Submissions from 2009
A Mayanist Debunks 2012, Mark Alan Wright
Aging and Family Therapy: Exploring The Training and Knowledge of Family Therapists, Jeremy Yorgason, Rick B. Miller, and Mark B. White
The Effects of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support on School Climate: A Middle School Logitudinal Study, K. Richard Young, Ryan H. Shatzer, Ellie L. Young, Paul Caldarella, and Richard E. West
Wives' Experience of Husbands' Pornography Use and Concomitant Deception as an Attachment Threat in the Adult Pair-Bond Relationship, Spencer T. Zitzman and Mark H. Butler
Submissions from 2008
Nanoscale Characterization of Thin Film Coatings Using Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, Guillermo Acosta, Richard Vanfleet, and David D. Allred
Decline in a dominant invertebrate species contributes to altered carbon cycling in a low-diversity soil ecosystem, Byron J. Adams, J. E. Barrett, Ross A. Virginia, and Diana H. Wall
Comparative phylogeography of codistributed species of Chilean Liolaemus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) from the central-southern Andean range, Byron J. Adams, Pedro F. Victoriano, Juan Carlos Ortiz, Edgar Benavides, and Jack W. Sites
Search, Moral Hazard, and Equilibrium Price Dispersion, S. Nuray Akin and Brennan C. Platt
Clinical Application of Standardized Cognitive Assessment Using fMRI. II. Verbal Fluency, Mark D. Allen and Alina K. Fong
Clinical Application of Standardized Cognitive Assessment Using fMRI. I. Matrix Reasoning, Mark D. Allen and Alina K. Fong
Framing Carework Context, Processes, and Outcomes, Sarah Allen, Shirley R. Klein, and E. Jeffrey Hill
Abajo Red-on-orange and Early Pueblo I Cultural Diversity in the Northern San Juan Region, James R. Allison
Exchanging Identities: Early Pueblo I Red Ware Exchange and Identity North of the San Juan River, James R. Allison
Human Ecology and Social Theory in Utah Archaeology, James R. Allison
Shinarump Red Ware and Other Red Ware Pottery North and West of the Colorado River, James R. Allison
Archaeology and Archaeobotany of Southern Paiute Horticulture in the St. George Basin, Southwestern Utah, James R. Allison, Cathryn M. Meegan, and Shawn S. Murray
Determining the Refractive Index In the Extreme Ultraviolet Using Kramers-Kronig on Thin-film Scandium Oxide Transmission Data, David D. Allred and Jacqualine J. Butterfield
Gender Differences and Biomechanics in the 3000m Steeplechase Water Jump, Kassi R. Andersen, Bryan K. Lindsay, and Iain Hunter
Time Reversal, Brian E. Anderson, Michele Griffa, Paul A. Johnson, Carene Larmat, and Timothy J. Ulrich
On the Steering of Sound Energy Through a Supercritical Plate by a Near-Field Transducer Array, Brian E. Anderson, Stephen A. Hambric, and Jack W. Hughes
In-Plane Photonic Transduction of Silicon-On-Insulator Microcantilevers, Ryan Anderson, Seunghyun Kim, Gregory P. Nordin, Jong Wook Noh, and Jaime Cardenas
John Zorn. The Gift; Songs from the Hermetic Theatre (2001). Chimeras; Masada Guitars (2003). Masada Recital; Magick (2004). Rituals (2005). Astronome; Masada Rock; Moonchild, Christian T. Asplund
Nano-Polymeric Carrier Influences Ultrasonic Drug Delivery to Tumors, Odgerel Badamjav, Ghaleb A. Husseini, Peter Jones, William G. Pitt, and Beverly L. Roeder
The State of Balance Between Procedural Knowledge and Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics Teacher Education, Damon L. Bahr and Michael J. Bossé
An Exploration of the Effects of a Practicum-Based Mathematics Methods Course on the Beliefs of Elementary Preservice Teachers, Damon L. Bahr and Eula Ewing Monroe