If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2023
Mazar's Modified Chronology: The Preservation of Solomonic Possibilities, Aaron BY Gorner
The Facilitative Role of Workplace Anxiety in Increasing Motivation and Preparation Fueled by Self-Regulation, James Hayes
Recognizing Vaccine-Preventable Diseases for the Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, Brent Kamba, Karlen Beth Luthy, and Michael S. Robinson
Impairing Stress on College Students in the United States, Rachel J. King
Student’s Choice: In-Person, Online, or on Demand? A Comparison of Instructional Modality Preference and Effectiveness, Melissa Larson, Randall Davies, Anna Steadman, and Wai Man cheng
Stability of Metal Fluoride Films When Irradiated with Electron Beam, Devin M. Lewis and Waseem Ashraf
Enlisting School Faculty to Help Identify Childhood Sexual Abuse in Elementary Students and Prevent Personality Disorders in Adolescents, McKell Lindsay
First Line Acne Treatment: Comparison of Cost and Efficacy, Michael P. McNeil, Karlen E. Luthy, Christine R. Platt, Michael S. Robinson, and Janelle L.B. Macintosh
Eating Disorders and Adolescents: A Plea for Early Childhood Intervention, Abby Smiley
QOSQO: A Documentary Approach to the Preservation of Andean Culture, Emma Wheeler Volz
Submissions from 2022
The Library of Fiction: A Critical Edition of Volume One (1836), Payton Marie Andreadakis, Joslyn Cristine Bishop, Catherine Ava Eliason, Marissa Nicole Fuller, Ariel Renae Hochstrasser, Jeanie Hope Jones, Elyse Christine Kunzler, Anna Sophia Lamb, Rebekah Olsen, and Addison Paige Schenk
Empathy Development Among Undergraduate Nursing Students Through Intimate Partner Violence Simulation, Jennifer Benson, Peggy H. Anderson, Gaye L. Ray, Denise Cummins, and Michael Thomas
PANDAS: How to Recognize and Intervene, Trevor Brackney and Blaine Winters
Exploring the Inferiority Model in Adlerian Psychotherapy, Rachel Bradley
The Caregiver's Conflict: The Toll of Death and Dying on Nurses' Mental Health and Wellbeing, Madison Brown
Body Image Dissatisfaction in Correlation with Self-Efficacy and Depression, Nate Burden
Improving Transition Care: A Transition Toolkit Implementation Project, Julieanne Cox, Bret Lyman, Matt Anderson, and Marie Prothero
HPV Infection and Vaccination: A Question-and-Answer Guide for School Nurses, Mendi England, Karlen E. Luthy, and Michael S. Robinson
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): A Frequently Missed Diagnosis, Aubrey R. George and Blaine A. Winters
Experimentally Measured Lumbar Skin Strains During Activities of Daily Living, Andrew Gibbons, Paul McMullin, Darian Emmett, Ulrike H. Mitchell, David T. Fullwood, and Anton E. Bowden
Precision Maritime Localization and Landing with Real-time Kinematic GNSS, Alexander Jordan, Matthew Kent Rydalch, Tim McLain, and Michael Williamson Tabango
The Christian Approach to Psychology, Preston Keller
Roar of the Dragon: An Explorative Precursor in Film Scoring, Hyrum Kohler