
Lithic, Pueblo, Montezuma, Procurement, Processing, Archaeology, Ancestral


Recent analysis of lithic materials from Ancestral Puebloan sites in Montezuma Canyon demonstrates differences between the northern and southern sites in terms of practices of lithic procurement and processing. Materials from Alkali Ridge and Coal Bed Village had more lithic debitage without cortex, while those from Cave Canyon Village and Three Kiva Ruin had a much higher frequency of debitage with cortex. These data sets suggest that the northern sites performed primary flaking away from home, while those in the south did their primary flaking at home. This distinct behavior may be a result of differential access to lithic material sources as well as the various defensive capabilities of these sites in response to the tense social climate. I use the Field Processing Model in conjunction with data from Montezuma Canyon to demonstrate how the geography may have affected the people’s procurement and processing practices. However, a model is only as good as the circumstances it applies to. It is necessary to consider the actual circumstances of the time and how they nuance the Field Processing Model. The model must adjust to account for other factors. I consider the political upheaval of the time and defensive characteristics of each site analyzed in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the discrepancy in the data.

Document Type

Class Project or Paper

Publication Date





Family, Home, and Social Sciences



University Standing at Time of Publication



ANTHR 499 - Senior Thesis
