If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2011
Poverty Attributions and Attitudes toward Government Spending, Laurel George, Leila N. Kempf, and Kristie Phillips
Kin Care and Perceptions of Equity among Ugandan Youth, Laurel George and Jini Roby
Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst Preparation: Overview of preparation techniques on alumina pellets, Brad M. Hancock, Kari M. Cook, and William C. Hecker
Who Wants to Be in America? A Generalized Linear Mixed Model to Predict Satisfaction with Life in the United States among the Children of Immigrants, Brian D. Harris and Joe Olsen
Understanding Entrepreneurial Opportunity via Differentiated Bertrand Oligopoly Market Structure, Colton Hicks
Better Late Than Never? Reduced Psychophysiological Response to a Human Intruder in High-Functioning Autism, J. Dee Higley, Mikle South, Paul Chamberlain, and Oliver Johnston
Muslim Social Entrepreneurship: Religious Underpinnings and Modern Applications, Scott Jackson
The Effects of Color on Visual Short-Term Memory, TaeLynn Johnson, Zachary Burk, Kassandra Larson, and Annalisa Ellsworth
Community Affair: Social Inclusion and Swapping, Jowanza Joseph
Mormon Contributions to Young Adult Literature, Toni Pilcher
A Typology for Fremont Figurines, Adreanne Potts
Comparing Fundamentalisms: A Social Movement Theory Approach, David Romney
Using Media to Connect in Romantic Relationships: Effects on Attachment, Relationship Satisfaction and Stability, Lori C. Schade, Jonathan Sandberg, and Roy Bean
The law...could not be kept here: Consecration in Nauvoo, 1840-1842, Mitchell K. Schaefer
Félix Éboué: The Second Resister, Andrew Skabelund
Modern Views of Caste: The Pervasiveness of Western Democratic and Christian Thought, Jaclyn Smith
A Review of Arguments Regarding Faculty Status and Tenure for Librarians, Sara Smith
Seeking for the Lost: A Papyrological Search for Luke Fifteen's Lost Economics, Erik Yingling
Submissions from 2010
Predictors of Caregiver Burden of Parents of Children with Disabilities, Richard Alboroto and Susanne O. Roper
Effects of Relationship Status on GPA, Emily Albright, Chanel Carlile, Janae Kirkendall, and Allyson Webber
Effects of Title I on Student Achievement, Erin Alldredge and Bert Burraston
A Comparative Study of the Murray/Taylorsville and Salt Lake City Greenway Systems, Nicholas G. Baker, Evan Pressley, David Munson, and Mark Christensen
Ladders to the Sky: Implications of 'Mental Retardation' in Vishakhapatnam, India, Amber K. Bell and Charles Nuckolls
Religion's Influence on Adolescent's Self-Esteem, Diane M. Bowns, Benjamin R. Malczyk, Rachel Dodge, and Randal Day
International Travel: Economic Effects of Government Intervention, Adam Brady, Whitney Thomas, Jenna Wilkin, and Patty Eliason