Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A reconnaissance of upper cretaceous plants from the Blackhawk formation in Central Utah, and their paleoecological significance, Lee Ross Parker
Notes on the fern family matoniaceae from the Western United States, Samuel R. Rushforth
A study of the channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus (rafinesque), in Mud Lake, Utah, Horst Friedrich Siewert
Field observations and laboratory studies on growth and tillering in seedlings of oryzopsis hymenoides as affected by selected environmental factors of the sand dunes of Lynndyl, Utah, Leopold B. Smigelski
Nesting ecology of the great horned owl Bubo virginianus in central western Utah, Dwight Glenn Smith
Thrips of the sagebrush-grass range community in West-Central Utah, Ward Max Tingey
Floral induction in some members of the Umbelliferae in response to cold treatment, photoperiod, gibberelic acid, and kinetin, A: Glenn Wahlquist
Ultrastructural investigations of powdery mildew of rose caused by sphaerotheca pannosa (Wallr.) lev, Ani Clipper Watene
Nesting ecology of the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis) in west-central Utah, John Bradford Weston
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
An ecological study of waterfowl habitat at Powell's slough, Utah Lake, Bruce I. Barnett
Predation of Leptothrips mali (Fitch) on mites in central Utah orchards, James G. Brooks
A study of certain community relationships of eriogonum corymbosum benth in DC in the Uintah Basin, Utah, Jack D. Brotherson
The taxonomy and ecology of the fleshy fungus flora of the snowbanks in the Mirror Lake region of the Uinta Mountains, Mary Virginia Charlton Dublin
An electrophoretic and chromatographic study of the hemoglobin from adult and fetal pigs, Donald William Green
A flora of the Beaver Dam mountains, Larry Charles Higgins
Hematological variation associated with altitude, season, sexual activity and body in the Uinta ground squirrel, Ralph Theodore Kinchloe
Physiological variations in the Uinta ground squirrel (Citellus armatus) in relation to seasonal activity and altitude, Marden Reed Kohler
An ecological study of the algae and mosses of Cascade Springs, Wasatch County, Utah, DeAnna Lynn McCoard
Changes in hemoglobin during metamorphosis of the Salamander, Harvey Dee Mecham
Ticks of the genus Haemaphysalis in the western United States, Joe M. Merino
The ecology of the western spotted frog, Rana Pretiosa Pretiosa, Baird and Girard: a life history study, Ronald LaDell Morris
A study of the golden-mantled ground squirrel (Citellus lateralis) in a sagebrush-grass community, Dennis E. Peterson
An analysis of an unilateral reproductive isolation barrier in Secale L, Harold James Price
The status of the common crow Corvus brachyrhynchos brehm in the Great Basin, Gerald Low Richards
Investigation of nitrogen fixation by three species of lichen, Dortha Maloy Robinson
Aquatic phycomycetes of Lily Lake, Hugh Macmillan Rooney
Investigations into the spawning ecology of the white bass roccus chrysops, (rafinesque) in Utah Lake, Utah, Frédérick Vinvent
Life history and ecology of the Colorado chipmunk (Eutamias quadrivittatus hopiensis), Carl Eugene Wadsworth
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Ecological relationships of the aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Cascade Springs area, Eugene Clark Devenport
Small mammal invasion of a trapped-out habitat, Lester Dennis Flake
Dermacentor Andersoni and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in national forest recreational sites of Utah, C. Selby Herrin
The Weberian osteology of three Utah suckers (catostomidae), William James Stubbs
An ecological life history of budsage in Western Utah, Benjamin W. Wood
Salix in Utah, Alv Dan Youngberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
A phytosociological study of Coprophilous ascomycete and Basidiomycete communities from Santaquin Canyon, Utah, A. Clyde Blauer
A microscopic study of an early Pennsylvanian flora from the Manning Canyon shale, Utah, Max W. Blaylock
Identification of the adults, nymphs, and larvae of ticks of the genus Dermacentor Koch (Ixodidae) in the western United States, Elias P. Brinton
Summer soil and air temperatures in four plant communities, Paul W. Conrad
Tularemia and deer flies in the environs of Utah Lake, Utah, Kaye B. Cox
Revision of gilia (polemoniaceae) section gilmania, M. Eileen Matthews
The guard cells complex of Astragalus in Utah, Michael I. Morris
Mammal populations and their effects on red elderberry in the Mud Creek Sheep Allotment, Stawberry Valley, Utah, Howard Duane Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
A taxonomic study of fleas of the genus Foxella (Wagner) in Utah (Siphonaptera: Dolichopsyllidae), Robert A. Amoureux
A comparative osteological study of two species of Colubridae (Pituophis and Thamnophis), Robert E. Bullock
A study of albinism, and some mating reactions in Psilocybe mutans, Henry L. Curtis
Distribution patterns of pocket gophers in the Hobble Creek Area, Utah County, Elvis J. Holt
Changes in the vegetation of two restricted areas of the Wasatch plateau as related to reduced grazing and complete protection, Hyrum B. Johnson
Autoradiographic localization of serotonin and 5-hydroxytryptophan in the rat brain, Gordon Keith Matheson
A study of growth rates in seedlings of Douglas fir ecotypes, Herbert D. Papenfuss
Cytogenetic studies of Cercocarpus in Utah, Grant Lloyd Pyrah
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
Seasonal study of mites on deer mice (Peromyscus Maniculatus) in a Chaparral community, Donald B. Ash
Vegetational changes of the Uinta Basin since settlement, Bernard Curtis Dastrup
Parasitic mites of kangaroo rats of the Nevada atomic test site, Morris A. Goates
A study of the Coprophilous Ascomycetes of Utah, David L. Hanks
A study of the morphology and systematics of the genera Polydrusus and Scythropus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Gary L. Jensen
The darkling beetles of the Nevada test site (Coleoptera - tenebrionidae), Willis A. Packham
Cytological evidence for reciprocal introgression in agropyron trachycaulum and agropyron spicatum, Laval M. Pitts
A comparative study of the osteology and myology of the hind limb of the pocket gopher and kangaroo rat, Nancy S. Price
Ecology of summer aquatic invertebrate populations in a marsh area of Utah Lake, David A. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
The taxonomic problem of Polycelis in the United States, Lee F. Braithwaite
Differential salt tolerance of Hordeum jubatum, Agropyron trachycaulum, and their natural hybrid Elymus macounii, Marian Lucy Hanna
Perennial Atriplex of Utah and the northern deserts, Craig A. Hanson
Vertebrate distribution in relation to certain habitats in central Kane County, Utah, Clyde L. Pritchett
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
Bark beetles of the genus Dryocoetes (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in North America, Donald Edward Bright Jr.
Classification and distribution of the native trees of Utah, Kimball Steward Erdmann
An ecological study of an exclosure in the mountain brush vegetation of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah, Elray S. Nixon
A morphological study of some larval ticks of the genus Dermacentor with emphasis on structures of possible taxonomic importance, Richard Grant Robertson
An analysis of a hybrid complex involving Agropyron subsecundum, Agropyron trachycaulum and Elymus glaucus, Lewis Kay Shumway
A comparative study of the axillary sclerites in Coleoptera, Howard P. Shurtleff
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
The aquatic plants of central Utah and their distribution, Gerald E. Bessey
A study of the effects of different substrates on growth and reproduction in certain Coprophilic Agaricaceae, Raymond C. Brown
A comparison of the root systems of Bitterbrush and Cliffrose, Morris G. Cline
Lichens of the Wasatch Mountains in central Utah, Harry Stewart Nielsen Jr.
A comparative study of Crotaphytus holbrook (Iguanidae), Wilbur Gerald Robinson
Life history of the desert wood rat, Robert Carr Stones
Observations on the hibernation of Culex tarsalis Coquillett in Utah Valley, Utah, Dennis W. Trent
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
A morphological study of the external female genitalia and spermatheca of some Calendra, De Mar H. Curtis
Vegetational changes in a shadscale-winterfat plant association during twenty-three years of controlled grazing, Kimball T. Harper
Bionomics of Culex tarsalis Coquillett in Utah County, Stanley K. Taylor
Identification of larval ticks of the genus Ixodes known to occur in Utah, Leland D. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Bird populations of the Wasatch foothills, Delwyn G. Berett
A morphological study of the subtribe Ithypori (Coleoptera: curculionidae), Leslie J. Boothe
Genetic variation in bluebunch wheatgrass, Max P. Dunford
The external morphology of pseudopanurgus aethiops (cresson), Glenn A. Hackwell
A study of physoderma on three species of portulacaceae, David L. Mumford
Food habits of the Uinta ground squirrel (citellus armatus Kennicott) on some meadows of Mt. Timpanogos, Utah, Robert K. Shaw
The comparative mineral requirements of pioneer and climax range grasses, Paul L. Steele
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Oviposition habits of the tick Dermacentor parumapertus Neumann and factors influencing egg development, Clive D. Jorgensen
A morphological study of some North American Sitona (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), George J. Kidd
A taxonomic study of the families of Utah coleoptera excluding rhynchophora, T. Blaine Moore
The embryology of the paradise fish, macropodus opercularis Linnaeus, Lewis M. Mulkay
A preliminary investigation of the role of selenium in the growth of Stanleya Pinnata, Richard F. Nelson
Studies on the periodicity of certain Plankton species of Salem Lake, Gene A. Pratt
The incidence of nasal mites in over-wintering red-wing blackbirds in the vicinity of Utah Lake, Utah, George M. Talley
Introgression in Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. and Cowania Stansburiana Torr, Lindsey Kay Thomas
An ecological survey of the vegetation of the Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, Stanley L. Welsh
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
A study of the hydra of Salem pond, Mary Elizabeth Dumas
A life history study of the spurred towhee pipilo erythropthalmus montanus, Travis G. Haws
A study of the Utah pocket mice of the genus perognathus, Merlin L. Killpack
A study of Utah phoridae diptera, A. Lavell King