Title (Spanish)

Determinacion de la Carga Microbiologica de los Principales Productos Carnicos que se Expenden en los Mercados de Riobamba


This investigation was done with the objective to determine the microbiological load of the main meat products such as: beef, chicken meat, sausage, and viena sausage which are sold in the Riobamba city markets. This investigation was carried out in the Microbiological Laboratory Livestock Science faculty of the Polytechnical Superior school. Specific chemical products were used to determine mesofilas (37 degrees C), xicrofilas (5 degrees C), and termofilas bacteria which did not develop at 45 degrees C, however exicrofilas and mesofilas bacteria were found in every market and meat product in this study. The meat product hygiene is the same in all market conditions. There is no change in the handle or conservation of these products, especially with the handmade products such as sausage and long sausage. My personal point of view is that they are more dangerous for our health because they are not cooked before eaten and because of the way they are conserved. On the contrary, when the meat was cooked, termofilas were not found, since at 50°C temperature, the bacteria begins to be destroyed by the warmth, which give us some confidence to eat cooked food. However, the problem continues because the toxins that the bacteria release are more dangerous, therefore, we must investigate the toxin matter released by the bacteria in the meat products. When meat is eaten, such as hamburgers or roasted meat, there is a risk of acquiring some diseases. The expenses of an investigation of this kind are too high to perform a complete biochemical test which would provide better results that can be relied on. This thesis is patterned to make a project aimed at improvement of the hygiene and quality of these products that are used on a daily basis. In all, the situation in Ecuador is the same as in this city, it is extremely urgent to stress the importance of this issue. The consumption of meat of bad quality is not a good source of nutrition for our people.

Abstract (Spanish)

La presente investigación se realizo con el objetivo de determinar la carga microbiológica de los principales productos cárnicos, como carne de res, carne de pollo, mortadela, salchicha tipo viena que se expenden en los mercados de la ciudad de Riobamba esta investigación se llevó a cabo en el laboratorio de Microbiología de la Facultad de Sciencia Pecuarias de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Para lo cual se utilizo una serie de productos químicos específicos para la determinación de bacterias y hongos, el análisis se hizo para determinar bacterias mesófilas (37 ° C), xicrofilas (5 ° C) y termomas que no se desarrollaron a 45 ° C, sin embargo las bacterias xicrofilas y mesofilas se encontro en todos los mercados y productos carnicos en estudio.



College and Department

Life Sciences; Plant and Wildlife Sciences



Date Submitted


Document Type




First Advisor

Jose Pazmino G.

Second Advisor

Ivan Flores

Third Advisor

Nelson Vallejo

Fourth Advisor

Julio Usca


Meat--Microbiology, Riobamba (Ecuador)



Additional Information

Thesis (Ingeniero Zootecnista)--Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo, Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias, Escuela de Ingeniera Zootecnica


Riobamba (Ecuador)

Included in

Microbiology Commons
