If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2018
3 Key Aspects to Building a Successful Online Apparel Business, Deana Mugimu
Continuous Glucose Monitoring: An Overview for Nurse Practitioners, Casey Neeley and Donna Freeborn
Patient Satisfaction, is it Truly Indicative of Good Healthcare Outcomes?, MATTHEW NELSON
Developable Compliant-Aided Rolling-Contact Mechanisms, Todd G. Nelson and Just L. Herder
A Closer Look at Nabataean Burials, Anna Nielsen
Praise and Prejudice: American Attitudes Toward Japan in Uncle Ben, Anna Nielsen, Rachel Baron, and Emily Orton
Povidone-Iodine Vapor Kills MRSA, Benjamin Ogilvie, Jon Mitton, Jordan Tucker, Dennis L. Eggett, and Richard A. Robison
Racism: The Leading Cause of Death in Black Maternal Mortality Rates, Kelsey Ormsby
14-3-3zeta Role in Promoting Survival of Cells to Facilitate Progression of Cancer, Katie Pennington, Eranga Roshan, Joshua Andersen, and Katherine K. McCormack
Differential Expression of mTOR Related Molecules in the Placenta of Patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Intrauterine Growth Restriction, or Preeclampsia, Katherine Price, Brent Kimbler, Nekel Knowlton, Kelsey Hirschi, Paul Reynolds, and Juan Arroyo
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of the Literature, Erin Solomon
Misinterpretations of Hmong Culture: Complementary Medical Frameworks, Telisha Tausinga and Madison Harmer
Nutraceuticals: An Alternative Treatment for Influenza Virus, Siale Teaupa
A Novella in Technicolor: The Artistic Connections to Theme and Prose in "The Hour of the Star", Abby Thatcher
Flannery O’Connor and Transcendence in the Christian Mystery of Grace, Taran Trinnaman
Monstrosity as a Problem of Moral Proximity in Shakespeare’s Othello, Kyle Ward
Susceptibility of Mental Disorders: Examining the Comorbidity of Seasonal Affective Disorder, Nathaniel Wasden
Life as the Wife of Buffalo Bill, Summer Weaver
Adult Vaccination Rates in the Severely Mentally Ill Population: An Improvement Project in an Outpatient Setting in Utah, Nathalia H. Williams, Leslie Miles, Beth Luthy, and Lacey Eden
Submissions from 2017
Sex and Money: Exploring How Sexual and Financial Stressors, Perceptions and Resources Influence Marital Instability for Men and Women, David B. Allsop, E. Jeffrey Hill, Ashley B. LeBaron, and Roy A. Bean
American Prosperity Faces the Music, Douglas E. Archibald
Reconciliation in Religious Families, Betsy Hughes Barrow, David C. Dollahite, and Loren D. Marks
Sexual Dimorphism in 2D:4D Digit Ratio is Linked to Anxiety in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta), Alexander Baxter, E. K. Wood, J. P. Capitanio, and J. D. Higley
Scourge on American Society: Are Refugees Increasing Violent Crime in the United States?, Rehtaeh Beers
Evaluating Fall-of Curves with Straight-line or Least Cost Path Distance, Robert J. Bischoff