Volume 71, Number 3 (2011)
Front Matter
Using expert knowledge to satisfy data needs: mapping invasive plant distributions in the western United States
Bethany A. Bradley and David C. Marvin
Distribution and diet of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in the lower Boise River, Idaho
Camrin D. Braun and Christoph A. Walser
Natural history of Maguire primrose, Primula cusickiana var. maguirei (Primulaceae)
Jacob B. Davidson and Paul G. Wolf
Growth sensitivity to drought of co-occurring Pinus spp. along an elevation gradient in northern Mexico
Isaac N. Bickford, Peter Z. Fulé, and Thomas E. Kolb
Effects of flood seasonality and frequency on Northern Pintails and other breeding ducks in managed prairie wetlands
Stephen A. Asamoah, Edward W. Bork, and Jonathan E. Thompson
Sheep bedding in the Centennial Mountains of Montana and Idaho: effects on vegetation
Steven S. Seefeldt and April B. Leytem
Patterns in shoreline vegetation and soils around Lake Mohave, Nevada and Arizona: implications for management
Nita Tallent, Maliha Nash, Chad L. Cross, and Lawrence R. Walker
Activity patterns of black bears in relation to sex, season, and daily movement rates
Jesse S. Lewis and Janet L. Rachlow
Velvet lupine (Lupinus leucophyllus) population cycles with precipitation
M. H. Ralphs, E. Motteram, and K. E. Panter
An assessment of the lethal thermal maxima for mountain sucker
Luke D. Schultz and Katie N. Bertrand
The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis in northern Texas, with comments on its northern biogeography
Frederick B. Stangl Jr. and John H. Young
Greater Sage-Grouse movements and habitat use during winter in central Oregon
Jennifer R. Bruce, W. Douglas Robinson, Steven L. Petersen, and Richard F. Miller
Influence of domestic livestock grazing on American pika (Ochotona princeps) haypiling behavior in the eastern Sierra Nevada and Great Basin
Constance I. Millar
Limited plasticity of biomass allocation in alpine forbs, Pikes Peak, Colorado
Michael M. Myerburg, James J. Ebersole, Lauren G. Shoemaker, and M. Shane Heschel
End Matter