If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2015
The Amaranth (Amaranthus Hypochondriacus) Genome: Genome, Transcriptome and Physical Map Assembly, Jared William Clouse
Black Intellectuals: The Transient Space of Cultural Translation, Marissa Compton
Environmental and Adaptive Buffers that Mediate the Response of Subalpine Ecosystems to Environmental Change, Lafe G. Conner
Connecting to Disconnect: Internet Access and Loss of Trust in Pre-Arab Spring Egypt, Rolf David Dixon Jr.
Seeing a More Complete Worker: Religiosity, Income, & Job Satisfaction, Rolf David Dixon Jr.
The Effects of Relatedness, Age and Orphan Status on Child Discipline, Annie Edwards and Jini Roby
The Uncomfortable Facts About Korean Comfort Women, Adam Farrell
The Power of Speech: Speech-Recognition Software in the Writing Process, Lauren Fine
A systematic approach in treating Post Concussion Syndrome, Donna Susan Freeborn and Ryan S. Francis
Counterterrorism in Authoritarian and Democratic Governments, Tai Gray
Cybersecurity and the Future International Competitiveness of the United States, Tai Gray
"Pain, Death, and Nazis: The Surprisingly Beautiful Function Death Plays as Narrator in Markus Zusak's The Book Thief,", Sarah K. Johnson
When Stress Causes a Heart to Break, Jared M. Madeo and Blaine Winters
Context Matters: Exploring Methods of Dissonance Reduction in Conflict Resolution, James L. Martherus
In the World but Not of It: Responses of LDS Leaders to the Vietnam War, Luke Miller
Vitamin B12: Identification and Treatment of Deficiencies, Max Mitchell and Donna S. Freeborn
Is Literature Above Politics? James Joyce as an Author of “Political Enthusiasm”, Lesli A. Mortensen
Time Spent Outside the Home and Marital Conflict, Hannah E. Murray
The Happy Warrior: Wordsworthian Reception and the Georgian Tradition of Siegfried Sassoon’s War Memoirs and Poems, Shane Peterson
Adolescent Body Dissatisfaction and Emotional Distress, Marina Potter
Marital Satisfaction, Error-observation, and the Brain: Harmful or Beneficial Effects of Spouse Observation?, Chelsea E. Romney, Michael Larson, Jonathan Sandberg, Patrick R. Steffen, and Scott Baldwin
You Grow This Way: An Analysis of Mother and Daughter Selves in Anne Sexton’s Poem “Little Girl, My Stringbean, My Lovely Woman, Kennerley Roper
Vitamin D Deficiency and Infertility: A Systematic Review, Susanne Stoddard Sollis
Tell Me About Your Relationship Status, Monica Stebbing and Ian Marsee
The Effects of Loss Aversion and Investment Type on the Sunk Cost Fallacy, Veronika Tait and Harold Miller JR