"Peasants and the Russian Revolution: the Affects of the Russian Peasan" by Katie Stuart, Jessica Godfrey et al.



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Poster ID #326


The Russian Revolution was one of the most influential events in the twentieth century. It created a state that was far different than any other in the world at the time. The Bolsheviks that came into power used high-minded rhetoric to garner support for their cause. This project examines the relationships between the communist movers and shakers that fought for the proletarians and the rural peasants of Russia. Our study seeks to understand how peasants that did not fit within the Marxist model were able to influence the revolutionary outcomes of the Russian Revolution. This is a study of the intersection of the harsh social conditions of the poor former serfs and the political changes that resulted from the Bolshevik revolution. Our research will demonstrate that Russian peasants' economic situation forced Lenin to adapt Marxist ideology that in turn led to the particular revolutionary outcomes of the Russian Revolution.


The Annual Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Research Conference showcases some of the best student research from the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences. The mentored learning program encourages undergraduate students to participate in hands-on and practical research under the direction of a faculty member. Students create these posters as an aide in presenting the results of their research to the public, faculty, and their peers.

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Family, Home, and Social Sciences



Peasants and the Russian Revolution: the Affects of the Russian Peasantry on the Revolutionary Outcomes of the Revolution of 1917

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