Western North American Naturalist | Vol 81 | No. 2

Volume 81, Number 2 (2021)

Front Matter



Changes in an exotic fish community assemblage of a thermal spring in central Idaho
Skyler Smith, Bart Gamett, Ryan Beatty, and Eric Billman


San Bernardino flying squirrel use of residential areas: a citizen science approach
Kevin Clark, Scott Tremor, Brian Gibson, Kimberly Ferree, and Clark Winchell


Southwestern bats and their external bacteria
Ernest W. Valdez, Emily M. Johnson, Edward W. Strach, Patrick A. Lewis, William C. Briggs, Nicole A. Caimi, Ara S. Winter, Jennifer J.M. Hathaway, and Diana E. Northup


Fisher use of postfire landscapes: implications for habitat connectivity and restoration
Craig Thompson, Heath Smith, Rebecca Green, Sam Wasser, and Kathryn Purcell


Predictability of invasive Argentine ant distribution across Mediterranean ecoregions of southern California
Jonathan Q. Richmond, Tritia Matsuda, Cheryl S. Brehme, Emily E. Perkins, and Robert N. Fisher



Abundance and activity of domestic and wild medium-sized mammals in a protected mangrove remnant, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Beatriz F. García-Padilla, Sylvia S. Zalapa, Sergio Guerrero-Vázquez, Alejandro Pérez-Arteaga, and Agustín Camacho-Rodríguez

End Matter