If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2002
Enjoy Brick Oven: Pizza at its Best, Pasta Made Fresh, Matt Bills, Jeremy Matkin, and Shalee Summers
Snowbird/Alta Combination Ticket Study: A Marketing Research Study for Snowbird / Prepared by Snowflake Research (Part 1), Brent Castle, Joshua Howe, and Joshua Mason
Snowbird/Alta Combination Ticket Study: A Marketing Research Study for Snowbird / Prepared by Snowflake Research (Part 2), Brent Castle, Joshua Howe, and Joshua Mason
SCERA, Jonathan Dunn, Jaime Power, Kent O. Smith, and Lindsey Woodward
A marketing research study: Entertainment preferences and perceptions among teenagers in Utah County and Salt Lake County high schools / prepared for Thanksgiving Point Institute, Richard L. Frost, Jeff Watson, Clark Cotterell, and Colby Slaughter
Construction and Testing of a Low-Finesse Fabry-Perot Interferometer For Use in Atomic Spectroscopy, Nathan C. Moody
LiteTouch: Brilliant solutions in lighting: Dealer perception study, Josh Rolph, Winnie Lo, Marcia Randall, and Leslie Layman
Submissions from 2001
Nutty guys: A study of brand image: A marketing research project presented to Nutty Guys, Anthony Davis, Christy Hecht, Bambi Meyers, and Dane Poyfair
Parents' weekend study 2001: Prepared for BYU Alumni Association, Laura Minor, Rebecca Keddington, and Brian Catmull
Submissions from 2000
A Marketing Research Study for Wilson Diamonds, Robin Day, Kristen Jones, Xiaoyu Liu, and Brandon Smith
A Marketing Research Study for Snowbird / Prepared by Wasatch Marketing Research, Robert Dean, Chelsea Green, Todd Hillstead, and Sharah Smith
Submissions from 1998
Brigham Young University independent study on-line courses, Bret Alvey, Dave Boyack, Jon Macaulay, and Derek Russell
Larry H. Miller automotive division marketing research project: Prepared for Direct Manager of Larry H. Miller Advertising, Staci Checketts, Tatum Enyart, Brooke Hardy, and Marlene Lang
Submissions from 1997
Image study for Bank of American Fork: Research report, Jennifer Holladay, Roger Kerr, Phil Upton-Rowley, and Miriam Stelter
Submissions from 1996
A Marketing Research Project: San Francisco Pier 49 Sourdough Pizza, Jason Bennett, John Brasher, Kristina Davis, and Greg Gordon
Submissions from 1994
Marriott School of Management: Study of alumni perceptions on various school of management functions, Brent Powell, Ken Ozawa, Don Tweet, and Todd Hendricks
Submissions from 1992
A Qualitative View of the Educational Experiences of Black African Students at Brigham Young University, Khumbulani Desmond Mdletshe
Submissions from 1985
Little Giant Industries, Max Downing, Lisa Reese, Greg Rummler, and Michael Ryan
Heaps Brick Oven Restaurant: Marketing Survey, Scott Greenhalgh, Jay Crum, Dailand Allen, and Victor Funk
Submissions from 1984
Marketing research: Brigham Young University Art Department, Jeffrey S. Boice, Bruce A. Hawks, Michael D. Peterson, and Nancy M. Taylor
Submissions from 1983
A Research Study of Chuck-A-Rama's Customers, Food, and Services, Aaron Cobabe, Brendan Snow, Betty Ward, and Scott Hales
Marketing research and analysis for Soter Associates, Inc., Greg Vidrine, Steve Crandall, Toni Lehner, and David Reschke
Submissions from 1975
A History of the Program Bureau at Brigham Young University, Thomas Zimmerman
Submissions from 1964
Springville Rivoli Theater, Dale Allred, Jerald L. Dixon, Rod Henderson, and Gerald Olpin
Submissions from 1947
Mammals of Utah County, James W. Bee