If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2020
A Review of the Integration of Media Usage and Online Therapy Methods as an Alternative to Standard Therapy Settings, Bowman McCullough
Type One Diabetes Mellitus in Immigrant and Minority Pediatric Populations, Kristina Nielson
Sex Therapy for Same-Sex Couples, Kensington Osmond, Erin Fitzgerald, and Anthony Hughes
Responding to Questions of Parents with Vaccine Concerns, Chalea Rowberry
Women, Wars, and Nations: How Conflict Can Change the Norms of Nationalism, Rebecca Russavage
Hereditary Cancer Syndrome Recognition and Testing for the Primary Care Nurse Practitioner: Beyond BRCA, Hanford Shuman and Deborah Himes
Art in Medicine: A Powerful Aid to Modern Medical Education, Fenyu Wang
Prevention of Eating Disorders in Children: A Guide for Nurse Practitioners, Michelle Yeates and Jane Lassetter PhD, RN
Submissions from 2019
Parental Influence on Sedentary Behavior in Children: A Systematic Review, Kaitlyn Albrecht BSN, RN; Neil Peterson PhD, RN, NP-C, AGACNP-BC; and Jane Lassetter PhD, RN
Removing Racism or Erasing History? The Modern Confederate Conversation, Grant Baldwin
Gender Roles in the United States, Robert Bush
English Prisoners in their Unnatural Habitat: Conquering Nature in The Perils of Certain English Prisoners by Wilkie Collins and Charles Dickens, Madeline Christensen
“And Those That Are Fools, Let Them Use Their Talents”: Looking at the Power of Music in the Hands of Shakespeare’s Wise Fools, Noelle M. Conder
Just Do It: The Value of Being a Doer in Wilkie Collins’s and Charles Dickens’s The Perils of Certain English Prisoners, Kori Anne Dryer
CoolSculpting or Cryolipolysis: A Guide for Primary Care Practitioners, Miryam Harper and Jane Lassetter PhD, RN
Coolsculpting or Cryolipolysis, A Guide for Primary Care Providers, Miryam Harper and Jane Lassetter
Teacher Attrition: Work Condition Perception Differences, Scott P. Harris, Randall Davies, Steven Christensen, Joseph Hanks, and Bryan Bowles
Music, Shakespeare, and Redefined Catharsis, Megan Jae Hatt
Use of New Oral Anticoagulants in Preventing Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Travis Hunt, Blaine Winters, and Rod Newman
Empathy for Provider and Patient, Virginia Jefferies and Jane Lassetter PhD, RN
The Trouble with Twitter, Josh Kjar
Lithic Material Procurement and Processing of the Ancestral Puebloans in Montezuma Canyon, Richae Knudsen
Harriet Beecher Stowe: She's Not What You Think, Margaret (Maggie) E. Logan