
Theses/Dissertations from 1999


Nutritional Education and its Impact in the Copalacaya, Choquenaira, Callisaya and Muruamaya Communities of La Paz, Rosa Yolanda Mamani Arias


Nutritional and health behavior of the indigenous pregnant women in the community of Tunshi-San Nicolas, Chimborazo Province, Sandra Ordonez Gavilanez


The Relation between the Nutritional Status and the Acute Diarrhetic Diseases in Children Younger than Five Years of Age in the Indigenous, Black, and Mestizo Ethnic Groups of the Rural Area in the Imbabura Province, 1998-1999, Tanya Vaca

Theses/Dissertations from 1998


The Relation between the Nutritional Status and the Acute Respiratory Infections in Children Younger than Five Years of Age in the Indigenous, Black, and Mestizo Ethnic Groups of the Rural Area in the Imbabura Province, 1998-1999, Sandra Chiles

Theses/Dissertations from 1997


Food and nutrition situation in the villa Santa Chacoma, Hancara, Hichuraya Grande and Pan de Azucar communities of the Ingavi province in the department of La Paz, Bolivia 1996, Teresa Beatriz Iglesias Sandoval


Nutritional Situation of the Communities Pan de Azucar, Hancara, Villa Santa Chacoma and Hichuraya Grande, Department of La Paz, Ingavi Province, Bolivia 1996, Teresa Beatriz Iglesias Sandoval


Vitamin A content in preparations of plant foods with the highest consumption in the beneficiary communities of the Benson Institute, Ana Luisa Méndez Hernández

Theses/Dissertations from 1996


Nutritional and Alimentative State of the Canaviri, Pocohata, Colina Blanca, Puente Arriba and Villa Arriendo, Ingavi Province, Department of La Paz - 1996, Juana F. Moraima Gonzles Tapia