Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Stability of LiF Mirror Coatings on Space Telescopes at L2 Orbit, Devin M. Lewis
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Advancements of a Vibration-Based Sound Power Method for Direct and Indirect Applications, Ian Charles Bacon
Deep Learning for Source Localization in a Laboratory Tank, Corey Emerson Dobbs
Grain Boundary Solute Segregation Across the 5D Space of Crystallographic Character, Lydia Harris Serafin
TrIP - Transformer Interatomic Potential Predicts Realistic Energy Surface Using Physical Bias, Bryce Eric Hedelius
"Vampire Plastics": An Investigation of Poly(olefin sulfone) Depolymerization and Its Dust Mitigation Abilities, Alexandra Kathryn Kanani Gallion Stapley
Nonlinear Thomson Scattering in an Intense Tightly Focused Ultrashort Laser Pulse, Yance Sun
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Stability, Longevity, and Regulatory Bionetworks, Christian N. K. Anderson
Acoustic Directivity: Advances in Acoustic Center Localization, Measurement Optimization, Directional Modeling, and Sound Power Spectral Estimation, Samuel David Bellows
Constructing Stellar Mass Models for Early-type Galaxies with Circumnuclear Disks, Jared R. Davidson
Characterizing Quirky Signals, Joshua D. Forsyth
Enhanced Capabilities for Investigating Local Structure and Magnetism: Three Dimensional Magnetic Pair Distribution Function and Symmetry Mode Analysis, Parker Hamilton
In Vitro Observation of Optical Changes in Whole Blood Due to Injection of Glucose Solution, James Gordon Harkness
Local Atomic and Magnetic Structure of Multiferroic (Sr,Ba)(Mn,Ti)O3, Braedon Jones
A Colorfully Natural Twin Higgs Model, Logan Coleman Page
Ultracold Neutral Plasma Evolution in an External Magnetic Field, Chanhyun Pak
Tipping the Mesoscales: Advances in Multipeak Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging, J. Nicholas Porter
Understanding the Origin, Evolution, and Dynamics of Transneptunian Binaries, Benjamin C N Proudfoot
Mechanical Characterization of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Forest Microelectrodes for Neural Interfacing, Spencer McLeod Roberts
A Large-Scale Survey of Brown Dwarf Atmospheres, Savanah Kay Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Quantum Decoherence in Time-Dependent Anharmonic Systems, Ty Beus
Tabletop Extreme-Ultraviolet Source Using High Harmonic Generation for Polarization Sensitive Imaging, Taylor Jordan Buckway
Single-Shot, Ultrafast, Multi-Frame X-Ray Imaging of Defect-Bearing Ablator Materials in Extreme Conditions, Daniel S. Hodge
Accurate Band Energies of Metals with Quadratic Integration, Jeremy John Jorgensen
Improving Spatial Resolution of Time Reversal Focusing Using Arrays of Acoustic Resonators, Adam David Kingsley
Multiscale Modeling and Analysis of X-ray Windows, Microcantilevers, and Bioimpedance Microelectrodes, Kyle Grant Larsen
Patterned and Infiltrated Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Ultra-Black Materials, Kevin Laughlin
Physics-Guided Machine Learning in Ocean Acoustics Using Fisher Information, Michael Craig Mortenson
Focusing of High-Amplitude Sound Waves Using the Time Reversal Process, Brian D. Patchett
Modeling Inter-Particle Magnetic Correlations in Magnetite Nanoparticle Assemblies Using X-ray Magnetic Scattering Data, Johnathon Michael Rackham
Considerations for and Development of Sound Level Maps for the M16A4 Rifle, Reese D. Rasband
Measuring Nonlinear Thomson Scattering at Arbitrary Emission Angles, Mahonri Romero Carranza
Effect of X-Ray Illumination on Magnetic Domain Memory in [Co/Pd]/IrMn Multilayers, Colby Singint Walker
Design and Characterization of a Miniaturized Spectrometer for Wearable Applications, Tyler Richard Westover
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Relative Infrasound Calibration of Microphones with Application to Outdoor Vector Intensity Measurements, Francisco Javier Irarrazabal Oliva
Bayesian, Frequentist, and Information Geometry Approaches to Parametric Uncertainty Quantification of Classical Empirical Interatomic Potentials, Yonatan Kurniawan
Spatiospectral Features in Supersonic, Highly Heated Jet Noise, Kevin Matthew Leete
A Hybrid Method for Auralizing Vibroacoustic Systems and Evaluating Audio Fidelity/Sound Quality Using Machine Learning, Andrew Jared Miller
Modeling Continental-Scale Outdoor Environmental Sound Levels with Limited Data, Katrina Lynn Pedersen
Sp2 Bonded Carbon for Soft X-Ray Detector Windows, Joseph T. Rowley
Temperature Relaxation and Magnetically Suppressed Expansion in Strongly Coupled Ultracold Neutral Plasmas, Robert Tucker Sprenkle
An Analysis of Two Photometric Redshift Methods and Their Uses for Finding Void Galaxies, Rochelle J. Steele
Development and Characterization of an Underwater Acoustics Laboratory Via in situ Impedance Boundary Measurements, Cameron Taylor Vongsawad
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Information Geometry and Model Reduction in Oscillatory and Networked Systems, Benjamin Lane Francis
Angular Dependence of Nonlinear Thomson Scattering From Electrons in a High Intensity Laser Focus, Christoph Alexander Schulzke
Deep Learning to Predict Ocean Seabed Type and Source Parameters, David Franklin Van Komen
Electrical Characterization and Annealing of DNA Origami Templated Gold Nanowires, Tyler Richard Westover
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Using Coherence to Improve the Calculation of Active Acoustic Intensity with the Phase and Amplitude Gradient Estimator Method, Mylan Ray Cook
Electrical Conductivity of the Aluminum Oxide Diffusion Barrier Following Catalytic Carbon Nanotube Growth, Berg Daniel Dodson
Search for Dwarf Emission Line Galaxies in Galaxy Voids, Christian D. Draper
Analytical Expressions for Acoustic Radiation Modes of Simple Curved Structures, Caleb Burley Goates
Improvements to Sound Power Measurements for Large, Extended Sources in Semi-Reverberant Rooms Using Generalized Energy Density, Travis Nathan Hoyt
Mechanically Scanned Interference Pattern Structured Illumination Imaging, Jarom Silver Jackson
Dynamical Compact Objects in Numerical Relativity, Hyun Lim
Using Symmetry to Accelerate Materials Discovery, Wiley Spencer Morgan
Materials Prediction Using High-Throughput and Machine Learning Techniques, Chandramouli Nyshadham
Noise Control of Vacuum-Assisted Toilets, Michael Thomas Rose
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Normally Supportive Sublattices of Crystallographic Space Groups, Miles A. Clemens
Image Source Modeling of Time Reversal for Room Acoustics Applications, Michael Hunter Denison
Penetration Depth Variation in Atomic Layer Deposition on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Forests, David Alan Kane
Thin Film Carbon Nanofuses for Permanent Data Storage, Kevin Robert Laughlin
Use of Phase and Amplitude Gradient Estimation for Acoustic Source Characterization and Localization, Joseph Scott Lawrence
Using Machine Learning to Accurately Predict Ambient Soundscapes from Limited Data Sets, Katrina Lynn Pedersen
Time-Domain Characterization of Nonlinear Propagation in Military Aircraft Jet Noise, Brent Owen Reichman
Ion Friction at Small Values of the Coulomb Logarithm, Robert Tucker Sprenkle
Development of a Real-Time Auralization System for Assessment of Vocal Effort in Virtual-Acoustic Environments, Jennifer Kay Whiting
Implementation and Optimization of Time Reversal for Use in Nondestructive Evaluation of Stress Corrosion Cracking, Sarah Marie Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Active Control of Cylindrical Shells Using the Weighted Sum of Spatial Gradients (WSSG) Control Metric, Pegah Aslani
The Morphology and Uniformity of Circumstellar OH/H2O Masers around OH/IR Stars, Derek Sean Felli
Characterization of Military Aircraft Jet Noise Using Wavepacket Analysis and Other Array Processing Methods, Blaine M. Harker
Characterization of Military Aircraft Jet Noise Using Wavepacket Analysis and Other Array Processing Methods, Blaine M. Harker
Evaporated Aluminum Fluoride as a Barrier Layer to Retard Oxidation of Aluminum Mirrors, Margaret Miles
Computational Exploration of Vortex Nucleation in Type II Superconductors Using a Finite Element Method in Ginzburg-Landau Theory, Alden Roy Pack
Computational Exploration of Vortex Nucleation in Type II Superconductors Using a Finite Element Method in Ginzburg-Landau Theory, Alden Roy Pack
Machine Learning to Discover and Optimize Materials, Conrad Waldhar Rosenbrock
Using Advanced PSF Subtraction Techniques on Archival Data of Herbig Ae/Be Stars to Search for New Candidate Companions, Emily Diane Safsten
Acoustic Intensity of Narrowband Signals in Free-Field Environments, Kelli Fredrickson Succo
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Development, Evaluation, and Validation of a High-Resolution Directivity Measurement System for Played Musical Instruments, K Joshua Bodon
Microfabrication with Smooth, Thin CNT/Polymer Composite Sheets, Nathan Edward Boyer
Modeling of Acoustic Resonators and Resonator Systems for Use in Passive Noise Control, Matthew Franklin Calton
In Situ Magnetic Field Characterization with the Directional Hanle Effect, Jarom Silver Jackson
Improvements to the Two-Point In Situ Method for Measurement of the Room Constant and Sound Power in Semi-Reverberant Rooms, Zachary R. Jensen
Increasing the Computational Efficiency of Combinatoric Searches, Wiley Spencer Morgan
Energy Quantity Estimation in Radiated Acoustic Fields, Eric B. Whiting
Emission from Black Holes and Supernovae in the Early Universe, Brandon Kerry Wiggins
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Construction of a 408 nm Laser System for Use in Ion Interferometry, Lawrence Archibald
Silicon Carbon Nanotube Lithium Ion Batteries, Lawrence Kent Barrett
A Feasibility Study of Photometric Reverberation Mapping with Meter-Class Telescopes, Carla June Carroll
Radio Emission Toward Regions of Massive Star Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Adam Johanson
Vector Intensity and Holography-Based Acoustic Source Characterization of a Military Jet Aircraft, Trevor Alden Stout
Characterization of Order-Disorder Phase Transition Temperature for Select Nanoparticles, Gregory J. Sutherland
Simulations of Electron Trajectories in an Intense Laser Focus for Photon Scattering Experiments, Grayson J. Tarbox
Comparing Theory and Experiment for Analyte Transport in the First Vacuum Stage of the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Matthew R. Zachreson
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Introduction to the Development of a Radio Astronomy System at Brigham Young University, Daniel Robert Blakley
Spin and Orbital Moments and Magnetic Order in Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Assemblies, Yanping Cai
Investigation of a New Method of Estimating Acoustic Intensity and Its Application to Rocket Noise, Benjamin Young Christensen