Submissions from 2020
Family Implicit Rules, Shame, and Adolescent Prosocial and Antisocial Communication Behaviors, Jeffrey Crane, James M. Harper, Roy A. Bean, and Erin K. Holmes
Impact of Part Thickness and Drying Conditions on Saturation Limits in Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing, Nathan B. Crane
Agnew, ABC, and Richard Nixon's War on Television, Dale L. Cressman PhD
On the Rhetorical Grotesque: A Mode for Strange Times, Richard Benjamin Crosby
Supporting Teaching with Primary Sources at Brigham Young University: An Ithaka S+R Local Report, J. Gordon Daines III, Matthew J. K. Hill, Maggie Kopp, and Dainan Skeem
Swarm-Based Design of Proportional Integral and Derivative Controllers Using a Compromise Cost Function: An Arduino Temperature Laboratory Case Study, Paulo de Moura Oliveira, John Hedengren, and Eduardo Solteiro Pires
Words Matter: How to Deliver What Readers Want in this Age Reckoning with Cultural Inclusion, Race, and Racism, John DeSimone, Joey Franklin, Mary-Elaine Jacobsen, Liem Le, Sharon Orlopp, and Raye Mitchell
Ten Years of Marriage and Cohabitation Research in the Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Jeffrey P. Dew
The Longitudinal Associations of Sound Financial Management Behaviors and Marital Quality, Jeffrey P. Dew
A Review of Effectiveness Evidence in the Financial‐Helping Fields, Jeffrey P. Dew, Luke Dean, Stephen F. Duncan, and Sonya Britt-Lutter
Relationship-enhancing Transcendent Religious Experiences Encourage Relational Meaning, Depth, Healing, and Action, David C. Dollahite, Loren D. Marks, Alyssa Banford Witting, Ashley B. LeBaron, Kaity Peal Young, and Joe M. Chelladurai
Kids These Days: Are Face-to-Face Social Skills among American Children Declining?, Douglas B. Downey and Benjamin G. Gibbs
Age-Related Changes in Speech and Voice: Spectral and Cepstral Measures, Christopher Dromey, Sammi Taylor, Shawn L. Nissen, Kristine Tanner, Dennis Eggett, and Kim Corbin-Lewis
Sexual Desire and Subjective Distress among Pornography Consumers, Brian A. Droubay, Kevin Shafer, and Robert P. Butters
Understanding Early-Married Men’s Involvement in Marital Interventions, Stephen F. Duncan, Thomas Jack Esplin White, and Spencer L. James
Individual Performance and Taking on Firm-Specific Roles: The Case of Business School Associate Deans, Jeff Dyer, David Kryscynski, Christopher Law, and Shad Morris
Language matters: Examining the language-related needs and wants of writers in a first-year university writing course, Grant Eckstein and Dana Ferris
Reading Academic Citations: How Professors and Graduate Students Read for Different Purposes, Grant Eckstein, Sarah Miner, Katie Watkins, Judy James, Mornie Sims, Allison Wallace Baker, and Larissa Grahl
Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback among Graduate Students: The Effects of Feedback Timing, Grant Eckstein, Maureen Estelle Sims, and Lisa Rohm
A Corpus Study of Grammatical Difference Between Uruguayan ad Argentinan Spanish, David Eddington
Evaluation of NOx‑Reduction Measures for Iron-Ore Rotary Kilns, Rikard Ekland, Thomas Allguren, Christian Fredriksson, Denver Haycock, Colson Johnson, Jacob Fransen, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Klas Andersson
Designing Augmented Reality Experiences for Science Education, Jordan Ellsworth and David Pixton
Exploiting Earth Observation Data to Impute Groundwater Level Measurements with an Extreme Learning Machine, Steven Evans, Gustavious P. Williams, Norman L. Jones, Daniel P. Ames, and E. James Nelson
Groundwater Level Mapping Tool: An open source web application for assessing groundwater sustainability, Steven W. Evans, Norman L. Jones, Gustavious P. Williams, Daniel P. Ames, and E. James Nelson
The Emerging Science of Virtue, Blaine J. Flowers, Jason S. Carroll, Nathan D. Leonhardt, and Bradford Cokelet