Brigham Young University Faculty Publications | Brigham Young University
An open access repository for publications by Brigham Young University faculty, staff, and administrators.


Submissions from 2020


ScholarsArchive Student Journals, Ellen Amatangelo


Publisher-Vendor-Library Relations Interest Group: A discussion of topics intersecting the needs of publishers, vendors, and libraries, Ellen Amatangelo, Carolyn Morris, and Ajaye Bloomstone


A case study exploring associations between popular media attention of scientific research and scientific citations, P. Sage Anderson, Aubrey R. Odom, Hunter M. Gray, Jordan B. Jones, William F. Christensen, Todd Hollingshead, Joseph G. Hadfield, Alyssa Evans-Pickett, Megan Frost, Christopher Wilson, Lance E. Davidson, and Matthew K. Seeley


Automated 3D Reconstruction Using Optimized View-Planning Algorithms for Iterative Development of Structure-from-Motion Models, Samuel Arce, Cory Vernon, Joshua Hammond, Valerie Newell, Joseph Janson, Kevin Franke, and John Hedengren


An ethnographic exploration of adolescent homophobic language in a rural religiously-conservative high school, Benjamin M. Bailey, Melissa Allen Heath, Aaron P. Jackson, Carol Ward, Amelia Black, Emily Cooper, Derek Griner, and Kevin Shafer


Change in implicit alcohol associations over time: Moderation by drinking history and gender, Scott A. Baldwin, Kristen P. Lindgren, Kirsten P. Peterson, Reinout W. Wiers, and Bethany A. Teachman


Provider contributions to disparities in mental health care, Scott A. Baldwin, Kritzia Merced, Zac E. Imel, Heidi Fischer, Tae Yoon, Christine Stewart, Greg Simon, Brian Ahmedani, Arne Beck, Yihe Daida, Sam Hubley, Rebecca Rossom, Beth Waitzfelder, John E. Zeber, and Karen J. Coleman


Does inhibitory control training reduce weight and caloric intake in adults with overweight and obesity? A pre-registered, randomized controlled event-related potential (ERP) study, Scott A. Baldwin, Alexandra M. Muir, Whitney D. Allen, Kaylie A. Carbine, James D. LeCheminant, Chad D. Jensen, C. Brock Kirwan, and Michael J. Larson


'We Have Lost Our Lives Already': Loss and Coping among Sri Lankan Women, Alyssa Banford Witting, Betsy Hughes Barrow, Jessica Lambert, Jason Whiting, Rachel Hartshorn, Loren Marks, Thulitha Wickrama, and Seevaguru Thanigaseelan


A Qualitative Investigation of Middle School Students' Perceptions of Appropriate Instructional Practices in Physical Education, David C. Barney


A Qualitative Look at College Students Perceptions of Social Interactions in College Physical Activity Classes, David C. Barney and Teresa Leavitt


Music as a Management Tool in Elementary Physical Education: A Qualitative Investigation, David C. Barney and Keven A. Prusak


Developing Social-Emotional Learning in Physical Education through Appropriate Instructional Practices, David C. Barney, Keven A. Prusak, and Liana Davis


How Parents Balance Desire for Religious Continuity With Honoring Children’s Religious Agency, Betsy Hughes Barrow, David C. Dollahite, and Loren D. Marks


Writing standards-based lesson plans to Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy, Scott Bartholomew, Thomas Loveland, and Vanessa Santana


Learning by evaluating (LbE) through adaptive comparative judgment, Scott R. Bartholomew, Nathan Mentzer, Matthew Jones, Derek Sherman, and Sweta Baniya


Reinventing High School: Understanding the Challenges and Successes of Transforming Education to Meet Student, Society, and Industry Needs, Scott R. Bartholomew, Greg J. Strimel, Anne M. Lucietto, and Mesut Akdere


STEM Skill Assessment: An Application of Adaptive Comparative Judgment, Scott R. Bartholomew and P. John Williams


using data to improve precision in crop fertilization through digital agriculture, Scott Bartholomew, Greg Strimel, Vetria Byrd, Vanessa Santana, Jackson Otto, Zach Laureano, and Brian DeRome


Family Behaviors as Unchanging Obstacles in End-of-Life Care: 16-Year Comparative Data, Renea L. Beckstrand, Jasmine B. Jenkins, Karlen E. Luthy, and Janelle L. B. Macintosh


Life History Divergence in Livebearing Fishes in Response to Predation: Is There a Microevolution to Macroevolution Barrier?, Mark C. Belk, Spencer J. Ingley, and Jerald B. Johnson


“They Are of Ancient Date”: Jaredite Traditions and the Politics of Gadianton’s Dissent, Dan Belnap and Daniel L. Belnap


“Wicked Traditions” and “Cunning Arts”: Wise Men, Sorcery, and Metalwork in Nephite Society, Dan Belnap, Daniel L. Belnap, Daniel Belnap, and Dan Belnap


Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly Population Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Wendy C. Birmingham, Beata Dziedzic, Zofia Sienkiewicz, Anna Le ´nczuk-Gruba, Ewa Kobos, Wieslaw Fidecki, and Mariusz Wysokiski


In an era of uncertainty: Impact of COVID-19on dental education, Wendy C. Birmingham, Man Hung, Frank W. Licari, Eric S. Hon, Evelyn Lauren, Sharon Su, Lori L. Wadsworth, Jane H. Lassetter, Tyler C. Graff, William Harman, William B. Carroll, and Martin S. Lipsky