If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2019
The Divinity That Shapes Our Ends: Theological Conundrums and Religious Scepticism in Hamlet, Kyler Merrill
Fight, Flight, and Freeze: Human Responses in a Business Strategy Environment, Michael Nixon
Decoherence of Open Systems of Coupled Oscillators and Qubits, Kevin Randles, Jean-François S. Van Huele, and Manuel Berrondo
Story or History? A Romeo and Juliet-style Love Story of Pablo and Exuperancia and a closer study into their story, Heidi Riboldi
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): A Primer for Nurse Practitioner Practice, Emily Richards
Children as the Power of Shakespeare, Samantha Rowley
Cultural Immersion Experiences to Enhance Undergraduate Student Nurses Cultural Competency: A Literature Review, Daniel B. Smith and Janelle Macintosh
"They Simply Act": Muscular Christian and Domestic Soldiers in Charles Dickens's and Wilkie Collins's The Perils of Certain English Prisoners, Kathryn Sumsion
Folklore-In-the-Making: Analyzing Shakespeare's The Tempest and Adaptations as Folklore, Heather Talbot
An Iterative Five-Point Algorithm with Application to Multi-Target Tracking, Jacob H. White and Randal W. Beard
The Homography as a State Transformation Between Frames in Visual Multi-Target Tracking, Jacob H. White and Randal W. Beard
Submissions from 2018
Finding Meaning through Video Games, Christopher T. Althoff
Collaborative Innovation in Global Teams: A Case Study of the Startup Grind Inc. Global Community Team, Camey L. Andersen
Evidence-Based Strategies for Treatment and Referral of Chronic Pain in Primary Care, Morgan Ann Bateman and Katreena Collette-Merrill
Uncovering the Voices That Have Been Silenced: How the Cherokee Young Women are Continuing the Traditions of Their Ancestors Through Literature and Rhetoric, Carly L. Callister
Deep RC: Enabling Remote Control through Deep Learning, Jaron Ellingson, Gary Ellingson, and Tim McLain
Fear and Career Decision-Making Difficulties: Guiding Individuals With Career Indecisiveness, Jordan Hanks
Effects of Sex Trafficking on Youth and Identification: A Literature Review, Karlee Hemmert
Eliminating Opioid Use in the Treatment of Chronic Lower-Back Pain, Tyler Hobbs and Blaine Winters
Project Management Online Course – An Instructional Design Project, Fred R Hyatt
Thinking Outside the Checkbox: Examining the Benefits of Depression in the Workplace, Tyler Jensen
Parenting Practices and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Adolescents, Rebekah Johnson
Best Practices for Financial Success in the Nonprofit Sector, Zach McKenzie, Benjamin Hendricks, Emily Foskey, Michelle Baria, and Gabriel Walker
Regulation of Trophoblast Invasion by Pyruvate Kinase Isozyme M2 (PKM2), Juan Mejia, Parker Hall, Kelsey Hirschi, Paul R. Reynolds, and Juan Arroyo
3 Key Aspects to Building a Successful Online Apparel Business, Deana Mugimu