If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2013
Transcending Tragedy: Shifting Tragedy From the Individual to Society at Large In Shakespeare's Coriolanus, Steve Kesler
Vitamin D Deficiency and Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children Under 5 Years of Age: A Systematic Review, Allison Larkin
Choosing Not to Believe: Realistic Unrealism in The Winter's Tale, Rachel Olson
The Villain Iago as the Pinnacle of Badness, Lauren Remington
Metabolic Syndrome and Depression: A Systematic Review of the Association, Michael S. Robinson
Imagining a Controversy: The Taft-Katsura Memorandum in Korean History Comic Books, Joseph Seeley and Kirk Larsen
Children, Spouses, and Attitudes: Impact on Women's Work Status, Mengxi Li Seeley and James B. McDonald
I'd Say I Had Eyes Again: Redeeming Shakespeare's Gloucester for the Blind, Nyssa Silvester
The Best Way to Select State Court Judges, Curtis Thomas and Sven Wilson
Child Targeted Shakespeare Performances: Making it Worth the While, Kara E. Visconage
Building an Access Database for Cookstove Research, Margaret L. Weddle
Does Killing Drug Cartel Leaders Increase Violence in Mexico?, Alex Wilson and Jay Goodliffe
Submissions from 2012
Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew Compared with the Expectations of Elizabethan Marriage, Jessica Asay
Effect of Serum Vitamin D Levels on Cardiovascular Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Aaron S. Bennion, Karlen E. Luthy, Donna S. Freeborn, and Renea L. Beckstrand
An Alternative to Hedonism: Eudaimonic Well-Being, Brigham Breton, Nathan Billings-Smith, Jason Lefrandt, and Patrick R. Steffen
Are Microfinance Institutions Immune to Science?: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Matthew R. Brigham, William T. Matthias, Chase Petrey, and Daniel Nielson
The Feasibility of Implementing a Collaborative Recommender System for the Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library, Derrick Brinton
Modern Lessons in Relationship Dynamics from Shakespeare's Othello, Mallory Brugger
Marriage Politics in Measure for Measure, Brinn Bullough
General Motivation Domains & Behavioral Specificity Across Motivations, Justin B. Christensen, David C. Dollahite, and Sam A. Hardy
The Men Behind the Pen: The Clerks of the LDS General Conferences, Alan Clark
Lloyd Alexander: A Film by Jared Crossley, Jared Crossley
The Fox News Effect: Does Polarized News-Media Fill Traditional News Roles?, Richard Davis and Braden W. Johnson
Public Perception of Hoarding, Alex Dresden, Stephanie Svanevik, Kristen Hoopes, and Brian Appel