"In Vitro Observation of Optical Changes in Whole Blood Due to Injectio" by James Gordon Harkness


Significance: While the optical properties of blood have been extensively studied, the influence of glucose concentration on blood optics remains unquantified. This is information which could be used to develop a noninvasive blood glucose monitor. Aim: This in vitro study investigated the optics of blood. Time-dependent effects and various methods of introducing glucose into blood samples were examined. The study aimed to quantify how alterations in glucose levels impacted blood optics across 14 distinct NIR wavelengths. Approach: Blood in a cuvette was exposed to light, and the reflected and transmitted light was captured in integrating spheres. 14 distinct wavelengths from 1100 to 2400 nm in 100 nm steps were studied. Glucose concentration in the blood was altered by the addition of glucose solutions. Saline of the same volume and concentration as the glucose solution was added to a control sample of blood. Extraction of the scattering and absorption coefficients of these wavelengths at various levels of glucose was done using inverse adding doubling. Results: Transmission at all 14 wavelengths increased as glucose solution was added to the blood. Reflection was impacted only at the wavelengths of 1100-1400 nm where it dropped slightly. Transmission decreased slightly with saline additions and reflection increased. Extraction of scattering and absorption coefficients revealed scattering decreased across all studied wavelengths with the addition of glucose and increased with the addition of saline. Absorption increased with both the addition of glucose and saline, but only at wavelengths above 1800 nm. Conclusions: Increasing glucose concentration in blood causes changes in the optical properties of blood in vitro. These findings underline the potential for utilizing optical methods in assessing glucose concentrations within a physiological context.



College and Department

Computational, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences; Physics and Astronomy



Date Submitted


Document Type





blood optics, blood scattering and absorption, in vitro measurements of blood, spectroscopy


