Volume 80, Number 2 (2020)
Front Matter
Flower color variation in Jones’ penstemon, Penstemon × jonesii Pennell (P. eatonii A. Gray × P. laevis Pennell) (Plantaginaceae)
W. Wesley Crump, Jason M. Stettler, Robert L. Johnson, Chris D. Anderson, Sarah Harrison, Lindsey M. Meservey, and Mikel R. Stevens
Small-bodied fish surveys demonstrate native fish dominance over 300 kilometers of the Colorado River through Grand Canyon, Arizona
Ron B. Kegerries, Brandon Albrecht, Mark C. McKinstry, Ron J. Rogers, Richard A. Valdez, Adam L. Barkalow, Eliza I. Gilbert, Harrison E. Mohn, Brian Healy, and Emily Omana Smith
Reproductive failure predicts intracolony dispersal of female black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) in a northern population
Jillian M. Kusch, Colleen C. Matzke, and Jeffrey E. Lane
Life history variation in two populations of California Newt, Taricha torosa
Michael P. Marchetti and Abigail Hayes
Reproduction and age structure of the Plains Killifish Fundulus zebrinus from two tributaries of the upper Red River, Texas
David S. Ruppel and Timothy H. Bonner
An inventory of springsnails (Pyrgulopsis spp.) in and adjacent to the Spring Mountains, Nevada
Kevin S. McKelvey, Corey Kallstrom, Jeri Ledbetter, Donald W. Sada, Kristine L. Pilgrim, and Michael K. Schwartz
Current distribution of the California vole (Microtus californicus) in Baja California, Mexico
Alan Harper, Anny Peralta-García, Jorge H. Valdez-Villavicencio, Scott Tremor, and Chris J. Conroy
Declines of Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) and Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) in the north-central United States following the invasion of West Nile virus
Stephen J. Brenner and Joel G. Jorgensen
Variable uptake of selenium: exposing bryophytes in-situ to a Se-gradient watershed
Del Wayne R. Nimmo, Scott J. Herrmann, James S. Carsella, and Igor V. Melnykov
Distribution and population structure of Ambystoma altamirani from the Llano de Lobos, state of México, Mexico
Zeltzin A. Villanueva Camacho, Geoffrey R. Smith, Raymundo Montoya Ayala, and Julio A. Lemos-Espinal
First recorded observations of conspecific egg and nestling consumption in Common Ravens (Corvus corax)
Joseph L. Atkinson, Peter S. Coates, Brianne E. Brussee, and David J. Delehanty
Rapid invasion by the annual grass Ventenata dubia into protected-area, low-elevation sagebrush steppe
Melissa Nicolli, Thomas J. Rodhouse, Devin S. Stucki, and Matthew Shinderman
Qualitative observations of successful spawning by two species of small-bodied minnows following PIT tagging
Casey A. Pennock and Lindsey A. Bruckerhoff
Occurrence of North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in the Black Hills, South Dakota
Lenora M. Dombro, Earl Perez-Foust, Daniel Roddy, Daryl E. Mergen, and Robert A. Gitzen
Behavioral response to high temperatures in a desert grassland bird: use of shrubs as thermal refugia
Janet M. Ruth, William A. Talbot, and Eric Krabbe Smith
End Matter