Submissions from 2023
Changes in the mechanical performance of an ortho-planar spring after aging tests, Lucas F. L. Santos, Larry L. Howell, and Jose J. R. d’Almeida
Heat Set Creases in Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Sheets to Enable Origami-Based Applications, Brandon Sargent, Nathan Brown, Brian D. Jensen, Spencer P. Magleby, William G. Pitt, and Larry L. Howell
An Origami-Based Medical Support System to Mitigate Flexible Shaft Buckling, Brandon Sargent, Jared Butler, Kendall Seymour, David Bailey, Brian D. Jensen, Spencer P. Magleby, and Larry L. Howell
Isogeometric Boundary-Conforming Body-In-White Crash Model Construction, Analysis, and Comparison With Fem Model, Kendrick M. Shepherd
User Guide for Urban Canopy Modeling in WRF. Version 1.0, Corey L. Smithson, Natalie J. White, Hans R. Klomp, Eric C. Monson, and Bradley R. Adams
Effects of Religious and Spiritual Struggles on Psychotherapy Process and Outcome, Timothy B. Smith, Kristin Lang Hansen, Stevan L. Nielsen, David M. Erekson, Lane Fischer, and Tyler R. Pedersen
Effects of Parent-Implemented Interventions on Outcomes of Children with Autism: A Meta-Analysis, Timothy Smith, Wai Man Cheng, Marshall Butler, Tina M. Taylor, and Devan Clayton
Genomic Data from Paquimé: Understanding the Cultural and Genetic Ties of the Site, Meradeth Snow, Michael Seary, Jakob Sedig, and Jose Luis Punzo-Diaz
Hurray for Dolly Gray!, Tina M. Taylor
Decision-based learning for teaching arterial blood gas analysis, Sheri Tesseyman, Tracy Poulsen, Samantha Rainsdon-Meek, Heather Leary, Ursula Sorensen, and Kenneth Plummer
Key Elements of a File Format Strategy, Tyler Thorsted
Sparsity for Gradient-Based Optimization of Wind Farm Layouts, Benjamin T. Varela and Andrew Ning
Building Thriving Healthcare Teams Through Organizational Learning, Adrianna L. Watson, Bret Lyman, and Marie M. Prothero
Automatic Extraction of Medication Mentions from Tweets - Overview of the BioCreative VII Shared Task 3 Competition, Davy Weissenbacher, Karen O'Connor, Siddharth Rawal, Yu Zhang, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Timothy Miller, Dongfang Xu, Carol Anderson, Bo Liu, Qing Han, Jinfeng Zhang, Igor Kulev, Berkay Köprü, Raul Rodriguez-Esteban, Elif Ozkirimli, Ammer Ayach, Roland Roller, Stephen Piccolo, Peijin Han, V G Vinod Vydiswaran, Ramya Tekumalla, Juan M. Banda, Parsa Bagherzadeh, Sabine Bergler, João F. Silva, Tiago Almeida, Paloma Martinez, Renzo Rivera-Zavala, Chen-Kai Wang, Hong-Jie Dai, Luis Alberto Robles Hernandez, and Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez
Contributors to the Successful Implementation of OER Program Components, Michael J. Whitchurch and Camilla Jensen
Small-Scale Testing of Passive Fire Protection Systems for Structures on the Wildland-Urban Interface, Makenzie Wilson, Thomas H. Fletcher, and Taylor J. Sorensen
Analysis of the Rigid Motion of a Conical Developable Mechanism, McKell Woodland, Michelle Hsiung, Erin L. Matheson, C Alex Safsten, Jacob Greenwood, Denise M. Halverson, and Larry L. Howell
Making Space Behind the Veil: Black Agency within a Predominantly White Religion, Michael Wood, Grace Ann Soelberg, and Jacob Rugh
Design of Regular 1D, 2D, and 3D Linkage-Based Tessellations, Alden D. Yellowhorse, Nathan Brown, and Larry L. Howell
Creating Linkage Permutations to Prevent Self-Intersection and Enable Deployable Networks of Thick-Origami, Alden Yellowhorse, Robert J. Lang, Kyler Tolman, and Larry L. Howell
Simulations of morphology control of self-assembled amphiphilic surfactants, Qinyu Zhu and Douglas R. Tree
Submissions from 2022
Descripción panorámica del español en la República Dominicana, Orlando Alba
Macroarchaeology, Epistomology, and the Quality of the Archaeological Record, James R. Allison
Megaliths and Monumental Architecture at Coal Bed Village, an Ancestral Pueblo Site in Southeastern Utah, James R. Allison, Fumi Arakawa, Marion Forest, Katie K. Richards, and David T. Yoder