Factors influencing production of flower stalks in agropyron cristatum (L.) gaertn, Neil C. Frischknecht
The ecology and life history of sceloporus occidentalis longipes baird on Rainier Mesa at Nevada test site, James Mark Hopkin
Scorpions of Utah, John D. Johnson
A study of multiple embryo development in the netleaf hackberry (celtis reticulata), Gary Porter Lawrence
Overwintering sites and winter mortality rates of certain predaceous mites in Central Utah orchards (phytoseiidae: typhlodromus), John Wayne Leetham
The effect of pregnancy and lactation on the iodine compounds in the tissues and plasma of the rat, Harry Jay Lyons
An investigation of a thyroidal control of water balance in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, Scott McClung Martin