An open access repository for publications by Brigham Young University faculty, staff, and administrators.


Submissions from 2020


Sanctification or Inhibition? Religious Dualities and Sexual Satisfaction, Nathan D. Leonhardt, Dean M. Busby, Veronica R. Hanna-Walker, and Chelom E. Leavitt


Pursuit of Harmony: Relational and Individual Predictors of Sexual Passion Expression, Nathan D. Leonhardt, Dean M. Busby, and Chanae Valdez


Do You Feel in Control? Sexual Desire, Sexual Passion Expression, and Associations with Perceived Compulsivity to Pornography and Pornography Use Frequency, Nathan D. Leonhardt, Dean M. Busby, and Brian J. Willoughby


‘We want to be married on our own terms’: non-university emerging adults’ marital beliefs and differences between men and women, Nathan D. Leonhardt, Brian J. Willoughby, Jason S. Carroll, Shelby Astle, and Joshua Powner


American Indian Fragile Families and the Marriage Initiative: A Replication Study, Gordon Earl Limb and Kevin Shafer


Romantic Attachment Orientations, Financial Behaviors, and Life Outcomes Among Young Adults: A Mediating Analysis of a College Cohort, Xiaomin Li, Melissa A. Curran, and Ashley B. LeBaron


How Do Parents Teach Their Children About Work? A Qualitative Exploration of Household Chores, Employment, and Entrepreneurial Experiences, Christoffer L. Loderup, Joshua E. Timmons, Elisabeth R. Kimball, E. Jeffrey Hill, Loren D. Marks, and Ashley B. LeBaron


Improving NMT Quality Using Terminology Injection, Deryle W. Lonsdale and Duane K. Dougal


Nurses' experiences of Organisational learning: A qualitative descriptive study, Bret Lyman, Marisa E. Biddulph, V Grace Hopper, and Julie L. Brogan


New graduate registered nurses’ experiences with psychological safety, Bret Lyman, Margaret M. Gunn, and Camille R. Mendon


Sustaining Exemplary Practice: Leading Through the Lens of Organizational Learning, Bret Lyman and Joy Parchment


NICU Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding 2-Month Immunizations, Janelle L. B. Macintosh, Lacy M. Eden, Karlen Beth Luthy, and Renea L. Beckstrand


The Real Book of Mormon Musical: Latter-day Saint Family Home Evening as a Weekly Ritual, Loren D. Marks, David C. Dollahite, Trevan G. Hatch, Michael A. Goodman, Tommy M. Phillips, and Heather H. Kelley


We Shall Overcome: The Association Between Family of Origin Adversity, Coming to Terms, and Relationship Quality in African Americans, Kylee Marshall, Alyssa Banford Witting, Jonathan G. Sandberg, and Roy A. Bean


Beyond Books 2: Cataloging Archival Materials, Allie McCormack, Rebecca A. Wiederhold, Nicole Lewis, and Becky Skeen


Design Considerations for Bridging the Gap Between Instructional Design Pedagogy and Practice, Jason K. McDonald


This is my vision’: How students depict critiques along with themselves during critiques, Jason K. McDonald and Esther Michela


Instructional Design for Learner Creativity, Jason K. McDonald, Richard Edward West, Peter J. Rich, and Brad Hokanson


Towards a view of originary theory in instructional design, Jason K. McDonald and Stephen C. Yanchar


Gradient-Based Optimization of Solar-Regenerative High-Altitude Long-Endurance Aircraft, Taylor McDonnell and Andrew Ning


A Qualitative Exploration of Successful High School Baseball Coaches Silence During Practice, Patrick McGaha and David C. Barney


Unsteady Aerodynamic Analysis of Wind Harvesting Aircraft, Judd Mehr, Eduardo Alvarez, and Andrew Ning


Established Adulthood: A New Conception of Ages 30 to 45, Clare M. Mehta, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Carlie G. Palmer, and Larry J. Nelson


Latent Growth in Self-Regulatory Subdimensions in Relation to Adjustment Outcomes in Youth Aged 12–19, Madison K. Memmott-Elison, Kristin L. Moilanen, and Laura M. Padilla-Walker


Morphometric Response of Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns) to Lake Colonization in Chile, Margaret Mercer, Peter C. Searle, Roberto Cifuentes, Evelyn Habit, and Mark C. Belk