Western North American Naturalist | Vol 79 | No. 3

Volume 79, Number 3 (2019)

Front Matter



Phenological patterns in the desert spring ephemeral Astragalus holmgreniorum Barneby (Fabaceae)
Kody R. Rominger, Susan E. Meyer, Renee Van Buren, and Allyson B. Searle


Postbreeding habitat use by Golden-cheeked Warblers (Setophaga chrysoparia)
Melanie R. Colón, Mark R. Hutchinson, Ashley M. Long, Gary Voelker, and Michael L. Morrison


Raising pups of urban San Joaquin kit fox: relative roles of adult group members
Tory L. Westall, Brian L. Cypher, Katherine Ralls, and David J. Germano


Gene flow and habitat connectivity in a native rattlesnake population on the Snake River Plain
Susan B. Parsons; Charles R. Peterson,; Christopher L. Jenkins; and Marjorie D. Matocq


Population trends of the native fish assemblage in Bonita Creek, Arizona, USA
George N. Zaimes, David Arthun, and Vasilios Liordos


Quantification of eccentricity in stems of Artemisia tridentata Nutt.
Lance S. Evans, Tiffany A. Kharran, Ismael Pena, and Stanley G. Kitchen



First reported case of diphallia in Corynorhinus townsendii
Nathan W. Fuller, Catherine G. Haase, Kirk A. Silas, Sarah H. Olson, and Liam P. McGuire


Observations on habitat use of age-0 Rio Grande Blue Sucker (Cycleptus sp. cf. elongatus)
Stephanie D. George, Amanda K. Pinion, Kevin W. Conway, Thomas C. Heard, and Joshuah S. Perkin

End Matter