Contributors to the Successful Implementation of OER Program Components


OER, Open Educational Resources, OER Program Components, OER Program Themes


There are well-documented barriers to implementing open educational resources (OER) programs at institutions of higher education. Many institutions have overcome these difficulties and developed successful OER programs with various program components. Despite the nuances in each institution’s approach, OER program components are often similar across campuses. This research addresses the ability to infer the success (continuity and growth) of OER program components based on institutional characteristics. Results show that there were few positive correlations between institutional characteristics and the successful implementation of different program components. However, positive correlations were found among some of the individual program components. The lack of correlations between program components and institutional characteristics implies that OER program implementations are individualized to the institution. While other institutions’ experiences can be used to inform new OER implementations, each institution needs to find their unique path to success. In discussions about this unique path to success, we discovered experiential themes of implementation for those managing an OER program. These themes are described.

Original Publication Citation

Whitchurch, Michael, and Camilla Jensen. 2023. “Contributors to the Successful Implementation of OER Program Components.” The International Journal of Open Educational Resources, April.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date



The International Journal of Open Educational Resources




Harold B. Lee Library

University Standing at Time of Publication

Full Professor
