Content Posted in 2015
12-Month-olds’ Discrimination of Monkey Faces: Evidence for Perceptual Narrowing?, Jacob C. Jones, Scott Stevens, Melissa Wright, and Amanda Phillippi
16th Century Spanish Sibilant Reordering-Reasons for Divergence, Kirk A. Widdison
1990 CEAL Annual Meeting, Committee on East Asian Libraries
1992 CEAL Annual Meeting, Committee on East Asian Libraries
1993 CEAL Annual Meeting, Committee on East Asian Libraries
1 Divorce Book 2 Marriage Books [book review], Alan J. Hawkins
2006 Japanese Company History (Shashi) Interest Group, Journal of East Asian Libraries
2011-2012 CEAL Statistical Report, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Wen-ling Liu
3 B's of Effective Parenting: Be Proactive, Be Positive, and Be Consistent, Michelle Marchant and K. Richard Young
5 Marriage Myths, 6 Marriage Benefits , Linda J. Waite
A 3-D Chain Algorithm with Pseudo-rigid-body Model Elements, Robert Parley Chase, Robert H. Todd, Larry L. Howell, and Spencer P. Magleby
AAS Panel on Chinese Studies Resources, Li Wang, Chengzhi Wang, Shuyong Jiang, and Jidong Yang
A Bell Rings in Paradise, Donene Olmstead
Aberrant Mormon Settlers: The Homesteaders of Highland, Utah, David T. Durfey
A Binational Project for the Preservation and Control of Censored Magazines from the Allied Occupation of Japan at the University of Maryland, Eizaburo Okuizumi and Frank Joseph Fulman
A Biographical Study of Elizabeth D. Kane, Darcee D. Barnes
A Biographical Study of Leonard John Nuttall, Private Secretary to Presidents John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff, Clarence G. Jensen
A Book of Mormon Course of Study for Indian Students in Released-Time Seminaries, Robert Lee Hales
A Book With Many Faces: "Same Book With Difference Name Phenomenon" In Modern Chinese Publications, Guoqing Li
About Chinese Names, Sheau-yueh Janey Chao
Abraham Alonzo Kimball: A Nineteenth Century Mormon Bishop, Jerry C. Higginson
Abraham Kaleimahoe Fernandez: Hawaiian Saint and Royalist, 1857-1915
Abraham Owen Smoot: Pioneer Mormon Leader, C. Elliott Berlin
A Branch Apart: East Asian Collections in a Research Library Context, Diane E. Perushek
A Bridge to the Eifel: Clara Viebig and her Literary Style, Nathan Bates
A Brief Evaluation of Chinese Academic Journal, Jing Liu
A Brief History of Piute County and its Educational Development, Wilford Meeks Halladay
A Burkean Logological Analysis of Doctrine and Covenants Section 88, Joann Farias
Abuse History and Therapy Participation Among Men and Women in Methadone Maintenance Treatment, Alexandria Kunzler, Sasha Mondragon, Amy Welsh, and Scott Baldwin
Academic and Cultural Newsletters and News-Disseminating Bulletins in the West Concerned with East Asia, Frank Joseph Shulman
Academic Comparison of Athletes and Non-Athletes in a Rural High School, Holt E Zaugg
Academic Persistence Among Native American College Students, Aaron P. Jackson, Steven A. Smith, and Curtis L. Hill
A Career Course Follow-Up: Does a Student Development Elective Make a Difference?, Jamie Marie Hansen
A Case for Christian Communalism: Overcoming Individualism and Racial Segregation in an Ubuntu-Infused South African Catholic Parish, Jordan R. Layton and Jeremy Grimshaw
A Case Study of IRADA: Its Impact on the Development and Enhancing the Legitimacy of Home-Based Businesses in Key Poverty Areas in Jordan, Zaid Hussein Al Attar
A Case Study of Web-based Citation Management Tools with Japanese Materials and Japanese Databases, Setsuko Noguchi
Accessing Commercial Capital Markets, Isaac H. Smith, Michael A. Broderick, and Richard G. Winsor
Accessing Japanese Data Bases on Personal Computers in the United States, Scott Edward Harrison
Accessing Resources for Chinese Studies in the Electronic Age, Zhijia Shen
Access to a Taiwan OPAC on the Internet: Accessing the Academia Sinica's Chinese/English Library Catalog, S. (Bear) Tseng and Karl Lo
Access to Current Japanese Scientific and Technical Literature in English: Selected Sources Within the Mid-Atlantic Region, Herman Baron and Geetha A. Rao
Access to the Past of a Nation of Immigrants: Asian Language Newspapers in the United States, Kuei Chiu
Accumulation of Divine Service, Blaine Lee Atwood
A Century of Journalism in Manti, Utah, 1867-1967, Don A. Carpenter
A Century of Life in Nephi and Juab Valley 1851-1951, Keith N. Worthington
A Challenge to the Orthodoxy Concerning Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, Ana Marr
Achilles Tendon Changes in Downhill, Level and Uphill Running, Katy Andrews Neves
A Circumspection of Ten Formulators of Early Utah Art History, Tom Leek
A CJK Backlog Project: Low Budgeted and Using Students Assistants, Hsi-chu Bolick
A Cloud-Based GSSHA Index Map Editor Utility for Watershed Decision Support, Jocelynn Marie Anderson
A Cluster Analytic Study in Intercultural Communication of Rokeach's Intrumental Values Among LDS Returned Missionaries, Lisa Bradford
A Collaborative Project on Chinese Name Authority Control: The HKCAN Model, Kylie Chan, Lily Hu, and Patrick Lo
A Collection and Analysis of Folk Songs from Wales, Sanpete County, Utah, Leslie E. Rees
A Collection of Ballads, Folk Songs, Dance Tunes and Marches from Taylor, Arizona, Lenn M. Shumway
A Communities of Discourse Approach to Early LDS Thought, Grant Underwood
A Community Study of Coalville, Utah, 1859-1914, Norma Eileen Pyper Thompson
A Community Study of Social Change in Goshen, Clark S. Knowlton
A Comparative Analysis of Three Television Programs to Determine their Effectiveness as Means for Promulgating Mormonism, Douglas C. Stewart
A Comparative Study and Evaluation of the Latter-Day Saint and "Fundamentalist" Views Pertaining to the Practice of Plural Marriage, Dean C. Jessee
A Comparative Study of Latter-Day Saint Missionaries and Non-Missionaries in Scholastic Aptitude, Academic Achievement, and Vocational interest, Inez S. Searle
A Comparative Study of the Book of Mormon Secret Combinations and the American Mafia Organization, Ray G. Morley
A Comparative Study of the Group Guidance Teaching Method and the Traditional Teaching Method in the Seminary System, Garth P. Monson
A Comparative Study of the Murray/Taylorsville and Salt Lake City Greenway Systems, Nicholas G. Baker, Evan Pressley, David Munson, and Mark Christensen
A Comparative Study of the Relative Levels of Physical Fitness of Male LDS Missionaries Who are Commencing and Those Just Concluding their Missionary Service, Wilford J. Hoglund
A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methods of the LDS and Non-LDS Religious Educational Movements Among the Indians in Southeastern Utah Since 1943, James A. Carver
A Comparative Study of the Teaching Methods of the LDS and Non-LDS Sunday School Movements in the United States Prior to 1900, Ronald Lewis Knighton
A Comparison Between the Ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono Process and the Repentance Process, Delia Ulima
A Comparison of a Selected Group of LDS Seminary Teachers in Relation to Nine Criteria for Measuring Religious Maturity, Gilbert W. Hull
A Comparison of Contemporary Filial Piety in Rural and Non-Rural China and Taiwan, Li Ping Su
A Comparison of Mission Programs Used in the Three Language Training Missions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Rawn Arthur Wallgren
A Comparison of Passages from Isaiah and Other Old Testament Prophets in Ethan Smith's View of the Hebrews and The Book of Mormon, William L. Riley
A Comparison of Second Language Learning and Conversation to the LDS Church, Melinda Evans
A Comparison of Spanish Language Proficiency as Related to Location and Length of Stay in a Foreign Language Environment, Karen Minnette Dawson McKenna
A Comparison of the Authorized Version and the inspired Revision of Genesis, Calvin H. Bartholomew
A Complete Market Study for Graduate Student Textbook Bundling, Julie Connell, Tanya Graziano, and Kendra Stephenson
A Compliant Contact-aided Revolute Joint, Jessie R. Cannon and Larry L. Howell
A Compliant Mechanism-Based Variable-Stiffness Joint, Jacob Marc Robinson
A Comprehensive Comparison of Christ's Teachings on the Doctrine of Fasting and the Ancient and Present Day Practices Thereof, Alan P. Johnson
A Computational Hybrid Method for Self-Intersection Free Offsetting of CAD Geometry, Garrett Clark Bodily
A Computerized Diagnostic Test for Dyslexia, Matthew R. Sorenson
A Computer Rhyming Dictionary/Research Tool, Melvin J. Luthy and Robert Stevens
A Content Analysis of References to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in General Magazines in the United States Between 1953 and 1964, David G. Wright
A Contrastive Analysis of Address Term Usage in English and Japanese, Mari Sugawara
A Contrastive Analysis of Mandarin Chinese and American English Letter-Writing Formats and an Investigation into the Instruction of These Formats, Susan Olson-Johnson
A Course of Study For the LDS Indian Seminary Program of Northern America for Junior High School Students, Eldred Bruce Preece
A Course of Study in Modern Scripture for the LDS Church Schools of the Pacific, Phillip Duane Harris
Acoustic Differences Between the Portuguese Vowels of Native and Non-Native Speakers, Orlando R. Kelm
A Covering System with Minimum Modulus 42, Tyler Owens
Acquiring Print Fluency Concurrently with First Language Speech Fluency, Harvey B. Black, Terry Tang, Trudy Kowallis, and Penee Stewart
Acquisition of L2 Phonology: An Acoustic Analysis of the Centralization of L2 Spanish /a/ in Adult L1 English-Speaking Learners, Alexander Charles Aldrich
Acquisition of the Mitsui Collection by the East Asiatic Library, University of California, Berkeley, Roger Sherman
A Critical Analysis of the Management of Springville High School Museum of Art, Rell G. Francis
A Cross-sectional Study of the Acquisition of Grammatical Morphemes of Adult L2 Learners in Formal Environments, Mary Ann Christison
Active Control of the Human Voice from a Sphere, Monty J. Anderson
Active Latter-Day Saint Working Mothers: their Effect on their Daughters' Future Plans, Nissa C. Bengtson Allred
Activity, Action, Act, James Gallant
Acupuncture Reduces Ethanol Inhibition of VTA GABA Neuron Activity and Ethanol Self-Administration: Role of Endogenous Opioids, Jung J. Park, Bryan Blumell, Brian Hoyt, and Mandy M. Foote
Adam Samuel Bennion, Educator, Businessman and Apostle, John Andrew Braithwaite
Adam Samuel Bennion, Superintendent of LDS Education - 1919-1928, Kenneth G. Bell Sr.
Adaptations of five pale-type grain amaranth accessions (Amaranthus caudatus) and five ataco or sangorache accessions (Amaranthus hybridus) in the cities of Otavalo and Antonio Ante, Sixto Stalin Tuston Torres
Adaptive Quaternion Control of a Miniature Tailsitter UAV, Nathan B. Knoebel and Timothy W. McLain
Addenda, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Addendum, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Additions, Changes, Corrections, Deletions, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Additions, Changes, Corrections, Deletions, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Additions, Changes, Corrections, Deletions, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Additions, Changes, Corrections, Deletions, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Additions, Changes, Corrections, Deletions, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Address Given at the Memorial Service for Eizaburo Okuizumi, Sachie Noguchi
Addressing Mormon Female Communities: Working towards a Woman's Capacity, Alyssa Snow Larson
Address Space Translation for FPGA Accelerated Simulators, Michael Thaddeus Chamberlain
A Decade of RLIN CJK, Karen Smith-Yoshimura
A Demographic Examination of Household Heads in Salt Lake City, Utah, 1850-1870, Larry W. Draper
A Description of BRIDGE, An Army Research Institute-Sponsored, NLP-Based, Foreign Language Tutor, Cathie E. Alderks
A Descriptive Analysis of the Current Status of Paid Religious Broadcasting on National Television, Wayne R. Bills
A Descriptive Analysis of the Effectiveness of Broadcasting by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Northern States Mission Area, Robert W. Donigan
A Descriptive Study of Welfare Services Audience, Allen B. Alexander
A Diabolical Disneyland in Zion: the Mormons and the MX, Jacob W. Olmstead
A Diachronic History of Spanish Second Person Pronoun Vos, George Myers
A Dictionary of Unorthodox Oral Expressions for English Learners and Teachers, Eewen Ting
A Discussion of the Guidelines for the Translation of the Standard Works, Marvin H. Folsom
A Discussion of the Inter-Relations of the Latter-Day Saints and the American Indians, Julina Smith
Administrative History of the Nauvoo Legion in Utah, Ralph Hansen
A Documentary History of the Lord's Way of Watching Over the Church by the Priesthood Through the Ages, Rex A. Anderson
Adolescent Body Dissatisfaction and Emotional Distress, Marina Potter
Adolescents' Perceptions of Homophobic Language: Implications for Bullying Prevention, Benjamin M. Bailey
Adolescents' Use of Discretionary Time: A Time Use Study of the Central Utah Area, Rebecca Hirschi
Advancing Biomechanical Research Through a Camelid Model of the Human Lumbar Spine, Dean K. Stolworthy
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Advertisements, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Aerobatic Maneuvering of Miniature Air Vehicles Using Attitude Trajectories, James K. Hall and Timothy W. McLain
A Feasibility Study of Photometric Reverberation Mapping with Meter-Class Telescopes, Carla June Carroll
Affective vs. Semantic Processing: Toward a Teleological View of Language, Richard N. Williams and Camille S. Williams
A First Aid Teaching Unit for the Missionary System of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Glenn R. Schiraldi
A Folk History of the Manti Temple: A Study of the Folklore and Traditions Connected With the Settlement of Manti, Utah, and the Building of the Temple, Barbara Lee Hargis
A Follow-Up Study of the Graduates of the Seminary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints At Preston, Idaho, Ernest Eberhard Jr.
African American Artistry: "Old-time" Homiletical TAsks as Contemporary Speech Acts in Media, Melissa Posey
African Americans in Politics: What Factors Lead to the Election of African American Representatives, Keith D. Gonzales and Sven Wilson
A Functional Hierarchy Between Spoken and Written Language in the Application of the Law, Pearl Berteaux
Age-appropriate Post-reduction Care of Anterior Shoulder Dislocation, Hans B. Ayres, Blaine Winters, and Craig Nuttall
Age, Gender, and Religious Differences in Moral Perspective, Samuel L. Clay
A Geographical Analysis of the Emergence and Subsequent Disappearance of the Cotton Industry in the Virgin River Basin (1856-1910), Brooks Kent Hanson
A Geographic Sketch of Early Utah Settlement, John Thomas Blake
A Geographic Study of Stone Houses in Selected Utah Communities, Barry M. Roth
A Glimmer of Hope? Assessing Hope as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Parenting and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms, Lisa D. Bishop
A Glimpse into the Early Hawaii Mission and Oahu Stake Relief Society (A Slide Presentation), Lela Dalton
A Glimpse of China, Ai-Hwa Wu
A (Graphic) Novel Approach to Teaching Shakespeare: Embracing Non-Traditional Texts in the Secondary English Classroom, Janelle Frossard
Agronomical behavior of two kinds of swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla L.) fertilized with earthworm humus in an underground greenhouse in Viacha, La Paz, Walter Von Boeck
Agronomical evaluation of six species of forage grass tolerant to salinity in the Tamborada region, Bladimir Vargas Rojas
Agronomic evaluation and comparison of the yield of six multiannual forage species, under dry land conditions in the Ingavi province, Freddy Óscar Paye Paye
Agronomic growth characteristics of two varieties of baby carrots (Daucus carota L.) at three planting densities in Walipini (Ingavi Province), María Eugenia Valdez Cuba
Agronomic performance of five varieties of forage grasses inroduced in Carmen Pampa, province of Nor Yungas, La Paz, Joel Eliseo Bautista Vargas
Agronomic performance of two baby lettuce varieties (Lactuca sativa L.) at three planting densities using panqar huyus in the Ingavi province, Francisco Javier Orruel Fusco
Agro-socio-economic evaluation of three rural communities in the Colta Canton of the Chimborazo Province, Ivan Asaquibay Paucar
A Historical Analysis of Cove Fort, Utah, Larry C. Porter
A Historical Analysis of Territorial Government in Utah Under Alfred Cumming, 1857-1861, Charles S. Peterson
A Historical Study of Silver Reef: Southern Utah Mining Town, Alfred Bleak Stucki
A Historical Study of the Congressional Career, John T. Caine, Judith Ann Roderick
A Historical Study of the Exploration of Utah Valley and the Story of Fort Utah, Ray C. Colton
A Historical Study of the Influence of the Railroad Upon Ogden, Utah, 1868-1875, Alma W. Hansen
A Historical Study of the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo, Illinois, Don F. Colvin
A Historical Study of the Nauvoo, Illinois, Public School System, 1841-1845, Paul Thomas Smith
A Historical Study of the Religious Education Program of the Episcopal Church in Utah, Paul La Mar Martin
A History of Brigham Young's Indian Superintendency (1851-1857): Problems and Accomplishments, Fred R. Gowans
A History of "Especially For Youth" - 1976-1986, John Bytheway
A History of Federal Legislation Against Mormon Polygamy and Certain United States Supreme Court Decisions Supporting Such Legislation, Joseph Robert Meservy
A History of Female Missionary Activity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1898, Calvin S. Kunz
A History of Formal Religious Instruction by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Alberta, 1890-1960, Phyllip G. Redd
A History of Fort Duchesne, Utah, and the Role of its First Commanding Officer, Frederick W. Benteen, Robert A. Huetter
A History of Iosepa, the Utah Polynesian Colony, Dennis H. Atkin
A History of Kirtland Camp: Its initial Purpose and Notable Accomplishments, Gordon Orville Hill
A History of Latter-Day Saint Screen Portrayals in the Anti-Mormon Film Era, 1905-1936, Richard Alan Nelson
A History of Mormon Missionary Work With the Hopi, Navaho and Zuni Indians, David Kay Flake
A History of Mormon Periodicals from 1830 to 1838, Richard G. Moore
A History of Murray to 1905, Clinton R. Ahlberg
A History of Preston, Idaho, Clarence G. Judy
A History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Australia to 1900, John D. Hawkes
A History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Japan From 1948 to 1980, Terry G. Nelson
A History of the Deseret Alphabet, Larry Ray Wintersteen
A History of the Development and Objectives of the LDS Church News Section of the Deseret News, Paul T. Roberts
A History of the Discontinued Mediterranean Missions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Ralph L. Cottrell Jr.
A History of the Emery County Progress-Leader and its Predecessors, Bruce L. Olsen
A History of the Federal and Territorial Court Conflicts in Utah, 1851-1874, Clair T. Kilts
A History of the Genealogical Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to 1970, Merrill S. Lofthouse
A History of the Growth and Development of the Primary Association of the LDS Church From 1878 to 1928, Conrad A. Harward
A History of the Involvement of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Tanning Industry in Utah From 1847 to 1973, Paul Edwards Damron
A History of the Latter-Day Saint Settlement of Oakley, Idaho, Wayne R. Boothe
A History of the Latter-Day Saints in the Columbia Basin of Central Washington 1850-1972, Rick B. Jorgensen
A History of the Latter-Day Settlement of Star Valley, Wyoming, Ray McCord Hall
A History of the Manti Temple, Glen R. Stubbs
A History of the Men's Intramural Program at Brigham Young University, David A. Brown
A History of the Missionary Activities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in India, 1849-1856, R. Lanier Britsch
A History of the Missionary Activities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Near East, 1884-1929, Rao H. Lindsay
A History of the Nauvoo Legion in Illinois, John Sweeney Jr.
A History of the Photojournalism Department of the Deseret News 1948 to 1970, Richard J. Nye
A History of the (Price, Utah) Sun-Advocate 1891-1962, Edith May A. Allred
A History of the Relief Society Magazine, 1914-1970, Patricia Ann Mann
A History of the Schools and Educational Programs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Ohio and Missouri, 1831-1839, Orlen Curtis Peterson
A History of the Student Newspaper and Its Early Predecessors at Brigham Young University From 1878 to 1965, Lawrence Hall Bray
A History of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association 1939 to 1974, John Kent Williams
A History of Utah's First Playground, DelMar Peirce Williams
A History of Utah's Territorial Capitol Building at Fillmore, 1851-1969, Richard W. Payne
A History of Wasatch County, 1859-1899, Leslie Shupe Raty
Ahmu; An Early Samoan Latter-Day Saint, Rubina Rivers Forester
A Home Teacher's Training Manual, Daniel M. Jones
A Hybrid Method for Sensitivity Optimization With Application to Radio-Frequency Product Design, Abraham Lee
A importância de Nara Leão para o descobrimento de grandes compositores: O desenvolvimento da Música Popular Brasileira, Renata Godoy Tymoschenko
Aina Kaulana o Waialua, Roy Kakulu Alameida
A Japanese Publisher's Blog on the Newest Work by Atsuhiko Wada, Tsuneharu Gonnami
A Jewel in the Gardens of Paradise: The Art and Architecture of the Hawaiian Temple, Paul L. Anderson
A Junction Analysis of Verbless Statements, Merle D. Tenney
A. Kaiming Chiu and the Harvard-Yenching Library, Eugene W. Wu
A Latter-Day Saint Perspective on Evaluation, Courtney Miriam Glenn Peck
A Leavening Effect in the Pacific: Intercultural Marriage at BYU-Hawaii, 1955-2007
A Lesson in Rhetoric: Finding God Through Language in “Batter my heart”, Marc Daniel Giullian
Alexander William Doniphan, the Forgotten Man from Missouri, Gregory P. Maynard
Algebraic and Combinatorial Properties of Schur Rings over Cyclic Groups, Andrew F. Misseldine
A Linguistic View of Some Problems of Teaching Shakespeare, Arthur H. King
A List of Verbs Most Needed for Communication in a Foreign Language Context, Thomas F. Rogers
"A Little Oasis in the Desert": Community Building in Hurricane, Utah, 1860-1930, W. Paul Reeve
A Long, Hard Trial: The Korean Translations of the Book of Mormon, Gerrit van Dyk
Alpine CC / Empire Consulting Group, David Stapley, David Hanks, and Benjamin Carter
A Marketing Research Project: San Francisco Pier 49 Sourdough Pizza, Jason Bennett, John Brasher, Kristina Davis, and Greg Gordon
A marketing research study: Entertainment preferences and perceptions among teenagers in Utah County and Salt Lake County high schools / prepared for Thanksgiving Point Institute, Richard L. Frost, Jeff Watson, Clark Cotterell, and Colby Slaughter
A Marketing Research Study for Snowbird / Prepared by Wasatch Marketing Research, Robert Dean, Chelsea Green, Todd Hillstead, and Sharah Smith
A Marketing Research Study for Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, Sarah Ishmail, Sunne Drinkwater, and Matt Conran
A Marketing Research Study for Wilson Diamonds, Robin Day, Kristen Jones, Xiaoyu Liu, and Brandon Smith
America Despises a Loser: Masculinity, Violence, and Failure in Joyce Carol Oates's You Must Remember This, James Darrell Thompson
American Prophet, New England Town: The Memory of Joseph Smith in Vermont, Keith A. Erekson
A Middle English Rectonstruction of the Present-Day English Hymn "There Is a Green Hill Far Away", Jennifer W. Dennis and Megan Crossley
A Midsummer Night's Dream: A Teacher's Solution to Disinterest and Society's Solution to Anti-Literacy, Leah Anderson
A Mirror Brought by Truth: A Study and Comparison of the Folklore of the Wandering Jew and the Folklore of the Three Nephites, Merilynne Rich Smith
A Modified Approach to the Implementation of Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback, Brooke Elizabeth Eddington
A Montague Grammar Approach to Yes-No Words in Japanese, Akira Kurahone
A Mormon Cultural Study of Musical Preference, Alden L. Weight
A Mormon Family in Hawaii, Elizabeth Lim
A Mormon Melting Pot: Ethnicity Acculturation in Cedar City, Utah, 1880-1915, Vida Leigh
A Multidimensional Policy Evaluation of the Utah Statewide Online Education Program, Royd Lyman Darrington
A multi-institutional study of the impact of open textbook adoption on the learning outcomes of post-secondary students, Lane Fischer, John Hilton III, T. Jared Robinson, and David Wiley
A Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Maximizing the Value of System Evolvability Under Uncertainty, Jason Daniel Watson
A Multi-Valued Attitudinal Study of Obscenity and Freedom of Expression, Allen W. Palmer
Amy Brown Lyman and Social Service Work in the Relief Society, David Roy Hall
An Acoustic Overview of Portuguese Vowels, Willis C. Fails
Analogical Descriptions of Variation, Royal Skousen
An Alternative to Hedonism: Eudaimonic Well-Being, Brigham Breton, Nathan Billings-Smith, Jason Lefrandt, and Patrick R. Steffen
Analysis and Compression of Large CFD Data Sets Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Trevor Jon Blanc
Analysis and Digital Processing of the 1911-1949 China Literary Collection, Meng Zhan and Fei Yu
Analysis and organization of the family based agricultural production system in the Poroma community of Oropeza province, Marco Antonio Domingo Burgoa Chopitea
Analysis of a mixed cereal of legumes that processes similar nutritional characteristics to a cereal product of local consumption and its economic feasibility, Willy Ivan Anzaldo Garcia
Analysis of an Improved IMU-based Observer for Multirotor Helicopters, John Charles Macdonald, Robert C. Leishman, Randal W. Beard, and Timothy W. McLain
Analysis of genetic variability of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) germ plasm around Lake Titicaca, Milton Víctor Pinto Porcel
Analysis of Long-Term Utah Temperature Trends Using Hilbert-Haung Transforms, Brent H. Hargis
Analysis of Multiple Collision-Based Periodic Orbits in Dimension Higher than One, Skyler C. Simmons
Analysis of Nucleosome Mobility, Fragility, and Recovery: From Embryonic Stem Cells to Invitrosomes, Ashley Nicolle Wright
Analysis of the livestock production system of the Poroma community in the 2° section of the Oropeza province, department of Chuquisaca, Freddy Claudio Ramírez Serrudo
Analysis of Undergraduate Grade Trends at Brigham Young University Across a 20-Year Period, Kirsten Rose Thompson
Analytical Approaches in Investigating the Kinetics of Water-Molecule Complexes in Tropospheric Reactions, William J. Keeton
Analytical Cataloging of Chinese Collectanea (Ts'ung-Shu): Problems and Prospects, Roger Thomas
An Analysis of BYU 1963 Women Graduates' Present Status as Mothers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Phyllis Ann Roundy
An Analysis of Level of Activity as it Relates to information Source and Two-Step Flow of Communication in a Formal Organization, Carma Lois Wadley
An Analysis of Lexical Semantic Shifts in the Book of Mormon, Renee Bangerter
An Analysis of Old Testament Chronology in the Light of Modern Scripture and Scientific Research, Dale Alder McAllister
An Analysis of References to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in General Magazines of the United States During Selected Periods Between 1847 and 1953, Herbert Newel Morris
An Analysis of Selected Changes in Major Editions of the Book of Mormon - 1830-1920, Jeffrey R. Holland
An Analysis of Style Variations in the Book of Mormon, Glade L. Burgon
An Analysis of Textual Changes in "The Book of Abraham" and in the "Writings of Joseph Smith, the Prophet" in the Pearl of Great Price, Walter L. Whipple
An Analysis of the 1964 Idaho Second Congressional District Election Campaign, Dean Maurice Hansen
An Analysis of the Accounts Relating Joseph Smith's Early Visions, Paul R. Cheesman
An Analysis of the Development and Use of Objectives For the Seminary Teachers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, John Paul Fugal
An Analysis of the Doctrinal Teachings of President George Albert Smith, Robert K. McIntosh
An Analysis of the Effect of Seminary Instruction Upon Certain Attitudes of Students Who Enroll for Reasons Other Than Personal Desire, Kent R. Garner
An Analysis of the Immediate and Long-Range Implications of Three Speeches Delivered by J. Reuben Clark, Jr., David Earl Buchanan
An Analysis of the Problems in Obtaining and Maintaining Released Time for Seminary in the Central Idaho Seminary District, Arthur A. Bailey
An Analysis of the Role of Temples in the Establishment of Zion, C. Max Caldwell
An Analysis of the Speaking Style of Charles W. Penrose, Kent Shelley Davis
An Analysis of the Speaking Style of Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Leader, James Francis O'Connor
An Analysis of the Speaking Style of Hugh B. Brown, Mormon Orator, William E. Morgan Jr.
An Analysis of the Theory and Practice of Worship in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, John Franklin Heidenreich
An Analysis of Twelve Speeches of Parley Parker Pratt, Mormon Orator, Morris M. Clinger
An Analysis of Visual Religious Symbols Appearing in the Improvement Era, Ensign, and New Era Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints From 1952-1972, Carl Landus Christensen
An Anecdote about Ms. Tung-King Ng, Tsuneharu Gonnami
An Annotated Bibliography of Literary Mormon Humor, Sherlene Hall Bartholomew
An Annotated Bibliography of Stephen King Criticism, Tyler Cobabe
An Announcement, Eugene Wu
An Announcement, Committee on East Asian Libraries
An Announcement, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Anaphoric Binding in Lexical-Functional Grammar, Dan W. Higinbotham
An Archaeological Survey of Goshen Valley, Utah County, Central Utah, Leland Gilsen
An Archaeological Survey of West Canyon and Vicinity, Utah County Utah, Edward A. Wheeler II
An Assessment of the Impact of Microfinance: A Case Study from Uganda, Gayle Morris and Carolyn Barnes
A Naturalistic Study of the History of Mormon Quilts and Their Influence on today's Quilters, Helen-Louise Hancey
Andrew Jenson's Big Island Tours of 1895 & 1928
"And Well She Can Persuade": the Power and Presence of Women in the Book of Mormon, Wendy Hamilton Christian
An Early History of Milford up to its Incorporation as a Town, George A. Horton Jr.
An Early History of the Community of Park City, Utah, Oscar F. Jesperson Jr.
An Early L.D.S. Family of Kahana and La'ie, Robert H. Stauffer
An Economic Analysis of Labor Mobility in Utah County, Utah, Michael C. Haynes
An Efficient Feature Descriptor and Its Real-Time Applications, Alok Desai
An Electronic Book: HyperCard and the Uses of Computers in Literature, Kurt A. Hills
An Empirical Test of Analogical Modeling: The k/Ø alternation, Anton Rytting
An Essay on the Expenditure Distribution in American East Asian Libraries, Fred Y. Ye
An ethnology of tillage: the role and bearing of land a societal force in Midwest agricultural communities., Olivia Wilkinson and Sheila Bibb
An Evaluation of Instructional Television in the Brigham Young University College of Religious Instruction, James Frank Killian
An Evaluation of LDS and Non-LDS Reactions toward a BYU Produced (Non-Member Oriented) Film, James H. Wilson
An Evaluation of Soft Processors as a Reliable Computing Platform, Michael Robert Gardiner
An Evaluation of the Adequacy of Selected Formal Church Programs in Preparing Male Members to Enter the United States Air Force, James R. Palmer
An Evaluation of the Beginnings, Purposes, and Influence of Drama in Ogden from 1840 to 1900, Harold R. Oaks
An Evaluation of the Performance of Latter-Day Saint Seminary Coordinators as Instructional Supervisors, U. Carlisle Hunsaker
An Evaluation of the Use of Selected Book of Mormon Filmstrips in Improving the Learning of Book of Mormon History, Bruce E. Peterson
A New Global Forecasting Model to Produce High-Resolution Stream Forecasts, Alan Dee Snow
A New Interpretation of Luke's Prodigal Manager (Luke 16: 1-8a), Alan T. Farnes
A New Occurrence of Archaeoscyphia Pulchra (Bassler) from the Ordovician of Western Canada, J. Keith Rigby, Godfrey S. Nowlan, and Peter A. Rowlands
A New Public-Key Cryptosystem, Christopher James Hettinger
A New Reality: Appreciating Reality TV Through Shakespeare, Bailey Gleason
A New Use for Ellipsis Points..., Larry G. Childs
An Examination of Adjectival Forms in the Cakchiquel Language, Larry I. Richman
An Examination of Mt. Pleasant, Utah, 1859-1939, Joseph G. Richardson
An Examination of the Mormon Settlement of Syracuse, Utah, J. Kent Tucker
An Examination of the Strategies of Instruction Employed by Prophets and Teachers in the Book of Mormon and their Potential Application to Current LDS Instructional Settings, Bruce A. Van Orden
An Examination of Victory Seeker Use and Recidivism, Michael Rutkowski
An Experimental Study of Bio-Inspired Force Generation by Unsteady Flow Features, Wesley N. Fassmann
An Experimental Study of Selected Group Guidance Techniques in the Seminary Classroom, Charles R. Hobbs
An Experimental Theatre Approach to a Mormon Theme Using the Work of the Open Theatre as Prototype, Dionis C. Spitzer
An Explication of Some Philosophical Aspects of the Thought of Orson Pratt, Joseph Willard Tingey
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of the Divorce Process and Postdivorce Readjustment on the LDS Person, Everett Louis Hagerty
An Extensible Technology Framework for Cyber Security Education, Frank Jordan Sheen
An Historic Account of Music Criticism and Music Critics in Utah, Basil Hansen
An Historical Analysis of the Word of Wisdom, Paul H. Peterson
An Historical Investigation of the Recreational Philosophy, Views, Practices and Activities of Brigham Young, David Lawrence Bolliger
An Historical Study of Adult Education Programs of the Brigham Young University From 1921 to 1966, Keith Lowell Smith
An Historical Study of the All-Church Softball Tournament of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Gordon Norman Oborn
An Historical Study of the Factors Influencing the Organization of Education in Washington County, 1852-1915, Robert H. Moss
An Historical Study of the Koyle Relief Mine, 1894-1962, James R. Christianson
An Improved Classifier Chain Ensemble for Multi-DimensionalClassification with Conditional Dependence, Joseph Ethan Heydorn
An Information Theoretic Interpretation of the Variable Rule, Matthew R. Sorenson
An Innovative Listening Comprehension Approach vs. A More Conventional Audio-Visual Approach in Teaching Estonian, Donald Einer Bjarnson
An Introduction to Communication Theory: A Description of the Teaching Act, Mary Ann Christison
An Introduction to Periphrase, a Linguistic Programming Language, Larry G. Childs
An Introduction to the Referment and Some Other Innovations, Jill E. Peterson
An Investigation of Off-Design Operation in High Suction Performance Inducers, Ryan Collins Cluff
An Investigation of the Contribution of Latter-Day Revelation to an Understanding of the Atonement of Christ, Eldon R. Taylor
An Investigation of the Use of Home Study Materials Within the Classroom as an Aid to the Part-Time, Non-Professional LDS Seminary Teacher, Weston F. Killpack
Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University, Wen-kai Kung
An NLP System for Extracting and Representing Knowledge from Abbreviated Text, Deryle Lonsdale, Merrill Hutchison, Tim Richards, and William Taysom
Annotated Bibliography: Education in Nauvoo, Marnie Hopkins
Announcement, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Journal of Microfinance
Announcements, Journal of Microfinance
Announcements, Journal of Microfinance
Announcements, Journal of Microfinance
Announcements, Journal of Microfinance
Announcements, Journal of Microfinance
Announcements, Journal of Microfinance
Announcements, Eugene Wu
Announcements, Kristina Kade Troost
Announcements, Kathlin Smith, Susan L. Tsui, and Dr. Hsien Ming Meng
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Columbia University and Zhijia Shen
Announcements, Frank Joseph Shulman
Announcements, Burglind Jungmann
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Cornell University Library
Announcements, Paul W. T. Poon
Announcements, Zhijia Shen, Susan Xue, and Jack Hang-tat Leong
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, University of Illinois and Ria Koopmans-de-Bruijn
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Announcements and Corrections, Journal of East Asian Libraries
A Note from the Chairperson, Committee on East Asian Libraries
A Note from the Chairperson, Committee on East Asian Libraries
A Note on CJK Word-Roots, Edwin G. Beal
An Overview of MAV Research at Brigham Young University, Timothy W. McLain, Randal W. Beard, D. Blake Barber, and Nathan B. Knoebel
An Overview of Pre-Meiji Works in the Japanese Section, Asian Division, Library of Congress, Shojo Honda
Antecedents of Paternal Involvement: Is It More Than Just Being There?, Heidi Harris, Nathan Jorgensen, Jessica Francis, and Stacia Svedi
Anti-Mormon Pamphleteering in Great Britain, 1837-1860, Craig L. Foster
A Pale Reflection: American Indian Images in Mormon Arts, P. Jane Hafen
A Pearl River Delta Collection at the City University of Hong Kong with Bibliographical Notes, Paul W. T. Poon
A Peculiar Language: The Second Person Pronouns in the Doctrine and Covenants, Mark David Davis
A Pedagogical Framework for Communicative Competence: Content Specifications and Guidelines for Communicative Language Teaching, Marianne Celce-Murcia, Zotán Dörnyei, and Sarah Thurrell
A Personality Comparison of Students Born in the Mormon Church and Those Who Have Been Converted, Grant Broadbent Smith
A Pioneering and Inspiring Spirit: In Memory of Karl Lo, Jim Cheng
A Political Biography of George Henry Dern, Robert W. Wells Jr.
A Position Analysis of Coupled Spherical Mechanisms in Action Origami, Landen A. Bowen, L. A. Baxter, Spencer P. Magleby, and Larry L. Howell
Apostle in Exile: Joseph F. Smith's Third Mission to Hawaii, 1885-1887, Russell T. Clement
Apparent digestibility in lamas (Lama glama), fed with Brazilian grass and wheat in the C.E.A.C., William Edson Velez Contacayo
Apparent digestibility in llamas (Lama glama) fed with (Stipa ichu) treated with urea and molasses at the C.E.A.C., Ninfa Jacqueline Magne Colque
Apparent digestibility in vicunas fed with soft straw and alfalfa in the C.E.A.C., Felisa Capriles Apaza
Appendix, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Appendix, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Appendix, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Appendix, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Appendix, Richard C. Howard
Appendix 1: Long Arm of the Revolution: Selected, Allegedly Iran-Sponsored Attempts to Kill Iranian Expatriates, 1979-2010, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 2: Selected, Allegedly Iran-Sponsored Attempts to Kill Iranian Expatriates, 1979-2010, by Locale, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 3: An Interlinear Comparison of Six Chronologies Documenting Allegedly Iran-Sponsored Extraterritorial Attempted Killings, 1979-1996, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 4: Selected Putative Iranian-Perpetrated Extraterritorial Killings and Attempted Killings of Non-Iranians, 1980-2012, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 5: Selected Worldwide Expatriate Killings and Attempted Killings, 1978-2011, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 6: Selected Cases of Targeted Killings and Attempted Killings Around the World, 1979-2012, Brian Champion and Lee Crowther
Appendix 7: Open Source Information on the Fate(s) of Perpetrators/Conspirators, Lee Crowther and Brian Champion
Appendix A: Electronic Resources Form, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Appendix B: Questions and Answers on the CEAL Statistics 2001 Online Input Form, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Appendix I: 2014 CEAL Survey Results on ISO/DIS 7098 Romanization of Chinese, Council on East Asian Libraries
Appendix II: Comments on ISO/CD 7098 Information and documentation Romanization of Chinese 2013, Council on East Asian Libraries
Appendix: Procedures of the Committee on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Appleton Milo Harmon - Builder in Zion, Guy E. Stringham
Application of an Isogeometric Boundary Element Method to the Calculation of Acoustic Radiation Modes and Their Efficiencies, Candice Marie Humpherys
Application of dietary guidelines for Guatemala in three rural communities of Chiquimula, Sandra Liseth Salazar Donis
Application of different levels of byproducts from quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in the preparation of rations for guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus L.) in the growing and fattening stages, Grover Antonio Aduviri Paredes
A Practical Guide to Electronic Resources in Korean Studies for Smaller Korean Collections, Joy Kim
A Preliminary Distinctive Feature Analysis for Upper-Case, Roman, Handwritten Character Recognition, Frank C. Carman II
A Preliminary Survey of Data Bases and Other Automated Services for Chinese Studies, Yeen-mei Wu
A Proposal for a Section of an LDS Church History Textbook for High School Students Containing the History of the Church from 1898 to 1951, Arthur R. Bassett
A Proposal For a Standardized Common Use Character Set in East Asian Countries, Tokutaro Takahashi
A Proposed Program for Adjusting the Released-Time Seminary Program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to Three Major Flexible Scheduling Programs, Wallace Dea Montague
A Qualitative Analysis of the Non-LDS Experience in Utah, Jesse Smith Bushman
A Qualitative Study of Interpretive Communities Among LDS Women, Oleah Clegg
A Quantitative Analysis of Matthew Cowley's Use of the Illustrative Method of Oral Support, Kenneth Lloyd Young
A Quick Note on Purchasing Specialized Library Materials at Auction, Thomas H. Hahn
A Quick Response: QR Code Use at the Harold B. Lee Library, Michael J. Whitchurch
Archival and Library Resources on East Asia, D. Clayton James
Archival and Library Resources on East Asia in the Washington, D. C. Area, Gary K. McCone
Archival and Library Resources within the Mid-Atlantic States Region for Advancing Scholarship in East Asian Studies, Frank Joseph Shulman
Archiving Art: The Value of Nostalgia in Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, Jared Michael Pence
A Readership Study of the Instructor Magazine, Vern Maeser Young
Are All Sports Created Equal?, Tiffany Wright and Benjamin Gibbs
A Reexamination of Some Semantic Feature Hypothesis Predictions About Dimensional Adjective Acquisition, Carolyn Matthews Squires
Are Grameen Replications Sustainable, and Do They Reach the Poor?: The Case of CARD Rural Bank in the Philippines, Hans Dieter Seibel and Dolores Torres
Are Microfinance Institutions Immune to Science?: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Matthew R. Brigham, William T. Matthias, Chase Petrey, and Daniel Nielson
A Report from the Chairperson, Hideo Kaneko and Weiying Wan
A Research of a Proposed Independent Study Method Used in the Seminary Classroom, Robert Porcaro
A Research Study of Chuck-A-Rama's Customers, Food, and Services, Aaron Cobabe, Brendan Snow, Betty Ward, and Scott Hales
A Resource of Twentieth Century American-East Asian Relations: The William Henry Welch Papers at the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Charles R. Lilley and Harold K. Kanarek
Are the Poor Too Poor to Demand Health Insurance?, Rajeev Ahuja and Johannes Jütting
A Review of Arguments Regarding Faculty Status and Tenure for Librarians, Sara Smith
A Review of the Present Non-Partisan Political Journals of Taiwan, P. Y. Chang
A Rhetorical Approach to Teaching Shakespeare in Secondary Schools, Kasey Hammer
Aribex market feasibility study: An analysis of three different markets for the possible entrance of ARIBEX, Inc.'s NOMAD x-ray device, Steven Wirig and Lance Gibson
Aribex Nomad: Customer Satisfaction Report, Burke Alder, Alan Arthur, and Ben Rasmussen
Aribex Nomad Veterinary: A Study of the role of X-Ray Technology in the Veterinary Industry, J. Elliott Dozier, Eric Lopez, and Dharshaun Turner
Arnoldia kuesii, a new juvenile fernlike plant from the Lower Permian of New Mexico, William D. Tidwell and Sidney Ash
A Role for Production in the Beginning Level Language Class, Brad Wahlquist
Arsenio Hall at the Crossroads: Uniting Two Speech Communities in One Act, Daniel Harper and Tessa Meyer-Santiago
“Artes That Been Curious”: Questions of Magic and Morality in Chaucer’s “The Franklin’s Tale”, Kaitlin Coats
Arthur W. Hummel and the Chinese Collection at the Library of Congress, Edwin G. Beal
Articulated Spine for a Robot to Assist Children with Autism, Brandon M. Norton
Artificial alimentation of bees using natural juices during the dry season, Ramiro Bernal Acosta
A Saintly Epic: Reading Beowulf as Hagiography, Jordan Jones
A Scholar Diplomat's Legacy: William Woodville Rockhill and His Chinese Language Books at the Freer Gallery of Art Library, Lily Kecskes
A School-Based Intervention’s Impact on Children’s Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Related to Physical Activity and Nutrition: A Pilot Study, Katherine Turley Jenkins
A Scripture Bank for Reading Teachers and Researchers, A. Garr Cranney
A Second Look at Unpassives, Joel Hust
A Semantic Analysis of the Chinese Negative Fomrs: BU and Méi (Yŏu), Zhou Yun
A Semantic Theory of Information Recovery, Paul Baltes
A Senator Speaks on Society, Law, and the Family, Gordon H. Smith
A Servant of God: A Story of Jack Sing Kong, Kuulei Bell
A Short History of the CEAL Bulletin, Edward Martinique
A Short Note on Current Chinese Online Book Dealers, Thomas H. Hahn
Asiagraphics System for Ideographic Automation, C. S. George
Asian Division Friends Society - A Case Study for Bridging Scholars, Communities, and Collections, Anchi Hoh
A Simple Method for Evaluating Wear in Different Grades of Tooling Applied to Friction Stir Spot Welding, Kirtis Frankland Kennard
A Simplified Performance-Based Procedure for the Prediction of Lateral Spread Displacements, Levi Thomas Ekstrom
A Sociological Profile of LDS Inmates At Utah State Prison, Robert D. Payne
A Special Achievement: Overseas Electronic Resources on Chinese Cultural Revolution, Yongyi Song
Aspect in Spanish Grammar, J. Halvor Clegg
Aspiring Higher: The Role of Objective Manager-Employee Work Values Fit in Employee Brand Movement Intentions, Brian P. Reschke, Joseph Olsen, and John B. Bingham
Assessing the Need For Microenterprises in Mexico to Borrow Start-up Capital, Heikki Heino and Jose A. Pagan
Assessing the Repercussions of a Mass Departure of Building Inspectors from the Code Professional Industry in Utah, George Reese Williams
Assessing the University of Alberta Humanities and Social Sciences Library Japanese Library Collection and Preparing a Plan for Its Development, Tsuneharu Gonnami
Assessment of Influence that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has on Exercise Habit of Members Living in Utah County, Gary L. Preston
Assessment of the Availability and Exploitation of Hydric Resources in the Choquenaira Community, Luis Lizardo Iturry Urquizo
Assignment to Kona, Edward L. Clissold
A Structural and Generative Study of the Phoneme /t/ Spanish, S. Addison Everett
A Study Conducted for the Journal of Microfinance: Published at Brigham Young University, Veronica Barlow, Angelica Hagman, Brooke Mildenhall, and Eliza Steele
A study for improvement of spring and summer enrollment and marketing at Brigham Young University, Tori Rasmussen, Nate Routsong, and Aleen Schiess
A Study for the Effectiveness of Advertising in the Daily Universe, Serhiy Dutchak and Matthew Day
A Study for the Improvement of the Sellback Program, David Clive, Daniel Harris, Megan Hopkins, and Wade Whiting
A Study in Social Distance in a Typical Mormon Community, Anthon Steffensen Cannon
A Study of African American Women and their Perceptions of Life in Utah, Jennifer Caye DeMayo
A Study of Allylic Aminations as Catalyzed by Heterobimetallic Pd-Ti Complexes, Diana Lauren Ellis
A Study of A Teaching Method Called Seminary Bowl, Max G. Hirschi
A Study of Basic Philosophies of Seminary Teachers Determined by the Ames Philosophical Belief Inventory, V. Mack Sumner
A Study of Boy Scout and Aaronic Priesthood Activity (Boys Age Twelve to Fourteen) in Selected LDS Wards, Orval Leonard Nelson
A Study of Childhood Experiences of Physicists, LDS Seminary Teachers and Outstanding Competitive Athletes, A. Garr Cranney Jr.
A Study of Divorced Mormon Women in Salt Lake County: The Extent to Which they Use the Agencies and Institutions Available to Help Meet Personal, Financial, and Employment Needs, Melinda G. Stapley
A Study of Divorce Rates for Temple and Non-Temple Marriages According to Occupational Status and Age at Marriage, Seymour P. Steed
A Study of Drop-Outs From Twelve Seminaries in Utah Conducted During 1960-61, Roy Fearnley Hatch
A Study of Early Utah-Montana Trade, Transportation, and Communication, 1847-1881, L. Kay Edrington
A Study of Early Utah Water Color Painting, James Harvey Taylor
A Study of Eschatological Prophecies Found in the Scriptures and in the Works of General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Duane S. Crowther
A Study of Evidences Related to LDS Church History as Reflected in Volumes I Through XIII of the Journal of Discourses, Paul C. Richards
A Study of Factors Which May Influence Attitudes of LDS Teen-Agers Toward Family Home Evening, Don LeRoy Miller
A Study of Fifty-Seven Returned Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Idaho Stake of Bannock County, Idaho, 1935-36, Reed G. Probst
A Study of Forces and Events Leading to the Repeal of Prohibition and the Adoption of a Liquor Control System, George Harmon Skyles
A Study of General and Religious Personal Problems of Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Seminary Students, Wilson K. Andersen
A Study of Historical Evidences Related to LDS Church as Reflected in Volumes XIV Through XXVI of the Journal of Discourses, Terry J. Aubrey
A Study of Indian Enrollments in the United States to Determine the Possibilities of Establishing Indian Seminaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Marion N. Davidson
A Study of Japanese Vendor Services in North America, Katsuko T. Hotelling
A Study of Joseph Smith's Teachings and Practices as they Influence Welfare in the LDS Church, Helen Mae Andrus
A Study of LDS Seminary Libraries, F. Burton Winters
A Study of Literature on Role-Playing with Possible Applications to the LDS Institutes of Religion, Victor Vernon Woolf
A Study of Merit Rating Practices in the LDS Department of Education, Garry Wayne Graf
A Study of Moral Development in Mormon Culture, Steve Foster Gilliland
A Study of Mormon Knowledge of the American Far West Prior to the Exodus (1830-February, 1846), Lewis Clark Christian
A Study of Nephite, Lamanite, and Jaredite Governmental Institutions and Policies as Portrayed in The Book of Mormon, Donald Arthur Cazier
A Study of Problems Relative to the Fulfillment of Selected Prophecies in The Book of Mormon: With Particular Reference to the Prophetic View from 1830 Onward, Ross William Warner
A Study of Public Speaking Abilities of LDS Youth, Robert W. West
A Study of Reconfigurable Antennas as a Solution for Efficiency, Robustness, and Security of Wireless Systems, Rashid Mehmood
A Study of Religious Experiences as Related to Church Orthodoxy, Joel Lane Tapley
A Study of Representative Examples of Art Works Fostered by the Mormon Church With an Analysis of the Aesthetic Value of these Works, Monte B. DeGraw
A Study of Rock Music to Determine its Declared Position Relative to Unchastity, the Use of Drugs and the Departure from Traditional Concepts of Family and Religion, E. Lynn Balmforth
A Study of Selected Factors Which influence Latter-Day Saint and Non-Latter-Day Saint Students to Attend the Church College of Hawaii, Daniel G. Witt
A Study of Sensitive Lands in Provo, Doris R. Monson
A Study of Some Textual Variations in the Book of Mormon Comparing the Original and the Printer's Manuscripts and the 1830, the 1837, and the 1840 Editions, Stanley R. Larson
A Study of Teacher, Principal, Coordinator Perception of the Role of A Latter-Day Saint Seminary Principal, Richard A. Vehar
A Study of the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) in Utah: An Analysis of the Post-Denning Activities and Bear-Human Conflict, Julie Ann Miller
A Study of the Artistic Philosophy of Mahonri Mackintosh Young, Albert John Swensen
A Study of the Attitudes of Latter-Day Saint Seminary Students Toward Certain Church Standards of Dress and Conduct, Alfred Lawrence Pace III
A Study of the Attitudes Toward and Understandings of Temple Marriage of a Selected Group of Seminary Students in the Alpine School District (Utah), Jerald Ray Johansen
A Study of the Book of Abraham, Charles Edward Haggerty
A Study of the Changes in the Contents of the Book of Moses From the Earliest Available Sources to the Current Edition, James Roy Harris
A Study of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Upper Canada, 1830-1850, Richard Edmond Bennett
A Study of the Concerns of Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Seminary Students by Sex and Grade in Areas Covered by the Thirty-Five Directional Objectives of the LDS Seminary System, M. Richard Maxfield
A Study of the Concerns of Tenth and Eleventh Grade Seminary Students About the Thirty Five Directional Objectives of the LDS Seminary System, LeMar Olyn Hanson
A Study of the Contributions of Andrew Jenson to the Writing and Preservation of LDS Church History, Keith W. Perkins
A Study of the Criticisms of the Book of Abraham, Calvin D. McOmber
A Study of the Definition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its Theological Implications in Latter-Day Saint Literature, David Earl Perry
A Study of the Department of Religious Education of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Glen C. Wahlquist
A Study of the Differences Between Seminary and Non-Seminary Students At the Ogden-Weber Seminary 1963-64, Gerald F. Taylor
A Study of the Doctrinal Significance of Certain Textual Changes Made by the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Four Gospels of the Inspired Version of the New Testament, Robert J. Matthews
A Study of the Doctrine and Covenants, John William Fitzgerald
A Study of the Effect of Color in the Utah Temple Murals, Terry John O'Brien
A Study of the Factors Affecting LDS Institute Enrollment Among Students from Homes of Parents Who are Inactive in the LDS Church, Boyd Leslie Robertson
A Study of the Forces Leading to the Adoption of Prohibition in Utah in 1917, Bruce T. Dyer
A Study of the Hill Cumorah: A Significant Latter-Day Saint Landmark in Western New York, Cameron J. Packer
A Study of the Impact of Three Films Upon LDS College Students' Acceptance of Certain Patterns of Affection, William R. Cunningham
A Study of the Influence of Seminary Teachers on Seminary Enrollment in the Twenty-Seven One-Teacher Seminaries of the State of Utah, Hal Loren Taylor
A Study of the Influence of the Mormon Church on the Catawba Indians of South Carolina 1882-1975, Jerry D. Lee
A Study of the LDS Coordinator Program, Carl J. Olsen Jr.
A Study of the Life of John Hafen: Artist With an Analysis and Critical Review of His Work, William Lee Roy Conant Jr.
A Study of the Literary Qualities in the Diary of Hosea Stout, Richard G. Ellsworth
A Study of the Meaning of the Terms Inspiration and Revelation as Used in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Reid E. Bankhead
A Study of the Method of Teaching Called "Scripture Chase" as Employed by the Full-Time Teachers of the Seminaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Vernon W. Mattson
A Study of the Nature of and the Significance of the Changes in the Revelations As Found in A Comparison of the Book of Commandments and Subsequent Editions of the Doctrine and Covenants, Melvin Joseph Petersen
A Study of the New Chinese Uniform Cataloging Code: A Possibility for Shared Cataloging, Thomas H. Lee
A Study of the Opinions of LDS Athletes Concerning Excellence in Gospel Living Contributing to Excellence in Sports, Robert L. Cummings
A Study of the Political Involvements in the Career of Joseph Smith, Edward G. Thompson
A Study of the Pre-Modern Korean Novels Held at the University of California, Berkeley, Yong-su Jeong
A Study of the Problem of A Personal Devil and its Relationship to Latter-Day Saint Beliefs, LaMar E. Garrard
A Study of the Reactions of Latter-Day Saint Youth to the Thirteen Fireside Programs Given in the Winter of 1960, Emerson Roy West
A Study of the Religious Attitudes and Concepts of the People of Escalante, Utah, from 1876 to 1930, Elwood Byron Allred
A Study of the Social and Economic Conditions of a Sample of the Blind Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, M. Lynn Cruser
A Study of the Speaking of B. H. Roberts, Utah's Blacksmith Orator, R. Wayne Pace
A Study of the Status, as Counselors, of One Hundred Bishops in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Franklin Kelso Meadows
A Study of the Subject-Matter Preparation of Full-Time Teachers in the Seminaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Dee Lufkin Risenmay
A Study of the Teachers in Senior Seminaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Wendell M. Rigby
A Study of the Utah Newspaper War, 1870-1900, Luther L. Heller
A Study of the Utilization of Selected Church Periodicals By LDS Seminary and Institute of Religion Personnel, Dennis G. Murdock
A Study to Determine Reasons Why LDS Students were not Enrolled in LDS Seminary in the Southern Alberta Seminary District During 1970-71, Robert Owen McClung
A Study to Determine the Influence of Ward Education Committees On Non-Release Time Seminary Enrollment, Gordon Scott Loosle
A Study to Determine the Interests and Concerns of Senior Students in Relationship to the Thirty-Five Directional Objectives of the LDS Seminary System, James Frank Killian
A Study to Determine the Ten Most Serious Problems of LDS Seminary Students, and What the Seminary is Doing to Help Students With These Problems, Ortho Christensen
A Study to Determine What Caused Students to Discontinue Attending the Burley Seminary Before Obtaining A Fourth-Year Certificate 1961-1965, Charles Durrell Salisbury
A Suggestion for the ALA-LC Romanization Table for Chinese, Teresa Mei
A Survey and Analysis of Utah's Weekly Newspaper Publishers and their Publications, Martin Bradley Munn
A Survey of Family Scripture Study in the Latter-day Saint Home, Gerrie A. Bills and A. Garr Cranney
A Survey of Fiction Written By Mormon Authors and Appearing in Mormon Periodicals Between 1900 and 1945, Ross Stolworthy Esplin
A Survey of Mormon Literary Criticism, Colin B. Douglas
A Survey to Determine the Public Responses and Attitudes Toward the First Festival of Mormon Art at Brigham Young University, Trevor Southey
A Symposium on "The International Flow of Japanese Information: Considering the Infrastucture of Japanese Studies", Izumi Koide
A systematic approach in treating Post Concussion Syndrome, Donna Susan Freeborn and Ryan S. Francis
A Systematic Examination of the Terms Heart, Mind, Might, and Strength as Used in the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Neil J. Flinders and Paul Wangemann
A Tall Tale: How Stories Can Change U.S. Public Opinion, Matthew B. Young
A Taxonomy for Stylistics, Camille Stilson Williams
A Taxonomy of Human Communication, Chauncey C. Riddle
A Teaching Approach to Discipline: An Alternative to Punishment, K. Richard Young, Sharon Black, Michelle Marchant, and Katherine J. Mitchem
A Tribute to Hideo Kaneko (1934-2013), Tsuneharu Gonnami
A Tribute to T. H. Tsien, Eugene W. Wu
Attachment Changes Post-Conversion in Committed Converts toThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Laura Jane Page
Attachment & Hope of Institutionalized and Reunified Children in Ghana, Bryan A. Teuscher and Jini Roby
Attachment, Vagal Tone, and Co-regulation During Infancy, Jessica Chloe Hansen
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Comparison of Medication Efficacy and Cost, Robert M. David, Karlen E. Luthy, Janelle L. B. Macintosh, and Lacey M. Eden
Attitudes and Attained ESL Proficiency Among First Generation Swedish Mormon Immigrants, Cecilia Nihlen
Attitudes Concerning Birth Control and Abortion As Related to LDS Religiosity of Brigham Young University Students, Erlend D. Peterson
Attitudes of Employed and Non-Employed Latter-Day Saint Mothers Toward the Homemaking Role and Outside Employment, Lois Richins Monroe
Attitudes of LDS Seminary Students Toward Different Methods of Grading, Rex L. Coles
Attitudes of Rural Branch Manages in Madhya Pradesh, India, toward Their Role as Providers of Financial Services to the Poor, Howard Jones, Marylin Williams, Yashwant Thorat, and Abba Thorat
Attitudes Toward Ethnicity and Ethnic Languages in America, Catherine Brown Steinberg and Bruce L. Brown
A Typology for Fremont Figurines, Adreanne Potts
"A Uniformity So Complete": Early Mormon Angelology, Benjamin Park
A Unit on the Family and Traditions: For Middle School Spanish Classes, Rebecca A. Proper
“A Unity of Many Islands: The Building Mission Program in Hawaii”: A Panel Discussion, Barbara Elkington
A Universal CV Tendency?-- Another Look at the Syllable Structure in First Language Acquisition, Rushen Shi
Aurealcaulis crossii gen. et sp. nov., an arborescent, osmundaceous trunk from the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Wyoming, William D. Tidwell and Lee R. Parker
Authentication Melee: A Usability Analysis of Seven Web Authentication Systems, Scott Ruoti
Authority Control: CJK Personal Name Headings, Abraham J. Yu
Automated Landing Site Determination for Unmanned Rotocraft Surveillance Applications, Justin Keith Mackay
Automatic Recognition of Relative Clauses with Missing Relative Pronoun, Kenton L. Chauncey
Automation and Electronic Resources: The View from a Small Japanese Academic Collection, Gail King
Autonomous Landing of Miniature Aerial Vehicles, D. Blake Barber, Stephen R. Griffiths, Timothy W. McLain, and Randal W. Beard
Autonomous Vehicle Technologies for Small Fixed Wing UAVs, Derek B. Kingston, Randal Beard, Timothy McLain, Michael Larsen, and Wei Ren
Autonomous Vehicle Technologies for Small Fixed-wing UAVs, Randal Beard, Derek Kingston, Morgan Quigley, Deryl Snyder, Reed Christiansen, Walt Johnson, Timothy McLain, and Michael A. Goodrich
A Variable-Stiffness Compliant Mechanism for Stiffness-Controlled Haptic Interfaces, Jeffrey C. Hawks
A Very Personal History, Ken Baldridge
A Visual Interpretation of Events and Personalities from the Book of Mormon, Larry Berg Prestwich
A Voice for Nature, Joseph Post
A Voice from the Fire: The Authority of Experience, Colleen C. Bernhard
A Volume Bound for Montesinos Links, Kathleen Arvella Finlinson
(A)WAKE(N): A Study in Lexical and Grammatical Variation, Richard M. Trask
A Woman as Burgemeester? A Close Analysis of Politically Correct Dutch and the Influence of World English, Heidi Gassman
A Word from the Chairperson, Hideo Kaneko
Axial Compression Behavior of Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Tubes and Rods Before and After Impact, Ian Michael Oxborrow
Background and Research Context of the Databases of Chinese Political Campaigns in the 1950s: From Land Reofrm to the State-Private Partnership, 1949-1956, Roderick MacFarquhar
Back Matter, Council on East Asian Libraries
Balance and Conflict: Variation in Attaining Work-Family Fit Among a Homogeneous Population, Laura C. Koch
Balancing Supply and Demand: The Emerging Agenda for Microfinance Institutions, Thankom Arun and David Hulme
Banking on Customer Loyalty, Craig Churchill
Banking the Unbanked, Janine Firpo
Bariatric Surgery Versus Lifestyle Interventions In Managing Obesity In Patients With Type II Diabetes: A Systematic Review, Leslie C. Nakaya and Mary Williams
Barriers to Native American Women Veterans’ Health Care Access on TwoReservations: Northern Cheyenne and Flathead, Luma Issa Al Masarweh
Basic Principles of Orally Communicating the Gospel as Found in the Doctrine and Covenants, Reed Amussen Benson
Baxtin: The "Disputed" Texts, Susan Bennett-Matteo
Bayard Taylor's the Prophet: Mormonism as Literary Taboo; Calaveras County Comes of Age; the Erosion of Belief in the Poetry of Clinton F. Larson, Thomas D. Schwartz
Because of Thy Exceeding Faith: A Choreographic Portrayal of Women in The Book of Mormon, Wendy L. Bone
Becoming an Altruistic Learner, Aaron W. Snyder
Becoming Mormon Men: Male Rites of Passage and the Rise of Mormonism in Nineteenth-Century America, Bruce R. Lott
Behind the Veil: The Heavenly Mother Concept Among Members of Women's Support Groups in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Allen W. Litchfield
Bell Curve--Aid to Language Learning, Ken Anderson
Belle S. Spafford: Leader of Women, Gayle Morby Chandler
Beloved Children, Faithful Fathers: Caring for Children with Special Needs, David C. Dollahite
Benefits and Applications of Journaling: Exploring the Lower Boundary for Effective Dosage in Non-clinical Populations, Ryan Hunsaker and Patrick Steffen
Benjamin Franklin Johnson: Colonizer, Public Servant, and Church Leader, E. Dale LeBaron
Benjamin Franklin Stewart, Lifetime Pioneer, Janet Jenson
Better Late Than Never? Reduced Psychophysiological Response to a Human Intruder in High-Functioning Autism, J. Dee Higley, Mikle South, Paul Chamberlain, and Oliver Johnston
Between Two Worlds: Relationships between hearing children and their Deaf parents, Corinne Hoskin and John Hawkins
Beyond Micro-Credit: Putting Development Back into Micro-Finance by Thomas Fisher and M. S. Sriram, James R. Bradshaw
Beyond Technology, Eugene W. Wu
Bibliographic Instruction for East Asian Studies in Academic Libraries: A Survey Analysis, Cathy Chiu
Bibliography of Eizaburo Okuizumi, Keiko Okuizumi
Bibliography of Publications of Ms. Naomi Fukuda, Yasuko Makino
Bibliography of the Published Writings of Warren M. Tsuneishi (1921-2011), Frank Joseph Shulman
Bibliotherapy for Children Coping with a Loved One's Military Deployment: What do Children's Books Tell Us?, Aimee Tubbs
Bickerton's Bioprogram Theory: Its Basis and Implications in Acquisition Theory, Laura Henrie
Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Libraries, Richard Hacken
Binary Fluency: Bibliographic Pedagogy in Japanese Studies at Penn, Alban M. Kojima
Biochemical and molecular nutrition blocks as dietary supplements in llamas (Lama glama) in the last third of the gestation period of the CEAC, Janette Illanes Callejas
Biochemical Components in the Secretion of the Bulb Urethral Glands of Llama (Lama Glama) in Three Ages, Demetrio Laruta Flores
Biochemical components of seminal plasma of llamas (Lama glama) at three ages, Pedro Angel Delgado Callisaya
Bioinformatics for the Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Cotton (Gossypium) Polyploid Complex, Justin Thomas Page
Bioinformatic Solutions to Complex Problems in Mass Spectrometry Based Analysis of Biomolecules, Ryan M. Taylor
Biomechanical Applications and Modeling of Quantum Nano-Composite Strain Gauges, Taylor David Remington
BioZone Scientific International, Inc: A study for customer perception of the public restrooms, Brigham Young University in relation with Nth Existence Research, Samuel Ahola, Kyle Fraughton, and Brian McCann
Black Intellectuals: The Transient Space of Cultural Translation, Marissa Compton
Blended, S. Brent Scharman and Janet S, Scharman
Blogs, Books, & Breadcrumbs: A Case Study of Transmedial Fairy Tales, Kristy Gilbert Stewart
Book of Mormon Costume Resource Guide, Rory R. Scanlon
Book of Mormon Stories Diglot Reader on Computer, Neal S. Harmon
Book Review, Wen-kai Kung
Book Review, Catherine Y. Lee
Book Review: A Lasting Promise, Robert F. Robert
Book Review: Mainstreaming Microfinance by Elisabeth Rhyne, Monte L. Lynn
Book Review- Microfinance and Poverty: Questioning the Conventional Wisdom by Hege Gulli, Lisa M. Jones
Book Review- Microfinance: Conversations with the Experts edited by Charles Oberdorf, Matthew Wood
Book Review - New Directions in Poverty Finance by Craig Churchill, Madeline Hirschland, and Judith Painter, Stuart Rutherford
Book Reviews, Catherine Y. Lee and Wen-kai Kung
Book Reviews, Wen-kai Kung
Book Reviews, Edward Martinique, Yuan Zhou, and Wen-Kai Kung
Book Reviews, Wen-kai Kung
Book Reviews, Zehao Zhou and Haihui Zhang
Book Reviews, Timothy Man-kong Wong
Book Reviews, Victoria Chu
Book Reviews, Lily Kecskes
Book Reviews, Zehao Zhou
Book Reviews, Mei-Yun (Annie) Lin
Book Reviews, Tsuneharu Gonnami
Book Reviews, D. E. Perushek and Xian Wu
Book Reviews, Richard J. Smith
Book Review - The Miracles of Barefoot Capitalism: A Compelling Case for Microcredit by Jim Klobuchar and Susan Cornell Wilkes, Naresh C. Singh
Book Review - The Myth of Development: The Non-viable Economics of the 21st Century by Oswaldo De Rivero, Beth C. Haynes
Book Review: Women and Microcredit in Rural Bangladesh by Aminur Rahman, Asif Dowla
Books and Beyond: Acquisitions Trip 1996, Experiences and Observations, Yeen-mei Wu
Born to Achieve: Educational Attainment Among Hispanics, Emily Yager, Logan Theodore, Maren Christiansen, and Bree Hernandez
Botanical and chemical composition of diets selected by alpacas (Lama pacos) pastured in the Ulla Ulla wetlands, Lino Constancio López López
Botheration and Recognition of Prescriptive Rules, Sara D. Smith
Bottom Billion, Ben Lewis
Brain Mapping of the Latency Epochs in a McGurk Effect Paradigm in Music Performance and Visual Arts Majors, Lauren Donelle Nordstrom
Branches on the Big Island Described by Andrew Jenson During His Tours of 1895 and 1928
Breaking the Chain of Negative Family Influences, Roberta L. I. Margarrell and Dean E. Barley
Bridging Shores: The Changing Role of the Area Studies Librarian, Izumi Koide
Brigham Cecil Gates: Composer, Director, Teacher of Music, Lyneer Charles Smith
Brigham Young's Activities in St. George During the Later Years of his Life, Dale Glen Wood
Brigham Young's Indian Superintendency (1851-58): A Significant Microcosm of the American Indian Experience, Wayne Miles Eckman
Brigham Young's Philosophy of History, H. Carleton Marlow
Brigham Young University Bookstore Photo Department: Market research project, Aaron Brough, Melissa Browning, Michael Cramer, and Dan Exby
Brigham Young University Marketing Research Project, Jonathan Dunford, Chad Jordan, and Julie Nelson
Brigham Young University independent study on-line courses, Bret Alvey, Dave Boyack, Jon Macaulay, and Derek Russell
Brigham Young University Marriott School Global Management Center: Study abroad program marketing research project, Paul Bryan, John Park, and Sam Schmidt
Brigham Young University Student Perception of Medical Practitioners Based on Gender, Curtis Pearson, Ryan Jury, Charity Kemp, and Benjamin De Jesus
Brigham Young University (Utah), Michael J. Whitchurch
Bringing a Backlog Under Control: How We Did It At BYU, Erminia Chao and Gail King
Bringing Development Back, Into Microfinance, Maria Otero
Brucellosis in alpacas (Lama pacos) in communities of the city Ulla Ulla, Franz Tomayo province, department of La Paz, Macario Suxo Blanco
Bryan, Populism and Utah, Herbert E. Cihak
Build-and-Fill Development of Lower Ismay (Middle Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation) Phylloid-Algal Mounds of the Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah, Lincoln H. Reed
Building a Crowd-Sourced Community Archive in Hong Kong: The Challenges and Rewards, Patrick Lo
Building an Access Database for Cookstove Research, Margaret L. Weddle
Building Better Lives: Sustainable Integration of Microfinance and Education in Child Survival, Reproductive Health, and HIV/AIDS Prevention for the Poorest Entrepreneurs, Christopher Dunford
Building Economic Self-Reliance: Trickle Up's Microenterprise Seed Capital for the Extreme Poor in Rural India, Jan Maes and Malika Basu
Burke's Poetic Metaphor and Obama as Poet, Devon S. Cook
Burnout, NO, and Flame Characterization from an Oxygen-Enriched Biomass Flame, Steven Andrew Owen
Bylaws of the Council on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Journal of East Asian Libraries
Bylaws of the Council on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Journal of East Asian Libraries
BYU Linguistics Symposium A Suggestion Box Translator Aid, Alan K. Melby
BYU Marriott School Executive Master of Business Administration Program Market Research Evaluating Demand for EMBA Schedule Variants, BYU Marriott School
C2G Research Results, Scott Cowley, Katie Hanks, Elizabeth Hunt, and Austin Carter
Calendar, ESR Review
California Saints: A Readers Theater, J. Michael Hunter
Call of Expression of Interest: Asian Materials Cataloging Seminar, Phillip Melzer
Canadian Family Leisure, Family Functioning, and Family Satisfaction: A Family Perspective, Shaun C. Nua
Canadian Japanese Studies Librarians Library Colloquium, Tsuneharu Gonnami
Can Authors Alter Their Wordprints? Faulkner's Narrators in As I Lay Dying, Tim Hiatt and John Hilton
Can the Queer Subaltern Speak?, Jennifer Duque
Can There Be a "Feminist Linguistics?", William Eggington
Can There Be an Ideal Coffeehouse?: John Milton as Proponent and Critic of the Public Sphere, Hadley Griggs
Capital Enhancement Guarantees and Risk Management by Capital-constrained Lenders, J.D. Von-Pischke
Careers in Software Internationalization, Larry G. Childs
Cargo Manifests and Custom Records from American China Trade Vessels Bound for the Port of Philadelphia 1790-1840, Nancy Davis
Case Shift and Verb Concord in Georgian, Kim Braithwaite
Case Study at Nanjing University and Nanjing Technology University, Shwuing Wu
Cataloging Outsourcing -- Practice and Thinking, Amy Tsiang
Catching Up with Technology: Recent Developments in Chinese Libraries, Yuan Zhou
Cathy Trask, Monstrosity, and Gender-Based Fears in John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, Claire Warnick
Causes of the Mormon Boycott Against Gentile Merchants in 1866 and 1868, Peter Neil Garff
CCCII Software for the CJK OPAC: University of Oregon Field Test Report, Hsu-Kuang Wang
CCH and the Pursuit of Academic Excellence, 1955-1964, Kenneth Wayne Baldridge
CEAL Activities, Joy Kim
CEAL Activities, Joy Kim, Sarah Elman, Su Chen, and Chengzhi Wang
CEAL Annual Meeting, Committee on East Asian Libraries
CEAL Annual Meetings, Committee on East Asian Libraries
CEAL at IFLA, Beijing, Ken Klein
CEAL at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Eugene Wu
CEAL at the Dawn of the 21st Century: Comment from the CEAL Committee on Japanese Materials, Hideyuki Morimoto
CEAL Bulletin Style Sheet, Committee on East Asian Libraries
CEAL Bulletin Style Sheet, Committee on East Asian Libraries
CEAL Bulletin Style Sheet, Committee on East Asian Libraries
CEAL Committee Activities, Hideyuki Morimoto
CEAL Committee Activities, Yongyi Song, Marcia Ristaino, Chengzhi Wang, and Anna U
CEAL Committee on Japanese Materials, Hideyuki Morimoto
CEAL News, Journal of East Asian Libraries
CEAL Response to "Clarification of LC Practice Concerning the Use of Diacritical Marks in Japanese Romanization", Shi Deng, Setsuko Noguchi, Rob Britt, Yoko Kudo, Mieko Mazza, Hikaru Nakano, and Keiko Suzuki
CEAL Statistics 2008-2009: An Overview, Vickie Fu-Doll
CEAL Statistics 2009-2010: An Overview, Vickie Fu Doll
CEAL Statistics 2013 with Multi-year Summary and Comparison, Vickie Fu Doll
CEAL Statistics A Multi-year Summary and Comparison, Vickie Fu Doll
CEAL Statistics, A Multi-year Summary and Comparison, Vickie Fu Doll
CEAL Statistics Database: Accessing Statistical Information of North American East Asian Library Collections, Vickie Fu Doll
CEAL Task Force on Pinyin Conversion: Executive Summary, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Celebration of BYU Library Volume #3,000,000, Richard D. Hacken
Center News, ESR Review
Center News, ESR Review
Ceramics From Wolf Village, Kari Schrade and James Allison
Changes in Scholastic Achievement and Intelligence of Indian Children Enrolled in a Foster Placement Program, Linda Ouida Willson
Changes in the Kekchi Pronominal System, John Bringhurst
Change Yourself and Change Your Marriage, Douglas A. Abbott
Chapels on the Island of Maui, Jubilee H. Moikeha
Chaperone-Mediated Folding and Assembly of β-Propeller Proteins into Cellular Signaling Complexes, Rebecca L. Plimpton
Character Entry Efficiency for the Chinese Language, Jay Lee
Characteristics of the Environment Surrounding Online Information Services in Japan, Kimio Hosono
Characterization and Processing Evaluation of Starch/High-Density Polyethylene Materials in Extrusion Blow Molding, Bradley Dale Bacigalupi
Characterization of Geometrically Necessary Dislocation Content with EBSD-Based Continuum Dislocation Microscopy, Tim Ruggles
Characterization of Order-Disorder Phase Transition Temperature for Select Nanoparticles, Gregory J. Sutherland
Characterization of Smoothness in Wrist Rotations, Layne Hancock Salmond
Characterization of the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase I Gene in Chenopodium, Douglass C. Brown
Charles Ora Card, Pioneer and Colonizer, A. James Hudson
Chaucer's "Underweighted" Line: Some Computer-Assisted Steps Toward Reassessment, Karen Lynn
Cheatgrass Die-Off Phenomena: What are the Short and Long Term Recovery Factors of Bromus tectorum Stand Failure?, Joshua Alan Nicholson
Cheuk-woon Taam and the Chinese Collection at University of Hawaii Library Kuang-tien Yao, Kuang-tien Yao
Chiasmus in Ancient Hawaiian Prophecies, Prayers, and Chants, Ambrose Don Kameakaulana Velasco
Child Agreeableness as a Buffer Against Depression, Megan Sheldon, Curtis Pollard, Jonathan Kersh, and Natalie Gariby
Child Marriage: Can access to media discourage the practice in South Asia?, Angela O'Neill and Sven Wilson
Children on the Mormon Trail, Jill Jacobsen Andros
Children, Spouses, and Attitudes: Impact on Women's Work Status, Mengxi Li Seeley and James B. McDonald
Child Targeted Shakespeare Performances: Making it Worth the While, Kara E. Visconage
China in Maryknoll: The Sinologically-Related Holdings of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, Murray A. Rubinstein
Chinese Christianity Since 1949: Implications For The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Bruce J. M. Dean
Chinese Collections in Japan, Chau Mun Lau
Chinese Internet Literature: Preserving Born-Digital Literary Content and Fighting Web Piracy, C. David Hickey
Chinese Literature in LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings): A Critical Perspective, Jim Cheng
Chinese Local Gazetteers: Evolution, Institutionalization and Digitization, Chengzhi Wang
Chinese Oral History Collections at Columbia: Toward Better Access, Chengzi Wang
Chinese Rare Book Collections in Taiwan: Their History, Cataloging and Conservation, Peter Chang
Chinese Studies Librarians Training and the Luce Summer Insitute at the University of Pittsburgh, Zhijia Shen and Karen Wei
Chinese Treasure Hunt: A Survey of Chinese Manuscripts and Personal Papers, Lillian Yang
Chinese Works on Materia Medica in the Library of Congress, Mi Chu Wiens
Choosing Not to Believe: Realistic Unrealism in The Winter's Tale, Rachel Olson
Chronological Biography of Naomi Fukuda, Izumi Koide
Church History in Waimanalo: 1946-7 to Present, Eunice McElroy
CHW Productions: A study to determine market potential for missionary videos, Shalayne Packer, Francisco Pascual, and Jed Lloyd
Cigarette Smoke Increases Cardiomyocyte Ceramide Accumulation and Inhibits Mitochondrial Respiration, Trevor Stanley Tippetts
Circulation Policies in Major Academic Libraries, Duane E Wilson, Cynthia Frazier, and Diana Harter
CJK OPAC at the University of Oregon Library, Hsu-Kuang Wang
Clarity vs. Character: Abahai's Antidote for the Complexities of Chinese, Stephen Durrant
Classical Music and Its Effects on Verbal and Nonverbal Memory Performance, Clarence Holbrook, Emily Hadlock, Jentri Rasmussen, and Erin D. Bigler
Classifying and Cataloging Cyber-Security Incidents Within Cyber-Physical Systems, William B. Miller
Client Exit Surveys: A Tool for Understanding Client Drop-Out, Anton Simanowitz
Client Information Sharing in Bolivia, Campion, Anita Campion
Clinton Larson's "the Witness": the Quest for a Mormon Mythic Consciousness, Dennis R. Perry
Clio and Calliope: Writing Imaginative Histories of the Pacific, C. J. Fox
Closing the Gender Gap, Dwight Haase
Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst Preparation: Overview of preparation techniques on alumina pellets, Brad M. Hancock, Kari M. Cook, and William C. Hecker
Cognitive Function Following Bubble-Contrast Transcranial Doppler for Evaluation of Right-to-Left Shunt, Erin Elizabeth Krauskopf
Cognitive Metaphor and Literary Theory: Towards the New Philology, Donald C. Freeman
Cohesion in a Utah Sample of Latter-Day Saint Couples, Joe Edgar Glenn
Collection Development in Chinese Academic Libraries: A Field Study, Kuei Chiu
Collection Evaluation of Chinese History Resources on the Ming and Qing Dynasties at the East Asian Collection, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Victoria Chu and Kefeng Qiu
Collections without Collective Title: Cataloging Examples, Daphne Hsu-Kuang Wang
Color Relationship Transfer for Digital Painting, Gregory Eric Philbrick
Coming to America: Asian Fathers Cross Cultures, David Shwalb, Robert Bubb, Amber Daveline, and Catherine Humphreys
Coming Together Through Family History, Lisa B. Hawkins and Cynthia Doxey
Commentary: "It's a Good Show -- Except One Little Part", Glen C. Griffin
Comment on Papers Prepared for the Panel "The Celestial Empire and the Early American Republic, 1748-1844: Old China Trade Documents in the Mid-Atlantic States Region", Jonathan Goldstein
Comments on ISO/DIS 7098 Information and documentation â Romanization of Chinese, Council on East Asian Libraries
Commercial Databases in East Asian Studies, Wen-ling Liu
Commercializing Microfinance and Deepening Outreach? Empirical Evidence from Latin America, Francisco Olivares-Polanco
Committee Activities, Eugene Wu, Tsuen-hsuin Tsien, Thomas Hun-tak Lee, Karl Lo, William J. Welsh, John G. Lorenz, Tao-tai Hsai, Weiying Wan, Key Paik Yang, Richard C. Howard, and Hideo Kaneko
Committee Activities, Paul J. Ho, Eugene Wu, Hideo Kaneko, Karl Lo, and Gloria Hsia
Committee Activities, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee Activities, Tsuen-hsuin Tsien, Thomas H. Lee, Yongxiang Lai, Weiying Wan, Hideo Kaneko, Key Paik Yang, Richard C. Howard, Tao-tai Hsia, and Karl Lo
Committee Activities, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee Activities, Hideo Kaneko, Karl Lo, Eugene Wu, Weiying Wan, Eiji Yutani, Richard C. Howard, and Thomas H. Lee
Committee Activities, Richard C. Howard, D. E. Perushek, Weiying Wan, Eiji Yutani, and Thomas H. Lee
Committee Activities, Hideo Kaneko, Weiying Wan, Eiji Yutani, Sungha Kim, Edwin G. Beal, Thomas H. Lee, Karl Lo, and Thomas C. T. Kuo
Committee Activities, D. E. Perushek and Yasuko Makino
Committee Activities, Maureen H. Donovan, Anthony Marr, Emiko Mashiko Moffitt, Sungha Kim, Thomas H. Lee, and D. E. Perushek
Committee Activities, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee Activities, Frank Joseph Shulman, D. E. Perushek, Maureen Donovan, Antony Marr, Emiko Mashiko Moffitt, Sungha Kim, and Thomas H. Lee
Committee Activities, Yasuko Makino
Committee Activities, Richard C. Howard, James H. Cole, Gail Oman King, Chester C. I. Wang, Emiko Mashiko Moffitt, Thomas H. Lee, Key P. Yang, and Karl Lo
Committee Activities, Teruko Kyuma Chin
Committee Activities, Maureen H. Donovan, Lily Kecskes, James K. M. Cheng, Teruko Kyuma Chin, Sungha Kim, Thomas H. Lee, and Karl Lo
Committee Activities, Maureen H. Donovan, James K. M. Cheng, Teruko Kyuma Chin, Sungha Kim, Thomas H. Lee, and Margaret C. Fung
Committee Activities, Maureen H. Donovan, James K. M. Cheng, Teruko Kyuma Chin, Sungha Kim, Thomas H. Lee, and Dingzhong Chang
Committee Activities, Maureen H. Donovan, Yasuko Makino, Sungha Kim, Mark Tam, Karl Lo, and Paul P. W. Cheng
Committee Activities, Maureen H. Donovan, Yasuko Makino, Mariko Shimomura, Mark Tam, Karl Lo, and Eugene Hyung-suk Chai
Committee Activities, Edward Martinique, Catherine Stachniak, Chi Wang, and Mariko Shimomura
Committee Activities, Yasuko Makino, Mihoko Miki, and Eugene Hyung-suk Chai
Committee Activities, Beatrice Chang Ohta
Committee Activities, Chi Wang, Mihoko Miki, Karl Kahler, Warren M. Tsuneishi, and Robert R. Britt
Committee Activities, Yong Kyu Choo
Committee Activities, Robert R. Britt, Mihoko Miki, Yong Kyu Choo, and Karl Kahler
Committee Activities, Mary-Beth Clark, Hideyuki Morimoto, and Doris Seely
Committee Activities, Doris Seely, Tai-loi Ma, Kyungmi Chun, Hideyuki Morimoto, and Yasuko Makino
Committee Activities, Doris Seely, Charles d'Orban, Phyllis Wang, Yeen-mei Wu, Theresa Chang, Phillip Melzer, Hyonggun Choi, Keum-Soon Park, and Joy Kim
Committee Activities, Lynne Kutsukake and Sachie Noguchi
Committee Activities, Lynne Kutsukake and Sachie Noguchi
Committee Activities, Phil Melzer, Tim Connor, and Jean Han
Committee Activities, Doris Seely, Frank L. Chance, and Sarah S. Elman
Committee Activities, Hideyuki Morimoto and Yunah Sung
Committee Activities, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Committee Activities, Hideyuki Morimoto, Teresa Mei, Taemin Park, and Fung-yin Simpson
Committee Activities, Yunah Sung
Committee Activities, Hideyuki Morimoto
Committee Activities, Vickie Doll, Joy Kim, and Lucia Park
Committee Activities, Hisami Springer
Committee Activities, Hee-sook Shin and Hideyuki Morimoto
Committee Activities, Hisami Konishi Springer, Anna U, and Karen Wei
Committee Activities, Su Chen and Dianna Xu
Committee Activities; Meetings and Conferences, Emiko M. Moffitt and Ai-Hwa Wu
Committee on East Asian Libraries, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries Assocation for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc. Subscription Application, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries Association for Asian Studies, Inc. Subscription Application, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) Association For Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) Association for Asian Studies, Inc., Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China Press Release, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Committee on Technical Processing Annual Meeting 2002, Tomoko Goto
Committee on Technical Processing Meeting, Charles Wu and Ken Klein
Committee Reports, Tim Connor and Lynne Kutsukake
Committees vs. Curators: The Use of Power and Knowledge in the Alderney Museum of the Channel Islands, Aubree Banton
Communicating Affective Meaning from Software to Wetware Through the Medium of Digital Art, R David Norton
Communication Games in the Language Class, John Harvey
Communicative Pronunciation Teaching and Its Effects on Learners, Lynn Henrichsen and Anny Fritzen
Communitarian and Authoritarian Functions of Rhetoric, Gregory Clark
Community Affair: Social Inclusion and Swapping, Jowanza Joseph
Community-Based Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Nepal: A Sustainable Means for Microfinance Delivery?, Chris D. Gingrich
Cómo hablamos los dominicanos, Orlando Alba
Compact and low loss silicon-on-insulator rib waveguide 90° bend, Yusheng Qian, Seunghyun Kim, Jiguo Song, Gregory P. Nordin, and Jianhua Jiang
Compact FMCW Radar for GPS-Denied Navigation and Sense and Avoid, James David Mackie
Comparative Analysis of Ceramics from Three Great Houses and One Small House Site in Southeast Utah, Rachel Marie Harris
Comparative study of six different types of subtracts in the production of earthworm humus and its productive effect in vegetables (radish, beet, white onion, cabbage), Romeo Byron Romero Mancero
Comparing Fundamentalisms: A Social Movement Theory Approach, David Romney
Comparing Theory and Experiment for Analyte Transport in the First Vacuum Stage of the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Matthew R. Zachreson
Comparing the Rhetorical Style of Nephi's Writings with Near Eastern Literature, Jennifer Austin
Comparison and Contrast of Spanish and English Discourse Styles, Carolyn M. Spencer
Comparison between PR China and USA in the Field of Library and Information Sciences, Weina Hua
Comparison of Scribal Variants between New Testament Manuscripts and Apocryphal Manuscripts, Seth Kohrman
Comparison of Zasshi Kiji Sakuin on NACSIS-IR vs. NDL CD-ROM Line: Experiences of the University of Pittsburgh, Yoshiko Koda
Competitive Fire: An Historical Descriptive Analysis of Adherence to Traditional Journalistic Tenets in Television News Coverage of the Mark Hofmann Salt Lake City Bombings, B. William Silcock
Compliant Mechanisms for Deployable Space Systems, Shannon Alisa Zirbel
Components of Effective Writing Content Conferences in a Sixth-Grade Classroom, Paul Ricks
Composition Based Modaling of Silicone Nano-Composite Strain Gauges, Daniel Alexander Baradoy
Comprehensive Market Research Analysis Prepared for Wasatch Academy / Prepared by Marriott Student Marketing, Shannon Fabbri, Alexia Fenton, and Carrie Stran
Compressibility Measurement and Modeling to Optimize Flow Simulation of Vacuum Infusion Processing for Composite Materials, Paul Hannibal
Computer Analysis of Aymara Morphology: A Two-Level, Finite-State Approach, Kenneth R. Beesley and Stuart N. Newton
Computer-Assisted Instruction: Trends and Issues in Language Teaching, Frank Otto
Computer Assisted Spanish Applications (CASA), Barbara Gordon and Earlene Sudweeks
Computer-Based Information Services on Asia: Some Comparative Searches on China and Indonesia, Enid Bishop, Yim-sang Chan, and W. George Miller
Computerized Cataloging of East Asian Vernacular Materials in Non-RLIN Libraries of North America, Wen-kai Kung
Concentration of metabolites and behavior of live weight in llamas (Lama glama) fed with natural grass and barley during gestation, postpartum, and new born phases in Turco, department of Oruro, Eduardo Ticona Benique
Concepts in American Local History: Community in Winder, Idaho, Lorine S. Goodwin
Conceptual Patterns of Repetition in the Doctrine and Covenants and their Implications, Richard Cottam Shipp
Concerning the Ending of Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, Sarah Landeen
Concurrent Engineering through Parallelization of the Design-Analysis Process, Eric Joseph Wardell
Conditional Sentences in Egyptian Colloquial and Modern Standard Arabic: A Corpus Study, Randell S. Bentley
Conflicting Influences: A study of emerging adults and their mothers’ marriage attitudes., Adam E. Rogers, Justin Hendricks, and Larry Nelson
Conflict Management and Model Consistency in Multi-user CAD, Ammon Ikaika Hepworth
Conifer wood from the Upper Jurassic of Utah; I, Xenoxylon morrisonense sp. nov., William D. Tidwell and David A. Medlyn
Connecting to Disconnect: Internet Access and Loss of Trust in Pre-Arab Spring Egypt, Rolf David Dixon Jr.
Conscience and Context in Eastman Johnson's The Lord Is My Shepherd, Amanda Melanie Slater
Consistency of temperament of in group-housed infant rhesus monkeys (Macacamulatta) during the first months of life, Joshua W. Kirton, Daniel Blocker, Kfir Orgad, and James D. Higley
Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law, Noel B. Reynolds
Constitutional Rights and the Mormon Appeals for National Redress of the Missouri Grievances, Lynn D. Stewart
Constraints on Optional Pronoun Use in Spoken Egyptian Arabic, Aniseh Hanania and Dilworth B. Parkinson
Construction and Testing of a Low-Finesse Fabry-Perot Interferometer For Use in Atomic Spectroscopy, Nathan C. Moody
Consumer Marriage and Modern Covenant Marriage, William J. Doherty
Context Matters: Exploring Methods of Dissonance Reduction in Conflict Resolution, James L. Martherus
Contributors, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Contributors, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Contributors, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Contributors Page, Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism
Control of tomato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) with biocides on tomatoes (Lycopersicum sculentum) in the community of Carmen Pampa, belonging to Coroico municipality (Nor Yungas, La Paz), Rosemary Gutiérrez Coarite
Conventionalism and Contractarianism, Noel B. Reynolds
Convolutions and Convex Combinations of Harmonic Mappings of the Disk, Zachary M. Boyd
Cooperative Analytics Cataloging: Issues on Chinese Collectanea (Ts'ung Shu), Wen-ling Liu
Cooperative Control of UAV Rendezvous, Timothy W. McLain, Phillip R. Chandler, Steven Rasmussen, and Meir Pachter
Cooperative Library Activities in East Asian Studies Between Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wen-chouh Lin and Edward Martinique
Cooperative Path Planning for Timing Critical Missions, Timothy W. McLain and Randal W. Beard
Coordinated UAV Target Assignment Using Distributed Tour Calculation, David H. Walker, Timothy W. McLain, and Jason K. Kowlett
Coordination Failure in the Rural Credit Markets, Mishra, Atul Mishra
Copyright Issues Regarding China Publications Used in U.S. Libraries, Chuanfu Chen and Kuei Chiu
Corporeal Resurrection: The Pure Doctrine Restored Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, J. Peter Hansen
Corrado Giannantoni: A Modern-Day Newton, Donald L. Adolphson
Correction, Journal of Microfinance
Corrections, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Corrections, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Corrections, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Corrections, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Corrections, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Corrections, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Corrections, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Corrections, Amy Heinrich
Corrections, Yuan Zhou
Correlation of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Using Regression Analysis, Alexander Tetteh Narteh
Costs in the Senior Seminaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Harold S. Nelson
Costs of feeding guinea pigs in two meat-producing populations in the field and experimental station, Sara Taborga Galindo
Council Activities, Doris Seely, Hideyuki Morimoto, and Yasuko Makino
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2000-2001, Vickie Fu Doll and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2001-2002, Vickie Fu Doll and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2002-2003, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2003-2004, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2004-2005, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2005-2006, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2006-2007, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2007-2008, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Wen-ling Liu
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2008-2009 for North American Institutions, CEAL Statistics Committee
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2009-2010 for North American Institutions, Vickie Fu Doll
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics: 2010-2011, Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Wen-ling Liu
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2012-2013, CEAL Statistics Committee
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2013-2014, Council on East Asian Libraries
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics for North American Institutions, 1998-1999, Vickie Fu Doll
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics for North American Institutions 1999-2000, Vickie Fu Doll and Fung-yin Kuo Simpson
Counterterrorism in Authoritarian and Democratic Governments, Tai Gray
Counting in Social Capital When Easing Agricultural Credit Constraints, Jarka Chloupkova and Christian Bjønskov
County-Level Land Use Planning Policies and Regulations Impacting the Pattern of Settlement in Utah County, Utah, Erik A. Johnson
Couple Cohesion: Differences Between Clinical and Non-Clinical Mormon Couples, Colleen Margaret Peterson
Covert Speech Acts and their Meaning, Salvatore Attardo
Crash Prediction Modeling for Curved Segments of Rural Two-Lane Two-Way Highways in Utah, Casey Scott Knecht
Creating a Dynamic Board, Paul Jansen, Andra Kilpatrick, and Vishy Cvsa
Creating an East Asiatic Library, Cathy Chiu
Creating High-Quality Marriages: A Qualitative Study of Religious Couples, Jerry Lyman Redd
Creation, Identity, and Relationships in Milton's Paradise Lost, Marissa Compton
Creation of three nutritional mixes based on amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) and other Andean crops for school-aged children (Cochabamba-Bolivia), Sandra Carola Delgadillo Barriga
Credit Scoring for Microfinance: Can It Work?, Mark Schreiner
Crisis masculina en dos cuentos de Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Lucía Villarreal
Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Criterion: A Journal for lIterary Criticism (2013), Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Criterion: A Journal for lIterary Criticism (2014), Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism (2014), Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism, Vol. 8: Iss. 2, Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism
Critical Analysis of Certain Apocryphal Reports in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints As Related By Members of the Church, Don L. Penrod
Critically Real Approaches to Language Diversity and Education Research, David Corson
Critiquing the Critic: A Case for Journalistic Criticism in the Theatre, Tara Nicole Haas
Cross-Cultural Conversion Narratives: An American Missionary in Taichung, Taiwan, Amy Nelson
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The East Asian Library Collection at the University of Kansas, Vickie Fu Doll
Cultural Adjustment Factors of Senior Missionaries on Assignment in the South Pacific for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Jonathan W. Shute
Culture Shock: Helping Our Students Adjust, Neil J. Anderson
Curating the Abandoned School: Voices of Youth in an Alternative High School Art Class, Kellie Marie Fay
Current Developments in Chinese Document Processing Systems in the Republic of China, Cheng-Kiang Farn
Current Directions in Psycholinguistics, Gary D. Prideaux
Current Electronic Resources for Chinese Studies: An Overview, Peter X. P. Zhou
Current State and Future Prospects of Chinese Collections in North American Libraries, Eugene W. Wu
Current State of Affairs of Japanese Language Information Processing and its Practice at the University of Tsukuba, Kazuhiko Nakayama and Akifumi Oikawa
Current Status of East Asian Collections in American Libraries, Thomas C.T. Kuo, James K. M. Cheng, and Naomi Fukuda
Current Status of East Asian Collections in American Libraries, 1990/1991 Compiled by CEAL Task Force for Annual Review & Survey of Library Resources, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Current Status of East Asian Collections in American Libraries, 1995-1996, Hsi-chu Bolick, Guoqing Li, and Phyllis Wang
Current Status of East Asian Collections in American Libraries, 1998-1999, Vickie Fu Doll and CEAL Statistics Committee
Current Status of East Asian Collections in North American Institutions, 1997-1998, Phyllis Wang, Guoqing Li, Fung Simpson, His-chu Bolick, Linda Joe, and Reiko Yoshimura
Current Status of East Asian Collections in North American Libraries, 1996-1997, Hsi-chu Bolick, Phyllis Wang, Guoqing Li, and Fung-yin Simpson
Current Status of Publishing in the People's Republic of China, Yuan Qi
Curved-Folding-Inspired Deployable Compliant Rolling-contact Element (D-CORE), Todd Nelson, Robert Lang, Spencer P. Magleby, and Larry L. Howell
Daily Health Experiences of Vietnam Veterans, Rachel VanWickle and Jeremy Yorgason
Dance and Doctrine: Shaker and Mormon Dancing as a Manifestation of Doctrinal Views of the Physical Body, Lindsy Stewart Cieslewicz
Dance in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1830-1940, Karl E. Wesson
Dark Satire as Political Criticism in Dias' Gomes O Bem-Amado , Mark Jeffrey Nelson
Data Standards for Connecting to Commercial Sources of Capital, James Dailey
Dating a Mummy: Determining Background on Museum Objects With No Provenience, Shannon C. Wood and Paul Stavast
Dating Behavior of Latter-Day Saint Male Returned Missionaries: A Process of Managing Desires, Nancy C. McLaughlin
David Whitmer, a Witness to the Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon, Ebbie L.V. Richardson
Dear Father, Rochelle A. Fankhauser
Dear Miss Fukuda, Yuki Ishimatsu
Decreasing Temperature Below Tt or Increasing Cholesterol Enhance Vesibcle-Bilayer Membrane Fusion, David E. Lee, Reed A. Doxey, Kevin J. Tuttle, and Dixon J. Woodbury
Deepening Scholarly Access to Geppō: Toward a Collectively-Contributed Article Citation Database, Michael P. Williams
Deformation Twin Nucleation and Growth Characterization in Magnesium Alloys Using Novel EBSD Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning Tools, Travis Michael Rampton
Defying the Odds: Bunking for the Poor, by Eugene Versluysen, Eugene Versluysen
Demand for Terrorism: What factors make a country more vulnerable to attack?, Timothy P. Jensen and Sven Wilson
Deployable and Foldable Arrays of Spatial Mechanisms, Thomas Evans
Describing Spiritual Growth in an Online Religious Education Course: A Phenomenological Perspective, Benjamin Trevor Fryar
Description of East Asian Seal Impressions as Metadata, Sachie Kobayashi
Descriptive Cataloging Guidelines for Pre-Meiji Japanese Books, Isamu Tsuchitani
Deseret Book and Herald House: Language Features as Expressions of LDS and RLDS Divergences, Margaret P. Baker
Desert Journey: A Religious Dance-Drama and an Evaluation of its Effect on a Selected Latter-Day Saint Audience, Frank W. Hatch
Design and development of a cross-cultural disposition inventory, Randall Davies, Holt Zaugg, and Isaku Tateishi
Design and Implementation of an Inverse Modeling Framework Using the Method of Anchored Distributions, Carlos Andres Osorio Murillo
Designing Microfinance from an Exit-Strategy Perspective, Larry Hendricks
De-suturing Milton's Eden: Navigating from an Althusserian Bipartite System to a Badiouian Set in Paradise Lost, Brittany Strobelt
Detecting and Tracking Moving Objects from a Small Unmanned Air Vehicle, Patrick DeFranco
Detection of antibodies against Brucella abortus in bovine, Celso Arturo Moreno Paredes
Determination of four production indicators in llama (Lama glama) herds in Ayllu Pumasara, Saucari, Oruro, Magin Herrera Lopez
Determination of home techniques for storing and conserving food in the homes of Cuambo and La Rinconada in Imbabura province, 2001-2002, Marisol Caicedo Barrios
Determination of protein profile and presence of antibodies in llama seminal plasma (Llama glama), Francisco Flores Lópes
Determination of the botanical and chemical composition of the pasture diet selected by llamas (Lama glama) during the rainy season in the community of Pujrata, Cristóbal Achu Nina
Determination of the microbiological load of the principal meat products sold in the markets of Riobamba, Miguel Angel Castillo Palacios
Determination of the nutritional level of calcium and phosphorus in llamas (Lama glama) in two seasons in the Condoriri Agricultural Experiment Center, Gustavo Adolfo León Titichoca
Determination of the primary levels of the residues of the seeds of wheat, maize, and barley for the elaboration of the food mixture for rabbits, Aida Esperanza Morejon Jacome
Determination of the Protein Fraction and Presence of Antibodies in the Seminal Fluid of Llama (Lama glama), Francisco Flores Lopes
Determination of toxicity and bioactivity of four organic insecticides recommended for control of pests in vegetable crops, Hugo Humberto Rodriguez Salvatierra
Determining the Reliability of an Early Expository Comprehension Assessment, Tammie Harding
Determining Vocabulary to Include in Language Materials: An Example with Marketing Terms, Annela Teemant
Developing New Japanese Collections and Services at the University of California, San Diego, 1988-1993, Eiji Yutani
Development and Biological Assessment of Fortified Foods with Andean Tubercles in the Candelaria Area, María Lourdes Ovando Sejas
Development and Experimental Validation of an Underwater Manipulator Hydrodynamic Model, Timothy W. McLain and Stephen M. Rock
Development and Regional Application of Sub-Seasonal Remote- Sensing Chlorophyll Detection Models, Carly Adeline Hyatt
Development and Utilization of the Simplified Discussions, LuAn Johnson
Development of an English For Gospel Purposes Vocabulary List: the Latter-Day Saint Lexicon as a Second Language, Jennifer H. Burrill
Development of a process of addition of tricalcium phosphate from burnt phosphate rock in feed for animal nutrition, Luis Fernando Nogales Grágeda
Development of a Simplified Performance-Based Procedure for Assessment of Liquefaction Triggering Using Liquefaction Loading Maps, Kristin Jane Ulmer
Development of a Thickness Accommodation Technique for Origami-Inspired Design, Bryce Edmondson
Development of BYU's Teaching Museum: A History of the Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Carlee Reed and Paul Stavast
Development of Speech Recognition Threshold and Word Recognition Materials for Native Vietnamese Speakers, Claire Hanson
Development of the Marital Dissatisfaction of Mormon College Couples Over the Early Stages of the Family Life Cycle, Roy H. Marlowe
Developments in LFM-CW SAR for UAV Operation, Craig Lee Stringham
Diagnosis of livestock production in three communities (La Inmaculada, Tunshi San Miguel, and Ela Guano) using the Chambo irrigation system - Guano, Egresado José Orozco Cruz
Diagnosis of livestock production in three communities (Tunshi San Javier, San Antonio and Maria Auxiliadora) using the Chambo irrigation system - Guano, Egresado Ángel Montalvo Silva
Dialect Contact: Lexical Availability as a Measure of the Acquisition of Characteristics from Another Dialect, Ross James Cairns
Dialect Leveling in Haloze, Slovenia, Grant H. Lundberg
Dialect Studies and Dialects of Spanish in Colombia, Vladimir Honsa
Dialog Forum for Chinese Digital Content at OCLC, Zhijia Shen
Diasporas: Exploring their Development Potential, Liesl Riddle
Dictionary Use and Learning French Vocabulary While Reading: A Comparison of On-line and Traditional Print Documentaries, Melanie Free
Didimo and Yorick: Observations of Foscolo's Translation of Sterne, S. Matteo
Differential Effects of the Discrete Options Multiple Choice Test Format on Test Takers Assesment and Scores, Ryan Funk, Tamarin Hooper, Emily Hadlock, and JeLyn Whicker
Differential Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) Expression in Preeclampsia, Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Gestational Diabetes, Kristen Lena Alexander
Digestibility of legumes and grassy forages in guinea pig feeding, Javier Americo Campos Villarroel
Digital Archives and Contents in Japan: New Technologies, Trends, and Issues, Setsuko Noguchi
Digital Information and Electronic Library Services in the National Diet Library and Other Libraries, Mariko Liliefeldt
Digital Libraries in China, Jing Liu
Digital Library for the 21-st Century: Tsukuba University Library Digitized Information Public Services (TULIPS), Hisami Konishi Springer
Diluents for cryopreservation of semen from non-woolly llamas (Lama glama), Franz Nicolas Bustos Fernández
Directory of North American Collections of Old and Rare Japanese Books, Other Print Materials, and Manuscripts, Toshie Marra, Hideyuki Morimoto, and Reiko Yoshimura
Discourse Analysis in the ESL Classroom: A Comparative Study of Grammar and Conversation Classes, Neil J. Anderson
Discourse Constraints on the Syntax of Temporally Ordered Events, Marianne McCormick
Discourse Intonation and Speaking English as a Second Language, John P. Broderick
Discovery of Novel Serum Biomarkers for Diagnosing and Staging Alzheimer's Disease, Dipti Jigar Shah
Discussion of Papers on Bibliographic Control, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Distancing and Hostility as Mediators of Parental Depression and Child Depression, Ashley Kerns, Curtis Pearson, Jessica Hawkins, and William Dickerson
Diversity and abundance of insects from the Reduviidae and Pentatomidae families in three ecological niches of six communities in the Coroico and Coripata municipalities, Department of la Paz, Fernando Miguel Manrique Mamani
Dixie Wine, Dennis R. Lancaster
Do Children Make a Marriage Unhappy? , Richard B. Miller
Doctoral Dissertations Concerned With Library and Information Science, Publishing and Books: An Annotated Bibliography of Studies Relating to East Asia Completed Between 1999 and 2004, Frank Joseph Shulman
Documentary Records of the Prevention of Schistosomiasis in China, Ka Wai Fan
Documenting Dance Traditions and Individual Artists With Emphasis on East Asia, Elizabeth Miller and Genevieve Oswald
Does Attachment to Parents Mediate the Relationship between Marital Conflict and Child Self-Regulation, Lisa T. Hansen, James M. Harper, and Jeremy Yorgason
Does CAEP Have it Right? An Analysis of the Impact of the Diversity of Field Placements on Elementary Candidates' Teacher Performance Assessments Completed During Student Teaching, Jason Aaron Popham
Does Democracy in the Home Create Democracy in the Nation?, Aimee Farnsworth and Valerie Hudson
Does Gender and Marital Status Affect Student Anxiety in School?, Christian Briggs, Zachary Elison, Monica Gonzalez, and Scott C. Steffensen
Does Killing Drug Cartel Leaders Increase Violence in Mexico?, Alex Wilson and Jay Goodliffe
Does More Green equal More Green?: A Comparison of Vegetation in Rich and Poor Neighborhoods in Utah County, Alan Peters, Roxanne Yorgason, Cinta Nielsen, and Alison Fletcher
Does This Marriage Make Me Look Fat? Marital Quality as a Predictor of Body Weight, Activity Level, and Eating Habits, Lori C. Schade, Jonathan Sandberg, and Dean Busby
#DoINeedSocialMedia: Social Media in Local Political Elections, Brittany K. Karzen
Don't deny it: Cultural patterns in coping with stress, Bryan J. Jensen, Julianne Lunstad-Holt, Patrick Steffen, and Bruce Brown
Dorothea Lange in Utah, 1936-1938: A Portrait of Utah's Great Depression, James R. Swensen
Do the insured make greater use of medical services?, Gregg Girvan and Sven Wilson
Double Bottom Line Growth, Patrick Crompton
Do You Need to Clear the Air? Indoor Air Quality and Your Family's Health, Maribeth C. Clarke and Carolyn Garrison
Drag-Chain/Push-Chain Patterns in Kekchi, John R. Bringhurst
Drama, Drama, Drama, Trace W. Lund, McKenzie Gibson, Megan Pixton, and Brandon Chandler
Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee and the Special Chinese Collections in the Library of Congress, Judy S. Lu
Dr. Tsuen-hsuin Tsien Honored by National Library of China, Yuan Zhou
Du Ke Presented Letter of Recognition, Dr. Tai-loi Ma
Dyad Reading Experiences of Second-Grade English Learners with Fiction and Nonfiction Texts, Michelle Lynn Klvacek
Dynamic Control of Radiative Surface Properties With Origami-Inspired Design, Rydge B. Mulford, Matthew R. Jones, and Brian D. Iverson
Dynamics and Control of Cable-Drogue System in Aerial Recovery of Micro Air Vehicles Based on Gauss's Principle, Liang Sun, Randal W. Beard, Mark B. Colton, and Timothy W. McLain
EAL95 Information Technology for Chinese Studies Experience at the East Asia Library, University of Washington, Yeen-mei Wu
Early American Bookbinding in Brigham Young University's Special Collections, Kylie Ladd
Early Church History of Waimanalo, Leda Kalilimoku
Early Exploration and Settlement of the Tooele Area, Utah, Thomas Keith Midgley
Early History of Malad Valley, Glade F. Howell
Early History of Millard County and its Latter-Day Saint Settlers, 1851-1912, Ladd R. Cropper
Early Mormon Millenarianism: Another Look, Grant Underwood
Early Mormon Woodworking at its Best: A Study of the Craftsmanship in the First Temples of Utah, Thomas Weston Welch
East Asian Collection in the Global Information Network, Peter X. P. Zhou
East Asian Collections, Committee on East Asian Libraries
East Asian Librarians and the World Wide Web: Familiarization, Infiltration, Classification and Construction, Kristina Kade Troost
East Asian Research at the Latter-day Saints Genealogical Library, Frederick Brady
East Asian Script Processing and Coding, Ichiko Morita
East Wind to Hawaii: Contributions and History of Chinese and Japanese Mormons in Hawaii, Russell T. Clement and Sheng-Luen Tsai
E-book Collection Development in East Asian Libraries Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Cases, Yoon Jee Cho and Hyokyoung Yi
E-business and Economic Self-Reliance, Stephen W. Liddle
Ecological Factors Determining Nesting Habitat for American Avocets, Landon R. Jones
Economic Development at a New Level, Ned C. Hill
Economic History of Provo, Utah, 1849-1900, Odell Eugene Scott
Edith Irvine: Her Life and Photography, Wilma Marie Plunkett
Editorial Note, Eugene Wu
Editorial Note, Eugene Wu
Editorial Note, Eugene W. Wu
Editorial Note, Eugene Wu
Editorial Note, Eugene Wu
Editorial Note, Eugene Wu
Editorial Note, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Editorial Note, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Editorial Note, Edwin G. Beal
Editor's Introduction: Finding Balance, Paul C. Godfrey
Editor's Introduction: Social Capital, Paul C. Godfrey
Editor's Introduction: Technology and Development, Paul C. Godfrey
Editor's Introduction: Welcome to the new ESR Review, Paul C. Godfrey
Editor's Note, Tyler Corbridge and Shane Peterson
Editor's Note, Jenna Peterson and Kristen Soelberg
Editor's Note, Gail King
Editor's Note, Gail King
Editors' Note, Brice Peterson and Joseph Post
Editors' Note, Kristen Soelberg and Jenna Peterson
Editors' Note, Kristen Soelberg and Chelsea Lee
Education A Powerful Asset for Single Mothers, Richard J. McClendon and Julie Humberstone
Edward LaVaun Clissold: The Second Most Powerful Man in the Church
EEG Responses of 5-Month-Old Infants to Static and Dynamic Face-Voice Synchrony, Blake L. Jones, Sarah A. Ahlander, Joan M. Leishman, and M. Mangum
Effectiveness of a Parent Health Report in Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Preschoolers and Kindergarteners, Sanita Lisa Hunsaker
Effect of bulbourethrectomy and collection frequency on macro- and microscopic characteristics of llama (Lama glama) ejaculate, Víctor Efrain Gonzáles Vargas
Effect of canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and soybean (Glycine max M) sprouts on the feeding of guinea pigs for growth, Eddy Wilfredo Calle Ayma
Effect of chemical fertilization and organic amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.) var. Alegria INIAP Chaltura, Andrade Andrade Pablo Raúl
Effect of Depression on Adolescent Alcohol Use, Tawnya Mayo, Thomas Bibber, and Bert Burraston
Effect of early weaning on piglet weight gain and fertility in sows (Sus scrofa) in Carmen Pampa of Nor Yungas - La Paz, Darwin Juan Luna Isita
Effect of Feedback on State Anxiety and Performance While Learning Arabic Vocabulary Through Computer Assisted Instruction, Aniseh Hanania
Effect of food deprivation on the metabolic profile of llamas (Lama glama) in the Letanias experimental station - Viacha, Edwin Eddy Ali Quisbert
Effect of Latinos in Action Peer Tutoring on Elementary Student Oral Reading Fluency Scores, Darren M. Hansen
Effect of Serum Vitamin D Levels on Cardiovascular Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Aaron S. Bennion, Karlen E. Luthy, Donna S. Freeborn, and Renea L. Beckstrand
Effect of the partial substitution of a commercial feed for corn meal on growth performance of chickens, Óscar Amilcar García Portillo
Effect of the use of amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) leaf flour in the creation of feeds for the production of broiler chickens, Wendy Valeria Quel Ruíz
Effect of the use of amaranth leaf flour in the development of a diet for guinea pigs, Verónica del Rocío Guerrero Carrera
Effect of three cryoconservation diluents on sperm motility and vitality in the ejaculate of bulbourethal-ectomized llamas (Lama glama), department of La Paz, Edwin Eddy Maceda Tintaya
Effects of an Acculturation Program on the Attitudes of Spanish Language Students, Fabio J. Clavijo
Effects of a Parent/Teen Workshop, Roberta Magarrell
Effects of Breadwinner Status on Marital Satisfaction: How Income Disparity Between Spousal Partners Affects Happiness, Matthew Field, Allison Wolfe, Eric Davis, and Nicole Park
Effects of Discrete-Electrode Configuration on Traveling-Wave Electrohydrodynamic Pumping, Brian Iverson, Lorenzo Cremaschi, and Suresh V. Garimella
Effects of Mood on Error Processing, Alexander Gray and Michael J. Larson
Effects of Relationship Status on GPA, Emily Albright, Chanel Carlile, Janae Kirkendall, and Allyson Webber
Effects of Title I on Student Achievement, Erin Alldredge and Bert Burraston
Efficiency of the Inorganic Fertilization in the Cultivation of Alfalfa (Medicated Sativa L) and Whitewashing for the Correction of the pH of the Soil, Alex Gonzalo Bravo Morocho
Eighty Years of Music in St. George, Utah, 1861-1941, Reed Paul Thompson
Eizaburo Okuizumi (1940-2013), Unknown Unknown
Elaboration and Validation of the Educational Material Used in Nutritional Education in the Communities of Copalacaya, Choquenaira, Callisaya, and Muruamaya, of the Providence Ingavi of the Department of La Paz 1998, Maria Isabel Mercado Miranda
Electronic Bilingual Dictionaries in the Language Lab, Alan Melby
Electronic Databases Foster More In-Depth Research on China, Richard T. Wang
Electronic Resources for chinese Studies at the Library of Congress, Yuwu Song
Electrophysiological Endophenotypes in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Family Study, Ann Clawson
Elevating the Other: A Theoretical Approach to Alexander McQueen, Keri Rowe
Elias Bond and the Mormons in Kohala
Elizabeth Huff and the East Asiatic Library at the University of California, Berkeley, Donald H. Shively
Elucidation and Improvement of Algorithms for Mass Spectrometry Isotope Trace Detection, Robert Anthony Smith
Emerging Issues in National Resource Sharing: The Case of Japanese Collections, Warren M. Tsuneishi
Emma Hale: Wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Raymond T. Bailey
Employing Computerized Adaptive Language Testing Techniques, Harold S. Madsen and Jerry W. Larson
Employment and Happiness Among Mormon and Non-Mormon Mothers in Utah, Kimberly Grace Andersen
Empowering the Next Billion, John E. Davies
End Matter, ESR Review
End Matter, ESR Review
End Matter, ESR Review
End Matter, ESR Review
End Matter, ESR Review
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End Matter, Marriage &. Families
End Matter, Marriage &. Families
End Matter, Marriage &. Families
End Matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, James M. Harper
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End matter, Marriage &. Families
End Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
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End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
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End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
End Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Endocannabinoid Biosynthetic Enzyme mRNA: Patterns of Expression in Hippocampus and Ventral Tegmental Area and Effects on Synaptic Plasticity, Collin Brutch Merrill
Energy Harvesting and Mission Effectiveness for Small Unmanned Air Vehicles, Mark J. Cutler, Timothy W. McLain, Randal W. Beard, and Brian Capozzi
Energy value in llamas (Lama glama) fed with alfalfa hay (Modicago sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) for apparent digestibility in vivo in the National Camelid Germplasm Bank (CEAC), Edwin Gonzalo Ugarte Huanca
Engineering Cell-Free Systems for Vaccine Development, Self-Assembling Nanoparticles and Codon Reassignment Applications, Mark T. Smith
English for Latter-day Saints, Lynn Henrichsen
English Learners' Participation in Mathematical Discourse, Lindsay Marie Merrill
English Spelling and Phonemic Representation, Royal Skousen
English to ASL Gloss Machine Translation, Mary Elizabeth Bonham
English Tourists in the Georgian Period: A Cultural and Leisure Pursuit, Whitney Metcalf, Amanda Jeffs, Karina Jackson, and Susan Rugh
English Translations of Galsan Tschinag's German Poetry, Richard Hacken
English Verbs: Proof of Language Drift, Karami Millington
Enhancement and Linkage of the Online Name Authority File with the Bibliographic Database, Abraham J. Yu
Enhancing Bibliographical Records by Adding Amazon URL Links - Lingnan University Library's Experience, Patrick Lo and Joe Chow
Enhancing Intercultural Communication: A Languetic Model, V. Lynn Tyler
Enhancing Protein and Enzyme Stability Through Rationally Engineered Site-Specific Immobilization Utilizing Non-Canonical Amino Acids, Jeffrey Chun Wu
Enhancing User Awareness of Electronic Data Bases for East Asian Studies, Hideyuki Morimoto and Peter X. P. Zhou
Enjoy Brick Oven: Pizza at its Best, Pasta Made Fresh, Matt Bills, Jeremy Matkin, and Shalee Summers
Entrepreneurship, Thinking, and Economic Self-Reliance, Ronald K. Mitchel, Adam D. Bailey, and Mitchell J. Robert
Environmental Protection and Microenterprise Development in the Developing World: A Model Based on the Latin American Experience, Mark D. Wenner, Norman Wright, and Abhishek Lal
Environmental Soil Science: A Marketing Research Strategy, Steven Diamond, Bryce Youngquist, and Mariella Horna
Epanalepsis in the Book of Mormon, Larry G. Childs
Epideictic Rhetoric and the Formation of Collective Identity: Nineteenth-Century Mormon Women in Praise of Polygamy, Robbyn Thompson Scribner
Erectile Dysfunction as a Motivational Tool for Health Behavior Change in Men with Diabetes, Camille W. Allred and Donna Freeborn
Ergativity in Indo-European, John D. Frauzel
Error Awareness and Apathy in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Dustin Michael Logan
Esoteric Texts: A Lesson on the Conceit of Understanding, Interpretation, and Translation (To Say Nothing of Deconstruction), Independent of Culture, Time, Place and Context, Gordon C. Thomasson
Establishing a BI Clearinghouse for East Asian Studies, Cathy Chiu
Establishing the Viability of the Multidimensional Quality Metrics Framework, Tyler A. Snow
Estáis en Maracaibo: The Form and Function of the Voseo in Venezuela, Glen C. Worthey
Estimating Pinyon and Juniper Cover Across Utah Using NAIP Imagery, Darrell B. Roundy
Eulogy of Ms. Naomi Fukuda, Yasuko Makino
Evaluating Group Use of the Information Commons, Michael J. Whitchurch
Evaluating the impact of HIT resources on Patient Welfare: Evidence for the ARRA, Evan S. Thomas and Mark Showalter
Evaluation of 4 small doses of fertilizer in growing maize (Zea mays L.) in two communities of San Juan Ermita, Chiquimula, Victor Estuardo Villalta Garcia
Evaluation of a Combination Approach to Pedagogy in a Soil Science Laboratory Classroom and an Environmental Site Assessment Sample, Emily Linda Gervais
Evaluation of agronomic performance of forage grasses in Tiahuanaco, Justiniano Mamani Condori
Evaluation of diets with different levels of barley sprouts (Hordeum vulgare) in the basic feed of guinea pigs (Cavia aperea porcellus) in the phases of growth, Jenny Lourdes Mamani Gutierrez
Evaluation of drip and microasperation irrigation methods in spinach (Spinaca oleracea) and Swiss lettuce (Valerianella locusta) in walipinis, Marina Roxana Luque Quispe
Evaluation of five lines of amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) in three locations within the Imbabura province, Lorena Marivel Dávila Pullas
Evaluation of forty-two corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes and their tolerance to drought in Chiquimula, Servin Ardany Flores Galdámez
Evaluation of hair production in angora rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), fed with three different rations of reed in the Desaguadero municipality - department of La Paz, Angel Sullca Mamani
Evaluation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) at different spacings between furrows and plants in the Mamani community, José Ferrufino Miranda
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Traffic Volume Counts Collected by Microwave Sensors, David Keali'i Chang
Evaluation of the agronomic performance of six varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in the St. Felix community of the Coroico township (Nor Yungas-La Paz), Viviana Marleni Quisbert
Evaluation of the effects of saka or suncho (Viguera pascensis) in the feeding of guinea pigs (Cavia aparea porcellus) in the community of Sococoni, Muñecas province, La Paz, Boris Rodriguez Peñaranda
Evaluation of the nutritional quality of twelve species of grass tolerant to salt and drought in function to their dry matter accumulation curve in the Tamborada region, Julio César Bustamante Alavi
Evaluation of the production yield in two guinea pig populations under field conditions and Project Mejocuy cages, Elbert Alan Estevez Siles
Evaluation of the seed production of tall grasses tolerant to drought and salinity in the Tamborada region - Cochabamba, Magali Vallejos Arnez
Evaluation of the use of climatically controlled pankar-huyus modules for cultivating lettuce, Lucio Guillermo Rocabado Paco
Evaluation of Vaccination Policies Among Utah Pediatric Clinic Employees, Tia Peterson
Evaluation of vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) fed with three types of hay in stables in the municipality of Tiahuanaco, department of La Paz, José Cartagena Catacora
Eve Transcending Demeaned: The Construct of Female Gender in Paradise Lost, Jillie Orth Reimer
Evidence for Borrowing as the REason for Exceptions to the Spanish Sound Change f to h, David Riding
Evidence of Opinion: A Critical Analysis of the Use of Empirical Literature in Controversial Topics, David Erekson, Sasha Mondragon, Kiley DeLange, and Amelia Leetham
Evidences of Culture Contacts Between Polynesia and the Americas in Precolumbian Times, John L. Sorenson Sr.
Examination of Anabolic Signaling and Muscle Growth with Caffeine Treatment in Overloaded Hindlimb Muscle and Electrically Stimulated Muscle Lacking Liver Kinase B1, Timothy Michael Moore
Examining the Effects of College Algebra on Students' Mathematical Dispositions, Kevin Lee Watson
Examining the Impacts of Habitat Fragmentation Along the Western Border of Yellowstone National Park, Alex D. Johnson, Vania Hernandez, Janelle Sands, and Matthew Bekker
Examining the Myth of Narcissus and its Role in Moby-Dick, Gerald E. Hansen
Expected Profiles and Temporal Stability of The LOOK, Sierra Marie Baird
Experiences and Problems in Retrospective Conversion of East Asian Language Materials, Ai-Hwa Wu
Experiences in OCLC CJK Online Cataloging at the UCLA Oriental Library, Amy Ching-Fen Tsiang
Experiences in OCLC CJK Plus PRISM at the UCLA East Asian Library, Amy Ching-Fen Tsiang
Experimental and Numerical Study of High-Speed Friction Stir Spot Welding of Advanced High-Strength Steel, Utsab Karki
Experimental Characterization of Induction Electrohydrodynamics for Integrated Microchannel Pumping, Brian D. Iverson and Suresh V. Garimella
Experimental Demonstration of Multiple Robot Cooperative Target Intercept, Timothy W. McLain, Randal W. Beard, and Jed M. Kelsey
Experimental Studies Utilizaing Native-Language Options on Language Tests, Harold S. Madsen and Sheila Maluf
Experimental Testing of Shallow Embedded Connections Between Steel Columns and Concrete Footings, Nicholas Valgardson Barnwell
Experiments in Cooperative Timing for Miniature Air Vehicles, Derek R. Nelson, Timothy W. McLain, and Randal W. Beard
Experiments in the Coordinated Control of an Underwater Arm/Vehicle System, Timothy W. McLain, Stephen M. Rock, and Michael J. Lee
Exploding an LDS Myth, Mark Augustine
Exploring the Antibacterial, Antioxidant, and AnticancerProperties of Lichen Metabolites, Gajendra Shrestha
Expression of Osteoarthritis Biomarkers in Temporomandibular Joints of Mice with and Without Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE), Elizabeth Murayama Chavez Matias
Extent of Cysteine Modification of SNAP-25 In vitro, Alex McGregor DaBell
Facebook and Self-worth, Dallin Bywater, Chelsey Tautkus, Paul Moss, and Dana Kearnes
Facilitative Implicit Rules and Adolescent Emotional Regulation, Lexie Y. Pfeifer
Factors Associated With Attendance at Church Related Activities of LDS Male Household Heads in Selected Utah Rural Areas, C. LeRoy Anderson
Factors Influencing the Decisions of Latter-Day Saint Youth Concerning the Selection of a Temple Or Non-Temple Type of Marriage Ceremony, Boyd C. Rollins
Factors Influencing the Use of Health Services: By Four Wards in the Taipei Taiwan Stake Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Candace Sheila Gutzman Hsiao
Factors in the Acceptance and Adoption of Family Home Evening in the LDS Church: A Study of Planned Change, Robert Ernest Larson
Factors Relevant to Areas of Knowledge Considered Important to Successful Marriage By LDS Seminary Students at Orem, Utah, Dee W. Hadley
Factors that Influenced Homesteading and Land Abandonment in San Juan County, Utah, Melvin J. Frost
Factors that Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses, Stacie Hunsaker, Dale Maughan, and Sondra Heaston
Faculty Can Help Students to Learn by Partnering with Librarians, Mei-Yun (Annie) Lin
Faculty Involvement in the North American Coordinating Committee on Japanese Library Resources (NCC): The Background, Sachie Noguchi
Faculty-Student Interaction and the Educational Outcomes of Native American College Students: A Comparison of First-Generation and Continuing-Generation College Students, Natasha Marilyn Gillette
Faith, Femininity, and the Frontier: the Life of Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, Amy Reynolds Billings
Faith Like of the Ancients: The LDS Church in Pulehu and on Maui, Frank Alan Bruno
Falsification of the LOOK, Rodrigo Andres Veas
Fame and Latter-Day Saint Youth: Value Conflicts and the Interpretive Audience, Shellie M. Frey
Families, Physicians & Illness, Jacob Christenson and D. Russell Crane
Family Crucibles: Finding Peace in Trying Times, E. Jeffrey Hill
Family Life Education in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the 20th Century: A Historical Review, Ray W. Stringham
Family Life In Hawaii During The Hawaiian Monarchy, Joseph Spurrier
Family-of-Origin Distress and Intimacy in Later-Life Couples, Paul James Birch
Family-of-Origin Influence on Relationship Satisfaction in Intercultural Couples, Keitaro Yoshida and Dean Busby
Family Organization, March 19, 1994, Henry Sin Kui Ah-nee and Esther Kawaiola Takauya-Ah-nee
Family Stress and the Role of the Mormon Bishop's Wife, Marguerite Irene Adams
Family Ties: A Profile of Television Family Configurations, 2004–2013, Samantha Ann Wiscombe
Family Values Urged by Russia and Other Speakers, Marriage & Families
Famous Japanese Individuals to Visit Chicago in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries: From Unknown Students to Distinguished Prime Ministers, Eizaburo Okuizumi
Fang Chaoying, Edwin G. Beal
Fantastic Sexism? Subverting the Femme Fatale and Femme Fragile in the Fantastic Fiction of Machado de Assis, Jordan Benjamin Jones
Farewell, Ms. Fukuda: A Tribute to a Great Librarian, Eiji Yutani
Father Influence on Adolescent Sexual Debut, Daniel Joseph Blocker
Fathers of Flourishing Families, Daniel H. Erickson and Randal D. Day
Fathers' Religious and Family involvement At Home; and Work and Family Outcomes, Roxane O. Whyte
Father's Use of Time as Related to Father-Son Identification for a Selected Middle Class Mormon Sample, Charles F. Myler
Fault Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Non-Redundant Sensors, Brandon Jeffrey Cannon
Faust in Translation: The Case of the Missing Echo, Garold N. Davis
Feature Identification and Reduction for Improved Generalization Accuracy in Secondary-Structure Prediction Using Temporal Context Inputs in Machine-Learning Models, Matthew Benjamin Seeley
Features of Greek Satyr Play as a Guide to Interpretation for Plato's "Republic", Noel B. Reynolds
Feed conversion index in two populations and two lines of guinea pigs for meat production, Kathia Jordán Vargas
Félix Éboué: The Second Resister, Andrew Skabelund
Female Dating Initiation at BYU, Lara Jubber, Tamara Fackrell, Jessica Hansen, and Thomas B. Holman
Ferritin-Based Photo-Oxidation of Biomass for Nanoparticle Synthesis, Bioremediation, and Hydrogen Evolution, Oscar Petrucci
FGF4 Induced Wnt5a Gradient in the Limb Bud Mediates Mesenchymal Cell Directed Migration and Division, John C. Allen
Fiber performance and quality of Angora Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in different trims, Juan Jaime Blacutt Toledo
Fifty Years Embracing the Wall of Books: The Life and Career of Dr. Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien, James K. M. Cheng
Fiji, Micronesia-Guam, and Other Non-Polynesian Areas, R. Lanier Britsch
Final Report on Pinyin Conversion by the CEAL Pinyin Liaison Group, Susie Cheng, Yu-lan Chou, Guo-qing Li, James Lin, Amy Tsiang, and Peter Zhou
Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions: A Comparison to Performance of Regional Commercial Banks by Geographic Regions, Michael Tucker and Gerard Miles
Financial Performance of Selected Microfinance Institutions: Benchmarking Progress to Sustainability, Michael Tucker
Finding Religion: An Analysis of Theology LibGuides, Gerrit van Dyk
Finding Strengths and Weaknesses Before Marriage, Thomas B. Holman and Lisa B. Hawkins
Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary, Jenifer J. Call
Finding the Law in Japanese, Scott Edward Harrison
Finnishness and Colonization in Akseli Gallen-Kallela's Representations of Africa, Camille Kathryn Richey
Fire and Ungulate Herbivory Differentially Affect the Sexual Reproduction of Generalist and Specialist Pollinated Plants, Andrew Hollis Lybbert
First Language Culture in Second Language Learning and Testing Evidence on Field Sensitivity, Lynne Hansen
Firstness of Secondness in Nauruan Morphology, Lisa M. Johnson
Five Fundamental Elements to Jumpstart a New East Asian Collection, Zou Xiuying
Fixing the Phantoms of Conceit: Wordsworth’s Prefiguration of the Photographic Impulse in “Tintern Abbey” and The Prelude, Rachel Daniel
Flex-16: A Large-Displacement Monolithic Compliant Rotational Hinge, Robert McIntyre Fowler, Alex Maselli, Peter Pluimers, Spencer P. Magleby, and Larry L. Howell
Flora of the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and Colorado; Part III, Icacinoxylon pittiense n. sp., William D. Tidwell, Gregory F. Thayn, and W. L. Stokes
Following the Road Paved by Naomi Fukuda, Izumi Koide
Food and nutrition situation in the villa Santa Chacoma, Hancara, Hichuraya Grande and Pan de Azucar communities of the Ingavi province in the department of La Paz, Bolivia 1996, Teresa Beatriz Iglesias Sandoval
Food, nutrition, and health education with educational lessons in the Cuambo community school, Ibarra canton, Imbabura province, Fanny Margoth Victoria Recalde
Foregoing Intellectual Powers: Exploring Social Instincts in "The Old Gentleman", Brittany Strobelt
Foreign Exchange Risk Management Practices of Microfinance Institution, Peter R. Crabb
Foreign Language Acquisistion: Where the Real Problems Lie, Wilga M. Rivers
Foreign Language Teacher Training Currently Used at the Missionary Training Center, Clifford W. Martell
Foreign Language Technology in the 21st Century, Frank Otto
Foreign Language Training for LDS Missionaries: Historical Antecedents and Foundations for Current Church Policies and Institutions, Lynn Henrichsen
Forest fire monitoring with multiple small UAVs, David W. Casbeer, Randal W. Beard, Timothy W. McLain, Sai-Ming Li, and Raman K. Mehra
Forging Family Bonds Through Storytelling, David C. Dollahite
Forgiveness: Part of Healing , Elaine Walton
For God and Country: Mormon Chaplains During World War II, Richard Maher
Formal Reporting Systems of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1975, Dennis H. Smith
Formation of the Kahului Hawaii Stake: Its First Ten Years, Evan A. Larsen
Form-Function Relationships in the Development of LDS Church Architecture, Ebbie LaVar Davis
Formulation of Balanced Diets in Base of Grains of Left-over of Corn, Wheat, and Barley for Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), Egresado Hever Patricio Castro Calvache
For the "Peace of the Commonwealth", Jacob Duerden
For the Want of a Nail: Should We Teach Pronunciation to Teach Grammar?, Alan Carter Covell
Forum Prompt, J. Hillis Miller
Forum Prompt: Haunted Subjects, Jayne Elizabeth Lewis
For Want of a Nail: Machine Translation and the Word Processor, Larry G. Childs
Fossils in Technical Terminology, Marion K. Smith
Four Oil Paintings Illustrating Book of Mormon Events, Ernel LeRoy Anderson
Four Recent German Bible Translations, Marvin H. Folsom
Four Utah Mormon Artists as Authors, Roxie Dale Trimble
Frame Synchronization Techniques for iNET-Formatted SOQPSK-TG Communications, Andrew Dennis McMurdie
Framework to Implement Authentication, Authorization and Secure Communications in a Multiuser Collaborative CAx Environment, Francis Mensah
Frank Joseph Shulman, Gail King
Freighting Between the Missouri River and Utah - 1847-1869, George Lofstrom Strebel
From Babylon to Zion: the Life of William Mclachlan, A British Convert to the Mormon Church, Winifred Morse McLachlan
From Central Asia to London: The Stein Collection of Manuscripts, Frances Wood
From Kapu to Christianity: A Study of the Abolition of the Kapu System and the Introduction of Christianity in Hawaii, Kathleen Creager
From Meaning to Form and Back Again, Michael McOmber
From Mormon to Evangelical: A Look at Disaffiliation and Conversion, Laura M. Marwick
From NGO to MFI: A Guidebook for Successful Transformations, Geetha Rao Ramani
From Pawn to President, Joshua C. Powell and Sven Wilson
From the Chairperson, Richard C. Howard
From the Chairperson, Richard C. Howard
From the Chairperson, Thomas H. Lee
From the Chairperson, Thomas H. Lee
From the Chairperson, Thomas H. Lee
From the Chairperson, Thomas H. Lee
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the chairperson, Maureen H. Donovan
From the Chairperson, Ken Klein
From the Chairperson, Ken Klein
From the Chairperson, Ken Klein
From the Chairperson, Ken Klein
From the Desk of the Chairperson, Hideo Kaneko
From the Desk of the Chairperson, Hideo Kaneko
From the Editor, Journal of Microfinance
From the Editor, Gail King
From the Editor, Gail King
From the Editor, Gail King
From the President, Ellen Hammond
From the President, Ken Klein
From the President, Ken Klein
From the President, Ken Klein
From the President, Tai-loi Ma
From the President, Tai-loi Ma
From the President, Tai-loi Ma
From the President, Tai-loi Ma
From the President, Tai-loi Ma
From the President, Tai-loi Ma
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Ken Klein
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Bill McCloy
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Abraham J. Yu
From the President, Philip Melzer
From the President, Philip Melzer
From the President, Philip Melzer
From the President, Philip Melzer
From the President, Philip Melzer
From the President, Philip Melzer
From the President, Kristina Troost
From the President, Kristina Troost
From the President, Kristina Troost
From the President, Kristina Troost
From the President, Joy Kim
From the President, Joy Kim
From the President, Joy Kim
From the President, Joy Kim
From the President, Peter X. Zhou
From the President, Peter X. Zhou
From the President, Peter X. Zhou
From the President, Ellen H. Hammond
From the President, Ellen H. Hammond
From the President, Ken Klein
FROntIER: A Framework for Extracting and Organizing Biographical Facts in Historical Documents, Joseph Park
Frontiers in Mormon Pacific History, Grant Underwood
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, ESR Review
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, ESR Review
Front Matter, ESR Review
Front Matter, ESR Review
Front Matter, ESR Review
Front matter, Marriage &. Families
Front matter, Marriage &. Families
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Mormon Pacific Historical Society
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Journal of Microfinance
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
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Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Front Matter, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Front Matter, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Front Matter, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Front Matter, Criterion: A Journal for Literary Criticism
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
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Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
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Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Committee on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
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Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Council on East Asian Libraries Libraries
Front Matter, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Council on East Asian Libraries
Front Matter, Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism
Front matter/ Editors' notes, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ Editor's Notes: Extraordinary Families for Extraordinary Times, Lisa B. Hawkins
Front matter/ Editor's Notes: I did things right as a dad, but I wasn't home enough..., Glen C. Griffin
Front matter/ Editor's Notes: Marriage--Yes. Cohabiting--No. And How to Make Marriage Work, Glen C. Griffin
Front matter/ Editor's Notes: Microscopic Besties, Grandmas in the Computer, The Credit Trap, Lisa B. Hawkins
Front matter/ Editor's Notes: Pre-Marriage Queries and Fiddler-On-The-Roof Traditions, Glen C. Griffin
Front matter/ Editor's Notes: Special Issue: World Congress of Families II, Glen C. Griffin
Front matter/ Marriage & Families Adds New Sections and Web Wise, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ Webwise, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ Webwise, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ webwise, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ webwise, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ webwise, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ Web wise, Marriage &. Families
Front matter/ Web Wise: Forever Families Website Now Online, Marriage &. Families
Fuel Response to Mechanical Mastication of Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands in Utah, Alan Wyatt Shakespear
Fuel-Saving Strategies for Dual Spacecraft Interferometry Missions, Christopher A. Bailey, Timothy W. McLain, and Randal W. Beard
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Familes
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Marriage &. Families
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
Full Issue, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Full Issue, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Full Issue, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Full Issue, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Full Issue, Council on East Asian Libraries Libraries
Full Issue, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Full Issue, Journal of East Asian Libraries
Full-Scale Testing of Blast-Induced Liquefaction Downdrag on Auger-Cast Piles in Sand, Joseph Erick Hollenbaugh
Función del Acento en el Proceso de Elisión de la /s/ en la República Dominicana, Orlando Alba
Functional Problems and Informational Needs of Latter-Day Saint Chaplains Serving in the United States Armed Forces, N. Vernon Griffeth
Future, or Memory: Japanese Studies Librarianship in the 21st Century, Kuniko Yamada McVey
Gaseous Particulate Interaction in a 3-Phase Granular Simulation, Kevin W. Munns
Gasification of Biomass, Coal, and Petroleum Coke at High Heating Rates and Elevated Pressure, Aaron D. Lewis
Gateway to East Asian Studies: An Analytical Report of Subject Guides in North American East Asian Libraries, Xi Chen and Yao Chen
Gemeindegeschichte Als Vergleichende Geschichte: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in East Germany, Bruce W. Hall
Gender Differences: The Impact of Hours Worked on Marital Satisfaction, Patrick Frost, Arturo Morales, Jackie Freeman, and Anna Nelson
Gender in Pop Songs: A Diachronic Study, Jennifer Rey and Dawn Meehan
Gender Variation in the Rejection of Absurd Requests, Bequi Martindale, Todd Durrant, Myra Durrant, and Karin Hahn
Genealogical Research on Chinese Names: An Annotated Bibliography, Sheau-yueh J. Chao
General diagnosis and services developed in the Corral de Piedra village, San Juan Ermita, Chiquimula, Servin Ardany Flores Galdámez
General diagnosis of Salitrón, a village in San Juan Ermita, department of Chiquimula, Fredy Samuel Coronado López
General Motivation Domains & Behavioral Specificity Across Motivations, Justin B. Christensen, David C. Dollahite, and Sam A. Hardy
Geographical Characteristics of Early Mormon Settlements, John Haws Baum
Geographic Literacy Among LDS Returned Missionaries, Paul Cook Stahmann
Geometry and Material Properties of Vocal Fold Models, Kimberly Ann Stevens
George Edward Percy Careless: His Contributions to the Musical Culture of Utah and the Significance of His Life and Works, Howard Hoggan Putnam
George Orwell: Socialist or Liberal?. Big Brother and the Abuse of Power., Noel B. Reynolds
George Q. Cannon: A Look at a Giant, Kenneth W. Baldridge
George Q. Cannon's Views on Church and State, Lyndon W. Cook Sr.
George Reynolds: The Early Years, Grant R. Hardy
George Romney and the Michigan Gubernatorial Compaign - 1962, Richard C. Fuller
George Romney in 1968, from Front-Runner to Drop-Out, an Analysis of Cause, Richard M. Eyre
Getting Langue Winded How the European Union Language Policy Came to Be, Clinton R. Long
Getting Past Self-Esteem, H. Wallace Goddard
"Give it all Up and Follow Your Lord": Mormon Female Religiosity, 1831-1843, Janiece L. Johnson
Give Up the Ghost and Get the Spirit, Marvin H. Folsom
Glass Balls as Artifacts and Archetypes, David Grandy
Glimpses of World War II in Denmark: Memory and History in Frayn's Copenhagen and Sibbern's Resistance Scrapbook, Adriana Pinegar
Globalization and the Need for International Language Standards, Alan K. Melby
Globally Consistent Map Generation in GPS-Degraded Environments, Paul William Nyholm
Glossaries for Missionaries, Marvin H. Folsom
Goal Marketing Research Group: BYU Bookstore regarding office supply purchasing behaviors, Bjorn Boyer, Aubri Jones, Justin Norton, and Travis Brashears
Good News for Marriage: The Marriage Movement States its Principles, Marriage & Families
Gospel Merisms in the Book of Mormon, Noel B. Reynolds
Got Hope? Measuring the Construct of Relationship Hope with a Nationally Representative Sample of Married Individuals, Sage Elizabeth Erickson
Go Ye Out from Babylon: Mormon Gathering as a Reaction to American Culture, 1831-1846, Brady G. Winslow
Graffiti Inside an Art and Design Library? The Hong Kong Design Institute Library Experience, Patrick Lo
Grammar, Style, and Discourse An Empirical Look at Modern Standard Arabic Complementation in the Newspaper, Al-Ahram, R. Kirk Belnap
Grammatical Features of Structural Elaboration and Compression Common in Advanced ESL Academic Writing, Gyusuk Yang
Grand Opening of T. H. Tsien Library in Nanjing University: an International Celebration, Yuan Zhou
Grandparent/Grandchild Relationship: Linking Grandparent Involvement to Adolescent Pro-social Behaviors, Corey Ellis, Marinda Quist, Ruth Robinson, and Dara Peterson
Greenway Systems in Salt Lake City and Tallahassee A Comparitive Analysis, Derek Bruton, Lydia Michela, Tyler Terry, and Morgan Osborne
Grief Reactions: A Clinician's Perspective, Christopher M. Layne, William R. Saltzman, and Robert S. Pynoos
Group Purchasing of Online Korean Databases, Jae Yong Chang and Mikyung Kang
Gussie E. Gaskill and the Wason Collection of Cornell University, Edwin G. Beal Jr.
HACER and Expressions of Time, Willis C. Fails
Half a Century of Japanese Cataloging at Columbia University, Miwa Kai
Hanbok, Korean Traditional Dress: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, Sarah H. Jeong
Hanging Out Among Latter-day Saint Young Adults: A Qualitative Study, Matthew Call, Michael Richards, and Tom B. Holman
Harmonizing Work and Family Life: One Man's Perspective , E. Jeffrey Hill
Has a New Way of Measuring Religion Uncovered a Religious Left?, Matthew Frei
Has Philology Become Linguistics?: A Post-Deconstructionist View of Language and Literature, Arthur H. King
Hawaiian Hula Genealogies: The Laie Connection, Ishmael W. Stagner
Hawaii Physical Facilities, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Glenn Y. M. Lung
“Healing a Hurting Heart”: FEMRITE's Use of Narrative and Community as Catalysts for Traumatic Healing, Candice Taylor Stratford
Healing the Cartesian Split: Understanding and Renewing Pathos in Academic Writing, Travis Washburn
Health Problems of Selected LDS Missionaries Throughout the World, Susan Jensen
Healthy Attachment and Commitment Levels in Early Marriage, Bethany M. Wood and Cory E. McFarland
Healthy Island organic products: A study determining how to increase customer awareness, Jeff C. Yates
Heaps Brick Oven Restaurant: Marketing Survey, Scott Greenhalgh, Jay Crum, Dailand Allen, and Victor Funk
Heat and Mass Transport in Heat Pipe Wick Structures, Brian D. Iverson, Tyler W. Davis, Suresh V. Garimella, Mark T. North, and Sukhvinder S. Kang
Hebraisms in the Original Text of the Book of Mormon, Royal Skousen
Hebrew Idioms in the Small Plates of Nephi, E. Craig Bramwell
Hebrew Influence on the Book of Mormon: Metaphoric Heart Expressions, M. Deloy Pack
Helping Those with Eating Disorders, Marleen S. Williams
He's Having a Baby: The Paternal Childbirth Experience, Lynn Clark Callister, Geraldine Matsumura, and Katri Vehvilainnen-Julkunen
High Aspect Ratio, Carbon Nanotube Membranes Decorated with Pt Nanoparticle Urchins for Micro Underwater Vehicle Propulsion via H2O2 Decomposition, Brian D. Iverson, Kevin M. Marr, Bolin Chen, Eric J. Mootz, Jason Geder, Marius Pruessner, Brian J. Melde, Richard R. Vanfleet, Igor L. Medintz, and Jonathan C. Claussen
High-Efficiency Thermodynamic Power Cycles for Concentrated Solar Power Systems, Marc T. Dunham and Brian Iverson
High Fidelity Time Accurate CFD Analysis of a Multi-stage Turbofan at Various Operating Points in Distorted Inflow, David Bruce Weston
High Salinity Stabilizes Bacterial Community Composition and Activity Through Time, Tylan Wayne Magnusson
Hilton Salt Lake Center Ski Market Research, Bret Palsson, Ben Jensen, and Scott Cowley
Hiram Page: An Historical and Sociological Analysis of an Early Mormon Prototype, Bruce G. Stewart
Histone Deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) Is Critical for Tumor Cell Survival and Promotes the Pro-Survival Activity of 14-3-3ζ viaDeacetylation of Lysines Within the14-3-3ζ Binding Pocket, Jeffrey Benjamin Mortenson
Historia Calamitatum Heloysae, Kaitlin Coats
Historical Documents Relating to Asian-Americans and to East Asia in the Atlanta Regional Archives Branch, Jonathan Goldstein
Historical Highlights of Kahana, Jimmy Kaanaana
Historic Preservation in Utah: 1960-1980, John W. Haggerty
History and Doctrinal Development of the Order of Aaron, Ralph D. Erickson
History and Functions of the Aaronic Priesthood and the Offices of Priest, Teacher, and Deacon in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1829 to 1844, Robert L. Marrott
History as an Anecdote, Eric B. Shumway
History of Drama in Ogden, Beth Browning
History of Drama in Provo, 1853-1897, Burnett B. Ferguson
History of Erastus Snow, Joseph William Olson
History of Latter-day Saint Education in Nauvoo 1839-1845, Marnie Hopkins
History of Latter-Day Saints in Bridger Valley, Wyoming, Jerry F. Twitchell
History of Mormon Exhibits in World Expositions, Gerald Joseph Peterson
History of Theatre and Theatre Curriculum at Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho, Through 1981, John Thomas Bidwell
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Ireland Since 1840, Brent A. Barlow
History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kailua, O’ahu, Hawai’i
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in New Zealand, Brian W. Hunt
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Switzerland, Dale Z. Kirby
History of the Construction of the Salt Lake Temple, Wallace Alan Raynor
History of the Cotton Mission and Cotton Culture in Utah, Ivan J. Barrett
History of the Danish Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1850-1964, Marius Aldrid Christensen
History of the Davis County Clipper from its Inception in 1891 to the Present 1970, Cammon I. Arrington
History of the Japan Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1901-1924, Murray L. Nichols
History of the Kohala Gymnasium
History of the Latter-Day Saint Church in Kane'ohe Hawai'i, May Leinani Parker Au
History of the Latter-Day Saint Church in the Teton Valley, 1888-1956, James L. Bradley
History of the LDS Southern States Mission, 1875-1898, Heather M. Seferovich
History of the Netherlands Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1861-1966, Keith Crandall Warner
History of the Norwegian Mission From 1851 to 1960, Curtis B. Hunsaker
History of the Provo Times and Enquirer 1873-1897, Robert D. Anderson
History of the South African Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1853-1970, Farrell Ray Monson
History of the Southern States Mission, 1831-1861, LaMar C. Berrett
History of the St. George Temple, Kirk M. Curtis
History of the Swedish Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1905-1973, Carl Erik Johansson
History of the Upper Snake River Area to 1840, Louis J. Clements
History of Utah's Salt Industry 1847-1970, John L. Clark
History of Utah State Prison 1850-1952, James B. Hill
History of Winter Quarters, Nebraska, 1846-1848, Ernest Widtsoe Shumway
Hoary-Headed Saints: the Aged in Nineteenth-Century Mormon Culture, Brian D. Reeves
Holding Hands and Drying Tears: Effectiveness of Student Employees in Promoting a Successful LMS Implementation, Cary Ann Johnson
Home Recreational Activities and the Effect they Have in a Family Home Evening Program, Dwight Rees Butikofer
Homestead golf resort and conference center: Resort perceptions of past and potential customers, Christopher Green, Zhe Wang, and Cody Webb
Home Teaching: Attempts by the Latter-Day Saints to Establish an Effective Program During the Nineteenth Century, Gary L. Phelps
Hong Kong Libraries Have Giant Shopping List, Phillip Bruce
Hope for Children Like Betsy, Lynn K. Wilder and Rob Weidmann
Horse Soldiers and the Spaulding Manuscript : Hawaiian Missionary Life a Century Ago, Lance Chase
Howard Egan: Frontiersman, Pioneer and Pony Express Rider, J. Raman Drake
How Chinese Rare Books Crossed the Pacific at the Outbreak of World War II: Some Reminiscences, Tsuen-hsuin Tsien
How Do Academic Libraries Manage Change in the 21st Century?, Patrick Lo
How Does Education Level Affect Marital Processes, Stephen V. Mortensen, Karen Peterson, Candace Shields, and Julie Voisin
How Generic are the Male Generic Pronouns?, Martha Pierce
How Helping Chinese ESL College Students Write Research Papers Can Teach Information Literacy, Mei-Yun (Annie) Lin
How I Spent My Summer Vacation: Three Essays on Place and Meaning, Reed Evan Richards
How My Molokai Childhood Experiences Led Me to the Church, Martha Kalama
How to Introduce Naxos Music Library Titles to OPAC - The Lingnan University Library Experience, Patrick Lo and Joe Chow
How to Introduce Naxos Spoken Word Library Titles to OPAC - The Lingnan University Library Experience, Patrick Lo and Joe Chow
How To Reduce Arrears In Microfinance Institutions, Norell, Dan Norell
How to Teach Career-Oriented Foreign Language Courses, Oren E. Moffett
How We Feel About How We Talk: A Language Attitude Survey of Utah English, David Matthew Savage
How Well Do Republican Delegates Represent Other Utah Republicans, Matthew D. Frei and Quin J. Monson
Human Trafficking and Prostitution: A Comparative Review of Swedish and Dutch Policy, Emilie Davidson, Kelsey Perry, and Jini Roby
HUME AND HIS CRITICS: Reid and Kames, Noel B. Reynolds
Humor in the family, Brad Wilcox
Hurricane Iniki Experience, Herman Paleka
Hydrologic Data Sharing Using Open Source Software and Low-Cost Electronics, Jeffrey Michael Sadler
Ich and 'I': A Cultural Contrastive Analysis of First-person Subject Pronouns in German and English Writings, Kirsten M. Christensen
"I Could Do with Less Caressing": Sexual Abuse in the Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Andrew Doub
Identification of the Infection Route of a Fusarium Seed Pathogen into Non-Dormant Bromus tectorum Seeds, JanaLynn Franke
Identifying and Understanding the Difference Between Japanese and English when Giving Walking Directions, Keiko Moriyama Barney
Identifying Elementary School Student Understanding of Learning Disabilities, Michael Quinn Bair
Identities among Immigrants in Utah County, Nicole Lakip, Kathryn Staples, Bryce Ayoso, and Amber Masters
Ideograph Variant Forms and Usage Control in NACSIS-CAT, Akira Miyazawa
I'd Say I Had Eyes Again: Redeeming Shakespeare's Gloucester for the Blind, Nyssa Silvester
If At First You Don't Succeed: The Beginnings of Mormon Missionary Work on Kauai 1850-54, Lance Chase
Illustrated Books of the Late Edo Japan: The Mitchell Collection in the New York Public Library's Spencer Collection, Uhnsook Park
Images of Foreigners in Edo Period Maps and Prints, Tsuneharu Gonnami