If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2010
Development of BYU's Teaching Museum: A History of the Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Carlee Reed and Paul Stavast
Aspiring Higher: The Role of Objective Manager-Employee Work Values Fit in Employee Brand Movement Intentions, Brian P. Reschke, Joseph Olsen, and John B. Bingham
Conflicting Influences: A study of emerging adults and their mothers’ marriage attitudes., Adam E. Rogers, Justin Hendricks, and Larry Nelson
Pornography Addiction: Shedding Light on Internet Help Resources, Joshua Ruchty and Sam Hardy
The Effects of Music on Memory Retention, Taylor N. Scott, Meghan Dixon, Katie Wiscombe, and Erin D. Bigler
Media Increases Narcissistic Tendencies in College Students, Megan Sheldon, Melanie Johnson, Brady Morris, and Brittany Stevenson
Child Agreeableness as a Buffer Against Depression, Megan Sheldon, Curtis Pollard, Jonathan Kersh, and Natalie Gariby
The Impact of Religiosity on the Drug Use of High School Athletes: Can Parents Really Make a Difference?, Lance C. Shuldberg and Sarah Coyne
Rising to the Top (and Hitting Rock Bottom): A Look into the Relationship between Promotion and Depression, Karen Spence, Cori Murphy, Blake Torgerson, and Jessica Thompson
Pathways to Marriage...Or Not: A Study on the Emotions of Dating in LDS Young Adults, Stephanie L. Standage, Melissa S. Kuhlenhoelter, and Thomas B. Holman
Peasants and the Russian Revolution: the Affects of the Russian Peasantry on the Revolutionary Outcomes of the Revolution of 1917, Katie Stuart, Jessica Godfrey, Zachariah Young, and Elsa Nickerson
Just How Independent is the Fed?, Brenton Swenson and Sven Wilson
Religiosity and Achievement: The benefit of religious schooling for religious youth, Brett Taylor, Michael Peterson, and Benjamin Gibbs
Neither Foster nor Orphanages, Tami Thayne and Judy Norman
Saving the Surfer Identity: The Paddle-out Ceremony, Charles R. Thomas and John Hawkins
Evaluating the impact of HIT resources on Patient Welfare: Evidence for the ARRA, Evan S. Thomas and Mark Showalter
The Paradox of English in Tonga: Attributed Status vs. Social Aversion, Pauline Tuitavuki and John Hawkins
Daily Health Experiences of Vietnam Veterans, Rachel VanWickle and Jeremy Yorgason
Towards Measuring Relational Embeddedness: 2 Factor Analyses of TRENDS Pilot Survey Data, Tim Walker, Joseph Olsen, and Julie Hite
Marital Quality and Risk Factors for CHD, Rebecca Wallace, Nicole Barber, Bryan J. Jensen, and Paige Vella
TRPV1 Modulation of Plasticity in the Hippocampus, Curtis Walther, M. Mors, J. Blickenstaff, and B. Nelson
Public Transportation Decision Making, Benjamin Y. Warner and Sven Wilson
Marketing To The Middle Class: Tourism In The 20th Century, Abby Wheatley, Emily Melear, Candace Workman, and Brynn Riley
An ethnology of tillage: the role and bearing of land a societal force in Midwest agricultural communities., Olivia Wilkinson and Sheila Bibb
Go Ye Out from Babylon: Mormon Gathering as a Reaction to American Culture, 1831-1846, Brady G. Winslow