If you are submitting your poster from the FHSS Mentored Research Conference, please do so on this page.
Submissions from 2017
Infant Siblings of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Have Higher Perseveration, Katherine Christensen, Allison Garner Kotter, Rachel Nuttall, Bread Iverson, and Taylor Bayles
Substitution of Religiosity for Socioeconomic Status and its Correlation with Adolescent Drug Use, Jordan Coburn and Mikaela Dufur
Exploring the Solvability of the Jaynes-Cummings and Jaynes-Cummings-like Models: Implementing Quantum Control, Austen Couvertier
The Shadowland of Shakespeare: Christianity and the Carnival, Micah E. Cozzens
Transcendent Matters: Family Relationships Associated With How One Experiences God, Hilary Dalton
Best Practice for Treatment of Vaccination Side-effects with Antipyretic and Analgesic Medications, Lacey M. Eden, Meridith G. Lind, and Karlen E. Luthy
An Annotated Critical Edition of Wild Mike and His Victim by Florence Montgomery, Kristen Evans
To study or Not to Study: The Influences of Procrastination, Self-esteem, and Self-efficacy on Self-handicapping Among College Students, Tiatia Filemoni
Fixation-Related fMRI and Syntactic Networks in the Brain, Brent Foster, Ben Carter, and Steven Luke
Stress Exposure Training as a Means for Athletes to Prevent Paradoxical Performance, Adam M. Fulton
Goal Setting and Goal Achievement in Marathon and Half-Marathon Runners, Adam M. Fulton, Jared Richardson, and Kyler Griffith
Between Citizens and Strangers: On Laïcité and Group Rights among Hmong in France, Austin Gillett
Mindfulness Interventions for Preventing and Treating Eating Disorders in Adolescent and Young Adult Females, Amanda P. Graves and Jane Lassetter
Association Between Vitamin D and UTIs, Elizabeth Harding
Collision or Cohesion? Hmong Shamanism and Ontological Holism in France, Madison Harmer and Telisha Pantelakis
The Peanut Allergic Patient: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention, Daniel W. Hill; Jane Lassetter PhD, RN; and Craig Nuttall
It's No Accident: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vehicle Safety Inspections, Alex Hoagland and Trevor Woolley
Social Anxiety Disorder in College Students and its Differing Treatments, Taylor Hubbert
Neural Networks of Eye-Movements During Reading, Trenton D. Jackman, Benjamin Carter, and Steven Luke
Do Municipal Officials Represent the Views of their Constituents?, Steven Jamieson
Has Party Identification Changed in Utah?, Devin Johanson
Making Japan Great Again: The Imperial Rescript on Education, Ayoung Kang, Alistor Skabelund, and Matthew Stephenson
Depression, Religiosity, and Parenting Styles among Mormon Adolescents, Courtney Kinneard and Mark Ogletree
Visual Multiple Target Tracking From a Descending Aerial Platform, Parker C. Lusk and Randal Beard
An Exploration of CRUM’s and Algebraic CRUM Detection, Shae Machlus and Branton Campbell