Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Application of an Isogeometric Boundary Element Method to the Calculation of Acoustic Radiation Modes and Their Efficiencies, Candice Marie Humpherys
Towards Stronger Coulomb Coupling in an Ultracold Neutral Plasma, Mary Elizabeth Lyon
Estimating the Acoustic Power of Sources in Nonideal Enclosures Using Generalized Acoustic Energy Density, Daniel Ryan Marquez
Algebraic Semi-Classical Model for Reaction Dynamics, Tim Glenn Wendler
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Experimental Analysis of Energy-Based Acoustic Arrays for Measurement of Rocket Noise Fields, Jarom Henry Giraud
Simulation of 810 nm Light Propagation Through the Human Finger for Non-Invasive Blood Analysis, Nichole Millward Maughan
Analyses of Nonlinearity Measures in High-Amplitude Sound Propagation, Michael B. Muhlestein
Cluster Expansion Models Via Bayesian Compressive Sensing, Lance Jacob Nelson
Characterization of InGaAs Quantum Dot Chains, Tyler Drue Park
The Characterization of Military Aircraft Jet Noise Using Near-Field Acoustical Holography Methods, Alan Thomas Wall
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Advanced Numerical Methods in General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics, Michael J. Besselman
Investigation of Low-Stress Silicon Nitride as a Replacement Material for Beryllium X-Ray Windows, David B. Brough
Analog Feedback Control of Broadband Fan Noise, Cole Victor Duke
Active Noise Control of a Centrifugal Fan Mounted in a Mock Laptop Enclosure, John J. Esplin
Measurement of Plasma Density in a Gas-Filled Ionizing Laser Focus, Nathan Edward Heilmann
Modeling Radial Bernstein Modes in a Finite-Length Axisymmetric Non-Neutral Plasma, Mark Andrew Hutchison
Researching Effective Methods for Teaching the Phases of the Moon, Heather Patti Jones
Array-Based Characterization of Military Jet Aircraft Noise, David William Krueger
Curious Growth of a Buried SiO2 Layer, Thomas O. McConkie
Nanoscale Surface Patterning and Applications: Using Top-Down Patterning Methods to Aid Bottom-Up Fabrication, Anthony Craig Pearson
Electron Microscopy Characterization of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films and Nanoparticles, Felipe Rivera
Quantum Dynamics Using Lie Algebras, with Explorations in the Chaotic Behavior of Oscillators, Ryan Thomas Sayer
Thin Films of Carbon Nanotubes and Nanotube/Polymer Composites, Anthony D. Willey
Comparing Theory and Experiment for Analyte Transport in the First Vacuum Stage of the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Matthew R. Zachreson
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
A Search for and Characterization of Young Stellar Objects in N206, An H II Complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Tabitha Christi Buehler
Time-series Observations of the High Mass X-Ray Binary 4U 2206+54 to Monitor Light Variation, Jessica Lynn Bugno
Photoemission from a Laser-Driven Electron Wave Packet, John Purvis Corson
Photoemission by Large Electron Wave Packets Emitted Out the Side of a Relativistic Laser Focus, Eric Flint Cunningham
Scaling Carbon Nanotube Localization by Floating Potential Dielectrophoresis: An Enabling Geometry, Brian S. Davis
Impact of a Finite-Temperature Equation of State on Neutron Stars, Christian D. Draper
Development of a Strontium-87 Ion Interferometer, Christopher Joseph Erickson
High-Quality Broadband BVRI Photometry of Benchmark Open Clusters, Michael Deloss Joner
Electron screening and disorder-induced heating in ultracold neutral plasmas, Mary Elizabeth Lyon
On the Measurement of Angular Dependent Sound Transmission through Airborne Supercritical Plates, Matthew D. Shaw
Fabrication and Application of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Templated Silicon Nanomaterials, Jun Song
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Temperature and Variability of Three Ionian Volcanoes, Daniel R. Allen
In Search of Empty Places: Voids in the Distribution of Galaxies, Brian K. Bucklein
OH Megamasers in Merging Galaxies: A Multi-Frequency Study of IIZw096, Kirstin Marie Cooprider
Inhomogeneity-Induced Spin Current in Atomic and Condensed Matter Systems, Bailey Hsu
Real-Space Approach to Time Dependent Current Density Functional Theory, Daniel S. Jensen
Simulating the FTICR-MS Signal of a Decaying Beryllium-7 Ion Plasma in a 2D Electrostatic PIC Code, Michael Takeshi Nakata
Prediction and Study of Binary Alloys Using First-Principles Methods, Richard Hansen Taylor II
Acoustical Analysis of a Horn-Loaded Compression Drivers Using Numerical Analysis, Daniel Ross Tengelsen
Charged, Rotating Black Holes in Higher Dimensions, Christopher Bruce Verhaaren
Comparison of H-alpha and H-beta Temperature Indices in the Hyades and Coma Star Clusters and Selected H-beta Standard Stars, Miriam Anne West
Generalized Acoustic Energy Density and Its Applications, Buye Xu
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Carbon Coated Tellurium for Optical Data Storage, Jonathan D. Abbott
Extreme Ultraviolet Polarimetry with Laser-Generated High-Order Harmonics: Characterization of Uranium, Nicole Brimhall
Equalization of Loudspeakers and Enclosed Sound Fields, Xi Chen
Massively Parallel Indirect Dielectrophoresis Controlled Placement of Carbon Nanotubes, Hiram Jacob Conley
Scan-Based Near-Field Acoustical Holography on Partially Correlated Sources, Michael D. Gardner
Development of an Adaptive Equalization Algorithm Using Acoustic Energy Density, Panu Tapani Puikkonen
Development and Comparison of Methods for Measuring Directional Sound Arrivals in Rooms, Brian Trevor Thornock
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Error Sensor Strategies for Active Noise Control and Active Acoustic Equalization in a Free Field, Ryan T. Chester
Early Dynamics of Ultracold Neutral Plasmas, Adam W. Denning
Simulation and Analysis of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles, Chad Everett Junkermeier
Improving Performance of the Filtered-X Least Mean Square Algorithm for Active Control of Noise Contatining Multiple Quasi-Stationary Tones, Stephan P. Lovstedt
Implementation of Optical Spectra Calculations in FIREBALL: A Local-Orbital Density Functional Theory Approach, Ivan Grigoryevich Okhrimenko
Testing Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods Against the Fluid Equations in the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer, William R. Somers
Theory and Estimation of Acoustic Intensity and Energy Density, Derek C. Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Scandium Oxide Thin Films and Their Optical Properties in the Extreme Ultraviolet, Guillermo Antonio Acosta
Extreme Ultraviolet Polarimetry with Laser-Generated High-Order Harmonics, Nicole Brimhall
Development of a Method for Calculating Delta Scuti Rotational Velocities and Hydrogen Beta Color Indices, Tabitha Christi Buehler
Optimization of Control Source and Error Sensor Locations in Free Field Active Noise Control, Connor Raymond Duke
Construction of a Calcium Matter-Wave Interferometer, Christopher Joseph Erickson
Development of an H-Alpha Index for the Detection of PMS Candidates in Young Open Clusters, Liberty Rae Evanko
Development of a New Ca II H and K Spectrophotometric Temperature Index, Kathleen Elizabeth Moncrieff
Coupling Down Converted Light Into Single Mode Fibers, David A. Niemi
Development of a MeVVA based beryllium-7 plasma source, David K. Olson
Solid Phase Crystallization of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films and Characterization Through Scanning Electron Microscopy, Felipe Rivera
Error Sensor Placement for Active Control of an Axial Cooling Fan, Benjamin M. Shafer
The Effect of Nonlinear Propagation on Near-field Acoustical Holography, Micah Raymond Shepherd
On Stability and Evolution of Solutions in General Relativity, Stephen M. Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Development and Comparison of Highly Directional Loudspeakers, Gordon Robert Dix
Feedback Applications in Active Noise Control for Small Axial Cooling Fans, Matthew J. Green
Mechanisms of the Wurtzite to Rock Salt Phase Transitions in Galium Nitride, Jesse Z. Gunter
Computationally Modeling the Effects of Surface Roughness on Soft X-Ray Multilayer Reflectors, Jedediah Edward Jensen Johnson
The Violation of Bell's Inequality in a Deterministic but Nonlocal Model, Stephanie Allred Magleby
Optimization of Active Noise Control for Small Axial Cooling Fans, Brian B. Monson
Sound Absorption and Sound Power Measurements in Reverberation Chambers Using Energy Density Methods, David B. Nutter
Direct Observation of Laser Filamentation in High-Order Harmonic Generation, John Charles Painter
A Search for Low-Amplitude Variability Among Population I Main Sequence Stars, Michael Benjamin Rose
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Black Spaghetti: A Numerical Model of Gravitational Collapse in 4 + 1 Spacetime, Michael P. Christenson
Optical Detection of Ultracold Neutral Calcium Plasmas, Elizabeth Ann Cummings
Two-Photon Ionization of the Calcium 4S3D 1D2 Level in an Optical Dipole Trap, Jared Estus Daily
An Improved Flexible Neutron Detector For Powder Diffraction Experiments, Thomas Kevin McKnight
Acoustics of the Salt Lake Tabernacle: Characterization and Study of Spatial Variation, Sarah Rollins
Electromagnetism in Gravitational Collapse, Craig Ernest Skinfill
Representations for Understanding the Stern-Gerlach Effect, Jared R. Stenson
Phase-Matching Optimization of Laser High-Order Harmonics Generated in a Gas Cell, Julia Robin Miller Sutherland
An Acoustical Analysis of Domes Coupled to Rooms, with Special Application to the Darussholah Mosque, in East Java, Indonesia, Sentagi Sesotya Utami
Novel Neutron Detector for n-n Scattering Length Measurement, Eva Wilcox
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Derivation of Moving-Coil Loudspeaker Parameters Using Plane Wave Tube Techniques, Brian Eric Anderson
On the Variability of the Fine Structure Constant, Jason Lott Evans
Active Minimization of Acoustic Energy Density in a Mock Tractor Cab, Benjamin Mahonri Faber
Analysis and Comparison of Three Acoustic Energy Density Probes, Lance Lester Locey
Geometric Acoustic Modeling of the LDS Conference Center, Heather Smith
Atomic Force Microscope Conductivity Measurements of Single Ferritin Molecules, Degao Xu
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Iteration Methods For Approximating The Lowest Order Energy Eigenstate of A Given Symmetry For One- and Two-Dimensional Systems, Chad Everett Junkermeier