Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Use of Embedded and Stand-Alone Measures of Effort in Predicting Academic Ability in College Students, Danita Renee Williams
Exploring Language Services Provided to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the State of Utah, Jeannie Irene Zwahlen
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Navajo Nation Brain Drain: An Exploration of Returning College Graduates' Perspectives, Quintina Ava Adolpho
Adolescents' Perceptions of Homophobic Language: Implications for Bullying Prevention, Benjamin M. Bailey
Expected Profiles and Temporal Stability of The LOOK, Sierra Marie Baird
The Effects of Varied Opportunities to Respond Embedded in a Group Contingency Program, Teresa Donna Bolt
Parent Perceptions of Their Involvement in and the Effectiveness of an Integrated Social Skills Program, Karen Burton
The Role of Spirituality in Treatment and Recovery from Eating Disorders, Carrie Caoili
Predictive Validity of the LOOK, Joy Wiechmann Cox
Teaching Self-Determination Skills to Middle School Students with Specific Learning Disabilities, Audryn Damron
Using Video Prompting to Teach Math Skills to Adolescent Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) via iPad, Sean Elbert Edwards
Training Middle School Paraeducators Positive Behavior Support Strategies Through Job Embedded Feedback, Carrie Ann Eichelberger
Student Perceptions of Book in a Bag as an Integrated Social Skills Instruction Program, Hans Ryckaert Gaul
Effect of Latinos in Action Peer Tutoring on Elementary Student Oral Reading Fluency Scores, Darren M. Hansen
A Career Course Follow-Up: Does a Student Development Elective Make a Difference?, Jamie Marie Hansen
Perceptions of Individuals with Disabilities in the Justice SystemAbout Their Transition Preparation, Justine Nicole Howarth
Participation in Sports and the Development of Resilience in Adolescents, Jason Johnson
The Effects of Classwide Function-Related Intervention Teams on Preschool Behavior, Krystine Alycia Jolstead
Bibliotherapy as an Intervention for Aggressive Elementary Children, Kari Newman
Respite Care and Marital Quality in Parents of Children with Down Syndrome, Michelle Norton
A Mexican Woman's Journey in Becoming a Successful American Educator, Lucy Ordaz Sanchez
The Effects of a Small-Group Direct Instruction Intervention on the Reading Achievement of English Language Learners, Laurie Ottehenning
International Student Support Groups: Understanding Experiences of Group Members and Leaders, Nathaniel W. Page
Identifying Knowledge and Understanding of Learning Disabilities in High School Students Classified with Learning Disabilities, Kylie Ann Roth
Culturally Relevant Parental Involvement: Perceptions of Mexican Immigrant Mothers in Rural Wyoming, Sandra P. Sanderson
Bibliotherapy for Children Coping with a Loved One's Military Deployment: What do Children's Books Tell Us?, Aimee Tubbs
School Resource Officers' Perceptions of In-School Graffiti: Disciplinary Measures and Prevention Efforts, Bobbi Sue Van Leuven
Falsification of the LOOK, Rodrigo Andres Veas
Comparing the Point-of-View and Spectator Perspectives in Video Prompting for Young Adults with Disabilities, Elizabeth A. Washburn
Utah Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Problematic Behaviors and Critical Social Skills, Kimberly Weed
Cultural Models of Latino Immigrant Parent Knowledge of Their Children's Specific Learning Disabilities, Harriet Faith Welling
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Elementary School Teachers' Perceptions of and Use of Behavior-Specific Written Praise Notes for Children Identified with Office Discipline Referrals, Danielle C. Agle
Identifying Elementary School Student Understanding of Learning Disabilities, Michael Quinn Bair
Paraeducators' Perceptions of Their Responsibilities Based on the Utah Standards, Mary E. Buynak
Paraeducators: Gatekeepers to Youth Suicide Prevention, Danielle Ann Cannon
Respite Care, Stress, Uplifts, and Depression in Single Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Ruthann Grawe Christensen
Secondary Teachers' Perceived Role in Suicide Prevention and Intervening with Suicidal Students, Victoria R. Hatton
Reliability Generalization of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure-Revised (MEIM-R), Hayley Marie Herrington
The Effects of Peer Tutoring on Junior High General Education Students' Attitudes Toward Students with Severe Disabilities, Amanda Kim Hunsaker
Are Therapists Using Outcome Measures and Does It Matter?A Naturalistic Usage Study, Jared S. Klundt
Attachment Changes Post-Conversion in Committed Converts toThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Laura Jane Page
Screening and Diagnostic Validity of Affinity 2.5, Heather Lynn Stephenson
Impact of Peer Praise Notes Issued During Recess: Effects on Office Disciplinary Referrals, Elise Ann Teerlink
The Effect of Student Gender on Secondary School Teacher Perceptions of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Concerns, Erin Ann Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Educational Services for Tibetan Students with Disabilities in India: A Case Study, Britany Anne Barnes
Acceptance of Disability in College Students, Brian Charles Carl
Effects of the Integrated Symple Readers Curriculum on Expressive Vocabulary Acquisition in Elementary Students with Developmental Disabilities, Loralene Edvalson
Effects of Teacher Gender on Screening for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Concerns for a Middle School Population, Susan E. Hardman
Involvement of Principals in Hiring, Professional Development, and Evaluation of Paraeducators, Jordan T. Hix
The Effects of Professional Development on High School Teachers' Implementation of the Problem-Solving Process, Brandon Y. Jackson
Evaluating a Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Strong Kids, Implemented School-Wide, Thomas Jonathan Kramer
The Effects of Video Prompting via an iPad on Vocational Skill Development of Secondary Students with Developmental Disabilities, Patricia D. Lund
Barriers to Accommodation Use for Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education, Michael James Lyman
Training Pre-Service Teachers in Response to Intervention: A Survey of Teacher Candidates, Ann-Michelle Neal
Adaptation to the U.S. and Religion/Spirituality: Experiences of Indian International Students, Kirti Potkar
Effects of a Cross-Age Peer Tutoring Program on Reading Performance of Hispanic Title I Second and Third Grade Students, Ana Isabel Rodriguez
Screening for Emotional and Behavioral Problems in High Schools, Nichole Marie Soelberg
Bibliotherapy and Bullying: Teaching Young Childrento Utilize Peer Group Power to Combat Bullying, Rebecca Lyn Spencer
Predictors of Perfectionism in Latter-day Saint Students, Preston V. Tenney
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Social Skill Generalization with "Book in a Bag": Integrating Social Skills into the Literacy Curriculum at a School-Wide Level, Buddy Dennis Alger
Supporting Children's Grief after a Death: A Guide for School Psychologists, Catherine Alexandra Bergeson
Native American Students' Experiences of Cultural Differences in College: Influence and Impact, Leslie Elizabeth Clark
Diverse Teacher Candidates' Perceptions of a University's Special Education Preparation Program, Ashleigh Jay Cramer
Teacher Nominations and the Identification of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Concerns in Adolescence, Stephanie Deverich Davis
Perceptions and Experiences of Adolescent Students with Disabilities Regarding "Flextime" in a Response to Intervention Model, Julie G. Daye
Influence of Family on Native American Students, Lisa Jeannette Fox
Content Analysis of 50 Picture Books for Latino Immigrant Children: Implications for Supportive Bibliotherapy, Robert Jeffrey Gomm
Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool: An Evaluation of Strong Start Pre-K, Leslie Gunter
No-Suicide Contracts with Suicidal Youth: Utah Mental Health Professionals' Perceptions and Current Practice, Andrea L. Hansen
Respite Care and Marital Quality: Families with a Child Diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amber Rachelle Harper
Social Validity of Teacher-Written Praise Notes in a Title One Elementary School, Angela Howell
Measuring Growth: The Reliability and Validity of the Utah Recovery Scale, Ray J. Katzenbach
Bullying: A Qualitative Study of Siblings of Young Children with Disabilities, Lindsay M. Proctor
Exploring Genealogical Roots and Family History and Their Influence on College Student Development: A Qualitative Study, Matthew L. Reiser
A Qualitative Analysis of High School Students' Experiences in the Latinos in Action Program, Johann Paul Simonds
The Relationship Between Religious Orientation, Age, and Eating Disorder Symptoms, Sara L. Susov
A Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Japanese Version of the Outcome Questionnaire 45 (OQ), Risa Takara
Increasing Positive Social Interaction Among Kindergarten Students, Scott M. Trinh
Do Paraeducators Use Best Practices With Students Who Exhibit Aggressive Behaviors?, Michelle Weiss
Supporting Utah's Parents in Preventing Adolescent Suicide: A Literature Review and Handouts for Utah's Youth Suicide Prevention Manual, Jennifer L. Whicker
The Impact of Professional Development on the Delivery of Written Praise and Office Disciplinary Referrals, Shalon Stephanie Wilmott
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Utah Pacific Islander Former Gang Members: Meanings of Everyday Lived Experiences, Natasha Leeann Afalava
Indigenous Women College Students' Perspectives on College, Work, and Family, Jennie L. Bingham
The Effects of Video Self-Modeling on the Math Performance of Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities, Cami Elizabeth Burton
Effects of a Parent Training Workshop on Parent Perceptions of Children with Developmental Disabilities, Stephanie Priscilla Call
Resolving Incidents of Bullying Among High Functioning Adolescents with ASD: Parent Perspectives, Wan-Ting Chuang
Perceived Racism and Mental Health: A Meta-Analytic Review, Hokulea D. Conklin
Let Me See My Feedback: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Feedback-Receiving Process at a University Counseling Center, David Doty Dayton
A Quantitative Analysis of an Eating Disorder Prevention Program, Rachel Gayle Doyle
Reliability and a Measure of Sexual Interest: Examining the Temporal Stability of Scores on Affinity 2.5, Kristina S. Withers Hansen
Paraeducators in Secondary Transitional Settings: Their Knowledge, Responsibilities, and Training Needs, Michelle Holbrook
Childhood Family Factors That Influenced the Enrollment of College Students with Learning Disabilities, Abigail Kirk
A Content Analysis of Evaluation Instruments Used by Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs, Megan Sue Langford
An Analysis of Graduate School Recruitment Via Website Resources, Dylan K. Matsumori
Biculturalism among Indigenous College Students, Colton Duane Miller
A Quantitative Analysis of an Eating Disorder Prevention Program, Jennalee Murray
Portrayal of Characters with Disabilities in Newbery Books, Casey Lin Pehrson