Submissions from 2008
Themes and Trends of Journal of Family and Economic Issues: A Review of Twenty Years (1988–2007), Jeffrey P. Dew
Data-Driven Programming and Behavior for Autonomous Virtual Characters, Jonathan Dinerstein, Parris K. Egbert, Michael A. Goodrich, and Dan A. Ventura
Learning Policies for Embodied Virtual Agents Through Demonstration, Jonathan Dinerstein, Parris K. Egbert, and Dan A. Ventura
Learning-based Fusion for Data Deduplication, Sabra Dinerstein, Parris K. Egbert, Stephen W. Clyde, and Jared Dinerstein
Talking About Religion: How Highly Religious Youth and Parents Discuss Their Faith, David C. Dollahite and Jennifer Y. Thatcher
Sentiment Regression: Using Real-Valued Scores to Summarize Overall Document Sentiment, Adam Drake, Eric K. Ringger, and Dan A. Ventura
Articulatory Changes Following Treatment of Muscle Tension Dysphonia: Preliminary Acoustic Evidence, Christopher Dromey, Shawn L. Nissen, Ray M. Merrill, and Nelson Roy
First and second language tongue movements in Spanish and Korean bilingual speakers, Christopher Dromey, Shawn L. Nissen, and Cynthia Wheeler
The Effects of Divided Attention on Speech Motor, Verbal Fluency, and Manual Task Performance, Christopher Dromey and Erin Shim
The Effects of Divided Attention on Speech Motor, Verbal Fluency, and Manual Task Performance, Christopher Dromey and Erin Shim
Vocal Tremor and Vibrato in the Same Person: Acoustic and Electromyographic Differences, Christopher Dromey and Marshall E. Smith
Vocal Tremor and Vibrato in the Same Person: Acoustic and Electromyographic Differences, Christopher Dromey and Marshall E. Smith
Autonomous and Intelligent Radio Switching for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Qiuyi Duan, Charles D. Knutson, Lei Wang, and Daniel Zappala
Link Quality Prediction for Wireless Devices with Multiple Radios, Qiuyi Duan, Charles D. Knutson, Lei Wang, and Daniel Zappala
Commercial Evaluation of a Continuous Micronutrient Fortification Process for Nixtamal Tortillas, Michael L. Dunn, Sergio O. Serna-Saldivar, Diana Sanchez-Hernandez, and Robert W. Griffin
Naipaul’s Children: Representations of Humor and Ruin in Miguel Street, Aaron Eastley
Application and Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Enhancement of Live Aerial Video using Temporally Local Mosaics, Dennis Eggett, Cameron Engh, Damon Gerhardt, Michael A. Goodrich, Bryan S. Morse, Nathan Rasmussen, and Daniel Thornton
The Phonetic Context of American English Flapping: Quantitative Evidence, Dirk Elzinga and David Eddington
An ultrahigh stability, low-noise laser current driver with digital control, Christopher J. Erickson, Marshall Van Zijll, Greg Doermann, and Dallin S. Durfee
Long-term Strategic Incrementalism: An Approach and a Model for Bringing About Change in Higher Education, Norman W. Evans and Lynn Henrichsen
Skill Evaluation in Women's Volleyball, Lindsay W. Florence, Gilbert W. Fellingham, Pat R. Vehrs, and Nina P. Mortensen
An "American Mahomet": Joseph Smith, Muhammad, and the Problem of Prophets in Antebellum America, J. Spencer Fluham
The Joseph Smith Revelations and the Crisis of Early American Spirituality, J. Spencer Fluham
Are US Mothers Meeting the Healthy People 2010 Breastfeeding Targets for Initiation, Duration, and Exclusivity? The 2003 and 2004 National Immunization Surveys, Renata Forste and John P. Hoffmann
The Strategic Role of Industrial Design in Collaborative Educational Settings: Design Boot Camps for Engineering and Technology, Richard Fry, Paul Skaggs, and Bryan Howell