If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2010
12-Month-olds’ Discrimination of Monkey Faces: Evidence for Perceptual Narrowing?, Jacob C. Jones, Scott Stevens, Melissa Wright, and Amanda Phillippi
Male Dating Initiation at BYU, Lara A. Jubber, Jessica Hansen, Tamara Fackrell, and Thomas B. Holman
Female Dating Initiation at BYU, Lara Jubber, Tamara Fackrell, Jessica Hansen, and Thomas B. Holman
Distancing and Hostility as Mediators of Parental Depression and Child Depression, Ashley Kerns, Curtis Pearson, Jessica Hawkins, and William Dickerson
Consistency of temperament of in group-housed infant rhesus monkeys (Macacamulatta) during the first months of life, Joshua W. Kirton, Daniel Blocker, Kfir Orgad, and James D. Higley
Performance-Monitoring and Evaluative Control in High Functioning Autism, Erin Krauskopf, A. Clawson, O. Johnston, and M. J. Crowley
Abuse History and Therapy Participation Among Men and Women in Methadone Maintenance Treatment, Alexandria Kunzler, Sasha Mondragon, Amy Welsh, and Scott Baldwin
Identities among Immigrants in Utah County, Nicole Lakip, Kathryn Staples, Bryce Ayoso, and Amber Masters
The Power of the “Magic Moment”: The Long-term Effects of Marital Expectations on Child Health and Relational Outcomes, Jeffrey K. Larsen, Jeffrey K. Larsen, and Brian J. Willoughby
The New User: Revisiting the Digital Divide, David S. Lassen and David Magleby
LDS Pathways to Marriage: How does communication play a role in relationship progression?, Kaitlin Lattin, Cherie Wilson, Todd Jensen, and Adam Frary
A Case for Christian Communalism: Overcoming Individualism and Racial Segregation in an Ubuntu-Infused South African Catholic Parish, Jordan R. Layton and Jeremy Grimshaw
Decreasing Temperature Below Tt or Increasing Cholesterol Enhance Vesibcle-Bilayer Membrane Fusion, David E. Lee, Reed A. Doxey, Kevin J. Tuttle, and Dixon J. Woodbury
Who do you belong to?: Understanding a Monument through Local Conceptions of Belonging, Sadie J. Lee and John Hawkins
Volunteer Experience at the Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Sadie J. Lee and Paul Stavast
Parents Raising a Child with Type 1 Diabetes: Experiences and Recommendations for Services, Joan Leishman, Ann Jubber, Colette Dalton, and Stacey Mork
Note-Taking Method Affects Immediate and Delayed Recall, Keith Lowell, Meagen Jensen, and Erin D. Bigler
Important Travelers in the Civil Rights Movement, Mark D. Lowe, Sharon Jensen, Mark Fitu, and Susan Rugh
The Current State of the Alcaldia Indigena in Light of its Historical Precedents: The Case of Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán, Jonathan Luke and John Hawkins
Drama, Drama, Drama, Trace W. Lund, McKenzie Gibson, Megan Pixton, and Brandon Chandler
Predicting Dyadic Congruence in Retirement Plans Among Middle-Aged Couples, Benjamin R. Malczyk and Jeremy Yorgason
Spirituality and Error Processing, Angelica M. Mamani, Patrick Steffen, and Michael Larson
Effect of Depression on Adolescent Alcohol Use, Tawnya Mayo, Thomas Bibber, and Bert Burraston
Marital Satisfaction and the Transition to Fatherhood, Brandon McDaniel, Sheila Lopez, and Erin K. Holmes
LDS Doctrine and Perfectionism, Brittany Mealey, Jeffrey Bernhardt, Michael Davison, and Andrea Riggs