Submissions from 2008
A direct comparison of effect sizes from the clinical global impression-improvement scale to effect sizes from other rating scales in controlled trials of adult social anxiety disorder, Bruce L. Brown, Dawson W. Hedges, and David A. Shwalb
A Simple, Anatomically Based Correction to the Conventional Ankle Joint Center, Dustin A. Bruening, Ashlie N. Crewe, and Frank L. Buczek
A Leontief Model of Municipal Budgeting, Phillip J. Bryson
State Administration vs. Self-Government in the Slovak and Czech Republics, Phillip J. Bryson
User Fees in Local Finance: Performance and Potential in Czech and Slovak Republics, Phillip J. Bryson
Effect of Micronutrient Fortification on Nutritional and Other Properties of Nixtamal Tortillas, K. E. Burton, Frost M. Steele, Laura K. Jefferies, Oscar A. Pike, and Michael L. Dunn
How do I Analyze Thee? Let Me Count the Ways: Considering Empathy in Couple Relationships using Self and Partner Ratings, Dean M. Busby and Brandt C. Gardner
Pathways to Relationship Aggression Between Adult Partners, Dean M. Busby, Thomas B. Holman, and Eric Walker
Accelerating Corpus Annotation through Active Learning, George Busby, Marc Carmen, James Carroll, Robbie Haertel, Deryle W. Lonsdale, Peter McClanahan, Eric K. Ringger, and Kevin Seppi
Compiling and Annotating a Syriac Corpus, George Busby, James Carroll, Marc Carmen, Carl Griffin, Robbie Haertel, Kristian Heal, Joshua Heaton, Deryle W. Lonsdale, Peter McClanahan, Eric K. Ringger, Kevin Seppi, and David Taylor
The role of upstream sequences in selecting the reading frame on tmRNA, Allen R. Buskirk, Mickey R. Miller, David W. Healey, Jonathan D. Dewey, and Stephen G. Robison
Common Pitfalls of Beginning Therapists Utilizing Enactments, Mark H. Butler, Sean D. Davis, and Ryan B. Seedall
Facilitated Disclosure versus Clinical Accommodation of Infidelity Secrets: An Early Pivot Point in Couple Therapy. Part 1: Couple Relationship Ethics, Pragmatics, and Attachment, Mark H. Butler, James M. Harper, and Ryan B. Seedall
Facilitated Disclosure Versus Clinical Accommodation of Infidelity Secrets: An Early Pivot Point in Couple Therapy. Part 2: Therapy Ethics, Pragmatics, and Protocol, Mark H. Butler, Ryan B. Seedall, and James M. Harper
Further Validation of the Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders in Middle and Junior High School, Paul Caldarella, Michael Richardson, and Ben Young
School-Based Mentoring: An Effective Intervention with Students at Risk for EBD, Paul Caldarella, Shauna Valentine, K. Richard Young, and Michael Adams, Leticia Camacho
Dictionary of business terms, Leticia Camacho
Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, Leticia Camacho
RGE Monitor, Leticia Camacho
The Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), Leticia Camacho
Integrated, Embedded, and Case-Based: Selling Library Instruction to the Business School, Leticia Camacho and Andy Spackman
Assessing the Costs of Sampling Methods in Active Learning for Annotation, James Carroll, Robbie Haertel, Peter McClanahan, Eric K. Ringger, and Kevin Seppi
Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults, Jason S. Carroll, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Larry J. Nelson, Chad D. Olson, Carolyn McNamara Barry, and Stephanie D. Madsen
“The Mormon Education of a Gentile Justice: George Sutherland and Brigham Young Academy”, Edward L. Carter and James C. Phillips